View Full Version : A white cloaked figure disembarks from a shuttle

Lady Alaria
Mar 14th, 2001, 02:05:36 PM
The cowl of the woman's hood hides her face from view as she steps out on the duracrete. The cloak is thin, clinging to her petite body in the slight breeze as she speaks to the military escort at her side. Her words are flung from her mouth by the breeze, lost to the ears of the one there to greet her.

The hood is pushed back by the wind as it intensifies, revealing a small face framed by long blonde hair. She is not gorgeous, but certainly pretty, as she walks towards the figure waiting for her. The escort turns and walks back into the shuttle, and the whine of the engines fill the air as it readies to leave.

The woman holds out her hands, taking those offered to her by the darker robed figure. The top of her head barely reaches his shoulder. "M'Lord Dagger, I have come."

Lord Dagger
Mar 14th, 2001, 02:17:22 PM
:: Dagger smiles warmly at his fiance and kisses her hand ::
"Welcome my love"
:: He turns to the others ::
"My friends i ould like to introdue you to my fiance, the Lady Alaria"

Jeseth Cloak
Mar 14th, 2001, 11:46:59 PM
A smooth and monotone voice comes back to them both.

"Gooday, my Lady. A pleasure to meet you..."

Jeseth bows.

Lady Alaria
Mar 15th, 2001, 12:07:17 AM
She ignores the speaker for the moment, pulling Dagger to her with strength that belied her size. Alaria wraps her hands around his neck, pulling his head down for a passionate kiss. The on-lookers were slightly surprised, never having seen Dagger display emotion like this before.

As she pulls back, Alaria looks at the dark cloaked figure that had greeted her. "A pleasure to meet you as well, whoever you may be." Her voice was light and musical, adding to her beauty.

The wind whipped her hair in her eyes, and she took Dagger's arm as she swept it back into the hood of her cloak.

Lady DeVille
Mar 15th, 2001, 12:27:27 AM
De'Ville stepped up, smiling a little to herself at the display Alaria was putting on with Dagger. Marking her territory... The smaller woman smiled as she recognized De'Ville.

"That's Jeseth Cloak. He's usually not so forgetful about his name. And I, as you know, am De'Ville. Welcome."

Live Wire
Mar 15th, 2001, 01:49:21 AM
*LW walks up in time to hear Dagger introduce the woman. LW smiled at the pair. She'd never seen him so happy*


Lord Dagger
Mar 15th, 2001, 02:10:21 PM
:: Dagger smiles happily, the happiest he has been in a long time as he moves with Alaria through the assembled Sith with his fiance, smiling and introducing them to each other ::

Lady Alaria
Mar 16th, 2001, 06:01:47 PM
Alaria hangs on his arm, and smiles sweetly at the new faces. Some she had met before, and all she had heard Dagger mention before. She touches Dagger's arm lightly, and they stopped in front of Live Wire. Alaria smiles at the Sith Lordess.

"I am pleased to finally meet you, Lordess Live Wire. Dagger takes his position as your bodyguard very seriously. I hate to steal him away, but I'm sure you understand if he spends some time with me." The look on her face is pure, but for a moment Live Wire almost sees a completely different side of Alaria. One that would rip apart anything that came between her and her lover.

But as quickly as it had flashed upon her face, the look was gone, and Alaria was still smiling.

Lord Dagger
Mar 17th, 2001, 12:31:58 AM
:: Dagger looks down at his lover and touches her mind with the Force ::
"Be gentle my dear, it is not good to anger one such as Live Wire"
:: Dagger then turned back and smiled at Live Wire, bowing he led Alaria away and into the palace before and violence developes between her and his friends ::

Lady Alaria
Mar 20th, 2001, 02:21:36 AM
She walked lightly alongside Dagger, her toes barely seeming to touch the ground as they entered the Palace.

Live Wire
Mar 20th, 2001, 11:16:49 PM
*LW watched Dagger and his lady walk away. The expression on LW's face never changed. She turns to DeVille*

So what do you make of her?

Lady DeVille
Mar 24th, 2001, 07:15:04 PM
De'Ville shrugged. "I don't know what to make of her. She doesn't seem to hold to either the Light side or the Dark side of the Force. I've met her only one other time, at Dagger's homeworld. She is pleasant, and Dagger adores her. Which is good enough for me." She scratched her neck. "She is trained in the Dark arts, but for loyalties, I think she is loyal to Dagger alone."