View Full Version : Jeseth

Gav Mortis
Jul 13th, 2001, 04:08:16 PM
Sorry I haven't been able to get in touch over AIM however I was wondering if you'd be able to reply to the "Calling of the Disciples" any time soon. I really don't want to sound like I'm pushing you or anything, just a reminder in case you'd forgotten. No doubt you're in numerous other roleplays at the moment but I just thought it best to make a polite little reminder. Thanks.


Jeseth Cloak
Jul 13th, 2001, 09:49:19 PM
I'm sorry about taking so long Gav. I've been down in a writting rut lately and despise my writting, and I've been afraid to post to it because I'm afraid you'll not like my post... It's ridiculous I suppose, but I always considered you my role model (RPing-wise) and wouldn't want to disgust you while i'm going through this phase. I guess I'm lacking some kind of emotional motivation.... Oh well. Thanx for the reminder. Will reply tonight... =)