View Full Version : Gav
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 17th, 2001, 04:31:50 AM
When are we going to start the Korriban RP? o_O
Sorry to bug you, I just want to know a relative date because I'm leaving on vacation in roughly a week... and I won't be back for 3 or 4 days.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 21st, 2001, 01:38:24 AM
Most interesting. I started a RP that will lead to the hidden world of Korriban almost a month ago and am still progressing it.
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2001, 06:20:32 AM
Hidden? It's not been hidden since the days of Gav and Jori Daragon. It's been one of TSO's planets for quite some time.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 21st, 2001, 08:49:31 AM
I don't intend to take the planet as a claim, though I wouldn't mind seeing how Gav found it. Have a link to the thread?
Gav Mortis
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:11:41 AM
When I first went to Korriban, I simply went. To my knowledge it was never hidden besides even if it was if there was one person who would know the location of Korriban it would be Gav. I'll get that thread regardless.
Darth Viscera
Jun 22nd, 2001, 06:28:29 PM
Gav: Golden Age of the Sith comics. Discovered by Gav and Jori Daragon, hyperspace mappers, 5,000 years ago pre-empire date.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 22nd, 2001, 11:17:25 PM
Okay, so comic history was used, though I would still like to see the thread.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:53:39 AM
Why would he need a thread though? It's a TSO owned planet, isn't it?
Seth Darkserpent
Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:21:39 PM
Yes, it is a TSO owned planet. BTW Gav, when ARE you going to post in the Korriban thread? :(
Gav Mortis
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:24:50 AM
Sorry, I was meant to get my glasses on Friday but they wont arrive until Monday, so Monday afternoon it will be posted. The reason being is there is no way I can write long-winded posts whilst using contacts, I get dreadful headaches! :(
Darth Viscera
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:04:55 AM
One time my dad accidently left his contacts on overnight. This was back when contacts were really, really hard and he forgot to take them out because he was drunk and sleeping with this one girl, and so he got up, called the doctor, who told him that he's a few minutes away from the worst pain he's ever experienced. So he got in his car and drove like 90 miles an hour to the hospital and halfway there the pain came because his eyes had been reshaped by the hard contacts and such. This was like back in 1971.
Gav Mortis
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:29:23 AM
Thats happened to me except luckily my lenses aren't hard thank goodness and I just had to keep a patch over my left eye for a while.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:46:28 PM
A mighty cheap and weak way for TSO to have acquired a hidden planet, but I have changed my RP plan so as not to bother with your supposed assets which have no board RP backing that I have seen.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:05:34 PM
I haven't been around long enough to know how that planet was aquired by TSO, but I never meant you couldn't RP on it or anything... :/ I was just implying that since TSO holds the planet, I don't see a reason why Gav wouldn't know about it, especially since he's a descendent of one of the first to ever discover it..
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:10:46 PM
And thats okay with me as well, but I would like to see support for such a thing actually RP'd out, but still haven't. =/
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:12:15 PM
The only people who would know where to find that is probably Gav, LV, or LW.
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2001, 01:19:03 AM
With all due respect Ogre, trying to find that thread is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, especially at SWFans as at that board, threads just magically disappear at an alarming rate.
In all honesty, I didn't like the attitude you fronted when you came to this thread and the one you are still fronting now. It seems almost as though you are talking down to TSO, which I don't like one bit. Please understand, I don't mean anything personal by that but I always feel it's best to completely honest.
The truth about the thread I'm loooking for, which I don't think I made clear enough earlier, is that it has nothing to do with obtaining Korriban, I simply roleplayed with Garrett Blade there. As far as owning Korriban goes, ask either Darth Roul and Dyzm as they supposedly obtained it from what I remember.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:26:28 PM
I’m sorry if it seemed I was talking down to TSO. I did not intend it as such. The tone is most likely due to having so many new groups popping up left and right at SWFans, making outrageous claims and the fact that its bugging me to some extent that they come in with all these assets while the rest of us worked hard to obtain ours, including TSO.
Thanks for attempting to locate a thread with any RP relevance to Korriban for me and yes, I understand about the problem with disappearing threads, tho I am doing my best to make it so that less gets arbitrarily deleted there. Having a second archive is helping.
Jun 27th, 2001, 10:54:48 AM
I see yourt point Ogre
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 28th, 2001, 01:41:15 AM
As before, I'm still not really familiar with everyone that's going on here. If I can manage to do it I'll ask around and see if I can find anything about Korriban.
Live Wire
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:51:01 AM
hmm off the top of my head I dont remember anything specific about korriban. I however went though every single RP page of swfans backing up to my hdd any major thread that contributed to the LW story (including some stuff from back in the day lol) so if it was something I was involved in I can look through my personal archives and see if I have something. You'd have to give me some place to start looking though I've got a lot of stuff.
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