View Full Version : ooc: Way too nice

Lady DeVille
Nov 23rd, 2000, 05:53:42 PM
Does anyone else think that we are way to nice and 'cuddly' with each other? I mean, allies we are, yes, but sometimes I feel sick to my stomach we are so sweet.

We need to kick some butt and make a name for ourselves.

I have no suggestions, except that during Christmas break we should start and FINISH something good. Er, I mean, bad.

and yes, I'm in a bad mood today. :)

Gav Mortis
Nov 24th, 2000, 05:54:41 PM
Bad is good!

I agree with LD, we gotta be more Sithly and develish at SWFans-perhaps we should recruit John Milton :lol:

A TSO kick ass roleplay would be nice-for the sole purpose of kicking ass!!! :)

Lady Vader
Nov 24th, 2000, 07:44:47 PM
*brings in dumby-ass*

here, we can practice with this :lol:

*starts kicking dumby*