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Renja DeLane
Mar 29th, 2002, 07:51:28 PM
Renja made her way into the recruitment area. She looked around and waited for someone to find, or even just speak to her.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 29th, 2002, 09:19:54 PM
**Dyzm slowly walks in**

Ah, I was told someone new had shown up. I'm a bit out of touch in the standard welcome, stuff, so how bout we wait for someone else to show up. Until that time, feel free to ask me any question about the Sith Order, I will answer as best as I am able.

Renja DeLane
Mar 30th, 2002, 09:35:55 AM
" Well then hello to you Sir. My Name is Renja, or just Ren. Questions none. "

Malice Draclau
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:41:32 AM
Yet another figure walked into the lobby area. Clad in white cloak he approached the two, nodding his head to Dyzm. The man stared at the new visitor.

*Renja is it, And you have no questions you would like to ask us. If that is so, then i have a few questions to ask you. One being what brough you to this order*

Malice waited for the girls answer. And for her sake she'd better not make him wait long.

Renja DeLane
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:57:05 AM
*Ren looked over at the man and did nothing. She heard his question and thought about how long she was going to make him wait. She knew her answer...

" I had spoken to a Lady of The Sith Empire. She told me of this place and of a Mistress she thought I could benefit from. "

Malice Draclau
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:09:30 PM
Malice did nothing but stay silent for a few moments before speaking once again.

*And who might this mistress be. Would it be Master Live Wire, Or Master Lady Vader. It could only be one of them*

Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2002, 11:07:47 AM
*LV strode through the door of the large chamber as Malice spoke her name and LW's. She hadn't caught any of the previous conversation, only the last phrase. She brought her eyes to rest on the newcomer for a moment, before looking back at Malice, a questioning look in her eyes.*

And why can it only be one of us?

Malice Draclau
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:05:00 PM
Malice quickly turned faceing LV. Bowing his head he spoke quite humbling to her.

*I was just talking to this newcomer, her name is Renja Delane. Apperently she has talked with a mistress from TSE, and that mistress has told her of another sith mistress here in TSO that she may benefit from. And i only know of two sith mistresses here. One being you my'lady and the other being Mistress Live Wire*

Malice remaind silent, either awaiting for LV to speak, or for Renja.

Athena Lady Darknss
Apr 9th, 2002, 11:02:32 PM
" Cool your claws Kitty...."

The Sith Knight of The Sith Empire entered into the chambers where she saw Mistress Lady Vader, Malice and Renja.

" I only had the time to tell her of you and Live Wire, my dear friend. The Empire is not taking people at the moment. And they didnt like her 'cat'attitude... She reminded me so much of both you Mistress's I sent her to you. "

Live Wire
Apr 14th, 2002, 03:12:44 PM
Welcome to both of you ladies.

Well this does seem to be a base for sith females with bad attitudes. Of course such an attitude must be shaped and molded. Something we do well here.

*looks over at lv*

I think such a person would be a valuable asset as long as she is willing to submit to the ways of TSO.

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:06:48 PM
*LV acknowledged Athena, and then turned to LW.*


*She stepped closer to Ren, giving her a once over with the Force.*

Indeed she would be an asset worthy of TSO.

*She looked at Ren.*

Committing ones self to TSO is not as easy as one may think. We are a close-knitt family here. We rarely, if ever, bicker amongst each other, and we strive to keep peace within our walls. Hence the reason we are a small group.

As for peace outside our walls, we strive to crush that. And we work together to ensure this.

*She stepped closer, looking Ren in the eye.*

Be warned that if you do decide to join, your training will be extensive, exhausting, and in some cases deadly. You will basically give your life to TSO to ensure the family stays together.

And, such as in the past, if there is a member that has broken the peace within these walls, they are banished without a second thought.

*She finished speaking, waiting to hear Ren's words in response to what she had just said.*

Renja DeLane
Apr 18th, 2002, 06:16:40 PM
Renja looked at the Mistress and smiled.

" I understand you Mistress and I shall not upset you either. "

Lady Vader
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:19:42 PM
So... does this mean you wish to join TSO?