View Full Version : Garrett Blade - I have made made my choice

Vice Hazzard
Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:27:07 PM
OOC - Remember my other post, where I was looking for a part time, possibly full time, Master? I would like you. I've examined your posts, and you are excellent to say the least. Please, be my Master.

As I have said before, if Anbira returns, I would like for him to be my Master. But I am sure at this time he will more than likely not return for some time. Is this acceptable? If he does as I am thinking he will do (sorry, can't ellaborate, sworn to secrecy), you will be my Master for.... some time. :)

Note:I would like to have e-mail discussions with you regularly. I have had Masters before under differant accounts and we were not close, and had no Role Playing forethought. So I'd like for our Apprentice/Master relationship to be tighter, and more closely bound. This means Role Plays together on SWFans.net, and other things. I'd like to explain my character's past, present, and wanted future, so we may have a better understanding of each other. I will also tell you my other characters, so no deciet of secrecy will come between us. In the Star Wars universe, an apprentice's Master is the most important individual in their life, I want the same for my character. I hope you share my view.


Please, drop me a line and let's talk about where we should start. I'm commited, and ready to be serious about this.

Garrett Blade
Jun 23rd, 2001, 02:48:07 AM
Firstly, I'd be more than happy to take you on as my apprentice. I'll be sure to email you as soon as I've set up another account as my membership to my current ISP runs out this wednesday (which is rather gay in my opinion!)

Secondly, I'm quite flattered that you think I'm a good roleplayer. Could I ask exactly what posts you read - its nice to know that other people actually like your roleplaying and don't take it for granted that you are progressing the story along.

Vice Hazzard
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:01:18 PM
I got a great idea. Instead of e-mail, let's use a forum, a private one. Go to my board:

pub79.ezboard.com/bvicestwistedreality (http://pub79.ezboard.com/bvicestwistedreality)

The password for the forum there is your name, capitals and spaces included. PM me what you would like the password to be, and I'll change it. That way no one can get it. Sound good? Better than e-mail, and quicker in my opinion, since I can't chat.

I can't remember what the names of the posts I read were. I read a lot. I think you're a great Role Player, and even more important in my opinion, you're a good writer. You use discriptive words to convey your thoughts, like I try to do.

Instead of the normal: "He leaned against the tree."

I would like to write something like this: "The young man leaned exausted against the tall, sappy oak."

BTW, could you give me the rundown on how things are done around here? I think at TSE they promote you to Warrior when you win your first fight. I hope that's not the case here, it should be more about Role Playing ability than that. And yes, I know about the ranks, only three, Apprentice, Knight, Master. But how do they progress?

And if I may ask, when does training start? I think we should do a RP where you become my Master for the time being. Give us a reason why we are together. Where would that be held? Here, or SWFans.net? That is if you want to do the RP in question.

Garrett Blade
Jun 24th, 2001, 09:32:13 AM
A roleplay sounds good to me. I'm currently involved in a roleplay at SWFans ("Burning Flag"). You can either wait for that to end, or join in and we can discuss our meeting OOC at the private forum.

Vice Hazzard
Jun 24th, 2001, 09:52:12 PM
Hmm..... Okay, I'd like to join in. But I don't know how you'd like me to post. And I don't know if you'd like to make this RP how we become Master/Apprentice, since I'm sure you have plans for the direction of the story. So post at the private forum and we can discuss everything there. What my role would be, etc. Fill me in on your opening post in the forum so I can get right to perticipating. I'm itching to start posting.

Note: I now have Personal Messageing on. So you can PM me.