View Full Version : This has nothing to do with TSO or Starwars at all

Lord Dagger
Feb 4th, 2001, 09:35:43 AM
i would just like someone who has nothing better to do with their time to read this and tell me what they think:

The Silver lady

Prologue&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Farewell, Blade lord

The door burst open letting a blast of cold winter's night air in. In the door frame was a tall cowled figure; the patrons of the inn noticed instantly his height; standing up straight he must easily have stood seven feet tall; he was so tall he was hunched to fit through the door. The second thing they noticed was the fact that he was covered from lofty head to toe in a thick black cloak that was wrapped tightly around him. His left hand which was covered by a soft silken black glove gripped an old gnarled staff. He stepped inside and raised his head; two blazing green eyes bored into the souls of the patrons who shivered involuntarily. He looked round and seeming satisfied; half turned to the door and made a gesture. A figure in a black cloak entered. This one was much smaller standing between five and six feet tall; this one also looked round and flung off the cloak. Beneath it was a woman, a stunningly beautiful woman, she was an albino with long silver hair which cascaded down her back like a river of silver; she was an albino, except for her eyes which were as blue as sapphires and as deep as the endless pit of space. The patrons near her felt sucked into those deep blue eyes and wanted to stand up and cry their love for her but at the same time felt rooted to the spot and unable to move. The tall figure looked round once more his green eyes seeing into them all; he threw back the hood which afterward seemed to not exist. He let the cloak fall about him and they saw it was lined in dark red velvet. Under the cloak he wore black armour but his face was uncovered. He was not handsome as such but he was striking; his features were noble and stern but his eyes, his eyes held the attention of the room, they seemed old and wise beyond measure yet his features were young.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He looked at the inn keeper, a small fat man and covered the distance between them in two strides and spoke.
"I want a room for my lady with a bed in it, the best one in the house. Do you understand me?" his voice was soft and gentle yet commanding and all in the room heard it. The inn keeper nodded like a cornered rabbit looking for a way out.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "This is Alaria sliver lady of the Western land, and I" he paused "Am Thomas the blade lord," If there had been movement at that point it would have stopped dead in its tracks. Thomas was a legend, the most powerful sorcerer and the best swords man in any land, no one had ever defeated him and no one had tried for the last hundred years. The inn keeper looked up in awe at Thomas and said
"Will you be requiring a bed lord?"
"No," replied Thomas in his soft voice staring out into space "I require no sleep." Alaria moved silently through the patrons looking round for someone she could not find so she smiled, a look of relief crossing her face and she went up the stairs. Thomas followed slowly behind.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp [
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Alaria was woken by Thomas's soft voice in her ear;
"Alaria, we have a problem," she stirred, "There are twelve of your father's golden knights out side." Alaria sat bolt up right. She looked at Thomas to make sure he wasn't joking, he wasn't. She got out of bed and began to put on her armour, Thomas looked around and picking up her slim silver sword threw it to her. Then signalling her to go out side he dropped out of the window which was on the second floor. She smiled a normal person would break several bones, Thomas wouldn't even notice it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thomas landed softly in the dark alleyway beside the inn and moving silently, slipped to the shadows beside the exit. As he stood there he saw eleven of the knights dressed from head to toe in gold armour, the twelfth, obviously the captain wore no helmet and his armour shone the brightest in the silvery moonlight, an excellent target thought Thomas to himself. At that moment the inn door opened and Alaria stepped out. The captain turned towards her, surprise registering on his face, then recovering from his surprise, he called to his men. Then, turning towards Alaria he said;
" Well my dear, it seems we outnumber you twelve to one, so you may come peaceably, or we will take you by force." Alaria drew her sword, smiled then shook her head. then with lightning speed lashed out at the closest knight, her sliver blade punching through the golden armour killing the knight instantly. Then she spun round and decapitated another of the knights. The rest of the knights had now circled round Alaria. The captain laughed
"Now you are ours," Alaria smiled as Thomas stepped out of the alley
"If you attack you will be wasting your life," this was said with the calmness of one who could carry out their threat easily. Alaria smiled and somersaulted out of the circle of surprised knights and landed next to Thomas. She touched his arm, he looked down at her and she nodded.
" I am not by nature an evil person," began Thomas " so I will send you back to the Golden King with a message, tell him that Alaria is under the protection of Thomas the blade lord of Kalathar and that any more attempts against her will be met with lethal force. Not only against the attackers but against the golden palace its self." Thomas paused " Now GO!" the golden knights found, once the colours cleared from their eyes, that they were outside the golden palace and Thomas was nowhere to be seen.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp [
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thomas turned to Alaria, "Pack, we have to leave, now!" Alaria nodded and rushed inside, Thomas went inside and dropped a gold coin into the innkeeper's hand, " We went East, do you understand." The innkeeper nodded, the cornered rabbit once again. Thomas nodded and turned as Alaria came down the stairs. Glancing at her, he turned and walked out of the door.
"Which way?" asked Alaria. Thomas looked at the wood ahead of them.
"That way, East." Alaria nodded and set of after the fast walking blade lord at a run.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As they approached the forest Thomas went off in search of food. Alaria heard a low growl as she entered the forest, drawing her sword turned to meet the forest beast. What she saw took her breath away, the creature must have stood five feet tall if it wasn't for its hunchbacked way of moving. It was covered in bluish fur save where it looked fire bleached, its long muzzle was full of razor sharp teeth and its claws were like daggers. She recognised it as a Makįrą, a creature of legend used to frighten rebellious children to bed. It shuffled forward on its misshapen feet and growling began to slowly crouch its small beady eyes always on Alaria. Then with speed that didn't seem possible for its shape it leaped at Alaria. It moved so fast she didn't have time to get her sword up but two bolts of blue fire hit knocking it off course so it missed Alaria. Thomas stepped out of the bushes where the fire had come from,
" Run Alaria, you can't aid me in this fight."
Swirling his cloak back he drew the needle thin five feet long blade from his back, the blade being so long it had to be slipped sideways out of the scabbard but despite its thinness it was the strongest blade Alaria had ever seen. She took a look at Thomas's face, it was set in an expression of grim determination, his eyes showed that he knew he could not win but he showed no fear as he faced the greatest fight of his life, the only one he could not win.
"Alaria," he spoke quietly without looking at her, "Run now I can't hold this creature for long. Keep going East, you will meet a friend of mine, you know it is him because of the silver skull tattooed on his left arm. Now go, quickly." She knew in her hart that this was true, there were only five Makįrąs in existence, no one had ever killed one but then again Thomas was not like any other living creature. His power came from a unknown source which no creature could attempt to explain. Even with this knowledge she still did not think that Thomas could win. She took a deep breath and ran into the woods, away from the clearing where Thomas and the Makįrą were about to begin their fight. Thomas noticed Alaria leave but the Makįrą did not. He smiled, he did not smile a lot but when he did it always boded ill for something. He looked the Makįrą straight in the eyes and it tipped its head to one side in puzzlement, its slow brain wondered why this piece of food didn't run away. Eventually it decided to attack but by then it was too late, Thomas spoke the last word of his spell and the ground beneath them began to shake and a crack appeared between them, the crack began to widen and black light poured forth, the Makįrą didn't know what to do, crouching on it's powerful hind legs it tried to leap the gap but go no further than the wall of black light, the Makįrą howled in pain as the black light tore at it.
"Now we die." said Thomas and raised his hand pointing a finger at the wall of black light. Thomas sent a mental message to Alaria, "Be careful, Alaria for I will be coming no further. Goodbye, my love." finishing his mental connection before Alaria could answer; he hated saying goodbye; and spoke the final word of power. The clearing exploded in a pillar of black light that reached the sky, the swirling mass of magic howled as it spun, then as suddenly as it had appeared it vanished. The clearing was empty, the crack closed, the Makįrą trapped in death below the surface from where he could never escape and Thomas; was nowhere to be seen.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp [
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Alaria ran headlong through the forest, she heard the explosion from the clearing but carried on without looking back. She heard Thomas's message inside her head and knew that the blade lord was dead; She began to worry; How could he be dead he had always been a pillar of strength, an indestructible force which held back the forces of Darkness, her friend and protector but he was gone. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the six men step from the bushes and surround her.
"Well, what have we here?" said one. "Looks like some rich pickings." Alaria stopped and drew her sword. The man who had spoken laughed, "So, she wants to protect herself does she." he drew his sword, "Well then I just have to take those riches from you my dear." He took a step forward then an arrow embedded itself in his chest. He dropped his sword and fell to the floor gripping the shaft of the arrow. The other bandits looked around then a deep rumbling voice sounded from the bushes.
"If you want to live, then I suggest you leave." The bandits took one look at their fallen leader then turned and ran. Alaria heard a rustling behind her and turned to see two men walk from the bushes; one was a giant of a man standing nearly as tall as Thomas and holding a giant ash bow; the other was a medium sized man in his twenties with a very handsome face Alaria noted.
"This is dangerous country to be travelling in; what with bandits and even," he lowered his velvet voice "A Makįrą in the area." "I have encountered both," said Alaria in her gentle voice, "It has clamed the life of my protector;" she paused a moment for effect, "Thomas the blade lord." The two men looked at each other in surprise. Then the shorter one turned back to Alaria and in a hushed voice said;
"I think you had better follow us."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp They led Alaria to a small clearing like the one Thomas had fought the Makįrą in. Seated at the base of the tree in the centre was a large man, his chain mail was short sleeved and Alaria could see the mans muscles were like tempered steel. Upon hearing them enter he rose; standing almost the same size as the man next to Alaria he seemed to dwarf the other two. Alaria saw that there was a silver skull tattooed on his left arm as Thomas had said. He looked at Alaria and bowed low.
"You must be Alaria." he said in a deep voice, "I am Valros, Thomas sent for me to guide the two of you; I see you but I do not see Thomas. Where is the Blade lord?"
"He's dead!" blurted out Alaria, "He died protecting me from the Makįrą." Valros smiled.
"What is there to smile about?" demanded Alaria.
"I have seen the Blade lord rise from the ashes of armies to claim victory, he has defied death many times. Why should this be any different?" Alaria nodded but she knew in her heart that the Blade lord was dead.

