View Full Version : Makoto treads in..

Makoto Neo
Sep 19th, 2001, 05:18:05 PM
Makoto scanned the training grounds, after being instructed to come here by Malice, he promply made his way here, dropping off some of his equipment in one of the rooms of the palace. Makoto waited, leaning against a wall....

OOC: Requesting Training please :)

Jodah Of Giva
Sep 22nd, 2001, 04:47:30 PM
[i] Another figure steps in behind Makoto. He is dressed in a simple black wrap. Gold wires cross all around him, stretching from a black plastisteel waist pack. He is obviously having trouble standing, and begins to work out, throwing himself in all directions. His moves are graceful, and he literally hovers off the ground at times, spinning in place as though a suspended dancer before pressing a button on his pack and gently settling to the ground. After minutes of this he removes two bright silver sabers from his belt, and releases their glowing and ever-moving energies. The blades are both pure black, and camoflauge well with their surroundings. Jodah practices with the air, invisible demons taunting his swings. He waits for a trainer to approach either him or Makoto. As they entered together, they would train together, of that he was sure. [i]

Malice Draclau
Oct 5th, 2001, 08:46:35 PM
Walking ina few minutes after the two men, Malice grinned. They had not found a master yet.....then this is where he would come in.

*So i see you have made it*

Malise was wearing his usual white trench coat over his black sparring suit.

*And i take it a master has not come yet either. Maybe i can be of some assistance*

Malice took out his double bladed white saber and ignited both sides.

*I am sure the both of you have good knowledge of saber battles, or in this matter sparring. Cause if you are then come get some*

Malice stood ready. It had been a long time since he had sparred with anyone here at TGC.

OOC:Just remember i am merley sparring, you still have to wait for a master.

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 6th, 2001, 03:31:11 PM
Jodah steps forward. His ebon saber blots out the darkness behind him, making it unaturally black.
"Ahh. Finally, someone who seems to hold some decent respect. How I have longed for a good round. Let's go then!"He reaches down and deactivates his gyro-pack, falling to the ground wtih enough thrust behind him to come in at an angle. He lands in a ready position, legs evenly spaced to his body in diagonal line, slightly bent at the knees. Holding his saber high, he comes in, and swings in a low arc, mimicking a parry used for offensive purposes. His blade slices towards Malice's knee.

Malice Draclau
Oct 6th, 2001, 08:31:27 PM
Malice grinned as his opponent had made the first move. Using the force Malice jumped into the air easily dodging the saber strike. Coming back down he landed behind Jodah and did a swift round house hitting it's mark in the middle of Jodah's back. Flipping backwards Malice stopped a few feet away, where he could keep both men in eye sight. Standing in a deffensive position he held his saber up infront of him.

*Now let the fun begin boys*

Malice eyed both men while keeping his senses open and ready to counter their attacks.

Makoto Neo
Oct 8th, 2001, 04:51:08 PM
A Few moments after Jodah unleash'ed his attack, Makoto threw back his dusters coat, grabbed both of his sabers off their hooks and ignited them, ruby blades shot up. After Jodah's attack ended, Makoto dash'ed forward, one behind him in a vertical position, and the right one in the same position infront of him. as Makoto reach'ed Malice, he swung both around and came down, aiming for Malice's shoulders

((ooc: Sorry for the delay, Was away from the computer for a while :\))

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 8th, 2001, 05:29:25 PM
Jodah caught the blow fully. It heaved him forward, slinging him to the ground. His saber caught the metal paneling on the floor. It held him up, but was steadily sliding into the red, molten steel. He grabbed the handle to steady himself, and, using the Force instead of his legs, hurled himself upward. He hovered high above the ground for a moment before plummeting, free-falling to the floor. Just before he hit, his hand instinctively went to his gyro-pack. With a twist of two fingers his pack activated, slightly distorting the air around him. He bounced into the air, and whirled in a tumble over Malice's head. With the same two fingers he decreased sensitivity on his pack, and hit the ground just behind Malice. He timed his bounce, and went up between the 'Knight's legs. Jodah hurled his saber straight up, and froze it in air. His fingers formed a circle in front of his face, and a large sphere of opaque air flew from between them, growing as it traveled. It caught Malice in the center of his chest, and forced him backwards...

Malice Draclau
Oct 8th, 2001, 06:22:37 PM
Watching Makoto as he made his move Malice used the force and sent a rock flying at Makoto from the left hitting him in the ribs causing him to lose his balance. Malice easily dodged the attack but was caught off guard by Jodah's attack which had hit him square in the chest causing him to fly backwards landing on the cold hard cement floor of the training grounds.

Standing up Malice put his hand on top his chest, it hurt but he used that pain to fuel his power. Cupping his hands to his side he then began to gather up his force energy.

