View Full Version : SW:IO The Sith Order

Jedah Lynch
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:14:01 PM
Started nearly over two years the Star Wars Inside Out thread have been a comical satire of the events that go on in TSE or on occassion what happens at other groups. To read all one has to do is place their cursor over the pictures and read the text that pops up, should the text vanish then replace san cursor over the picture.

Reading discretion is advised.

During the sunny morning hours of the day at The Sith Orders home planet shouts and screams are heard in one locked room.

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Lady Vader:Thats it! Right there! Right Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee e. YES!!!!!!!!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Live Wire:If you think thats good, see how this feels.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Mmmmm Nice....your very good good with your hands but I'm better.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="As if! Its all in the wrist.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="And how fast your able to move where it counts. *grins*">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="If you think you can take me then do your worse.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Wait until I sink my claws in you!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="*panting* Only if you want them plucked!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="*panting* It'll have to wait.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Oh yes we got that meeting with Vis.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Enough of this then, playing pong for three hours can be the work out. Too bad we ran out of time, you did say you had a good trick to do with a pong ball">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Its nothing special. Lets go.">

Five minutes later

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="Gav: About time you two got out of that room, what is this little get together all about?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Vis mumble something about setting new standards in solider warefare.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="Dyzm:I heard he made all the cyber wookies into full fledge twenty foot Janet Rino's.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT="Jehova:So you mean they are less hairy?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="Where it counts I would assume.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Seth:Only if you got a weed wacker.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="Wasskhaa ffasskkt krrrisisth">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="He said the Jedi would swim in the pudding of Jawas and speak fresh shoes.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="That is not what he said.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="I said When is Vis suppose to get this under way? Dont you realize how hard it is to speak in this thing?!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="So why wear it? Was your face burned by acid?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Were you born a hideous freak of nature?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT="You mean he's a cyclops?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT=";_; What?!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="I bet he has two nostrils">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="NO!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Did you get your head caught in a light fixture and terribly burned?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="Dont be stupid">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT="I know I know, you were in a huge battle with a Jedi and thus had to wear that suit to live!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="Now that is the....... ">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="....stupidest thing I've heard.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Guys calm down and give him a break, he just has a bad acme problem at the present time is all.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Vader....">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="..has a....">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT=" .....zit problem?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Bwhahahhaahahahaha">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="ahhahahahhahahhahha">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT="hahahahahhaahhah">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Guys enough about that.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="Okay.....okay.....">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT="Sooooooooo.....Vader....why you wear that cup?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Hold it cowboy, we dont need you to kill off everyone yet.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Did she say.....yet?;_;">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="Vis:Welcome ladies and gentlemen!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="It is about time you got here Vis">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="I got held up with.....making finally preparations....heh">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="So spit it out Vis, what is this grand plan you got?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="Ah yes, today my fellow EV-IL partners in crime is the beginning of a new era.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="We get free Ewok burgers with every five Jedis we kill?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="No, we have new soliders ten times the effective as storm troopers. Five times effective as wookies. Thanks to the miracle of cloning I give you our new troops!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/Waitress.jpg ALT="Tee Hee!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Oh God.....">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="Me like....*drools*">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="The commander of this new all women group I call......Major Guns!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="skrish rskstksh tkskskrsk kakladjksrttttt">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="What he say?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="You do not want to know.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Do you really expect these new troops to be able to take down our foes?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="Sure, Major Guns do your thing!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/boobs.gif ALT="Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Oh God......">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="Funny enough I now know why he was late.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Vis you need to go back to the drawing board.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="But what about the clones?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOJehova2.jpg ALT="Who cares about clones? What is this?! Attack of the clones?!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOsethpp.jpg ALT="That is the stupidest title I ever heard.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLVpic.jpg ALT="Vis bring back the cyber wookies....~_~">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOdiktatVis.jpg ALT="Don't worry girls I'll be your admiral anytime!">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/Waitress.jpg ALT="Tee hee">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSODyzm.gif ALT="So Vader....we know about the acme problem. But why DO you wear the cup then?">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOvaderpic.jpg ALT="KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOLW.jpg ALT="Run for your lives guys.">

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOgavsig1.jpg ALT="meep">

This episode of Star Wars: Inside Out sponsored by

<img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/TSOVIscobsession.jpg ALT="It's over stupid">

Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:52:22 PM
I SHALL SUE YOU FOR USING MY IMAGE.... Wait... I stole from 8-Bit Theater, who in turn stole from Squaresoft... never mind.

well anywho, it was funny, not split my side funny, but funny. Just my charachter was a little to "wise" I'm smart, but insane, not wise.

Live Wire
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:29:58 PM

That was a good one lynch.

Lady Vader
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:42:21 PM

OMG! :lol: :lol: :lol: That was quite good! Too funny! Thank you Lynch, I needed that. You really had me going there at the beginning... I was like wtf is he having me and LW doing?! Ping pong indeed! :lol: And Darth Vader with acne?? LMAO! :lol:

I can't wait for the next chapter! :)

Mar 28th, 2002, 08:35:05 PM
*is DV*

mmm...ping pong *drools*

Lady Vader
Mar 29th, 2002, 12:24:02 PM

Only you Visc... well, no... probably every other male here too. :lol: ;)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 29th, 2002, 09:21:37 PM
Unlike DV, I am not that crude... well maybe I am, but only on certain days though... well, maybe all the time. but hey, its me.

Lady Vader
Apr 1st, 2002, 02:56:31 PM
*Cuddles Mini Mage.*

Too cute! :)

Jehova Eaven
Apr 2nd, 2002, 04:40:03 PM
I can't see any text......

Lady Vader
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:38:04 PM
Did you place the curser over the pictures? the text should pop up in a lil bubble.

Jehova Eaven
Apr 3rd, 2002, 08:13:19 PM
hmm..... I don't know... it wasn't very funny to me.... I guess I have to get drunk first.