Book 1 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The journey of Thomas and Chryn

Chapter 1&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Missing Ladies

Thomas looked at the light ahead of him and smiled as the black cloaked figure strode from it.
"You can't cheat me forever you know." said a voice like the wind rustling through dry parchment.
"Oh, but I can." replied Thomas, "But the Makįrą cost me dearly and the Blade lord must leave for a while."
"But you, are not leaving are you Thomas?" replied the voice.
"No I'm not, you are correct." he paused, "The Blade lord is gone only the Sorcerer remains." so saying he swept his right arm up to his side with a clenched fist. Power swirled around him and he began to shrink; when he stood at about six foot three he stopped and his black clothes were replaced with soft velvet; black gloves and loose fitting black trousers, a red loose shirt and a smaller version of the sword he had worn on his back at his side. Only his face remained the same, although the green eyes did not seem to burn with the same fire.
"Next time eternal one." said the voice as the robed figure turned and returned to the light.
Thomas turned away from the light and stepped off the path which led from impenetrable blackness to the dazzling light. The path seemed to recede from him and the darkness closed around him. he looked around but the light he was expecting did not appear. He frowned and called a name into the darkness.
"Ebeth" the moment he finished the word a light so bright he had to cover his eyes sprung up, a harmony of voices spoke,
"The mistress is awaiting you." Thomas nodded,
"Lead on." The light engulfed him and he found himself on a grassy plain with thousands of tiny flowers growing up towards the bright sun light. He heard but could not see a stream moving quickly to his left. Once more he called out the name.
"Ebeth" once more the result was almost instantaneous,
"Behind you," said a soft but not quiet voice. Thomas turned round to see before him a young woman, she was of medium height with sort dark brown hair which she pushed behind her ear with her delicate hand. She looked up at him with her soft brown eyes and standing up she brushed down her off white blouse and trousers.
"I prefer the name the mortals gave me," she said
"And what was that?" asked Thomas.
"They called me The Lady in White."
"Well, Lady" said Thomas bending down "I have a present for you." he rose with a bunch of flowers in his hand.
"I have a plain full of them" she said softly.
"Not these" replied Thomas sweeping his hand over the flowers, where the small multicoloured flowers had been moments before there was a bunch of fully blooming red roses.
"Their beautiful Thomas. Thank you." she said taking them. She smelled them and then looking up at Thomas smiled, "You want something don't you?" Thomas lowered his head to escape her gaze.
"Yes." he said quietly. She nodded,
"I knew you would come sooner or later, the time is near isn't it?"
"Yes. But that is not the reason I came for your help."
"Why have you come for my help?" she asked.
"From gold comes silver; a true descendant of a lord of the lost cities." he raised his head to look at her, "I can't return yet after my defeat so I ask you to go. Protect Alaria for me till I return, destroy the cities." She nodded,
"Favours must be repaid. I will go."
"Thank you Lady; but there are still two more for the company whom I must now get. Thank you and good luck." he smiled faintly and faded from view. The lady turned to look at the sky which was now black and dotted with thousands of pin pricks of light,
"Favours must be repaid no matter what the cost, but Thomas would not call on me unless this was vitally important. All things end as all things come full circle." she lowered her head and dropping the roses vanished.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thomas moved through the tunnel of energy towards the gate at the end, when he reached it, it swung open before him. He stepped through it and found himself in a dense wood. Knocking aside offending branches he strode off in the direction of some chanting he could hear in the distance. Several minutes later he was in a clearing surrounded by a circle of stones but there was no one in sight. He walked over to the rough stone altar at the centre and lent on it. Moments later green smoke poured from the ground several feet away when the smoke reached about six feet in height vines sprung up from the earth to rap around the smoke giving it solidity, the vines formed a human outline and became green robes around a man shaped figure. The hood was pushed back by long skinny fingers; the head underneath was fair-haired and gaunt. Around his head the man wore a slim band of silver with a green diamond shaped stone in the centre of his forehead which glowed with a faint light. He opened his sky blue eyes and looked at Thomas.
"Please do not lean on the altar!" he said in a high pitched excitable voice.
"Sorry, but I need a favour repaying." the man slumped.
"What would you have me do?"
"From gold comes silver." Thomas began and the man looked up intently, "I have found her but I was defeated before she could destroy the cities, go protect her till I can return."
"You are asking a lot of me. You know the prophecy."
"I do, but I have no choice." the man nodded,
"Favours must be repaid." he shrugged "We live for the oath we..."
"Prophecies can be beaten." Thomas cut in.
"I know, but it seems unlikely that this one will be." Thomas shrugged,
"The company is all but assembled now I need but one more."
"Who?" asked the man.
"The one man I would trust with my life."
"Not him."
"Yes. Chryn the Night Warrior." The man sighed,
"I will see you back on the Prime Plane." he said and Thomas took the hint. He nodded and faded from view. The man looked around and replacing his hood disappeared in the same manner he had appeared.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thomas faded in to view and found darkness all around him. He could not see anything around him but he doubted that there was anything even if he could have seen.
"Who dares come to the realm of the Night Lord?" boomed a voice from somewhere in the blackness.
"Chryn. It's me Thomas."
"Thomas?" came a voice less booming from next to him.
"Yes and I have need of your services."
"What would you wish of me?"
"It is time that the cities were destroyed. The descendant's blood line is strong enough."
"Why then are you not there protecting her?"
"I was defeated while guiding her. The rest of the company is already there or on their way."
"Who else is part of the company?"
"Valros of the order of the silver skull; my right hand man, The White Lady Ebeth and the Green Wizard Dviay." There was a spitting noise,
"That scum."
"We will need a elemental wizard of Earth, who better than The Green Wizard himself."
"He is still scum."
"I know but we need him"
"Very well. I will help you."
"Good I will see you all later."
"Why? Where are you going?"
"I have one final errand to run first, then I will join you. Thank you my friend." with that Thomas was gone.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Alaria felt something was wrong the birds had stopped singing and there was an oppressive feel about the land. She looked at the deep wood land around her to see if there was any sign of life but the darkness which engulfed the trees was too deep to be penetrated.
Then a hand gripped her shoulder and she screamed. Valros spun round and grabbed his axe, the giant battle axe came easily to his hand,
"Alaria, what is it?"
"You are Valros?" came a flat voice. Valros looked around for the source of the voice but could not find it.
"Yes." he said, "I am Valros."
"Good." The man who stepped forward into the light was dressed from head to toe in black cloth. Only his eyes shone through and Valros noted that his eyes were black in the iris. The man bowed and released Alaria.
"My apologies, but I had to make sure it was the right person."
"Why are you here?" asked Valros.
"Because Thomas asked me to come."
"Thomas is dead!" stated Alaria flatly
"Dead yes. Gone no. He will return when he is able until then I will aid you."
"How do we know we can trust you?"
"You don't, but if I had wanted to kill you I would have done it by now." Valros nodded.
"Who are you?"
"I am Chryn The Night Warrior." Alaria looked shocked.
"I must be very important if he asked you to come."
"And why is that?"
"Because when Thomas told me stories about you he said that he only ever called on you when the need was very great."
"You are correct this mission is of vital importance." Effectively ending the conversation he reached up and began to remove the cloth from his head. Alaria took this opportunity to get a good look at him; He was a quite handsome man with short cropped dark brown hair. She could see he was very muscular but she guessed that he was far stronger than he looked. On his back was a broad sword whose hilt was at his left shoulder so he could draw it quickly. Having finished unwrapping the cloth around his head he deposited it in the pack on his back.
"Let's go." he said and followed Alaria into the dark forest.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As morning came it found them at the edge of the dark forest. Chryn seemed uncomfortable in the bright sunlight thought Alaria as he replaced the cloth around his head leaving only his eyes showing. When they had gone no more than a hundred metres Chryn dropped and covered himself with his thick cloak before Alaria could ask why a brilliant light sprung up, so bright it blinded her. When the light dimmed she looked up at the figure who was dressed all in white. Her short brown hair pushed behind one ear made her look all the more beautiful thought Valros.
"I am the white Lady," said the woman "Thomas sent me."
"And me." said Chryn standing. The Lady smiled.
"So nice to see you again Night Warrior."
"The pleasure is all mine I assure you." said Chryn bowing. the Lady's smile broadened,
"I think there is still one more to join our company." said the Lady looking around. As if on que a green mist poured from the ground to be wrapped in vines to form a human shape. The green wizard threw back his hood and looked around. Chryn snorted,
"Thomas must be getting desperate if he asked for your help." surprise and fear registered on the Green wizards face.
"You!" was all he managed to say.
"Yes scum, I am here." Chryn almost spat out the word scum he was obviously so disgusted thought Alaria. The Green wizard shuddered.
"I am not afraid of you." said the Green wizard,
"Then you are more of a fool than I thought, only Thomas should not be afraid of me."
The Green wizard looked Chryn in the eye,
