View Full Version : once sith, once death, once reborn.

Khendon S
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:42:52 PM
Khendon walks in, his dark tattered foligen robes rapped around his body, slowly moving due to a slight wind that had formed upon his entrance. As Khendon walked forward, a mist, the color of dull copper ingots, floated into the room, slowly, with the speed of a death procession, it moved on, past the tall, dark figure, and it advanced, onward, trying to assimilate the room, to fill it with its presence.

Khendon’s robe was sleeveless; its owner had previously torn them off in an attempt to allow proper combat movements and show his lightly tattooed arms. Among the myriad of tattoos that called Khendon’s arms home were a GMA military insignia of the navy type. Khendon had inflicted upon himself all of the other assorted tattoos, most in languages he couldn’t even comprehend, let alone properly form the marks.

Khendon had been trying to train himself in the dark arts, the magical force that filled all, and enveloped the black at heart, when he had stumbled upon an ancient Sith library. The dead souls of countless Sith had touched him, and he was aware of this. Each tattoo was a mark of each spiritual instructor he had, each was in a different variation of the most ancient Sith languages, and each glowed with a dim, eerie, red presence, which increased as Khendon moved deeper into the confines of the building.

Khendon spoke in slow, articulated basic, “I am here to be one, one with the creature that holds us all, one with the captor that controls my soul. The demon, the angel, the slayer of youth, the lover of sin… the Force, the Sith. The darkest souls of the abyss…” Khendon let the end trail off. Khendon allowed his hood to fall ever so little that it was bunched up in the back, looking as if Khendon’s head had been swallowed up by a creature but now was being regurgitated.

Khendon S
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:44:16 PM
(OCC: I was a warrior in TSE, I didn’t enjoy their… leadership and its manipulation. I hope that this endeavor to train under the watchful eyes of TSO will prove more fruitful, and that I may learn more then I ever have hoped to.)

Jedah Lynch
Jun 29th, 2001, 05:30:43 PM
"Now this is someone I do so know."

Yes indeed the Sith Master did know this one, he had been one in his own group who left with others in a personal stake for glory. Since that time the Sith had not seen this one only heard rumors. Now it seemed that the former TSE member who had come here met with one of those he disliked who was a TSO council member also. There was a word for it.


"I had wondered when one of you would show up, so why is it TSO that you wish to join?"

OOC: One mans truth could be another mans lies. But whatever the case if you wish could get someone else to talk with you here.

Khendon S
Jun 29th, 2001, 05:43:54 PM
Khendon could feel his stomach churn and adrenalin start to rush. Again, Khendon spoke in controlled, articulated basic, “As I have previously stated; I have come to learn, to expand my views of the force, and my skills. To be part, to take part, to aid. To be among the many, the elite, the few, the seekers of all I wish to know, the aids of the devil, you.” Khendon clouded his own mind with thoughts of chaos, trying to prevent anyone in the room from perusing his brain’s thoughts, to bring down any defense, and allow them access willingly would show weakness, this would be a fault, and faults were defects, defects were not needed in perfection,-which no one could be but self perfection, but in that, Khendon had spent to long a time pondering- and would not survive in chaos.

Khendon forced himself to be calm, to relax, and stair the opposing tongue in the eye, but still keep a slight field of protection.

(OOC: I have no problem talking to you.)

Khendon S
Jun 29th, 2001, 05:48:03 PM
(OOC: actually, just thinking about it, if I must choose someone to train me, which i do not know if I am given the right to, I would choose you.)

Garrett Blade
Jun 29th, 2001, 11:42:47 PM
PLEASE!!! Let me hurt...TRAIN him! PLEASE!!!

Khendon S
Jun 30th, 2001, 07:43:58 AM
(OOC: not him, i'd have to kill him!)

Garrett Blade
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:55:07 PM
Hmm...yeah sure. Thats the kinda talk that'll get you accepted. Well done!