*That was some nice moves, now tell me what you think of this one*

Malice unleashed a devastating force blast heading straight for Jodah. While Malice had used force speed and jumped into the air doing two 360 flips landing behind Makoto. The blast hit it's mark as Jodah tried to get out of the way btu was hit in his right shoulder by the blast.

Without waiting Malice dropped to the ground and sweeped Makoto to the ground. Getting up he called his saber to him and slashed downward aiming for Makoto's leg's.

Makoto Neo
Oct 10th, 2001, 03:09:40 PM
Makoto rolled backwards, throwing both sabers out behind him he formed another ball, about the size of a basketball, but twice as powerful, and launched it torward Malice, then he flipped backwards, four times, and grabed the sabers, going back into a defenceive stance

Malice Draclau
Oct 10th, 2001, 06:06:33 PM
Malice looked at the ball of pure dark energy came straight towards him. He dropped at the last minute and the ball flew over him just barley missing him. Malice could feel the energy and heat given off from it.

Quickly standing up Malice looked at both men, He saw Jodah getting up and he grinned.

*So i see the two of you are well knowledgable in the force. This will be an intresting match indeed*

Malice called on the force and unleashed force lightning. The lightning headed straight for the two at aa increasing speed.

Makoto Neo
Oct 11th, 2001, 12:01:46 PM
Makoto jumped to the right, just barely dodging the force lightning. It grazed him on the upper left shoulder, just at the base of his neck. The beam sent him sprawling as he was hit, but he caught himself carefully. His species was lucky to have great agility. Makoto grabbed his sabers, one glowing emerald and one bright blood crimson, and crossed them in front of him. His eyes began to glow, distantly at first but growing in intensity. His sabers began to crackle louder as he pressed them together harder. The strain was harsh, but this pain and rage it inflicted became an easy source for more power. His legs began to grow weak, and Makoto opened his mouth and let out a long scream, his voice quivering as he did so. Suddenly, he pointed the sabers at Malice. Between the now parallel blades darkness formed, deep and unpenetrable. It spread, forming long and thin tendrils which lashed out and wrapped themselves around a central beam of energy. The beam reached the end of the blades and shot forward with blinding speed. It thinned as it went, silent and intimidating. The thick cylinder became a thin one, the width of a normal 'saber blade. The beam then broke into a hundred tendrils, and they began to wrap themselves around Malice. Some around his arms, some for his legs, a few for his wings, and some more for his head. The tendrils were not incorporeal, as their appearance made them seem, but tangible, as Malice learned when they lashed around his ankles, wrists, throat, and wing bases. He was lifted off the ground as Makoto did, kept level with him and still screaming.

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 11th, 2001, 12:17:09 PM
For a moment Jodah's eyes gleamed with fear, almost made physical, but this faded quickly. He lowered his brows, cutting his eyes into small slits. His arm moved without being seen, and was placed in front of the lightning. The bolt slammed into his plamwith unthinkable force. A cauterized hole was all that was left of it. Jodah turned his hand to his face and looked at it calmly and thoughtfully. He then snapped his fingers. The hand disintegrated, reveling his real, unharmed one from the sleeve of his training robes. He then turned to Malice, grinning evilly and thinly."That almost hit me Draclau. Watch where you leave your toys please. You might hurt somebody."Indifferent to Makoto's attack, he looked at Malice's saber intently. The two blades began to shift in form, and writhe as if in pain. Two heads formed on their tips, long and flat with sharp fangs. The snake-blades snapped at Malice's hand. One fang grazed his index finger, causing a long cauterized gash to form. Jodah smiled widely now, for a second."Ahh, the powers of Transmogrification. Thank gods for it."He then forced his saber to drop from the sky. It fell into his hand, the blade pointed forward. With a twist of his fingers the blade swung around, moving the blade to behind him. He then moved his arm to his side, and crouched a little. His right arm came up in front of him, his left in front of it. His right hand seemed almost to be trying to grasp the back of the saber's blade. As he prepared for another attack, Makoto unleashed his devastating force. Jodah had seen it telekinetically and was prepared. He swung his right hand down to his gyro-pack, and activated it, throwing him above the beam and hanging in the sky. He looked down to Malice, rolled his head groundward, and pointed himself forward, his blade far in front of him. He almost appeared to be a torpedo armed with a black point.

Malice Draclau
Oct 11th, 2001, 02:39:09 PM

Malice Draclau
Oct 11th, 2001, 02:46:43 PM
OOC:Well, thw two of you are better then i thought. Ohh and Makoto, i am not a demon.....yet at least. I guess it's time though.

IC:Malice cringed at the pain almost yelling out. He was caught off guard by this attack and wasn't ready.

*What th......b-but how?*

Malice only knew of a few that had these abilities but never really seen them in action. Then he glanced at Jodah and saw him coming straight at him like a missle with his saber in the lead.