"Thomas asked us to come, to protect the silver lady. Not to fight each other!" Chryn's eyes narrowed and his face set in grim disgust at the thought of the Green wizard being right, something seemed to click in the back of Chryn's mind, he spun round just in time to catch the arrow fired from the trees. His eyes narrowed to slits as he scanned the trees for the archer but could not see their assailant, he muttered a curse and turned back to the group.
"Their gone who ever they were." He said and spun round throwing a bolt of night magic at the same time he caught another arrow, the bolt sped faster than the eye could see but hit the trees and entered with no ill effects to the shooter. The Green wizard moved next to the Lady as Valros moved closer to Alaria,
"Any ideas?" the Green wizard whispered to the Lady. The Lady shook her head. Without turning round Chryn motioned to the Green wizard to move closer. The Green wizard grimaced but obeyed.
"It's a ranger I'm sure of it," said Chryn, "But their using powerful Green magic to hide them self." Chryn cast a side ward glance at the Green wizard, "Can you undo it?" The Green wizard's brow furrowed,
"I think so but your right it is powerful magic. No ranger wields magic like that, it's so........"
"I know what you mean it's almost......" he trailed off and they looked at each other,
"It couldn't be. Could it?" said the Green wizard.
"I don't know but I don't like it, not this far North and not in the Night Woods."
"Well, lets flush it out." said the Green wizard rubbing his hands together,
"No," said Chryn put his arm out to stop the Green wizard "If its that, using magic would be a mistake, no we need good solid force to win this." Slowly Chryn drew a throwing star from his suit he spoke quietly to it then threw it into the trees, a few seconds later there was a horrible screech and from the woods burst the most horrible creature Alaria had ever seen it stood about ten feet tall, if you could call it standing, below its waist was a serpent body which writhed and twitched constantly above the waist was the body of a woman, a green woman with six long thin arms all carrying a sword or bow it's heads were uncountable and all different when it spoke they all spoke a once creating a horrid discordant voice,
"I come for the Silver Lady, the rest of you may leave, alive."
"We are here to protect the Silver Lady and will not give her to you!" Said the Green wizard and began to chant a spell though he knew it would do no good. Valros drew his massive battle axe and made ready to protect Alaria with his life, Alaria drew her long silver sword and drew her magical shield around herself. The Lady spoke a word and was consumed with bright light and of the Night Warrior there was no sign. The creature laughed it's horrible discordant laugh and attacked. It slithered forward and brought it's swords in deadly arcs, the Green wizard jumped back and cast his spell, a green glow surrounded the creature and stopped it moving, it laughed and shattered the holding spell, one of it's swords lashed out and caught the Green wizard in the shoulder knocking him over. As the creature reared up to strike again Valros threw himself at the creature swinging his axe, he caught the creature off guard and managed to cut the creature twice in the serpentine lower body the creature screamed a million screams and lashed out but Valros was too quick jumping back out of the way. In his haste he had forgotten the Green wizard and tripped up backwards over him. The creature began to slither forwards and then stopped as a black sword emerged from its front. The spun round to meet the new attack but found no one there to fight. A blast of energy hit the creature in the back and knocked it forward. The creature turned and released a blot of its own Dark magic at the Lady, the spell fizzled and died when it reached the shinning light. The creature screamed it's defiance and charged the Lady. It seemed to have forgotten it's mystery attacker for the sword struck it twice more before it could react to the threat. More blasts of energy hit the creature as it looked for it's attacker.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Green wizard groaned and sat up, he saw the creature being assaulted from all sides and threw another holding spell at it. With the creature temporally unable to move Chryn chose the moment to strike his blade slid through the creatures midriff several times as he searched for the hart. When he found it he ripped it out and jumped back.
"End this!" he said quietly but the Lady heard him. She thrust out her hands towards the creature and white energy pored forth the creature sagged and screamed in pain but stood after the attack.
Chryn's eyes opened in admiration for the creature,
"Seems it's going to take a lot more than that to kill you." He drew a short sword made of Night metal same as his long sword and leapt at the creature. Blades flashed and heads fell but the creature stayed erect. Valros, having recovered himself sufficiently also leapt at the creature swinging his battle axe. Alaria finished her spell and a thousand silver slivers flew from her out stretched fingers and tore into the creature. It was bleeding blue blood now, it gushed from hundreds of open wounds but the creature fought on a hint of desperation in its attacks now. Its flailing blades could not hint any of its assailants as they darted and dodged out of the way scoring few hits but distracting the creature so the others' magic could rain down on the it. All of a sudden Chryn jumped well back and held his arms out for the others to stop attacking.
"Who sent you?" he asked
"We sent ourselves." replied the depleted number of heads,
"We both know that isn't true, don't we?" the heads seemed to consider for a moment,
"The Master sent us."
"Who is the Master?" when the heads failed to reply Chryn threw a bolt of energy at the creature which screamed in pain,
"Who or what is the Master?" Chryn asked again.
"We do not know. The Master's servant told us what to do."
"Who was the servant?"
"We could not see, it blinded us." Chryn nodded,
"Liar." he said simply and threw another bolt of energy.
"All right, it was......." the creature took that moment to die, the sentence unfinished. Chryn cursed.
"What was it?" asked Alaria
"I don't know its name..." started the Green wizard
"It is a Valcorer," interrupted Chryn "They tend to inhabit the south lands where it's warmer. Everything they kill they take the soul and the head and add it to there own. In truth I have never seen one with so many heads and the more heads it has the more powerful it is."
"Why was it here?" asked Alaria
"It said it wanted you." Chryn paused to consider, "If we knew who this, Master is we would know why it came after you." Chryn turned and looked back at the forest.
"What is it Chryn?" asked Alaria
"Nothing." Chryn answered, his voice seeming to come from far away. "I will have to leave you for a while, but before I go. Does anyone know where we are going because Thomas didn't tell me?" The Green wizard shook his head and so did the lady.
"I only know what to do once I get there." said Alaria,
"He told me the area to guide him to but not what was at the end of the journey." said Valros,
"I know what is at the end. Just not where it is." replied Chryn
"What?" asked Valros. Chryn looked around at the group,
"Just in case. The Silver city is our goal but it is hidden by powerful Magic's and I do not know it's exact location," he turned to look at Alaria, "You know what will happen if you reach the city?"
"Yes. It will materialise."
"Nothing more?"
"Then Thomas must be anticipating returning before then." he shrugged, "I go now." he said and became a area of complete blackness which faded out of view.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Chryn reappeared just after the sun had set. He found Valros and the Green wizard unconscious on the ground, Alaria and the Lady were no where to be seen. He checked to make sure that Valros and the Green wizard were still alive and then, after building a fire, sat down to wait for them to wake up.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp When Valros woke several hours later he saw Chryn and the Green wizard, sitting opposite sides of the fire talking in hushed voices so as not to wake him. He groaned and stood up rubbing his head. Chryn gestured to the rock next to him where a plate of meat sat steaming, Valros licked his lips and sitting began to devour the meat. As Valros attacked the meat Chryn looked at them both and with his face taking on a more serious expression he asked, "What happened?" Valros put down the leg he was about to eat and looked up at Chryn. A sadness came to his feature and swallowing hard he began:
"The area in front of us became densely black, so we thought it was you returning." he paused to consider what happened next, "It wasn't. What ever it was it struck like lightning, attacking all of us at once, I didn't have time to react before it knocked me out and when I awoke I was here." Chryn nodded.
"I had time to react," said the Green wizard. Chryn rounded on him, his eyes narrowing.
"It's initial blast didn't get past either my or the Ladies shield. Tentacles of utter darkness lashed out trying to grab us. There were so many of them we didn't stand a chance." Chryn nodded, "But before it knocked me out I saw it drag Alaria inside itself." Chryn's head shot up to look at the Green wizard, their eyes met as Chryn stared deep into the Green wizard's soul and mind. Finally after a minute or so Chryn looked away with a satisfied look on his face.
"What did you just do?" asked Valros,
"I scanned his mind to make sure he wasn't lying to me, "replied Chryn, "It's simple, I'll teach you sometime."
"Thanks, "said Valros with some scepticism, "So, do you know where they are?"
"I have a pretty good idea,"
"Where?" asked the Green wizard.
"The one place I can't go!"
"Where's that?" said the Green wizard suddenly very interested, Chryn looked at him.
"Your not thinking of hiding from me there are you?"
"Good. Because if you did I would destroy it!"
"You still haven't told us where yet," said Valros through a mouth full of meat
"The Floating City of Light," said Chryn simply. Valros almost choked on the meat he was eating,
"The floating city of light! Are you insane. That place is built like a fortress, no one can get in to it!"
"That may be a slight exaggeration. It may be built like a fortress but it is but no means impregnable." replied Chryn
"You have a plan don't you?" said the Green wizard, Chryn nodded
"Perhaps, perhaps," replied Chryn his voice seeming to come from far away. He stood up and walked a little way from the fire.
"Get some sleep." said Chryn, "You'll need all the energy you've got."
Chapter 2&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Into the Heart of Darkness

