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Mistress Volcana
Dec 9th, 2001, 01:10:47 AM
Volcana slowly stepped through the large doors of The Sith Order. Her long black cloak and hood concealed her body and face. All that could be seen were her glowing, mysterious orange eyes.

She had always been content on doing things her way, but somehow she felt drawn to this place. She knew she had to be here, and she was determined to find out why.

With a quick movement of her arms, she removed the hood and let it fall to her back revealing her fiery hair.

"I wish to join The Sith order."

Live Wire
Dec 9th, 2001, 01:44:33 AM
*Live Wire looked over the strange woman before her. She looked wild and independent but appropriately silenced by her surroundings. Few had the boldness to be so direct about their petition for entrance into the exclusive order.

The woman didnt flinch as LW's cold eyes looked her over. She could sense that the other still had some sense of questioning. Those who were truly meant to be a part of the sith order never quite knew why they were here only that their destiny had led them down this path. Those who felt they deserved admission rarely did.

Other affairs had diverted LW's attention from the more mundane things pertaining to the order but this woman caught her attention. Here was someone worthy of her notice. Often times it was the intangible gut instincts that led her and she was having one of them now.*

Welcome. I am Lordess Live Wire, Mistress of TSO.

*the other woman bowed in respect and LW returned the gesture out of politeness.*

Let me show you to your quarters.

Mistress Volcana
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:21:24 AM
So, Volcana had been accepted. It seemed almost too easy, but she knew the Sith here were very cautious. They would no doubt put her to the test.

As Volcana followed Live Wire, she sensed an unusual energy emitting from the Sith Lordess. She would definatly keep a close eye on this one.

She couldn't help but wonder what this place had in store for her. The Dark Side of the Force had guided her this far, and she knew her questions would soon be answered.

Live Wire
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:35:08 AM
*the woman seemed slightly uneasy around her and LW found herself amused by it. It showed a healthy amount of fear. They wound through the halls of the palace without saying a word. None were needed.

Shortly she stopped and opened a door. Gesturing she let the woman enter before her.*

These are your quarters. Im sure you will find them adequate. Feel free to move in any personal belongings should you have any.

Your training will commence shortly. I shall be your master.

Mistress Volcana
Dec 11th, 2001, 03:15:57 PM
Volcana looked at her new surroundings. The room was for the most part bare. The only contents being a bed, a small rug, a writing desk, and a dresser.

She walked towards the large window to get a glimpse of the view, which overlooked the main courtyard and the gardens. Volcana was quite impressed by it.

She then turned to face Live Wire. "This will be sufficient. Thank you."

It was then that Live Wire informed Volcana that she would be her master.

Volcana tried to conceal her surprised look, but she knew the Sith Master had noticed. She figured not much got past Live Wire without her being aware of it. Volcana just hadn't expected to be assigned a master so soon, let alone being assigned to Live Wire. There was something about this Sith that seemed odd and made Volcana feel uncomfortable.

"Very well Master Live Wire. When shall we begin the training?"

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 03:46:49 PM
*Live Wire enjoyed the surprise. If the new apprentice had been overly eager it would have been far to easy. A master had to earn the respect of the apprentice if a true bond was to form and bind them to both the master and to the group.

The view from the window was impressive and it was nice that for once this room would be occupied by someone who appreciated it.

LW kept this room specifically for her apprentices so she would know where they were.

Using the force she opened the desk drawer and called the lightsaber inside two her hand.*

Well if you wish we can start now.

*she let the saber hover in the air in front of her apprentice*

Mistress Volcana
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:04:08 PM
Once again Live Wire had surprised Volcana. She imagined that Live Wire must be full of surprises.

She looked at the lightsaber floating in front of her and grabbed it. Volcana's eyes glowed with anticipation. "Very well. I'm ready to begin, my Master."

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:08:22 PM
*LW smiled inwardly as her apprentice took the saber before her. It began...the cycle of training. Sometimes it was something LW looked forward to....other times...it was a cruel reminder of those that had been lost.*

Follow me.

*LW turned and headed for the training room (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithordertraininggrounds.showMessage?topicID=2 34.topic) leaving volcana to follow*