View Full Version : A re-education (training)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2001, 02:38:38 PM
Morgan stood outside the palace with Lord Dagger, awaiting the reason for his summons. He looked at Dagger respectfully.
"Yes Lord?"
Lord Dagger
Mar 29th, 2001, 01:44:12 PM
Dagger makes a gesture of dismissal
"Dispence with the Lord, Dagger will do fine. We are here to begin your education in the Sith ways."
Dagger takes a step away and hold up his switched off lightsabre
"You are of course familiar with the weapon of choice, but i doubt you are familiar of how a Sith uses it..."
Dagger activates his and holds it up
"Tell me, what do you hold most dear in this life?"
Morgan Evanar
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:31:27 PM
Morgan held his eyes shut for a moment. "Lordess Live Wire."
Lord Dagger
Mar 31st, 2001, 12:05:04 AM
Dagger chuckles slightly
"Ahh yes Lordess Live Wire, the one i am bodyguard to, but it is strange becuase you see the organisation I am head of, TDG has been hired to kill her...painfully."
Dagger grins evily as Morgan opens his eyes
"In fact I will go and kill her when I am done here with you, i was bussy torturing her before i called you, her beaten and dieing body is still lying on the floor in her chamber, unable to move, or cry out"
Dagger roars with laughter
Morgan Evanar
Mar 31st, 2001, 08:20:09 AM
Morgan was mildly irritated.
"Dagger, I belive I would have heard or felt something if you were attacking Live Wire. Don't be rediculous."
Lord Dagger
Mar 31st, 2001, 12:54:21 PM
Dagger smiles
"I am a Sith Grandmaster my friend, and one who knows LW well, i can mask her presence in the Force, as I am doing now, can't you tell?"
Dagger smirks
"And as for sound, the rooms are sound proofed, a precortion"
Dagger grins again
"So you see, soon your precious LW will be dead and there will be nothing you can do about it"
Morgan Evanar
Mar 31st, 2001, 03:04:13 PM
Why is he lying to me? Morgan reached out for Live Wire, and could feel her, but could tell nothing more. Not where she was or how she was feeling. So you are masking her presence. He let his irritation at Dagger's games rise some.
"Stop playing games, Dagger. It is not amusing."
Lord Dagger
Apr 1st, 2001, 01:04:34 PM
Dagger raises and eyebrow
"I sense your irritation, let you anger flow, you must come to hate me or you will never truely be a Sith, it is the burning hatred that drives us forward. However, though you must be driven by your anger you must master it, never let it master you, when you fight you must fight with a level head, you moves must be calculated but backed with the strength of anger"
Dagger takes a deep breath and holds his sabre in one hand before him
"Very well then, attack me..."
OOC/I'm really sorry about this but i'm going to be away fro about 3 weeks :( i hate to cut and run but i'll finish this when i return\IC
Morgan Evanar
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:05:42 PM
There was a slight hiss as Morgan freed 1.3 meters of metal from its home inside his coat. With a slight growl, he swung at Dagger's midsection, and was quickly blocked. Morgan continued this exercise a few more times, aiming for different parts of the body.
Lord Dagger
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:11:09 PM
Dagger calmly blocked each of the attacks and then responded with a lightening ripose which Morgan was hard pressed to keep up with, as soon as an opening in Morgan's defence appeared Dagger palm smashed into his chest
Morgan Evanar
Apr 4th, 2001, 07:00:25 PM
Ordinarily, Morgan simply would have rolled to drain energy from Dagger's punch. Except that Dagger's fist returned so quickly that it simply depostited all of the blow into the fallen Jedi's chest. He seemingly faltered for a moment, and then the metal blade swished above Dagger's head by a scant milimeter.
Dagger is about as fast as I am. Damn. I normally hold a speed advantage.
The blade was allowed to go wide, and Dagger pressed his advantage, only to be met with lightning defense and a reverse backfist to his side.