The dawn broke with a thunder storm ripping across the sky, Valros was woken by large drops of rain falling onto his head, he grunted and rolled over. His face splashed into a small puddle which woke him up completely. He sat up to see what was happening and his jaw fell in surprise at what he saw: Chryn talking to five men mounted on horses which seemed to me made of cloud, the men were of medium high and wore greyish armour with a lightning bolt symbol running from left shoulder to right thigh. Only one of the five was not wearing a helmet, the man looked in his forties yet powerfully built, he had short black hair which was receding slightly from his forehead. He had grey eyes under thick but fading eyebrows. As Valros watched he saw the mans eyebrows dip in a frown, he opened his mouth to make as if to make a protest but then shut it and nodded slowly. The man pulled himself up straight and replaced his helm which had two horns, one on either side, both had a lightning bolt curling round them. The lead rider kicked heels to is mount, it reared up and rode up into the sky, it was quickly followed by the other four riders. Valros stood slowly and coughed, Chryn spun round and glared at him,
"Who were they?" he asked
"They were Storm Riders," answered Chryn
"Why where they here?"
"Because I asked them here, they will help us."
"Help us do what?"
"Help us attack the Floating City of Light," Valros nodded but at that moment the Green wizard stood,
"That may satisfy Valros but it does not satisfy me!" he said
"Well it should because it satisfied me!" said a voice from the forest. Chryn spun round and looked at the forest,
"Calm down Night Warrior, I do not intend to hurt you." came the voice.
"Who are you?" asked Chryn
"What. You do not know me," came the reply
"No," Chryn stated bluntly, the voice laughed. A branch crunched off to the left and all three spun round to see three figures step from the shadows.
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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Alaria woke slowly, her system adjusting to the room she was in. She looked around and saw that it was luxuriously furnished will soft chairs and a huge four poster bed which she realised she was manacled to. There was no one else in the room but it was obvious that someone had been in recently, the fire was well stoked and a salad meal lay on a table next to the bed. As she lay there she herd the door to her right creak, she spun to look who had entered the room, a small bald man in a white robe stood there. The man looked noble in his bearing and seemed to radiate power. The man smiled,
"Welcome to the Floating City of Light, I am Kronas high magus of the city, I will be your host for the duration of your stay." he smiled again then threw back his head and began to laugh.
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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Chryn's hand slowly moved toward his sword then stopped as the figures stepped into the light. All three froze and Chryn spoke a single word,
"Thomas!" the sorcerer smiled,
"Well it seems you've lost my charge," said Thomas "Never mind," he sighed "We'll just have to get her back, allow me to introduce my..." he paused to think of the correct word "friends," he finished "This," he said pointing to the figure on his left, a tall man in black armour with a horned helmet and a star raised out of the breastplate, "Is DarkStar," DarkStar bowed, "and this... is Kayleth" he said pointing to the dark cloaked figure to his right, Kayleth pushed back the hood of his cloak to reveal himself to be a pail skinned elf with grey shadowy eyes, when he spoke he spoke with the slight pauses of someone who, although they can speak the language haven't for many years:
"We are of the breed you and I Chryn, we both serve the night and the shadows,"
"No shadow mage we are not of the same breed, for if there is night there cannot be shadows but I welcome you're company all the same." Chryn paused then turned to DarkStar,
"Your reputation proceeds you DarkStar, but to what do we owe the pleasure of the company of the first realm walker?"
"Thomas asked me here so I came," said DarkStar in a deep voice. Chryn nodded,
"Very well," he said, then turning to Thomas,
"Will you be aiding us?" Thomas sighed and shook his head,
"No, I can not, but soon I will return, and when I do, no one had better be holding Alaria," he sighed again,
"Farewell for now," he nodded to them and faded from view. Chryn turned to the other,
"I have enlisted the aid of some Storm Riders for when we attack the city." the Green wizard raised an eyebrow but said nothing, Valros looked up, his brow creased in thought,
"How will we find Alaria? The floating city of light isn't really a city, more of a city-state,"
Chryn seemed to consider this for a moment,
"I believe she will be being held somewhere in the palace, but you and Kayleth are the ones who will be entering the city to look for her." surprise registered on Valros and the Green wizard's faces, Chryn sighed and explained,
"The city has very powerful magical and physical defences which will be difficult to break, the three of us and the Storm Riders will attempt to..." he paused to consider the next word,
"distract the defences while you two slip in and find Alaria and the White Lady,"
"Once we have found them what do we do?" asked Valros
"Free them. Once you have found them we will know and will attempt to get you out."
"And if your attempt fails?" asked Valros, Chryn shrugged,
"Then we will all die," he said simply. Valros nodded, he knew that Chryn was powerful but he wasn't sure how powerful, he hoped powerful enough to rescue them. Chryn bent down to his pack and took out the black cloth which he rapped around his face. Valros thought he saw the Night warrior smile just before the cloth covered his mouth, the smile of one who knows more than he is telling and is enjoying it.

Alaria felt the coldness of the chains as she was led down the corridor by two guards in bright white uniforms, she took a moment to consider the chains; they appeared to be made of silver but they had an inner glow which silver did not poses, she tested there strength and realised that she would not be able to break the chains. One of the guards noticed her testing the strength of the chains and laughed,
"You'll never break them," he stated as if it was the most sure thing in the world,
"Yea," said the second "That's light metal is that, force has no effect on it." The guards smiled and laughed again. They led her down the corridor which she noticed must be inside due to the lack of windows, this however did not mean a lack of light as the very walls themselves glowed dispelling all shadow that should be there. At the end of the corridor was a door made of the same substance as her chains, one of the guards walked up to it and knocked politely, for a moment nothing happened and then the doors swung inwards by themselves, all three of them had to cover their eyes due to the intense light which poured forth from the room.
"Enter!" called a voice from within, Alaria was pushed forward by the guards in to the room, she stepped forward into the light and the doors slammed shut behind her; blocking the guards outside. The light died away the moment the doors shut and Alaria took this chance to study the room: it was not large but neither was it small, it was circular in shape with a circular table in the very centre, in front of the table was the man who had introduced himself as Kronas, he was reading a large book which was propped on a lectern on the table. Once the doors had shut he turned towards Alaria,
"Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable," he said gesturing to a chair. Alaria looked at the chair and shuck her head, Kronas shrugged,
"Suite yourself," he said sitting down in the chair.
"Why am I here?" asked Alaria, Kronas frowned,
"You are here because I ordered it." Alaria scowled inwardly,
"Why?" Kronas sighed,
"Why, because you are far more important than you can imagine."
"Why am I so important?"
"Because you are the key to past glories!" Alaria frowned, Kronas sighed again,
"Allow me to explain," he said standing, he walked over to the fire place and trod out the fire,
"Along time ago there were three cities of light, one in the air," he gestured at the sky,
"One on the water," he gestured to the walls around him,
"And one on the land. The later was the greatest, bigger even than this one, it was where the king of light held court. Until that is, Thomas forced them to flee, he slaughtered thousands and then took the city out of the reach of it's people," he sighed,
"You," he said pointing at Alaria, "Are a direct descendant of the last king of the city."
"But why does that make me so important?"
"Because you can give the city back to it's people! You can make the three cities great once again," Alaria stood silently for a moment considering the information, then remembering herself she looked up,
"Where is the White lady?"
"Behind you," said a voice she recognised as the lady's. Alaria spun round to look at her. She smiled and walked over to Kronas,
"These are my cities," she said "I want to see them great again,"
"But if Thomas drove the people out than why did you not stand up to him?" she laughed,
"There are two answers, one he is far to powerful, and two I owed him a favour and the law of the Ancients forbids me to attack one to whom I owe a favour." she smiled "But now the favour has been repaid I am free to strike back,"
"And you want me to help you against my friend and protector Thomas!"
"Thomas butchered thousands in that city!" cried out Kronas
"I'm sure he did it for a reason. I will not betray him!" Kronas sighed
"We gave you a chance to come willingly but now you have forced our hand." he raised his hands and began to chant. Alaria dived under the table as the bolt of light whizzed passed.