The pain was worsening, and getting more painful by the second. Malice knew there was only one thing left to do. Using the pain that was being inflicted upon him he began his transormation. With a deafening scream he gathered and called upon the dark force around them and within himself, he was transforming into his true form. One of the most purest forms of darkness. Quickly Malice became larger, stronger. Every inch of his body throbbed with raw dark energy running through his veins. Growing to his full size he Managed to break free of that which had him by his arms legs and other parts of his body.

Malice had escaped Makoto's grasp and was enraged. Looking up he saw Jodah coming at him, Holding up his right hand facing directly at Jodah, dark beams began to form. Swhirling around in a circle they formed into a ball, it was a force blast, Twice as big as normal size and twice as deadly. It shot at lightning speed and Hit Jodah in the chest knocking him off his directed course hitting into the side wall of the training grounds.

Streching his wings he took to the air, Looking down he saw Makoto. Malice wanted to get revenge for what this one had done to him.

*Now Makoto, feel the power of the darkside*

Malice put both hands together infront of him. His body began to crackle as lightning jumped from one part of his body to the other. Then facing both palms at Makoto Malice unleashed a force lightning, it was more powerful then the one he unleashed in his human form......it hit it's mark and entangled Makoto in what seemed like a net of electricity continuously shocking his entire body.

*This fight shall end here*

Malice was already delcaring his victory as he kept his electrical onslaught, hopeing Makoto would go unconsious before he dies....after all Malice didn't want to hurt these two just see what they could do, they are fellow sith afterall.

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 11th, 2001, 04:27:19 PM
OOC:Mako asked me about what you looked like. Sorry, went by picture.
IC:Jodah took the blast fully. The pain was excruciating, and he felt himself lose control as his gyro-pack shattered. He slammed into the wall and fell to the ground. The cold cement hit with a serious force. Jodah cried out, and looked at Malice's body pulsing with energies as he grasped Makoto in his shocking web. Anger, pure and burning hatred, grew within Jodah. He felt it pulse, breathe, and live within him, becoming him. Suddenly, Force and Arcane became one. Magiks and Spirits bonded. The line between the dark side and necromancy was blurred to him now. Jodah clenched his fists, his nails cutting into his hands and drawing blood. Malice began to laugh cruelly as Makoto's screams of pain echoed around. The darkness within him grew. He took it, pulled it out of his mind and manifested it into reality. Pain around Jodah disappeared as his regeneration began to kick in. The anger fueled it, knitted his flesh back together at double-time. Jodah stood. His 'saber was dented from the blow against the wall, and had cut off. Jodah picked up the chipped and dented handle. Two hands grasped it, and Jodah closed his eyes. The blackness flowed out smoothly, like water. It slid into the steel, and flowed out of the crystal within. Darkness became itself in life. A beam came out of the sword handle. The beam was dark and cloudy, swirling against the air. Jodah placed his hand directly into the beam. It sank in, but did not go through the other side. It was as if a pocket had formed within the energy. He pulled his hand out and walked up behind Malice silently. One empty hand went against Malice's back, and Jodah mumbled a few words. Malice began to shrink, his flesh sizing itself downward. Jodah stopped it when Malice was as tall as him."Now go away!"Jodah plunged the black blade into Malice's back, and twisted it in a 360 degree circle once. Malice's shrunken form sank into the blade. A single finger came up out of the blade before Jodah closed the portal and cut it off. The finger fell to the ground, and Jodah picked it up and pocketed it, along with his blade. He then ran over to Makoto's now fragile and weakened form, laying on the ground and convulsing. A word and a tocuh healed Makoto's wounds and caused the same on Jodah. Jodah passed out from the pain...
OOC: It's a dimensional pocket. Learn planar physics. I'll let you out as soon as I regain conciousness, don't worry. I'm keeping the finger though :-D

Makoto Neo
Oct 11th, 2001, 04:36:16 PM
Makoto snapped awake as he heard Jodah hit the concrete floor of the Training Grounds. slowly getting to his feet, and holding his left arm, He began to patch up Jodah, using a strange Med-Kit from the insides of his jacket.

"One helluvah sparr there, My friend" He whispered, finishing up his patching job, a crimson stain was visible on his waist of his left side, Makoto didnt seem to notice it but felt the pain as he limped back over to his sabers, picking them both up and holstering both. He then looked upwards, expecting to see Malice or the such but noticed he had vanished. Closing his eye's he reached out the force to connect with Malice... Unable to find him at any point in Sub-dimention or anything else, he quit. Sitting down Makoto began to patch himself up....

Malice Draclau
Oct 11th, 2001, 04:41:21 PM
OOC:Man, that's the first time i lost a finger. Well at least a demon can grow it back....i hope. And in my human form i am about 6 ft 5 inches, wasit lengh white hair.

