View Full Version : Paataah Class Bulk Cruiser
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 25th, 2002, 02:42:11 PM
Paataah or Party Class Bluk Cruiser
200 meters of a fast, loud, and awesome Party "Barge"
Just felt this place needed a post.
Lady Vader
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:35:12 AM
That was great, Dyzm. Maybe we should build a party barge. A roaming casino of sorts where anyone can come and have fun. Something like a bar, but with more features: dining, shopping, gambling, drinking, and rooms to stay in. A roaming casino and hotel! And we would take the patrons to various scenic spots in the galaxy, showing them wonderous blackhole clusters and nebulas and whatever! We could even make stops at planets for "shor leave", like cruise ships do.
Oh! This is cool! What do ppl think? :)
*While they ponder, she pockets Mini Mage.*
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 26th, 2002, 04:05:12 PM
Why stop there? Why not make it a weapon of mass destruction in disguise? Able to slip in and attack. Will only work once though, LOL!!! Thinking that DV would open up a Brothel on it. He would insist. Even if I aint sure bout that.
**Steals back Mini-Mage**
Lady Vader
Apr 29th, 2002, 11:23:01 AM
Hmmm... that's a possibility also, though it'd be a great income for the Order. Gotta keep that "Scrooge McDuck" vault full.
I still wanna know what ppl think! Get em in here! Hit them over the head with cheesy puffs! Or leave a trail for them to follow! Anything!! :lol:
*Re-pockets Mini Mage.*
Malice Draclau
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:15:59 PM
Eats the trail of cheesy puffs. Looks up and sees LV and Dyzm.
Yeah i like the idea too. Ohhhh and just to my knowledge, what is the requirements in this galaxy in order to take over a planet. Cause i was thinking of doing a planet takeover thread for the order. Ofcourse if someone challenges me then i would need help for fleet battles. As i know little to none about fleet fighting.
But yeah. And once i know i would like permission to start building me a fleet to attack with. Just tell me which shipyards are open for use.
Lady Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:34:22 PM
Ok, but don't get too cocky. We're still in the process of attempting to take a planet right now (as soon as I can wake Lord Vader up).
Sith master Palpatine
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:49:43 PM
LOL ok gotcha leader lady.
Darth Viscera
May 4th, 2002, 07:12:10 AM
I believe that building a new attack fleet is now a no-no. It falls under "bean counting". If you want to do military RPs, have someone give you a Sith rank of admiral or whatnot, then RP with the Sith fleet in a non-bean counting fashion.
Dark Lord Dyzm
May 4th, 2002, 06:14:27 PM
lets build a Super DUPER Star Destroyer!!!
Or Or Or A GiANT GUITAR IN SPACE!!! And To Play it, you must use a Star Destroyer as the pick!
Malice Draclau
May 5th, 2002, 01:52:40 PM
Ok now what do you mean by " bean-counting". And i say the more ships the better.
Lady Vader
May 6th, 2002, 11:16:16 AM
I'm not interested in upping the number of ships we have at the moment. We're good as it is, AND we have that big ass ship (forgot what it's called.)
What I'm interested in is what I stated above. A sort of gambling/casino/resort/Lando-style barge or mega yatch or cruise ship. Make TSO even richer. :lol:
Dark Lord Dyzm
May 6th, 2002, 01:33:46 PM
The Social Elite of the Sith eh? If so, DV has to stop acting like he is from the slums. I can see us doing that. The great gambling ship "<insert name here>"
Malice Draclau
May 6th, 2002, 10:24:38 PM
Ok then forget my idea of a planet takeover. Let's build this big moving credit maker of a thing. We could takeover the gambling ring from all the crime bosses in the Galaxy. I'm sure they wouldn't put up a fight.....not against TSO.
Lady Vader
May 8th, 2002, 02:26:09 PM
Oh, excellent idea, you nasty demon you. Monopolize the gambling ring, even from the Hutts! I love it!
Dark Lord Dyzm
May 9th, 2002, 06:55:10 PM
Ah! I got a perfect Ship!
The Casino Gambling Vessel, the (Insert Name HERE) (
Lady Vader
May 10th, 2002, 09:47:08 AM
OMG! Dyzm! that's great!! I love it!!
How long would that monster take to build? And we should get on it right away!!
And just for giving us such a wonderful ship, I won't pocket your Mini Mage today (unless he wants to reside in my pocket ;) ) :lol:
Malice Draclau
May 10th, 2002, 05:03:03 PM
WOW!!!!!! That's no ship.....that's a piece of a planet. It's like a juggernaut.......or maybe a mammoth. Hmmmm i wonder what it's name will be.
With a ship like that, the hutts wont know what hit'em.
Dark Lord Dyzm
May 10th, 2002, 05:33:30 PM
With so much money hanging around in one spot, Pirates are sure to try to hit us. SO we need massive defensive weapons... And Slip in a few super powered attack weapons while we are at it? Lets say the ship is bout half the size as a Super Star Destroyer, it looks that way to me anyway. People can go to that "Space Park" In the middle and watch thousands of torpedo tubes fire off Fireworks. Resort, Casino Ship. There are 3 Levels. Upper Class. (Very High Stake Games) Middle Class. Just ya average joe.
And Lower Class. We will allow people to sell drugs here among other things. We keep all gambling sections seperate from the important part of the ship. Only way to get to the actual ship is by taking a highly guarded hallway. All dealers and such will live in the middle class section. The lowest class will also be a smugglers, drug dealers paradise. We will cruise the major space lanes.
Malice Draclau
May 10th, 2002, 05:49:48 PM
Hey Dyzm, you got Council room access.....or better yet are you a council member. Cause if so then get on in there.....i got a thread that needs attention. And a very important one at that.
Dark Lord Dyzm
May 12th, 2002, 01:05:41 AM
**Tries to break down the door to the Council Room**
Hmmm, Nope, Sorry, Still Locked out.
Dark Lord Dyzm
May 16th, 2002, 11:22:18 PM
Yes... Lets say we begain construction on this behemoth!
Build time: Unknown, Until I say its done
Wait Time: Go have a Party to pass the time.
Lady Vader
May 23rd, 2002, 03:57:00 PM
Oh! Oh! Don't forget the resort spa and amusment park!! Hell, if it's gonna be that big, might as well go for the gold! :lol
Almost forgot... *Pocket's Mini Mage.* :D
Xanatos Etanial
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:23:46 PM
Please build this! I want to party!
Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:30:37 PM
ooooh! Um, if ya need bodyguards I have a bounty hunter name lying about and she'd be willing to work on that huge @$$ ship of yours for room and board of course. ;)
Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2002, 02:51:12 PM
Hmmm... we could use a chief of security. Would that be good with ya? :)
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:44:28 PM
Chief of security?
*whistles* I dunno, that's a big job......I can always try...
Lady Vader
Jul 9th, 2002, 05:36:12 PM
Aki... you're hired... and you get big fat paychecks. Now vamush your behind to the ship. We've got a maiden voyage ahead of us! :D
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