View Full Version : A plan
Darth Roul
Feb 2nd, 2001, 07:42:06 PM
I have a plan to invade and take over the system Honoghr. It has five useable planets one beign Honoghr. They all have a savage group of natives called Noghri. The have long claws and can shred a man. All of the planets have extensive resources however.
My plan is:
We fill our fleet with droid soilders and ground troops. With 2/3 of the fleet on the invasion and the other 1/3 staying back and guarding the base.
The first wave of attack is on the second planet. We drop three waves of troops onto the ground. The first being the smallest, to scout out the area. The second group the largest for the main battle. And the third to clean up.
After the battle is won a group (about 1/2 of the size of the remaining attacking force) will stay and build a temperary fort.
The second wave is about the same except on the thrid planet, then the fourth, fifth and sixth.
Once all of the planets have been taken, the soilders will build a mining facility on each planet. A construction yard for ships on one, and a construction yard on two other planets. The other two will have areas to refill ships and to send supplies to the other planets.
They all can be used to stage attacks and hold troops.
Afterwords five SD's will stay to protect the newly conquered planets.
For this i will need 2/3 of the fleet and 400,000 droids and 400,000 troops.
Garrett Blade
Feb 2nd, 2001, 07:51:02 PM
I hate to spoil the party Roul, but I already brought that system into TSO. It was made part of TSO Durasdiction when the FWA merged with TSO. That system, as well as Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa!
Something in this post screwed up the thread, i think it's fixed now but I can't tell what it was, did you use HTML?
Dark Lord Dyzm
Feb 2nd, 2001, 11:33:47 PM
How Bout Go with The Conquest of the Correllian Sector. I started, bringing Xyquine into TSO. But lack of support and Views let the second one die out. I say we continue.
We could take over the entire Correllian Sector instead of being all spread out.
Darth Roul
Feb 3rd, 2001, 06:20:59 AM
lets go for it Dyzm
Garrett Blade
Feb 3rd, 2001, 09:49:06 AM
That sounds like a very good idea. However you will need to discuss how you are to go about it before hand. There is nothing worse than a badly/unplanned conquest rpg. Later on tonight, Gav and I are going to do something similar. We are going to give some of our more isolated planets more territory, via taking planets nearby. That will give us more safety, and places to get reinforcements from should the need arise.
Gav Mortis
Feb 3rd, 2001, 12:41:30 PM
Garrett, I think we should postpone the one we've discussed till tomorrow afternoon at least because we haven't properly discussed it as we were meant to today-sorry, mum's fault! :p
However, I think we should all work together more and if we strengthen our hold on the Correlian system tonight, it should be fun.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Feb 3rd, 2001, 07:09:33 PM
Yes, Lets NOT rush into things.
And Tonights not good for me
Lady DeVille
Feb 4th, 2001, 04:32:21 PM
We own Honoghr? Thats a dead planet, pretty much so. The Noghori are awesome though....
*starts thinking of a really cool RP*
Garrett Blade
Feb 5th, 2001, 02:27:55 AM
It may be dead now - but it won't be dead for long! We can produce decon droids to rehabilitate the planet, plant trees, cleanse the soils etc. It would be a really interesting rpg. It'll be different because there won't be much fighting or action, like The Zeus Project. As for the Noghri, we can start using Death Commando's!
OOC: De'Ville - I have started that email about Dar'Kal'arth 2. You should get it tomorrow, depending on how much time I spend on it today.
Darth Roul
Feb 5th, 2001, 02:25:05 PM
just so you know I own about 1/5 of the noghri population (about 200). I conquered them months ago. about 1 month before I left
Garrett Blade
Feb 5th, 2001, 02:52:38 PM
What do you mean you OWN 1/5ths! And you CONQUERED THEM!
Well since they are part of TSO I would politely ask you to set them free and allow them back into the Noghri population. Since you are part of TSO it would be required of you to do so. If not then you will have me to answer too - I made a promise to them when Felth and I began colonising the planet. After all - what do you want with Noghri? You are part of TSO and work towards the cause of the group - not the cause of the individual.
Lady DeVille
Feb 5th, 2001, 05:28:32 PM
ooc: for the RP i was thinking of, I was wanting to help with the planet, obviously, but also picking up two or three Noghri bodyguards. Those little grey guys might come in handy. I'm still sort of thinking about what I want to do....will have to be next month some time, as I'm pretty swamped right now /ic:
Darth Roul
Feb 7th, 2001, 06:51:25 PM
I am NOT setting them free, they are MY personal army to protect MY presonal planet new cov which i took over with a fleet I built and an army I built. so they are MINE. the rest are TSO's. if they are ever needed I will send them into battle under the flag of TSO under MY command
Gav Mortis
Feb 8th, 2001, 05:26:33 PM
*Awaits the outbreak of WW3* <img src= ALT=":\">
Garrett Blade
Feb 10th, 2001, 05:05:54 PM
Roul. You are going to wish that you never said that. I will give you one last chance to hand over the Noghri to their people from their slavery under your bloodsucking rule. If you do not then I shall attack you. If TSO prevent me then it is obvious that they wish not to be part of TSO since I will be liberating them in the name of TSO.
Your answer please...........
Darth Roul
Feb 10th, 2001, 07:55:37 PM
I have my rights, and you will be attacking a TSO member. So TSO would back me.
infact lets ask TSO.
Lady DeVille
Feb 10th, 2001, 08:05:19 PM
You are part of TSO and work towards the cause of the group - not the cause of the individual.
Garrett, what exactly did you mean when you said that? Have you not done things or said things in the past which were self-serving (something regarding maintaining total control of TSO's newly aquired TSD comes to mind..) and not at all for the cause of the group?
I do not speak for the whole council (obviously we're going to have to step in here) but I believe that Roul should be able to keep the Noghri. I mean, TSO is not against slavery, what the hell are we doing with the Wookies then? You gave the assets of Garrett Felth to TSO, as they were. Evidently Roul had already taken his Noghri off-planet by then. So Honoghr as it is now is TSO's. What happened before it came into our possesion is not something I want to spend time thinking about.
Do not attack Roul, he is a member of TSO, as are you. Perhaps you've forgotten that.
Live Wire
Feb 10th, 2001, 09:40:31 PM
What the hell is going on here!!!!!! Good god Im gone for two days and people lose their freaking minds!!!!!
I have half a mind to slap both of you silly!
Garret we do not attack other tso members! I dont know wtf is with you lately but you need to seriously stop arguing! If roul had nohgri slaves then so be it. We're not some cult that forces people to hand over personal property and sith are evil and for slavery. Need I remind you of those wookie slaves you are so fond of?!?!
Roul has already said if tso needs their assisatance then we have it and we already have the planet and the majority of the population so just quit yer bitchin and can we consider this whole stupid matter closed?
Garrett Blade
Feb 11th, 2001, 03:06:52 AM
They are not slaves - and most of them are not even Wookkies anymore. The ones that are still normal Wookkies are treated very well. They are not slaved or treated badly, live in their same villages, are given other benefits and better technology. All in return for cultivating their planet in the name of TSO
*leaves for the meeting with the council...*
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