Valros and Kayleth moved toward the bridge from the mainland to the city, the bridge spanned the mile gap in four huge stones, each over three hundred metres wide and who knows how deep. As they neared the beginning of the bridge their companions began the attack, hitting the city from the East and West with earth and night magic, Chryn's magic had very little effect on the city so he concentrated his fire power on the defenders, knocking scores of them from the walls. Valros and Kayleth moved Northward along the bridge without and incident, most of the guards having been recalled to aid in the defence of the city. In the crush of people they became separated and so continued towards the city on there own.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp When Valros was about halfway across the bridge DarkStar began his assault from the North, his powerful magic tearing through the defences of the city leaving it open for the Storm Riders to descend, as the Storm Riders came down thunder rolled and lightning struck the central castle which shuck under the assault. At this point three men in white stepped from the tallest tower and blasted one of the Storm Riders out of the sky, the other four wheeled and killed one of the wizards with a lightning blast. The central wizard was short and bald, he did not flinch as the lightning bolts crashed around him but the other wizard turned and fled back into the tower. The bald wizard scowled and killed another of the Storm Riders. The remaining three did not seam able to strike the wizard and when another of the riders fell they turned and rode back into the clouds. The wizard now turned his attention to the sorcery blasting his city apart. He raised his hands and a glowing dome erected its self around the city. This slowed Chryn and the Green wizards magic but DarkStar's powerful magic began to crack the dome at the Northern end of the city. this was where the wizard now turned his attention. Raising his hands above his head he began to chant then he lowered and pointed his hands at DarkStar's area. A huge blast flew forth shattering the Northern end of the dome and incinerating the area of woodland DarkStar was attacking from. From the smoke and ashes rose DarkStar, his armour was smoking but still in one piece. He held his out stretched arm, palm facing the wizard and released three shards of energy. Surprise showed on the face of the wizard as DarkStar stood up and fear flickered there for a moment as the shards of energy flew towards his. The fear was only there for a moment thought and once he regained his composure he threw up a shield around himself, that would have worked had the bolts been aimed at him, they weren't. The three bolts struck the tower around him shaking the platform he stood on. The wizard recovered his balance just in time to see his protective shield shatter under the assault of the magic hitting it from all sides. The wizard seemed to call to someone for help and he began to glow with a brilliant white light. He pointed in Chryn's general direction and the night warrior was flung away. Next the wizard turned to the Green wizard, he gestured and the water reared up a mile high to crash down on the wizard nearly drowning him. Now only DarkStar was left but the wizard could see no sign of his powerful opponent where he should have been. He gestured and returned inside the tower.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Valros entered the city moments before the wizard repelled the attack, just inside he met up with Kayleth who looked much the worse for wear having been dragged through the crowd. The two of them headed toward the palace through the ancient city, both were surprised by the architecture which looked far younger than the city its self, almost the builders had known what buildings in the future would look like. The city was comprised of five main districts; these were: the area around the palace, the army quarters, the markets, the housing district and the sorcerers guilds. The first and the last were located in the inner city behind a huge wall which was guarded constantly. It was there that Valros and Kayleth had to go. Valros studied the inner wall, it was made of the same glowing stone as the rest of the city but thicker. It stood some fifty metres tall with four corner towers, each reaching around two hundred metres high. The stone seemed polished and was unscaleable, even if it could have been scaled there was a constant patrol of soldiers around it who could easily repel an attacker. Having decided this Valros turned to the main gate; it was mate of iron but was at least two feet thick and so there was no chance of knocking it down. Valros noticed that the gates never seemed to be opened except when one of the royal court passed, he decided that the best was inside would be to pass when one of these nobles passed through.
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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Chryn watched as the Green wizard patched up his wounds, Chryn did not feel much pain and his wounds would heal themselves soon enough so he did not bother to dress them. The Green wizard looked up from tying his bandages and spoke for the first time since the attack.
"Where did that extra power come from?" he asked, Chryn shrugged,
"Who knows, it could have been divine or they could have a power source beneath the city," he shrugged again, "I have no way of knowing," Chryn looked up at DarkStar, the realm walker was deep in thought and so stared into nothing.
"Your mind?" asked Chryn, DarkStar seemed to snap out of his trance,
"Nothing, just a memory," Chryn furrowed his brow but accepted the explanation. The Green wizard finished dressing the wound and stood,
"I will return shortly," he announced. Chryn saw the fear in his eye and although he was curious he did not ask. The Green wizard relaxed and set of into the woods. Once he was out of ear shot Chryn turned back to DarkStar, "You saw it there too didn't you?" DarkStar nodded, "Why?" asked Chryn,
"I do not know but something is wrong, very wrong." Chryn's face hardened,
"I know what you mean," at that moment Chryn realised that they were being watched, DarkStar raised his head, he had heard it to, the faint snapping of a twig. Chryn stood slowly then with lightning speed he swung round and pined the spy to a tree with a dagger. Or at least he thought he had.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Chryn's mouth dropped as he realised that the dagger had been caught by an old man. The old man looked up at him,
"That wasn't very polite," he said,
"Neither is sneaking!" responded Chryn, the old man took a hurt expression "I was not sneaking!" he said,
"Well you didn't announce your arrival, did you?" the old man seamed to consider this for a moment then his face lightened,
"Who are you?" he asked,
"I am Chryn the night warrior and this is the realm walker DarkStar, but who may I ask are you?" the old man pulled himself up,
"I am.... you know I can't remember my name," he said. Chryn scowled,
"And what are you doing here old man?"
"I live here!" this seemed to confuse Chryn,
"You live this close to the floating city of light?"
"City? What city?" asked the old man, Chryn scowled,
"Listen old man we do not have time to listen to your ramblings, so leave now!" the old man smiled sadly and shook his head. Chryn began to turn away but the mans hand was suddenly and firmly place on his shoulder,
"No Night warrior, I will stay and I stay because I choose to stay. You," he pointed a finger at Chryn, "Can do nothing about it," with that he released Chryn and went to sit by DarkStar. Chryn sighed and sat down across from the old man.
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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Alaria rolled out from under the table as the guards called to Kronas for his help. as she did Kronas spun round and spoke a word, she saw the faint glow out line her and felt her muscles freeze up. A few minutes later Kronas returned.
"I'm sorry about that my dear, I think your friends tried to rescue you, and failed I might add," Alaria scowled,
"They'll come for me and neither you nor the Lady can stop them!" The White Lady laughed,
"That is where you are wrong, you see this is my city and I am in control here, no one else not even Thomas,"
"Don't tempt fate," warned Alaria
"He can try if he likes, here as nowhere else in the realms I can defeat him,"
"I think I will take up that offer," came a calm voice off to the side of the room, all three spun round to see Thomas leaning against the wall, clothed in red and black made him seem even more impressive than all in black, it occurred to Alaria that he was some what shorter than last time she had seen him. Alaria gasped,
"Thomas, but I saw you die,"
"There is no force in the realms that has the power to destroy me," replied Thomas calmly
"You should not have come here sorcerer," said the White lady shaking her head, "Here I can defeat you,"
"Then try," was Thomas's reply. The White Lady spoke a word and the wall behind Thomas tried to engulf him but could not pass through the green shield which flickered into view around him,
"So you were expecting a fight," Thomas didn't answer but moved to stand next to Alaria in the centre of the room. He put his hand out in front of him palm down and spoke a word. A beam of energy sprang from the floor to his hand and stayed in a beam between the floor and his hand. Thomas punched his left hand into the beam once, twice and two energy bolt flew forth to strike Kronas and the White Lady pinning them to the wall. Thomas removed his hand from the beam and it spread up to the ceiling with a deafening roar. The room began to shake as soon as the beam hit the roof,
"Take my hand Alaria," Thomas commanded. Alaria was about to take his hand when Kronas barked out a command, there was a flash and Alaria was gone.
"What have you done with her?" demanded Thomas,
"I've sent her where you can't find her," replied Kronas then his spoke the command again and he and the White Lady disappeared in a bright flash. Thomas swore and flicked his wrist. A pin prick of light appeared at the other end of the room which exploded outwards into a swirling red vortex. Thomas stepped toward the portal and two golden gate appeared to bar his path. Thomas took another step forward and the gates swung inwards allowing him to pass unhindered into the portal. Behind him the gates swung shut and the portal collapsed in on it's self just before the tower came tumbling down around it. Thomas stepped through a similar portal moments later next to a surprised Valros and Kayleth.
"How did you get here?" asked Valros,
"No time to explain now, they've taken Alaria but I don't know where," replied Thomas, so saying he gestured and moved them all into the camps of a surprised Chryn and DarkStar just as the Green wizard was returning.
"They have Alaria and I must follow, Chryn come with me. The rest of you go to the Dramanida portal," said Thomas and opened a portal for himself and Chryn.

