View Full Version : Viscera

Jedah Lynch
Jun 17th, 2001, 03:26:09 AM
For now I'am revoking your access to the Dark Axis, the main reason is quite simple so I'll skip the small stuff. With you in charge of GMA and its fleets there is some potential conflict or clashes that may occur in philosophy about what the DAF should be and how it should be handled already that is leading to some unnecessary tension . The fact you have ties to one or two people in the NR can not be ignored either.

The potential conflict in those points is not something I care to see or hear about so making sure to stop any before they start, this is for your own good as well as everyone elses. So for now your acess is revoked as of this moment, in the future you may regain it back, more then likly there will be more forums at the DA for matters and you'll have some form of acces in them.

For now Vis I suggest you work with your fellow RPers here in a manner that is becoming of a person who seeks to benefit others.

That is all. I'm sure you will want to make a statement or question. If you do, try to do it civil like and I'm sure you'll get a fair reply.

Darth Viscera
Jun 17th, 2001, 11:16:00 AM
I have no intention of making any replies which are not civil. My only intention was to assist the DAF in its organisation, as I assist so many fleets by relieving them of their tedious tasks OOC.

My ties to the NR are purely IRL, not to be taken as in character. Even those ties are quite limited. I speak to DT, scorp, and yog every now and then over AIM.

I take it by that one statement that you are of the opinion that all of my actions are intended to be utterly self-serving. They are not. My actions IC are intended to primarily serve the empire, and secondarily to serve the sith order militarily, and in any other way that they require.

State the objectives that I must meet in order to regain access to the Dark Axis forum.

Darth Roul
Jun 17th, 2001, 11:51:25 AM
General Scorpian?

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 17th, 2001, 03:14:53 PM
Yes General Scorpian. He's now Jyanis Scorpian, and has defected to the Light Side and NR.

Darth Roul
Jun 18th, 2001, 07:55:42 AM
::takes a seat looks around and downs a bottle of whiskey. Roul passes out. About two hours later he came to::
I used to be friends with that traitor

Jedah Lynch
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:04:58 PM
Who didnt know him?

Ah well.

As for those objectives, that shall have to be decided.