View Full Version : A figure....
Makoto Neo
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:24:40 PM
A figure in a black duster style trenchcoat walks up toward the twin doors of The Sith Order. Violet color hair tucked neatly over his foxish ears, twin 'blaster' weapons and a saber on his sides
A rouge leaf flys by his face, suddenly stopping in mid air and crumbling to dust.
"Who do I talk to about joining" He spoke, ruby eyes scanning the doors
[edit=Screw up on HTML, My appologys]
Makoto Neo
Sep 12th, 2001, 12:47:12 PM
Makoto waits for over a hour it seems, no russel of the wind or sound of nature phasing him
"Vacant? Nay, I shall wait a bit longer..."
Malice Draclau
Sep 13th, 2001, 06:41:16 PM
Suddenly the silence is broken as the two doors start to creek open. The wind picks up and blows dead leaves around, through the doors a man walks out. Also waearing a trenchcoat, his waist length white hair flows about in the wind.
*Greetings friend. Do come in*
Malice then turned and led the stranger inside the palace.
*The names Malice. And i take it you are wishing to join TSO*
Malice turned to face the man and waited for his answer.
Makoto Neo
Sep 16th, 2001, 03:51:45 PM
Makoto follows the fiqure through the doors, surprised at his telepathic ability
"Yes, I do wish to join The Sith Order, by the way, Call me Makoto" he said, placing his left hand in the pocket of his overcoat.
Jodah Of Giva
Sep 17th, 2001, 05:49:06 PM
Another figure steps through the doors. A vortex of wind from behind him settles old pieces of trash and scattered small debris to the ground gently. A heavy black robe shrouds the figure. He raises his hands and pulls back his hood, revealing the young, gaunt and almost childish face of the uninvited intruder. In shifting his cloak, though, the mild light in the place glistens furiously from two short, slender cylinders on his belt, one on each side. The sabers are strange in the fact that their back tips have a large crystal pommel, carved into a careful semicircle and veined with rays of yellow and red wiring. The man looks from Makoto to Malice, and his somber face lightens in mood ever so slightly. He speaks in both voice and mind at the same time, creating a hollow and pale echoing effect to the voice
*I am Jodah, lord of the Keep of Giva. I too wish to join, and wish to partake in the trials along with my weathered compatriot. Please pardon my lateness and obvious impudence, I am usually punctual. I was held up by.. certain matters of which I would rather not discuss. My plea submitted, I await your answer .*
Makoto Neo
Sep 17th, 2001, 05:51:47 PM
Makoto cuts a glance over at Jodah, noding solemly to his long time friend.
Malice Draclau
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:53:00 AM
Malice turned his glance to Jodah, and with a grunt a wind picked up blowing the trash and debris out of the palace also shutting the doors as the wind died down.
*So i see you are in touch with the force. Now i want the both of you to answer these questions i have before joining*
OOC: Just answer three questions.
What other groups is this character with, or what other characters do you have.
Will the affiliations of the groups with your other characters if any interfere with you joining TSO.
What is the rank of your character and how much training will you need.
Makoto Neo
Sep 18th, 2001, 11:25:37 AM
What other groups is this character with, or what other characters do you have.
None other groups,
Will the affiliations of the groups with your other characters if any interfere with you joining TSO.
What is the rank of your character and how much training will you need.
Advrage. I requre alot of challenge for this character. :)
Jodah Of Giva
Sep 18th, 2001, 02:48:32 PM
Jodah looks at Malice, and nods slightly.He speaks only in mind to Malice, leaving Makoto out of the response.
* As for the first. I am affiliated with no groups, and have no other characters. The second, joining the order will have no effect, as there is nothing to affect. The last, my rank can only be judged by the standards you hold for recruits. I am experienced in the technology of the Sith, as well as the ways of force. If what you wish is my level of required training, then judge me yourself. Professionalism forbids me from naming myself beyond myself. *
Malice Draclau
Sep 19th, 2001, 08:47:03 AM
Malice nodded at the two men after hearing there answers. Turning he motioned for the two to follow him. Leading them through another set of doors he then procceeded to take them down a series fo hallways and up a series of stairs.
Stopping just infront of another door.
*Beyond this door are the rooms of the palace. This is where the other members are staying as well. You may choose any room on any floor that is to your liking*
Malice then walked closer to the two men and spoke in a whisper.
*Welcome to the order Brothers*
He backed up and spoke in a higher tone again.
*When you have settled in, you shall head towards the training grounds, we passed it back down that way. There you shall wait for a master or knight to take you on as there deciple*
Without saying another word Malice turned on his heels and walked down the stairs and through the hallways back to the entrance......there he would wait of others that would like to join the order and speak to them in the same way he had just done to Jodah and Makoto.
OOC:When you get to the training grounds forum just make another topic requesting training. Then just wait till someone replies. It might take a little while, then again it might not.
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