View Full Version : A dark figure enters.....

Trunks Yurali
Oct 4th, 2001, 05:17:05 PM
...and stays close to the wall. He is wearing a black robe over his black shirt and black pants and he has a bag slung over his shoulder. He looks around the room for some to help him. He walks to the corner of the room and sets his bag down. He then waits patiently for someone to come by and help him join The Sith Order. He was told about this place and now he has decided to come and see what it is all about.

Malice Draclau
Nov 1st, 2001, 09:30:57 PM
His searching was over. a door opened and two stormtroopers came out. Followed by a man in a white trench coat, with waist length white hair. Two more stormtroopers came through the door as it closed behind the men. The man in the middle slowly approached the new comer.

*Welcome, i am Malice. Sith knight of TSO. Tell me, do you have what it takes to join this brotherhood of sith*

Malice waited for the mans answer. The troopers stood surrounding the man and pointing their guns at him.