Lord Dagger
Apr 5th, 2001, 12:38:22 PM
Dagger takes the backfist, allowing his armour to absorb the blow, pressing his momentum forward Dagger rams his shoulder into Morgan bowling him over. As he falls Dagger steps quickly over him and away, out of imidiate range and waits for Morgan to get back up
Morgan Evanar
Apr 7th, 2001, 08:18:47 PM
"grrrrrrr." Morgan returned to his feet with a growl. He didn't really hurt, but now he was determined to knock Dagger around a bit. Closing the gap with quick, long legged strides, he aimed a sidekick for Dagger's face, who nimbly ducked and punched to counter. Grabbing Dagger's attacking hand, Morgan growled again and fell back into a roll, kicking the Dagger over and away from him.
Lord Dagger
Apr 11th, 2001, 09:06:50 AM
OOC/Sith Lord, i think not...\IC
Dagger flew over Morgan's head to land on his back, with a simple flexing of the shoulder muscles Dagger was back on his feet and turning to face Morgan once more
"Good, i could feel your anger, but let it flow more, attack me again"
Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2001, 07:18:03 PM
Morgan dashed, stoped short, feinting twice with his hands, Dagger nimbly evaded the feints, and missed a hook hook kick, dodged by an equally nimble Evanar.
Morgan growled savagely, rushing the Sith Grandmaster while his foot was still in the air. He wrapped his arms around Dagger, who hammerfisted the wiry man's back. Morgan howled as he attempted to plant the ancient Sith into the ground, shoulders first.
Lord Dagger
Apr 18th, 2001, 06:26:29 AM
Dagger falls backwards and throws his apprentice over his shoulders and to the floor. He sprung to his feet and smiled
"I do feel pain, and that pain only makes me well to learn"
Dagger brings his sabre up infront of him and prepares for the next round
Morgan Evanar
Apr 18th, 2001, 02:14:34 PM
Morgan grunted as his body flatly impacted the ground. He would have a few bruises tommoro. Dagger's saber had ignited with a hiss, and Morgan brought out his own greenish saber, which had a hint of blue twoards the edges.
The fallen Jedi waited the ancient Sith Grandmaster's move.
Lord Dagger
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:56:03 AM
Dagger walks slowly forward, at the last moment he goes right and drops to the floor, his free hand snakes out and pulls Morgan's leg out from under him
Morgan Evanar
Apr 23rd, 2001, 12:03:21 PM
Morgan slaps the ground, absorbing most of the impact evenly. He brought his other leg up, and snapped a nasty hook kick across Dagger's helmet. Now free, Evanar nimbly rolled to his feet.
Grinning, he slashed at the prone Sith, who's blade quickly countered.
Lord Dagger
Apr 23rd, 2001, 01:18:17 PM
OOC/No helmet\IC
Dagger spins his blade to turn Morgan's down to the floor and the leaps back to his feet, his right foot comes round in a vicious arc, connecting with a crunch with Morgan's head. Dagger then falls back and tries to clear the spots from infron of his eyes
Morgan Evanar
Apr 23rd, 2001, 01:38:25 PM
Morgan's head arched back, and Dagger's foot connected with his jaw, wretching his head around. He spat, his saliva red with life's-blood. Evanar growled, turning to face the ancient Sith, and charged, slashing. Dagger blocked, and parried.
Low, high, low, midthrust. All were quickly blocked by the hardend Sith. Morgan dropped slightly, trying to sweep his master. Dagger looked upon this as an opurtinty, and brought his saber down. The former Jedi brought his blade up, parring. Suddenly, he flipped back, long right leg extended, catching Dagger hard under the chin.
Lord Dagger
Apr 23rd, 2001, 10:40:41 PM
Dagger pushes himself back, using the force of the blow to his advantage. He goes all the way over and lands back on his feet. He reaches up to his jaw and there is an audiable snap as he resets it. He smiles grimly and streaches out with the Force, throwing a dozen mid-sized rocks at Morgan
Morgan Evanar
Apr 25th, 2001, 04:40:24 PM
Rocks suddenly were airborne, coming from all directions. Morgan's danger sense screamed, and he leapt into the air three meters, and dove back at the ground. Unfortuanately, three rocks found their target, and Evanar's roll was sent badly awry. He shook his head a bit, clearing the fuzz from the bad roll.
Grabbing a rock as he quickly rose, he hurled it at Dagger with astounding velocity, his arm's speed aided by adrenaline and anger.
