View Full Version : BIOGRAPHIES

Lady DeVille
Feb 9th, 2001, 06:01:06 PM
All right, there has been a trend on SWFans toward creating bios for all the characters on a centralized page, easily accesible to all.

I have put my bio (in the following format) there, and I think we should all do so. It has been discussed in great length at swfans, and I think it is a good idea.

Furthermore, in my not-so-humble opinion, I believe that we should help our newest members create realistic biographies for themselves. Realistic force skills, and such. No one is going to have a mastery over every area of the Force, some might be very well rounded, and average in all areas, some may be very lopsided, great telekinesis, and unable to read a mind if their life depended on it.

For example I submit my own bio, as is posted HERE ('http://pub26.ezboard.com/fgalacticbattlezonefrm28')

Force Powers ('http://www.geocities.com/devilishdomino/bttljdi.html')


FULL NAME/aliases: born Lilaena Y'Vide (lil-LAY-nah yeh-VIDE-eh), currently known as Lady De'Ville (de-VILL) or just De'Ville. She does not go by her first name any more, and started using the name De'Ville after being in the Imperial Army.


BORN: Coruscant

FAMILY: Parents-deceased. Killed for treason against the Empire under Palpatine's rule. Siblings-none

GOALS: To become as powerful as she can in the Dark Side, and to find some sort of peace in her life.


HEIGHT: 5"9'

WEIGHT: 124 lbs

HAIR/EYES: Brown/black hair, hazel eyes

OCCUPATION: Council Member of TSO

PAST OCCUPATIONS: Formerly a small time underground smuggler on Coruscant, also was conscripted into the Imperial Army at the age of 16, and has been AWOL since she was 18. Formerly bodyguard for Shadra the Hutt.

Arrested on charges of spice smuggling at the age of 15. Charges dropped.

Arrested again for trafficking, charges again dropped for lack of evidence.

Formerly wanted for the death of Rajah Da'arc, Dark Jedi Master of the former Imperial Dark Jedi Academy (has since been dissolved), and the death of all the troopers that were with him. Warrant has been ignored since the disbandment of the Academy.

Wanted for court-martial under Imperial Military Law for desertion.

No record found

Contacts: classified

Friends: Darven Calmoarn of Coruscant, certain members of TSO

Enemies: all Jedi, and NR

FAVORITE THINGS: Playing sabaac and tinkering with her TIE Interceptor.

Favorite Drink: Sullustian beer

Fave Food: has none -eats to live, not for pleasure

WEAPONS: Lightsaber, Imperial design blaster, and a six inch vibroblade

SHIP/S: TIE Interceptor, My Vengence, and a Corellian Gunship, The Devil's Advocate

ROMANTIC INVOLVEMENTS: None at the moment, none in the past

HONOR CODE: The Sith Code-There is no peace, there is anger. There is no fear, there is power. There is no death, there is immortality. There is no weakness, there is The Dark Side. I am the Heart of Darkness. I know no fear. But rather I instill it in my enemies. I am the destroyer of worlds. I know the power of the Dark Side. I am the fire of hate. All the Universe bows before me. I pledge myself to the Darkness. For I have found true life, In the death of the Light.

PREJUDICES: De'Ville hates Imperials because of her past dealings with them. She is not directly opposed to the Empire as it is, but doesn't go out of her way to make them happy either. Avoids the Empire at all costs.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall and slim, De'Ville is pleasing to the eye. Her dark hair is cut short so it does not get in the way when she fights. She most often wears a black or blood red jumpsuit, and can also be seen wearing greasy coveralls when she works on her TIE. When out on assignment for TSO, or just on the town, De'Ville dresses to the tee, not one to hesitate to turn heads wherever she goes.

CONNECTIONS: She is connected to the Dark Axis, a member of TSO and allied with TSE and RSO.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Dark Side user, also proficient in other Force skills.

She has mastered Force Lightning and Inflict Pain, Injure/Kill, Drain Life Essence and Telekinetic Kill. She is working on Dark Side Storms and Doppleganger, having only rudimentary skills in either. Her telekinetic powers are well developed, and her Mind Alter skills are sufficent, although not her strongest point. She cannot Control Minds, but is only able to influence them. De'Ville is able to read minds to a point, but if the mind is strong enough she cannot force her way inside. De'Ville also has an affinity for mechanical objects, circuits and gears fascinating her since birth. This talent for the mechanical is one reason why her Mind Alter skills are only average..

Dark Lord Dyzm
Feb 9th, 2001, 06:54:02 PM
Ok Then... My Outline Bio is In Link on Sig...