IC:Malice pounded on the walls of his prison violently, his anger growing with every strike.


Malice was harnessing al his rage he felt. Soon he sat down and began to meditate, gathering in the dark energy around him and concentrating on his anger. They had to let him out sometime and when they did he would get them back.

OOC:So your character is a necromancer, what is Makoto then??

Makoto Neo
Oct 11th, 2001, 04:56:30 PM
OOC: Uaahh... Makoto's a Mix of alot of different classes... You see, He was made in a Science Lab... He broke out... He studied... He Killed Scientist... Ect... :) Jodah's a Archmage btw..

Malice Draclau
Oct 11th, 2001, 05:03:12 PM
OOC:Mages, creatures...arent there any normal SW people anymore. Ahh that's ok. Say, if Jodah wants i know of a jedi mage he might have fun fighting. He is also a knight and i am currently fighting him. So what is Makoto's main classes...or something like that.

Makoto Neo
Oct 11th, 2001, 05:06:58 PM
OOC: Mako's main class is a Dragoonish Warrior, 2nd Main is Transmogofist(sp?) 3rd is Illusionist. 4th is a Power he was 'born' with.. Plus he has alot of secret stuff about him

Malice Draclau
Oct 11th, 2001, 05:16:20 PM
OOC:Good choices. I se he wil be quit a fighter as he trains more. Well gotta go.

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 11th, 2001, 05:22:03 PM
ALL OOC: Don't worry about it. I'ts just sparring, and if you can't grow it back I'll heal ya. Necromancy has a good effect on demons, so I can grow it back. Good spar man. I'll let you out on one condition. Get someone to qualify us here. Your the first to reply in a long time and I'm a bit impatient by now. If you can get a sith in here to let us in or give us the training we need to qualify, then you'll be free. If you can, hell, free army. If you want zombies or some sort of minor demons to assist you, I can mind-meld them with you for control. I'm just ready to stop waiting on a master to review. I figure maybe someone who's obviously qualified like yourself can do much more than I can here. You can mind speak to whoever you'd like. Please, all I want out of this is some help.

Malice Draclau
Oct 11th, 2001, 05:34:53 PM
OOC:D o not worry i will get you someone. It's just that things arent what they used to be. It used to be very active here when i first came, but i guess things kinda slowed as the apprentices stopped showing and less and less of them came. But i wil get someone here. Just a sec. And don't worry about the finger thing he can grow it back, i was thinking of having malice attack again and taking a peice off the both of you. But i don't think i shall do that.

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 11th, 2001, 05:58:37 PM
OOC: Alright, that's fine. I know how it is sometimes with sites. Popularity wears off. BTW, here's a gift. Thanks for the spar, haven't had that much fun in a long time...

IC:Jodah reached down and turned on the blade once he awoke. The swirling blackness opened at a mental whim, and a portal opened above it. A small flock of creatures, quite strange in appearance, flew out. They appeared to be blue-skinned humanoids with a vulture's head and wings. Their fingers were long and sharp, tipped with tooth-like nails that dripped with a strange liquid.(OOC: Poison)The vrocks flocked around Malice, about 20 of them, and sat, awaitng command. Jodah then widened the blade on the sword. He dispelled it around Malice, letting him through the portal back into the real world. He extended his hand gratefully."Thanks for the match. I doubt I could have had better with another that I know."

Malice Draclau
Oct 16th, 2001, 09:04:52 AM
Having had time to think, Malice had calmed down. Looking around at the strange birds he nodded his head.

*Likewise.......though you are the first to take a finger as such. Don't do it again*

Malice quickly turned back into his human form and wrapped his hand with the missing finger with a small bacta kit he had.

*I hope a master comes to you soon, it would be a great waste of talent if we where to lose you two*

Turning around he proceeded to walk out. Looking around him he saw the birds follow him. Trying to shoo them away he noticed they followed him no matter what......he guesed he should probably get used to there presence from now on.

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 16th, 2001, 03:07:41 PM
OOC: The vrocks are dimensional creatures. To unsummon them just tell them "Away", and they'll 'port back to their home plane. There they'll wait for you to call them. Always there, smart enough to do menail labor and viscious fighting.

IC:Jodah bows at Malice, from the waist. He then touches the hand that the finger is missing from, and a new finger appears."I thank you for the compliment. Were the order to lose one as you, it would be as such as well. Thankfully, you need not waste your bacta. The Arcane is not limited to separate trades, though I am specialized in the Necromanic arts. Don't take the healing simply as an affiliation with another Force group, their names be damned to the 9th sphere of Hell.

Makoto Neo
Oct 27th, 2001, 08:29:41 PM
Makoto had also bow'ed to Malice as he left, then leaned against one of the walls and awaited the arrival of one of the Sith Masters.

After a while, Makoto Dozed off. His chin slumping to his chest and his body falling softly onto his bag.