Lord Dagger
Apr 26th, 2001, 12:14:37 PM
Dagger having had nothing else to do but watch, blocks the throw with ease. He catches the rock in mid-air and throws it aside, advancing with his sabre again as he does
Morgan Evanar
May 12th, 2001, 06:06:21 PM
Wait for it...
Morgan stood motionless, sword ready. Dagger attacked, and Evanar blocked with precision, working his way physically closer. The slashes and thrusts came, but they were block as Morgan worked his way in, inch by inch. Dagger tried to kick Evanar's midsection, but threw himself out of the way, still blocking. Suddenly, Morgan was in the air, twisting, neatly perfoming a reverse side kick that connected violently with Dagger's head.
Lord Dagger
May 12th, 2001, 11:13:43 PM
Dagger takes a step back from the force of the blow. He takes a momnent to collect his thoughs and as he does Morgan lands and attacks. Dagger's sabre comes up and blocks, even as he does Morgan hears the snap-hiss of another lightsabre igniting and realises that Dagger now has two weapons, the second of which is not heading for his stomach
Morgan Evanar
May 13th, 2001, 06:51:36 AM
Morgan arches his back, and handsprings away, the new saber's thrust finding only air. There is a hiss, and Evanar has produced a saber of his own, blue green blade casting a glow on his face. Dagger was suddenly upon him, and he had the advantage. Morgan was not very familiar with using two swords/sabers.
Lord Dagger
May 13th, 2001, 01:15:46 PM
Dagger's onslaught was fast and furious, battering at Morgan with strenght and speed. Suddenly the anchient sith forces Morgan's blades down and leaps up, delivering an airborn kick to his chin
Morgan Evanar
May 14th, 2001, 12:44:16 PM
Morgan fell back, hitting the floor with a soft thud and skidding backwards. He hopped to his feet again, and spat blood onto the ground. His tounge burned like fire in his mouth, the edge crushed by his teeth when Dagger kicked him.
"RRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrRRRR" the low growl issued from Morgan's throat, sounding extrodinarily like a panther or tiger.
The growl continued as he circled in on Dagger. Sparks flew as the Sith Master's sabers met Evanar's sword and saber. Dagger held his ground as Morgan's blade's pounded at him, and they locked blades.
RRRRROUUUURRRRRRRR! Suddenly, Dagger's arms were forced apart by Morgan's superiour strenght, blades to the side and behind. He stomped fiercely down on the Sith Master's foot and cracked him fiercly across the face with his sword's hand guard.
Lord Dagger
May 15th, 2001, 12:48:53 PM
OOC/Superior strenghth??\IC
Dagger realed and then righted himself, with a single fluid motion he brought his sabres round, catching Morgan's weapons. Dagger concentrated hard on the Force bringing all his conciderable power to bear on his own muscles. With this increase in strenghth Morgan was forced down to his knees befor the anchient Sith. Dagger's foot came up hard, smashing into Morgan's face and bowling him backwards
Morgan Evanar
May 15th, 2001, 06:13:29 PM
OOC: Morgan isn't exactly human, which will be explained in an RP pretty soon.
The room swam about as Morgan righted himself from the floor, brushing the side of his face. There would be a bruise for a few days. He spat, blood and saliva again painted the floor. Shaking the cobwebs out, he sprung to his feet, eyes steady on Dagger with a look of raw rage and hatred. Morgan snarled, charging Dagger, bashing at his sabers, leaving himself open on the left. The Sith Master smiled slightly as he singed the Disciple's arm, but did not have the opportunity to do further damage; Morgan howled as the blade bit in, but quickly banished it with his own saber, and simultaneously slammed his foot into Dagger's chest, anger feeding his strenght.