Chapter 3&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Into the Heart of the Light

Thomas and Chryn walked through the space between space in the portal,
"Where are we going?" asked Chryn finally,
"Below the city to the Stairway of Light," replied Thomas
"Your sure that's were they've taken her?"
"I'm positive, it leads to the source of power for the city which I believe they will use to escape,"
"Hmmm," replied Chryn at some length, "All right, but remember your prophecy,"
"I remember it," said Thomas with a sigh, "We have to be there with Alaria when she reaches the city," Chryn nodded and said nothing more. Soon they reached the Stairway and Thomas opened the portal for them to step out. The Stairway seemed to be made of shinning glass several metres thick, it was wide enough for six men to walk abreast and Chryn could not see the ends of it. Below them no more than a dozen yards away were Kronas, Alaria and the White Lady.
"Stop," commanded Thomas and they spun round to meet him.
"Challenging me in the city is one thing sorcerer but so close to the source of my power even you cannot defeat me," shouted Kronas and began his spell.
"We shall see," said Thomas quietly. Kronas finished his spell and threw a shard of pure light at Thomas which he knocked out of the air with ease. Next Kronas drew forth a orb made of the same substance as the Stairway, he threw it in between them and spoke a word of command. A wall of shimmering light sprung up across the Stairway and there was a faint humming. Thomas's face dropped,
"You fool!" he called "You'll kill us all," Kronas laughed,
"No we will be safely away by then," with than he turned and lead Alaria down the Stairway.
"What is it Thomas? What has he done?" asked Chryn,
"He has summoned the Leviathan of Light, if we are not away by the time it gets here it will crush the Stairway and us with it." Chryn's mouth fell open. "What are we going to do?" he asked, Thomas considered this for a moment "We are going to kill the Leviathan," he said with a smile,
"Your mad, the Leviathan can't be killed!" Chryn shouted
"Oh yes it can all I require is one clean shot, unfortunately the Stairway is in my line of fire, but if I wait for the Leviathan to crush the Stairway it will be to late," Chryn looked at him,
"You don't breath do you?" he asked, Thomas shook his head, "Good!" with that he pointed at the wall of the Stair way and spoke a word, the glass shattered all around them just as the Leviathan came into view; over 3 miles long it was, it's great beaked head a mass of man sized teeth. From all over it's body protruded thousands of tentacles which squirmed with a life of it's own. It was propelled through the water by two huge flippers and it's dorsal fin cut the water around it like a shark. A look of surprise passed over Thomas's face as the glass around him exploded, he gave Chryn a stern look and then began his spell. The Leviathan was to fast though and it was upon them before he could finish. It grabbed them in it's huge tentacles and began to crush them. Thomas looked the Leviathan in it's beady eyes and clenched his fist. The Leviathan felt a huge pressure on it's head, instinctively it let go of it's captives, it just had time to see Thomas smile before it's eyes exploded. Thomas moved out of the way of the squirming tentacles and cast his spell. The pressure on the Leviathans head increased a hundred fold, the pain was so great that it began to thrash around wildly. The second part of Thomas's spell hit it full in the face, the bolt of pure power tore along the length of the creature slicing it in half. Thomas gestured towards the base of what had once been the Stairway, he and Chryn began to walk effortlessly through the water towards the structure at the bottom of the lake. Once they entered Thomas turned to Chryn,
"Don't ever do that again without warning me!" he yelled, Chryn shrugged,
"Sorry it was spur of the moment," Thomas scowled and brushed some dust of is still dry cloths, Chryn shook his head and clicked his fingers, the water on his clothes seemed to burn away leaving him as dry as when he had entered the Stairway. The quickly found the centre of the complex and the Light shard which was the power source of the city above. Thomas gestured at the shard and spoke,
"Where did they go?" there was no reply. Thomas gestured again, "Where did they go?" he asked more forcefully,
"Beyond the Realm," replied a voice which sounded like glass chimes.
"Open us a portal to them," commanded Thomas,
"I cannot, they drained my power to open the portal I can do no more," replied the voice,
"Which Realm?" asked Thomas,
"The Realm of Light," Thomas scowled,
"Where were they heading?"
"Hath Morak," Thomas raised an eye brow. He gestured again toward the shard and the light grew more intense.
"Open the portal," commanded Thomas,
"Yes Lord," replied the voice of the Shard and open a Realm portal before them. Thomas motioned for Chryn to follow and stepped through the portal.
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Hath Morak was the largest city in the world, taking nearly a week to cross by horse. It was ruled over five Kings or Dukes and one supreme King or Emperor. The city was divided into five districts which circled the palace of the Emperor. The Emperor at this time was a Greater servant of Light by the name of Vesteran. Being a Greater servant of Light he would obey any commands that Kronas or the White Lady gave him without question. Thomas and Chryn could have an entire army descend upon them at anytime while in the city.
When they arrived in the city via the portal the first thing they did was enter a nearby inn. They took a table near the entrance and everyone in the bar turned to look at them. The barkeeper strode up to them, a large fat man he dwarfed those around him by a head.
"We don't want your type in here," he rumbled. Thomas's hand was on Chryn's arm before he had even made a move.
"And what type is that neighbour?" Thomas asked in a neutral tone,
"You Darkies, worshipers of the Night. The Emperor has sent his Legions to wipe you from the city. I say good riddance to you all." there were rumbles of agreement from the patrons. Thomas stood and motioning Chryn to follow, stepped outside.
"Why did you stop me?" Chryn demanded when they were outside,
"Because he provided useful information," Thomas replied,
"And that was?"
"That the legions are on the move, trying to wipe us from the city," Thomas looked around him,
"Does the Night Lord still have that fortress here?" Chryn shot Thomas a angry glance,
"Yes but we had too rebuild it after your last visit to the city," Thomas looked slightly amused at this,
"Where is it?"
"In the Southern part near the exit to the city," Thomas smiled,
"Where else," Thomas made a gesture and a point of light appeared a few feet away which expanded towards them into a swirling tunnel. Thomas stepped forwards and the gates swung inwards,
"Shall we go?" he asked and stepped through the portal, Chryn grudgingly followed and the portal closed behind them.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp They stepped out of the portal moments later in front of the Fortress of Night in the Southern section of the city. Thomas gestured for Chryn to open the gate. Chryn nodded and stepped forwards, instantly a voice challenged them,
"Who comes before the Fortress of Night?"
"The Night Warrior," Chryn responded. There was a gasp and the gates opened almost immediately. A man dressed all in black dropped to his knees in front of them,
"Lord Chryn, we were not aware of your presence on the Prime Plane," Thomas smiled,
"Virtually every where else on the Planet they bow to me first and add you as an after thought, here they ignore me," The mans eyes widened in horror,
"Eternal Lord of the Endless Darkness, I... I did not know it was you forgive me please,"
"Stop grovelling man," Thomas snapped "Is Jarexyia still Commander here," "Yes Eternal one," the man stammered,
"Well," Thomas demanded, "Where is she?"
"She is in her office as far as I know Eternal one," Thomas motioned Chryn to follow and headed towards the main building in the courtyard of the immense fortress. As he approached the large double doors he was challenged by two black armoured warriors with large pikes.
"Who dares approach the keep of our Lord of the Night?" demanded one of the guards. Thomas ignored them and carried on walking, the massive double doors exploding before him. The guards though shocked lowered their pikes to stop him which instantly set on fire. Thomas still ignoring them walked through the door way while the guards tried, unsuccessfully to put out the fires on their pikes. Thomas moved quickly but without seeming in a hurry up the flight of stairs that led to the top of the Fortress's inner keep. When he reached the top he began to walk down a corridor towards the office at the end and was once again challenged by two more guards.
"Isn't this a little excessive?" he asked Chryn with a sigh as he lifted and threw the guards out of the open window with his magic. Chryn shrugged "They're only trying to protect the Commander," he said defensively,
"Well they aren't doing a very good job," Thomas countered,
"It isn't very often they have to try and stop the Eternal Lord of Endless Darkness," Thomas winced,
"I've never liked that title but have never got round to getting rid of it,"
"Your had it for several million years," Chryn replied,
"Have I really, my how time flies," Chryn shook his head and smiled. Thomas walked up to the office at the end of the corridor and knocked politely,
"Come in," a rich female voice replied. Thomas opened the doors and stepped into the office of the Commander of the forces of Night. Inside with her back turned stood a woman, shorter in height than Thomas and Chryn with long dark red hair. She had her hands clasped behind her black uniform which both Thomas and Chryn new had a suit of chain mail underneath, even as they entered she did not turn to face them.
"Good morning Dark Lady of the Endless Darkness," Thomas said in his most civil tone.
"I told you too never use that title," she snapped still without turning round,
"Now, now little sister, is that anyway to talk to your big brother." Jarexyia spun round to look at him and smiled warmly when she saw Thomas,
"Thomas!" she exclaimed, Thomas's smile matched hers.
"So nice to see you again," Thomas stated as he hugged her warmly. Chryn shook his head,
"I'll never understand why you two call each other those names," Thomas smiled,
"I'll explain it some time, but it's more complicated than why I call you my brother,"
"I thought it might be," Chryn replied. Then the smile faded from Thomas's face,
"How long has the Emperor has his troops mobilised?" he asked Jarexyia. She considered for a moment then answered.
"Two and a half months," Thomas's face was grim,
"There's more going on here than meets the eye I fear,"
"Why what's wrong?" asked Chryn.
"That is shortly before I took Alaria and left the Golden palace," Thomas paused, "It's almost as if someone or something had this planned from the start." Thomas's face darkened, "And I have a suspicion who,"
Chryn nodded,
"So what do we do?"
"First we go have a little chat to the Emperor, then we'll go after Kronas,"
"What do you want me to do Thomas?" Jarexyia asked,
"You are coming with us," Thomas replied, Jarexyia looked shocked,
"What about the fortress?" she asked. Thomas shrugged,
"The fortress will stand or fall whether you are here or not," Jarexyia slumped,
"As you command it, so shall it be,"
"Good, we leave an hour after sunset," with that Thomas turned and left the room. Chryn cast a quick glance at Jarexyia and followed Thomas out.
In the corridor Chryn gave Thomas a withering look which he ignored,
"That wasn't very nice," Chryn said at last. Thomas sighed,
"I don't have that luxury available to me, my first priority is getting Alaria back and that was the only way to get Jarexyia to come along with us," Chryn frowned but said nothing. Thomas led Chryn along the corridors of the fortress of Night to the sleeping rooms. Outside their quarters Thomas stopped,
"When night falls meet me in the court yard," with that he turned and entered his room. Chryn sighed and entered his.
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Chryn was startled by his door exploding inwards at a shouted command from outside. Chryn leapt up as he heard Thomas's voice calling to him from down the corridor,
"Follow me. Quickly!" Chryn gathered his magic and spoke softly,
"Move," moments later he was half way down the corridor after Thomas.
Thomas stopped out side the door to Jarexyia's room. Chryn came up moments later behind him, Thomas only spared him a glance.
"Feel the power of this ward," Thomas muttered, Chryn turned his magic to the ward and fell the incredible power holding the ward in place.
"Stand back," Thomas commanded. Chryn did and felt Thomas gathering his magic. Chryn felt the power emanating from Thomas as the sorcerer spoke two word in some ancient language Chryn dimly recognised as having died out around the time the Ancients sundered science from the world, the door before them and most of the walk around it exploded out wards towards them. Thomas's green shield flashed before him disintegrating the shards as them came close. Chryn called on his own innate defences to protect him. When the dust settled they found Jarexyia in the grip of two large and muscular beings composed seemingly entirely out of light.
"Veroths," Thomas muttered identifying the creatures before them. One of the creatures appeared to turn toward them but it was difficult to tell as they had no details. When the Veroth spoke it was in a voice accompanied by bells.
"We come only for the Dark Lady, do not stand against us or our master will destroy you,"
"No one can destroy me," Thomas replied matter-of-factly, the Veroth laughed,
"It was our master that sent the Makįrą that killed you , the dark beast that defeated your companion and the Valcorer," Thomas shrugged, indifferent to the obvious power of the Veroth's master.
"Who is your master?" Thomas asked, the Veroth laughed,
"That would be telling," It replied. Thomas smiled and brought his hand up level with his head and clenched it into a fist.
"That will not stop up," the Veroth replied,
"It will hold you for a time and that is all I need," Thomas replied. Chryn felt Thomas gather his magic and saw him point at the Veroths,
"Darkness," said Thomas simply. The Veroths screamed as a point of darkness appeared in their centres and expanded outwards consuming them.
Thomas moved forward like lightning catching Jarexyia before she hit the ground, as he moved forward Chryn saw a faint glimmer of light like a wall appear but that shattered at Thomas moved unmolested through it. Thomas's face was anxious as he looked at Jarexyia. Chryn felt Thomas draw on his magic and softly speak,