First Name: (Unknown) Last Name: Ki'Tasu
Sith Name: Darth Dyzm, Dark Lord Dyzm (DIE-ZIM)

HOMEWORLD: Courscant

AGE: 17

FAMILY: Parents Moved To Pro-Imperial Worlds After the Collapse of the Empire. Locations, Unknown. New Family, TSO

GOALS: Nothing as of the Moment.

Species: Human


WEIGHT: 168 lbs

HAIR/EYES: Dark Blonde/Light Brown Hair, Blue eyes

OCCUPATION: Member In TSO, Head of Secret Services


NORMAL TRAINING: Trained By Underground Palpatine Loyalist group On Courascant, learned All About Weapons, Ships, And Other Usefull Things

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall and Thin, Dyzm's Hair Is Short, back, and Spiked. Broken Nose from a Fight, he has the "rugged Look"

Normal Clothes: Steal Toed Boots with Baggy, Lightweight Pants, Black Cape, and A Black Silk Shirt, and Golden Cortis Ore Wrist Bands.

SHIPS: Scythian (custom Made Speed Ship) New, Larger, Personal Ship Is Research.

FORCE TRAINING:Very Powerful In telekinetic powers
Dyzm has mastered the control wind, water, electric, and Ion Particles. Allowing him to use Dark Fog, Force Wind Blades, Energy Blast, Chain Lighting, Force Flamestrike, and Life Drain
(For the Life Drain, Dyzm must have a part of his body touching the creature to absorb the Energy, it Keeps Himself At the Age of 17)
Dyzm Can Also Bend Light Particals, Warping them around his body, causing him to vanish from Sight.
Very Powerful In telekinetic powers, Dyzm's Telepathic Powers arent as great and Are Very Limited in areas.
He can send Strong Emotions out, Needs and such,.
His Telepathic Powers can only be used when Direct Contact is Made. And Due more to a Strong Mind then Force Powers, Is able to Close his Mind off from all sorts of troubles/pains/forced mind entry.
edit:took out excessive space at end of post

Darth Roul
Feb 10th, 2001, 08:18:54 PM
Legal Name: Darth Roul (Rule)

Homeworld: Corillia

Actual Age: 40 Age of new body: 21 (reserected in a new body after his death)

Family: None

Friends: Few Senior TSO members

height: 6'1"

Goals: Death of his enemies

wieght: 170

Hair/Eyes: Brown/Blue

Occupation: TSO senior member, head of Dark Assasins

Past occupations: head of trade corporation while in old body

Apperiance: tall, muscular/Spiked mowhawk/tatoos on arms and neck/left eyebrow peirced

Clothing: Dark Blue military coat with gold buttons/black tutle neck underneath/steel toed black military boots/dark black pants

Ships: 4 medium class cruisers, 6 light cruisers/named Red Star Fleet

Force Abilities: can only throw and lift items of any size

Training: None

Weapons: Black saber, four hand guns, long range rifle

Favorite Food/Drink: Brandy

Xarkz Chaos
Feb 11th, 2001, 01:00:45 AM
Full Name/Aliases-- Given name was Trent Zarchot (ZAR-cot), had been for early part of life. Now goes by Xarkz Chaos, but only Chaos or X. Usually won't answer to Xarkz, unknown why he chose it.

Age-- 20

Born-- Coruscant

Family-- Parents/deceased. Killed by imperials because mistaken for treason. Siblings/none

Goals--To become a highly ranked and respected Sith Master



Weight--156 lbs

Hair/Eyes--Dark blond hair, grey eyes

Occupation--Sith Knight of TSO

Past Occupations--Pilot, hacker, bodyguard.

Criminal Record--Trent Zarchot:
Wanted for hacking into Imperial computers and downloading ship techs and layouts for personal use. Unresolved.
Arrested for builing weapons and selling on the black market. Dropped
X Chaos: None

Contacts: Many
Friends: John Kreziev of Coruscant, some TSO members
Enemies: Many

Favorite Things-- building small handheld weapons for personal uses, also designing them
Fav. Drink--none

Fav. Food--anything edible

Weapons--Lightsaber, throwing knives/stars amoung other "goodies" that vary from battle to battle

Ship/s--The Ghostalker: A custom ship, small and heavy ornamented
The Nexus: A Sith Infiltrator; fast, cloaked, and good sheilding

Romantic Involvements-- None as of yet

Honor Code--Sith Code

Prejudices--Jedi, for their annoying goodness
Imps, for stupidity and lack of common sense

Physical Description--Tall and agile. Short hair. Wears black pants, reddish black shirt with red/black cloak.

Connections--TSO, few lowlifes in Coruscant

Force Sensitive--
Has Mastered:
Aura of Uneasiness, Force Lightning, Inflict Pain, Feed on Life Energy/Essence, Control Mind, Telekinetic Kill, and Drain Life Essence

Is Learning:
Memory Wipe, Immoblilize, Force Storms, Doppleganger