View Full Version : Question for LW

Darth Viscera
Jan 11th, 2002, 12:20:24 AM
Is the Live Wire character in love with Morgan Evanar?

Jan 11th, 2002, 12:27:40 PM
I thought she was. But don't know for sure. Why do you ask?

Live Wire
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:30:34 PM
Its complicated!!! I would say yes she loves him but theres more to it then that. Why? Are we going to have that whole sith can't love especially jedi debate? Cause if thats the point of asking I really dont want to hear it.

Darth Viscera
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:34:12 PM
no, just gathering info in places where I notice I lack it.

Live Wire
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:42:04 PM

this isnt going to come and bite me in the ass later is it?

Darth Viscera
Jan 14th, 2002, 03:04:06 PM
Are you asking if I'm going to abduct Morgan Evanar, and use his abduction as blackmail towards Live Wire in an effort to covertly begin Imperializing the Sith council?

....well, what a silly question. You're quite the silly one, you know! Quite silly! Although, that is a good plan...

...Just kidding! Ooh I'm quite the wild one today! *pets Ares*

Gav Mortis
Jan 14th, 2002, 05:21:35 PM
The complicatedness of the issue will find resolve not long from now. A resolve which I am both eager and hesitant to come to as will be revealed in what will possibly the most significant roleplays of Gav's life. Live Wire - this is gonna be a good one, the best. I've had more thoughts today, I can't wait and at the same time, I don't want to have to.

Darth Viscera
Jan 14th, 2002, 07:24:04 PM
Next on Jerry-The Sith Mistress and her other man!! :lol:

Jan 14th, 2002, 07:28:06 PM
Hey, this is better then the sith woman fighting.

*Grabs popcorn and waits to see what happens*

Live Wire
Jan 15th, 2002, 01:53:33 PM
DV- laugh it up fuzzball

Gav - I know exactly what you mean. Im excited to do this RP because its going to be great. But at the same time it means that something is ending and Im sad to see it go. This storyline has been going on since the TSC days....thats a long time. *sniff*

I know everyone else here is looking from the outside and this whole thing seems amusing but theres so much depth to this entire story line. There has been for quite some time. Hopefully we can get that across in the upcoming RP.

And Gav, yesterday I was pondering the similarites between Morgan and Edgar Linton. How this all happened with out our intending it too is wierd but strangely poetic. I think the book said it best.

"...he's [Heathcliff] more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same; and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire......

My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I AM Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being."

Edit: in case anyone was wondering where this thread is located I've started it at swfans

www.swforums.net/forum/sh...adid=11705 (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11705)

Gav Mortis
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:52:46 PM
OMG! I started re-reading that last night. I was up until 3am until I had ended Chapter 9 from where your quote came.

This is going to be marvellous! :)

Darth Viscera
Jan 15th, 2002, 06:40:25 PM
There's a pirate Int on the Trade Spine. Need the Imperial Navy to intervene?

Live Wire
Jan 15th, 2002, 11:15:55 PM
oh in my thread? Nope no need for intervention. Its all part of the plot. I play the pirates.