"Awaken," Chryn felt the release of the magic and saw Jarexyia eyes open, she looked at Thomas and saw him holding her mere feet from the floor,
"What happened?" she asked meekly,
"Veroths," Thomas replied and Jarexyia's face grew dark,
"Who sent them?" she asked, Thomas's eyes grew dark,
"I don't know, but I intend to find out," Thomas gently lifted Jarexyia and placed her in her bed. Chryn only just felt Thomas's magic as he spoke,
"Sleep," Jarexyia's eyes closed. Thomas silently moved out of the room and gesturing rebuilt the door. Thomas looked at Chryn,
"I think it's time we paid the Emperor a visit," Chryn nodded,
"I think you could be right," Thomas, gathering his magic gestured and the pinpoint of light heralding a portal appeared and expanded, as Thomas stepped forward the gates swung open.
The portal opened in the throne room of the imperial palace of the Emperor of Hath Morak, the servants were slightly surprised to have a portal open in the middle of the room and two of the most powerful beings in all the world step out. Thomas turned to the Emperor,
"Good evening your lordship" said Thomas, his voice full of spite. The Emperor leapt up from his chair as though he had been stung.
"What in the name of Light are you doing here?" the Emperor whispered,
"We are here to solve a small problem I'm having," said Thomas "You see Jarexyia was attacked earlier by two Veroths," The Emperor appeared shocked,
"Now," continued Thomas, "Either you tell me what is going on or I'll finish what I started last time I was here," The Emperor's eye's widened in horror as he remembered Thomas's last visit and the destruction he had reaped upon the city. Before Thomas's visit the city had had seven districts or kingdoms around the palace, now there were only five, Thomas had done it with a mere wave of his hand. The Emperor shuddered. Thomas smiled evilly,
"I see you remember my last visit,"
"Yes, but I know nothing of Veroths attacking the Dark Lady," said the Emperor in a perfectly calm voice. The smile dropped from Thomas's face instantly,
"Don't play games with me my lord," the last two words were seeped in sarcasm, "It will not go well for you. I know you know something that is why you have been mobilising your troops?" If the Emperor was unnerved by this then he gave no sign,
"I have every right to do what I like in my city, unless that has changed?" the Emperor looked Thomas straight in the eye daring him to challenge that last statement. Thomas met the stare with calm indifference,
"Do not anger me or you will not have a city," said Thomas quietly and calmly,
"I will ask you again, why where you mobilising and driving those who serve the Darkness out?" When the Emperor failed to answer, Thomas snapped his fingers and the throne room faded from view leaving a image of the city in ruins.
"This is what I will do if you do not tell me all that you know," The Emperor slumped,
"My lord, my orders come from very high up, I cannot tell you unless you out rank them," Thomas smiled again,
"I am, by your ranking system, a ninth rank lord of Light," the Emperor slumped more, if that was possible,
"Not high enough my lord," Thomas raised an eyebrow,
"Which? The tenth or the twelfth?"
"Both my Lord" Thomas's eyes opened wide in surprise,
"But that's impossible, they hate each other," Thomas furrowed his brows, "It seems that this is a far more complex matter than I had first realised, someone has been planning this for quiet sometime," Thomas turned once again to the Emperor,
"You will not, I repeat not send your troops again the Lord of Night's guild house in this city or I will be back to finish the job. Do you understand?"
"Yes Lord," replied the Emperor quietly. Thomas nodded and then swirled the cloak which materialised as he turned and opened a portal, he motioned for Chryn to follow him and stepped through the opening gates Chryn close behind. The portal closed behind them and a figure stepped from behind the Emperor's throne,
"Smash that guild house to the ground as soon as He has left the city," the Emperor nodded,
"Yes my Lord," the Emperor paused, "But how did he not detect your presence my Lord," the figure pulled his cloak tighter,
"He did, this conversation was meant to be a warning to both of us,"
Chryn looked at Thomas as they stepped out of the portal,
"Didn't you notice him?" Chryn asked with scorn,
"Of course I noticed him you fool," snapped Thomas "But there is something afoot here that goes beyond finding the Silver city or anything else on Dark Earth for that matter," Thomas paused, "Lets look at the facts shall we," Chryn nodded, "Right," Thomas began "First the Silver lady is kidnapped, second the Dragon Lord begins an invasion," Chryn started,
"I didn't know that," Thomas nodded,
"Why did you think I send DarkStar and the others to Dramanida portal, the Dragon Lord was making a push to get through," Thomas paused again, "We have the Dragon Lord, the Lord of Light and the White lady, but which one of them is running the show?" asked Chryn,
"I don't think any of them are, I think we are dealing with something far more powerful and much more evil than either of them," Chryn raised an eyebrow,
"You have an idea?" he asked, Thomas gave him a sly smile,
"Of course when do I not have an idea," Chryn rolled his eyes and then looked around. They were back in the Night Lord's citadel in Hath Morak. The room was, he guessed, underneath the main citadel as the high ceiling was carved out of the very rock and so were the walls and floor, two torches made a feeble attempt to light the cavern but they were more likely for the benefit of the two visitor standing in front of Jarexyia than the servants of the Night Lord who required no light. Chryn smiled to himself as he recognised the two figures, one was a short, fat, bald man in his late forties who seemed to have an obsession with wringing his hands which he did often, the second was a tall thin man with high cheek bones and a proud bearing, he stood with one hand behind his back in a relaxed fist and the other twiddling his long black moustache. They were both dressed in rich cloths, the short man in what appeared to be a long, single sheet of fabric which was tied about his waist with a silk cord, the other man wore what looked like hunting gear, high black boots and a tight waistcoat. The tall man turned as he heard Thomas and Chryn talking, his face split into a grin and he performed a sweeping bow,
"My lords," he said in a deep and rich voice. The fat man began to sweat and wiped his forehead with a cloth and then went back to wringing his hands. Thomas strolled over to them and clasped the tall mans hand and shook it,
"Long time no see, eh Draln," Thomas said with a smile, Draln returned the smile,
"Yea, not seen you two since the incident at Vermock," Thomas looked at him,
"Yes, when you got us into all that trouble," Draln put on an expression of mock horror and obviously false hurt,
"But my lord I was the one that got you out, if I hadn't been there what would you have done,"
"Not got into trouble in the first place," Thomas's face hardened, "But enough talk of the passed, we must consider the present and the future, while we still have one," Draln's face also hardened,
"We have heard rumours coming out of the South, something has sent the Valcorers North, hundreds of them, each seemingly with a separate mission," Chryn nodded,
"We ran into one before we lost Alaria," Thomas considered,
"It seems that someone has been planning this for a very long time, why don't we see if we can foul up their plans a little," he turned to Jarexyia, "They will attack this place as soon as we have left the city, I would advise that you evacuated as many people as you can before that," Jarexyia slumped,
"Can we not win?" she asked Thomas, Thomas shook his head,
"Not against all the legions of the Emperor. Your troops, as good as they are would be swept away by shear numbers," Thomas looked upwards and his eyes seemed to cloud over for a moment,
"We will leave for the Silver city tomorrow morning, as the sun rises, be ready daughter mine, the time has come, as the humans say; all bets are off, all other loyalties are secondary to this one,"
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As the first rays of golden sunlight fell on the great city Thomas, Chryn and Jarexyia met in the courtyard of the citadel. Three horses were stood waiting, saddled and ready to go.
"Now is the time to leave, is everything done?" asked Thomas, Jarexyia sighed,
"Yes there is nothing but a skeleton troop here now to maintain the illusion that we are still here, they understand that we are asking them to die," she looked at Thomas a sadness in her eyes,
"I have lived so long yet it never gets any easier," Thomas placed a hand on her shoulder,
"I have been sending my followers to their deaths since the beginning of the universe, it never does," Thomas sighed then turned and leapt astride the great black stallion next to him, he looked down at the others and waited for them to join him astride their own steeds. Jarexyia sighed and in one fluid motion put a foot in the stirrup and swung astride the horse. Chryn looked sadly at the faces of his family, shook his head and leapt astride the last horse. Thomas nodded and set his horse walking out of the gates of the citadel, the others, with sad expressions on their faces, followed. Out side of the citadel Thomas reared his horse and set off at a gallop, ahead in the distance a great black shape rose up agains the sky and sped off ahead of them,
"Thomas!" Chryn called out,
"I see it," Thomas shouted "It is Kronas, they are ahead of us, they must not reach the city first, they mustn't!" Thomas turned and looked at the other two, "Ride you fools, we must catch them" Thomas's horse began to run like a flash, in mere moments he was almost out of sigh,
"Come on!" Chryn roared to his sister and set his horse running after Thomas. With one final, sad, glance back at the citadel Jarexyia followed.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As the were riding away Thomas suddenly stopped, Chryn turned but he motioned for them to go on, when the we out of earshot he turned back to the city and cryed out in a lound voice
"I warned you!" then he threw his hand, palm up, towards the sky, a single flash of dark energy leapt from his hand into the sky and dark clouds began to gather over the city. It rained and lightning and wind battered the city. Jarexyia heard the storm and turned in her saddle to look,
"What is it?" she called over to Chryn, he cast a glance back and scowled,
"It is his storm of vengeance," came the reply, "They attacked the citadel, now he is making them pay for it, the city will be no more after today," Jarexyia looked shocked and then with a shake of her head turn back the way they were going. Moments later Thomas rejoined them.
"It is done," he called over the wind, "Now about those infront," Thomas raised a single finger and pointed at the sky, Chryn felt his power build as he brought the finger down quickly to his side and single bolt of lightning flashed near those they were pursuing. Chryn cast a confused glance at the Sorcerer. Thomas smiled,
"It is very simple Chryn," he called over "If the beast they are riding is what I think it is it will need to rest," he patted his steed "These fine beasts don't," his expression darkened, "I want them to know I'm coming so they will push that creature as hard as the can and hopefully push it to its death, then we will have them," he clenched his fist to emphasise the point. Chryn just hoped he was right.
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The pursuit continued into the afternoon without a break for anyone but as the sun began its decent behind them it gave a bright pulse causing the Sorcerer to swear. Chryn spun round,
"What?" he asked, Thomas put a finger to his lips and began to scan the area, suddenly he reined his steed in and motioned for the others to do the same.
"We have guests," he said simply, Chryn furrowed his brow and scanned the area looking for these 'guests', momentarily he found them, by the cloud of dust following them. Thomas turned his horse to meet the oncoming horde, barely a minute later they were facing a horde of, what was once, white clad, soldiers. A single horseman came forward, his armour shone with a light of its own, not quite dazzling but close, his steed was almost a horse save for the mane which burned with a white flame, the same snow like colour of the rest of the beast. The winged full-face helm of the knight before them turned to look at them,
"You cannot pass," was the simple remark he made. Thomas made his steed take a step forward,
"Stand aside oh knight of white, do not make me destroy you," the horseman remained immobile. Thomas scowled, and tilted his head towards Chryn,
"Kill him," was all he said, Chryn nodded and moved his steed forward, drawing one of his long Night blades as he came closer to the horseman.
The horseman danced his horse back a few steps and drew his own blade of gleaming silver. Chryn dug his heels into his steed and spurred forward at the knight, raising his blade high as he went. The knight copied and their blades clanged as they passed each other, rearing their steeds they came round for another pass, this time their steeds were moving slower and they stopped when they reached each other. Chryn's blade snaked out but the knight countered his own blade carrying Chryn's blade up high, with the knights blade underneath where it could come down on Chryn's head but before the knight could make a move Chryn's other hand shot out and the knight stopped and looked down at the dagger that had been driven straight through his armour and into his heart. The knight's mouth opened in surprise,
"You defeated me," he gasped in seeming surprise before he fell from his steed, immediately the white horde charged, seeking to tare Chryn from his steed and slay him. They never reaches him as Thomas's sorceries blasted into them and the ground before them, the charge faltered but those behind came on, crushing their fellows as they tried to reach Chryn. Thomas raised his hand and the earth spilt before the horde, those who could not stop fell screaming into the abyss. Those who could stop brought forth bows and drew back, sighting the Night Warrior as their target but even as they released they realised their error as their arrows became balls of fire which streaked back along their path burning away the archers. In moments half the horde had been decimated but Thomas did not stop there, his magic continued to rip through the horde as it fled. The number of dead was uncountable, a vast sea of dead, Thomas smiled slyly as he surveyed his handy work, he raised his hand and spoke a word, moments later the corpses began to rise up and follow the Sorcerer and his companions as they rode away, once more following the path of Kronas.