On a side note...

If you didn't have to kill me, then there'd be no point in me training you would there?

Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2001, 02:52:28 PM
Oh be quiet Mister Crazy man! K7 will have you wearing a toe-tag in no time at Coruscant anyhow!

Garrett Blade
Jun 30th, 2001, 03:45:16 PM
Quite impossible.

Khendon S
Jul 1st, 2001, 10:01:28 AM
"Toe-tag? There won't be any remains..." a wicked grin crossed Khendon's face.

Darth Viscera
Jul 1st, 2001, 05:36:14 PM

The one man in the galaxy with 300 ships, 130 million troops, a billion credits' worth of space stations and cloaked mines and sensors and planetary shield grids all connected to a hair trigger :)

That's why I trust him with Coruscant.

Khendon S
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:08:11 PM
Khendon starts to tap his toe against the marble floor impatiently. “Any clue to when I can start training? I’m quit eager.”

Gav Mortis
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:31:52 PM
"Not only are you quite eager," came a voice from behind.

Gav's voice reverberated gently from the walls of a hall which adjoined the chamber in which Kendon waited, the facility was filled with a subtle candlelight which produced flickering shadows as he walked up to the man who was impatiently tapping his foot.

"You are also quick to assume you will be trained here. I feel it neccessary for you to undergo a trial to prove your loyalty to this Order of Sith. This will perhaps give you the opportunity to redeem yourself of the reputation you have aquired since your days with the Empire."

Khendon S
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:41:42 PM
Khendon repeats Gav’s words slowly and unusually, “…since your days with the Empire.” Khendon gives a slight nod, “I’m all for a trial, test, whatever you wish to call your means of proving my worthiness. But, as for this reputation, what reputation do you speak of?” Khendon smiled slightly, intrigued by Gav’s unusual statement.

Gav Mortis
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:52:26 PM
"The reputation you had amongst Sith in the Empire, word of which had arrived here not long before your arrival."

Khendon S
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:56:20 PM
Khendon gave a slight nod, understanding this. “My… how should I say, sudden departure and cutting of all ties, yes, this I remember. But, I am ready to start anew, in a different place, with, for the most part, different people. I hope I may be given this chance, though my past may be tainted in some… unfavorable, to say the least, ways.” Khendon walked up to Gav, extending his hand.

Gav Mortis
Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:07:33 PM
Gav digests Khandons words with intrigue not expressed in his face however when a hand is extended to him his gaze becomes cold as he looks at the extended hand. His eyes narrow as he looks back into Khendons eyes.

"Never expect anything from me. If you were wise you should draw your hand back unless you wish to lose it."

Khendon S
Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:13:36 PM
Khendon looked somewhat surprised and raised an eyebrow, taking back his hand slowly. He could have done several things, but he didn’t wish to cause any friction between him and any TSO members, Khendon smiled slightly. “If you should ever need anything from me, do not fret to ask…” Khendon let the words slip away from himself and hardened his face, “so, about this task?”

Gav Mortis
Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:18:20 PM
Gav was appreciative of Khendons withdrawal, he had a degree of control about him, something which is becoming a rarity amongst young, eager individuals wanting to be Sith.

"Your trial will be announced shortly, now is the time for patience. Follow me."

Gav turned and began walking where he would eventually arrive in the Discussion Chamber with Khendon.

Khendon S
Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:45:10 PM
Khendon followed, hands behind his back, his Sith tattoos still emitting a low glow due to the amount of dark forces playing in the air. As Khendon approached the chamber he was about to enter, he felt slightly ill. He could sense other individuals who were strong in the force ahead, and knew they would be strong enough to probe his mind for anything they desired. Khendon rubbed his right arm instinctively, subconsciously trying to rub his markings off, or maybe stop them from glowing. Still, Khendon followed Gav into the room, determined as ever.

(OOC: sup, it's been a couple days, just making sure you haven't forgotten about me.)