View Full Version : *bounces*

Lady DeVille
Nov 27th, 2001, 01:36:14 AM
TSO IS BORING! DO something! *pokes it with a sharp stick*

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 30th, 2001, 11:22:28 AM
Ow... ;; Feels a sharp stick jab him in the eye as it just drops down on The Sith palace from the sky. ;;

Watch where you point that thing! >:

Nichos Marr
Dec 4th, 2001, 04:03:56 PM
No! You did it wrong!

*Grabs the stick and pushes it away.*

"Point that thing somewhere else."

Malice Draclau
Dec 7th, 2001, 01:23:25 AM
*The both of you did it wrong*

Grabs the stick and brakes it in two. Then throws it in a puddle of mud where it sinks a few feet.

*Now jut don't point anything this way and all will be well...in the bad sense of course*

Waves at LD.