View Full Version : Customer Shipyards

Daegal Murdoch
Dec 15th, 2001, 09:15:05 AM
I would like to place an order for the customer shipyards, if possible. I would like one Liquidator Class Cruiser (http://www.eccentrix.com/gaming/sithempire/Military/Fleet/Liquidator.html). I would also like it completely outfitted with the following, if possible.

24 TIE Series Advanced
4 Skipray Blastboats
4 Valor Battle Submarines
4 Light Transports.

Thank you in advance.

Daegal Murdoch
Dec 18th, 2001, 05:01:41 PM
OOC: Order should have taken 3 days.

IC: Daegal walks in, surveying the expert crafting of his new vessels. Excellent! 750,000 credits has been transferred to the TSO Shipyard account. I am assuming that this is a more than agreeable price. I shall take my leave now, with my ships."