Book 2 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Dramanida portal

Chapter 1&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Arrival

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp DarkStar removed his horned helmet and laid it on the grass next to him. He smiled sadly,
"So it begins at last," he sighed and turned to Valros, "Sleep child of silver, you will need your strength for the journey ahead," Valros nodded and without a word climbed into his sleeping bag and was, within moments, asleep. DarkStar ran a hand through his long black hair, he pulled down the white lock at the front, which marked him as a Sorcerer not a mere wizard or mage but a Sorcerer, the most powerful magic users who lived, commanding the magic that came from within, a magic that was no longer born into those who lived on Dark Earth. He smiled to himself as he remembered when the white lock had appeared and his people had instantly marked him as for greatness, the though of his people saddened his as he though of them. Nearly a billion years ago they had been one of the two great races to walk Dark Earth, the ultimate masters of magic, constantly battling their enemies, the ultimate masters of science, then the Ancients had come, they sundered science from the world and reverted DarkStar's people to the savages that they now where. DarkStar had not been there when it happened, he was the first realm walker and as such had been doing just that, realm walking.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp DarkStar returned his attention to the moment and looked across to where the Green Wizard was sitting.
"Where did you go?" asked DarkStar quietly, the Green Wizard looked at him, a faint trace of fear in his eyes,
"Too, err, commune with the forest," he managed to stammer, DarkStar nodded,
"I see," he murmured and was silent. His thoughts now dwelling on his wife, the Dark Lady Jarexyia, he smiled to himself as he thought of her and cast out his will to seek her out. What he found frightened him to the bone, not fear for himself but fear for her, she was in danger, he spread his will out further, Veroths, he could feel their presence even at this great distance. Panic gripped him, then he felt a familiar presence close by, Thomas, he channelled his will towards the Sorcerer and screamed into his mind,
"Thomas, Jarexyia is in danger, hurry!" DarkStar felt Thomas's power as his defences appeared and he began to move. DarkStar recalled his will and relaxed, she was safe now, her father would not let anything happen to her. DarkStar spared a glance at the old man sat across the fire from him, the man smiled,
"She will be all right, you will see," DarkStar arched an eyebrow,
"And how do you know that?" he asked
"Know what?" the man asked, a picture of innocence. DarkStar shook his head and turned his will to the Dramanida portal. He felt the presence of many of Thomas's elite troops and something or things massive and terrible, dragons he surmised, even at this range the dragon fear could touch him, he shrugged it off, he had faced worse, and tried to get an estimate of numbers but something was clouding the inside of the portal and made it impossible to get accurate readings. He sighed and leaned back against the tree, this was going to be difficult.

Lady DeVille
Feb 4th, 2001, 04:06:24 PM
Ok, I read the first part. Its long! But good so far, I'll try and finish it later... ;)

Lord Dagger
Feb 5th, 2001, 09:47:15 AM
yeah, long it is :) but enjoy

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 5th, 2001, 11:42:27 PM
Wow... I'm not done with it all, but I like. God damn... That is long. :) I'll write you my own opnion of it all when I finnish.

Hart Kenobi
Feb 6th, 2001, 09:12:04 PM
Looking at totally random sentences here and there, it actually looks pretty good.

Lord Dagger
Feb 7th, 2001, 02:39:25 PM
thankyou ppl :)

Leeloo Mina
Mar 9th, 2001, 02:00:13 PM
I'm following Hart.. but looks pretty good. BTW, there are other things besides Star Wars??? WOW!! I never knew!! :)