View Full Version : Garrett Blade, I wish to begin training, if you are willing.

Vice Hazzard
Aug 20th, 2001, 08:42:40 PM
OOC - Sorry about my absence. My ISP messed up, then I decided not to roleplay for a while, and I couldn't really say anything to you because my internet was gone for a while. Then once it came back, I decided to take a break from the web. Now I'm back. A million apologies. If you'll still train me, I'd like to start. :)

Garrett Blade
Aug 21st, 2001, 09:06:34 AM
OOC: Well...things are somewhat...complicated now. You see, my plans for Garrett as a character took a violent shove in a strange direction last night. If you check out this thread (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=4022.topic) and see what it's like, we can talk about how to get started over AIM. Unfortunately, my ISP is also slightly "buggered" this month and so my only access os round at a friends (where I am now) so I won't be online that much. Nevertheless we can still have a chat about how we could meet and my deciding to take you on as an apprentice.

However, once you find out, OOC, about my plans, I'm not so sure you'll still wish for Garrett to train Vice. Nevertheless, the link to the thread is above.

Vice Hazzard
Aug 21st, 2001, 07:49:14 PM
OOC - I took a quick look at the thread, I'm going back shortly to read it completely.

I can't chat, remember? You'll have to e-mail me, or PM me, either way's fine.


I'd love to make it possible for you to be my Master. So explain whatever I need to know in your PM, or e-mail.

Sorry about the no chat, maybe in three years I'll be able to. ;)