View Full Version : Application to Join The Sith Order
Arcturus Minsk
Jul 26th, 2001, 07:13:17 PM
Greetings, I am interested in your organization, but have a few questions before joining.
First, I am in need of training, can you provide it, if so, is the Master involved well known?
Second, I know of your hatred of Itala (the hun?) and share it deeply, he is an overcontrolling, whiny, idiot, who couldn't tell a Krayt Dragon from a Bantha turd. He left TGC so noone could attack him while he expanded his "empire"
Third, Is your organization in need of spies? I make a hobby of keeping up with the news of many boards.
Fourth, what is your view of Neutral boards and organizations?
Fifth and final, I have a fairly large knowlage of Star Wars Characters, Locations, and Ships, and if I cannot answer a question on one of these topics I could find the answer in a matter of minutes.
Thank You for your time, hope to here from you soon
Sasha Marzullo
Jul 26th, 2001, 08:26:34 PM
You know, it may just be me, but the people who get rejected as members for TMC are always the people who squeal the loudest about how unfair Itala is...
Seems to me, if Itala was such a ignorant jerk, he wouldn't have the fastest growing SW board around, he wouldn't have so many people fighting to talk to him every time there was even a hint he was online, and frankly, with over 15 years exspiriance roleplaying, I personally considering him a damn good roleplayer. He is much better at seperating OOC arguments and IC arguments than just about anyone I know, except of course, when immature people just can't seem to grow up enough to let things go.
Anywho, good luck in your quest on finding somewhere to play.
Arcturus Minsk
Jul 26th, 2001, 08:35:27 PM
You see? Itala has his members out searching for somebody to try to humiliate. This must be stopped! Anybody so redundant as to have people out looking for people to contradict on simple matters of opinion can't have much of a governmental structure to his board. Obviously he has banned me from his board. Luckily for me I already have someone on the inside...........
Sith Ahnk
Jul 26th, 2001, 08:48:16 PM
Rally the retarded midgets!!! :lol:
Jedah Lynch
Jul 27th, 2001, 03:37:44 AM
Marzullos....idiots of the galaxy.
Actually if you knew Itala as well as most people here did then you would know better. Those here use to have him as leader until they got tired of his idiocy and stupidity.
The guy was so pathetic he has even been banned from SWfans on numerous occassions until people got so sick and tired of his childish behaviour we gave him the boot once and for all, since then the board has become a place where flames and insults have decreased vastly. And for good reason. Who would want to follow a leader who deletes boards. Rapes people in chats. Swears at everyone when the poor boy is not getting his way. And so much more. Its unreal.
Fastest growing SW group? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. How many of those are alt IDs? *LOL* Bet most of them will join and leave in the same fashion as many did in the past once they realize what a pathetic excuse for a human being he is. Only thing worse being rejected from TMC can see is being accepted into a breeding group of no talent hicks.
People fighting to talk to him? Can believe many fighting to scream or want to kick the fools ass.
And yes Itala is a paranoid fool and does get his people out there to protect him. But in time they turn on him and he goes off in a rant saying how everyones trying to screw him over again so he'll get his. He always does
Oh yeah in case you dont know Arcturus, this forum and the SW RP it is linked too has NOTHING to do with the RP SW universe in which the Marzullos and gungans are. And thats due to the fact we prefer quality over stupidity any day of the week, so anything that happens there doesnt affect here.
Jeseth Cloak
Jul 27th, 2001, 06:17:30 AM
Right on! :)
Arcturus Minsk
Jul 27th, 2001, 11:21:53 AM
Hahahaha, you Sith Order idiots will jump at the chance to get at Itala.
Personally I have nothing against the leader of the marzullos. I just thought I could exploit your hatred for him in the worst way possible, trickery.
Helen Marzullo
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:23:30 PM
Tsk tsk my dear such vulgar language.
Doubt Jeseth would have cared to be sweared at as such and know I dont as well.
That and it pretty much shows the type of person most Marzullos are so if you want to try and project an image might be a good idea to try and not be the unintelligent kind.
Consider this a warning such language isnt permitted. Know you might be a talkcity flunkie but we like to at least try and act as civil as possible around here.
Jedah Lynch
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:33:23 PM
Jump at the opportunity?
Nah, he screws himself over good enough, if some wanted to get Itala bet they would deal more with him in a better way if not RP it out to get him in the SW RP he is at. But no one doesnt because he isnt worth the time. But doesnt mean we cant say what a loser he is.
I just thought I could exploit your hatred for him in the worst way possible, trickery.
You didnt exploit anything. Its what I say about the guy all the time and as for trickery, if you call that a trick you need to go back to school and start learning the basics again. If you check out many post where Itala is brought up you shall see such opinons about him all the time.
Sith Ahnk
Jul 27th, 2001, 02:23:25 PM
Edited for content.
Keep your sexual behaviour to your own board.
This is a warning.
Gav Mortis
Jul 28th, 2001, 03:30:28 PM
How does that name seem to leech its way back into unwanted territory. It's not the character I have a problem with obviously, it's Julian I have a problem with. I swear to God if it were up to me I'd have the inbreds cast out to mine spice in the farthest reaches of the Galaxy however I fear that will be too much for them to comprehend.
Just my little dig at the Marzullo name. The End.
Garrett Blade
Jul 28th, 2001, 06:05:08 PM
They were the ones in Deliverence!!!
Gav Mortis
Jul 29th, 2001, 04:24:07 AM
Don't offend the hilbillies, Garrett!
Dyyz Natal
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:00:32 PM
I think calling them inbread is an insult to inbread people
Live Wire
Jul 29th, 2001, 07:27:37 PM
perhaps we should close this thread? I dont think anyone here wants to waste time arguing with an idiot.
Lady Vader
Jul 29th, 2001, 08:12:26 PM
I'll be the first to agree with that, and the one to do the deed.
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