Lord Dagger
May 15th, 2001, 10:39:41 PM
Dagger falls back as the foot hits him, bringing his legs up he grabs Morgan's with his own and twists sending Morgan crashing backwards. The two Sith leap back to their feet at around the same time and meet head on again, their strenghths almost equal as the try to prize each other's attacks aside. Dagger finally gains the advantage by reaching out with the Force and pushing on Morgan's inner elbow's with it causing his arms to untense allowing Dagger to lean forward and headbutt Morgan
Morgan Evanar
May 21st, 2001, 01:59:42 PM
Morgan winced at the impact, stumbling. Dagger was on him in a flash, and Evanar fell back, deflecting blows from Dagger's two sabers. The air about the former Jedi Knight shimmered oddly, as if one were to look at Morgan's reflection in waves. Blows from the Disciple seemed to come from the wrong places. Dagger tried to pierce the mind trick but couldn't. It wasn't a mind trick. The light around Morgan was litterally distorted. In his concentration, Evanar beat Dagger's blades out of the way just enough to scratch his neck with the tip of his sword.
Morgan pressed his opponet, trying to maintain his edge on the old Sith. He displaced the image of himself, throwing off Dagger's counter-attack, and uppercutted him in the jaw, lifting him off the ground.
Lord Dagger
May 21st, 2001, 02:37:09 PM
Dagger falls back, his annoyance growing. He cannot penetrate the light show so instead he closes his eyes, allowing the Force to guide his movements. Once engrosed in the Force Dagger's blocks become almost perfect, forcing Morgan back once more, his blocks become a little slower as the blood from his neck runs down his chest and distracts him slightly
Morgan Evanar
May 22nd, 2001, 07:16:09 PM
A sadistic grin spread across Morgan's face as the blood welled up and flowed down Dagger's neck. The Sith Master slows, and Evanar seemed to move faster. Light about Morgan ceased to bend momentarily, and then distorted like somone dropped a rock in it.
Momentairly, the Disciple fell back slightly, trying to goad Dagger into beliving he had an advantage. When he did not rise to the bait, Morgan charged the ancient Sith with fury and speed unequaled. Dagger blocked surprisingly well, but Evanar forced his blades apart, and bicycle flip-kicked him under the chin.
Lord Dagger
May 23rd, 2001, 12:35:52 PM
Dagger fell backwards, hitting the ground with an audiable crash. Gritting his teeth against a grunt of pain Dagger kept his eyes firmly closed and responded the only way he knew how...Morgan felt the wave of silent thunder strike him and blast the air from his lungs in a grunt. A second wave hit him and sent him crashing from his feet, even before he hit the floor the third wave crashed into him and propelled him through the air and to the floor. Even as he gathered his breath and began to stand he saw the Force Vampyre climbing slowly to his feet
Morgan Evanar
May 24th, 2001, 01:16:49 PM
Morgan groaned as he drew himself onto his feet. Dagger walked purposefully toward him. Narrowing his eyes, he ran at Dagger.
Distance dissapearing between them in a blur, Morgan leapt at the Sith, shimmered in the air, and dissapeared.
Behind him, a saber hissed to life. Dagger blocked almost casually, countering the blow from Evanar's sword. Morgan growled, continuing to search for a hole in Dagger's defence.
Lord Dagger
May 24th, 2001, 01:32:54 PM
Morgan feels the pressure of the Force on his windpipe and Dagger begins to close it for him, his attacks become more frantic allowing Dagger to beat them aside with casual ease and deliver a airborn kick to his throat, sending him staggering backwards
Morgan Evanar
May 30th, 2001, 11:48:21 AM
Morgan dropped his weapons and grasped at his throat, weezing for air. Dagger had effectively collapsed his windpipe, and Evanar went into retreat, leaping backwards before his body ran out of oxygen. The Sith Master's saber hummed overhead, forcing Morgan into a crouch, and he rolled right to evade the second coming down. Finally, his throat began to unstick itself, and Evanar went into a coughing fit as he doged Dagger's blows, vision begging to tunnel.
Evanar lept over the Sith's head, making a run for his weapons when he was slammed out of the air by the thunder, and hard into the ground, smacking the side of his head on a barely exposed rock.
His vision began to darken, narrowing into long tunnels.
Lord Dagger
May 30th, 2001, 11:56:55 AM
Dagger leaps forward, his foot smashing into the back of Morgan's kneck and smashed him to the floor. His sabre's dipped and crossed over the back of his kneck
"Yield...or die"
Morgan Evanar
May 30th, 2001, 01:58:32 PM
It was hard to make out words through the fuzz of fading concuiousness. All he could hear was the thudding of his heart. But he managed a nod through blurred vision, sensing intent.
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