View Full Version : In Need of Information?
Vekaar Vekin
May 26th, 2001, 12:57:25 PM
<MAP NAME="Business">
<AREA HREF="" SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="106,50,265,70">
<AREA HREF="aim:GoIM?ScreenName=JediFerris" SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="31,93,243,110"></MAP>
<img src= USEMAP="#Business" ALT="Information can be bought and sold anywhere in the Galaxy. You just need to know where to look." USEMAP=Contact>
Jeseth Cloak
May 28th, 2001, 10:20:09 PM
;; Jeseth grabs Vekin, tossing him against a wall and digging his fingers into the informants throat. ;;
Goodday, Vekaar.
;; Cloak smiled calmly and pulled forth from his coat and unusually sharp and highly serated blade, holding it against his throat. ;;
Lets see... What might you know that would be of interest to me? I'm sure that your life is worth that much, isn't it?
Vekaar Vekin
May 29th, 2001, 11:52:22 AM
OOC: This was meant to be an advertisement...:\ oh well.
And my name is VEKIN.
"Sithspawn! I don't have time for this Jeseth. If you want information, you can let me go."
(Vekaar knew that Jeseth could sense his feelings. Luckily the Broker did not have deception in mind. He would get killed if he tried anything funny.)
"My life is worth a lot, and not you or anyone is taking it today. I might even give you the information for free if you take that thing and point it somewhere else."
Jeseth Cloak
May 29th, 2001, 12:23:22 PM
"I'll be blunt, my informant friend: I've heard some nasty rumors that you're handing out secrets about me that you shouldn't be."
Placing the man down, Jeseth signaled to five of the Storm Troopers which were stationed close by, waving his hand at Vekaar.
"Explain yourself, or I shall have you confined to a cell block and interrogate you myself."
Smiling a bit, Jeseth placed the knife back into his coat, watching as Vekaar regained his balance and composure.
Vekaar Vekin
May 29th, 2001, 12:40:25 PM
"You shouldn't believe everything you hear or see. I did give a limited amount of information about you to a certain Lance Casey though my intentions behind it were in your favor."
(Vekaar reached into his pocket slowly and took out a glitterstick. All the troops had their guns pointed at him, set to kill. He lit the glitterstick and puffed.)
"I told Lance you would kill him, but he doesn't care. I figured I'd get my money, and the Galaxy would have one less piece of bantha fodder. That way I could access all the credits in his account."
(Vekaar opened his trenchcoat and watched as a datapad fell to the floor. He picked it up and handed it to Jeseth.)
"That's all the info I gave him. Sure I had a little more information on you, but I refrained from telling him too much."
(The Datapad read:
<font size=1><font color=red>Full Name:
Jeseth Cloak
Place of Birth:
Ambriel II
Physical Characteristics:
10-meter wingspan.
Artificial left hand.
Crimson saber, Disorder, and a throwing dagger. Capable of using a force pike with exceptional skill.
Affiliations: The Sith Order/The --Encrypted--
Jeseth was born to the lady Adriana Cloak, sired by Benson Azalin. His father cut off all connections to Adriana out of disapproval towards her family s dealings wi--**ALL OTHER INFORMATION NEVER FINISHED DECRYPTING**
<font size=2><font color=white>Vekaar's face became blank.)
"I added in the fake decryption error message myself."
Jeseth Cloak
May 29th, 2001, 01:08:41 PM
Nodding, Jeseth motioned away the troopers.
"Return to your posts."
He tossed Vekar a chip and smiled.
"A considerable amount of credits in the meantime, in case anyone asks more about me, perhaps it'll be enough to compensate any financial loss... I'll dispence with Lance Casey soon enough. It's only a matter of time."
Vekaar Vekin
May 30th, 2001, 05:48:29 PM
(Vekaar got up off the ground and dusted his trenchcoat. He stared at the floor for a second, shaking his head in disgust.
Vekaar reached into his pocket and pulled out a glitterstick. He quickly lit it and put it in his mouth.)
"Another day's work..."
(The broker mumbled as he walked away. This place wasn't the best place to be in.)
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