View Full Version : Darth Ultor

Darth Ultor
May 23rd, 2001, 07:59:08 AM
* The wind whips the dark-cloaked being standing upon the high Corellian balcony. Silence for the moment, as the wind picks up only to die once more. Slowly, the being turns, showing nothing beneath the cloak but darkness..

The being raises a gloved hand, to reveal a small holocron. Flicking it on, scrolls of ancient text fly down the display, in a cavalcade of information... *

"I am Intidal Enfordor. I was once a warrior of the Light, but I have been shown the path..." * he says, lifting the cube minutely *, "... and seek entrance into your Order. My ambition is strong, and my anger deep... accept me..." Intidal says slowly, his voice pouring from his mouth like a poisoned stream...

* The being replaces the holocron back into its pouch at his side, temporarily revealing a lightsabre, reminiscent of his Light days upon his left hip... *

"I await your response"

Darth Ultor/Intidal Enforder

[OOC:] I'm looking for entrance into the Sith Order. I'm new to this sort of RPG (I'm a MUSH'er primarily), and don't know if I requested right. Anyway, I await your judgemnet. :)

*Note: Now I realise I posted this in the wrong board. Heh. My apologies. :) *

Darth Roul
May 23rd, 2001, 01:06:27 PM
My name is Sith Master Darth Roul. you may just call me Roul for short. Welcome to our Order.

Darth Ultor
May 24th, 2001, 06:47:26 AM
Thank you for your greeting Master Roul..

[OOC: Hmm. Am I -actually- a member? ;)

Dyyz Natal
May 24th, 2001, 12:00:32 PM
not at the moment you will need to be greeted by a council member