View Full Version : who will be my master???
Ignorant Perfection
May 16th, 2001, 01:26:22 AM
two things...I was told by a couple of Jedi that's I be strong...this when me was five... secondly me be not into bowing all d time, oh and number tri, me be wanting to be master as soon as posible...
~when ya be perfect anything is possible~
Darth Viscera
May 16th, 2001, 04:54:52 AM
Oh my. Sounds like you are a true badass. *stifles a laugh*
You're not into bowling, you say? :lol:
Ignorant Perfection
May 17th, 2001, 12:53:02 AM
"Me be just showing ye what me be like on me worst days. Me is usually quite obedient. Back at home me mother be telling me that first impressions do be the most important. She be saying that if ye show them what ye be like when ye be in a bad mood, then they be surprised and pleased when ye show them that ye be not usually that haughty, and that ye attitude be not that much of a problem. Me do be realizing that me did not behave as me should have...Me humbly ask for ye forgiveness." Ignorant Perfection spread her skirts wide in a deep curtsy and remained in that position while she waited for a reply.
~When ya be perfect anything be possible~
Jeseth Cloak
May 19th, 2001, 10:47:06 AM
Ignorant Perfection
May 20th, 2001, 03:10:03 AM
"Me name does be Dea Potentiae, sir, me do be thanking ye very much for replying. Me do be very nervous in a new place, surrounded by powerful people, and without me position as future queen to ensure that me words be listened to." of course as she said this she remained in her position with her head bowed.
Lord Dagger
May 20th, 2001, 07:35:55 AM
I will be your master, oone who claimes to be perfect should prove an intresting challenge for me...
Dagger smiles and waits for Dea to be ready
Ignorant Perfection
May 21st, 2001, 12:29:48 AM
"I do be always ready master," Dea said standing up smoothly from the curtsy she had held for so long, yet keeping her head last she had a master!
Lord Dagger
May 21st, 2001, 01:49:04 AM
Dagger grins evily
"Tell me a little about your history and your control over the Force so i know where to begin yuor training"
Ignorant Perfection
May 21st, 2001, 01:40:37 PM
"I'm the heir to the throne of a small country on the planet Desero, which can be located near the edge of civilization. A colony of humans arrived on this lushly forested planet about eight hundred years ago. My family has been the ruling house for about four generations now. Our country is most likely in turmoil over who will be the next queen because me mother be not in good health when I did be leaving and me do be her only child and me do not be there to be taking me place on d throne. By the time me training be done I will probably no longer have a throne to occupy. Now about me experience with the already know that me mother had a pair of Jedi Knights for advisers. They did be the ones who tought me protical, and whenever me mother wasn't looking they would put me through their Jedi exercises. It was just a game to me then...sneaking behind mothers back to learn what she had prohibited me to learn. I never really took it seriously and they ended up not teaching me much. Most of what I know I figured out on me own." Dea returned her masters grin and her dress changed into a much more comfortable outfit comprised of shorts and T-shirt, her long flowing hair was instantly turned into a mass of small intricate braids. "I had been runing late for a banquet and had only a minute or two to get ready, and then I was...It was the first thing I ever learned to do and I must admit that it is quite helpful...This first experience is in fact what truely tought me how to use me power. I concentrate on the chaos that can be found in everything and I change it. I twist the pattern of creation and make something else out of it..."
Lord Dagger
May 21st, 2001, 11:56:56 PM
Dagger arches an eyebrow
"An intresting ability and one i have not encountered for a long time...So you have no practice with telekinisis type Force powers? Very well then we will begin there..."
Dagger points to 4 stones each twice as large as the previous one
"Under one of those rocks is what we will use for the next exercise...a lightsabre, lift each rock in turn, any order you like and when you have found the sabre move the rock aside and call the sabre to you...concentrate all your dark emotions, if you fail this test you will never learn the Force"
Dagger folds his arms and waits
Ignorant Perfection
May 22nd, 2001, 12:47:12 AM
Dea concentrated on the chaos, from which all was created, and she examined her master's lightsaber, she then looked for the same pattern of chaos under the rocks. She found it, ever so slightly altered for no two lightsabers are entirely the same. It was the second rock she had to move. By twisting the pattern of the rock just a bit and adding the pattern of life, Dea transformed the rock into a dove. She Called the pattern that was the lightsaber to herself as told and the dove startled by the movement beneath it flew off. The lightsaber soared towards her and right into her waiting hand. She was slightly startled by the simplicity of the act, for she had never done anything like it before. "Am I to fight with this master?"
Lord Dagger
May 22nd, 2001, 12:02:05 PM
Dagger smiled slyly
"If you wish to fight with it then fight with it...else you can choose another weapon or die"
Dagger ignites his own sabre and takes up a fighting stance
"Sith always make the first move....attack me"
Ignorant Perfection
May 23rd, 2001, 12:19:01 AM
"Me do be not knowing what to be doing with this!" Dea said frantic, "this do be the very first time me has been holding a weapon! I...I just do not be knowing what to do!!!" She swallowed and looked away ashamed by the tears that filled her eyes and even more ashamed at her failour...
Lord Dagger
May 23rd, 2001, 12:29:39 PM
Dagger's face softens as he switches of his sabre and takes a step towards Dea, gently he raises her head an wipes the tears away with the back of his hand
"Shhhh, do not cry...everyone must learn at sometime i am here to teach you what you do not know, if you are unsure ask, do not cry, they do not become you."
Dagger replaces his sabre on his belt
"Whether you ever intend to use it or not the lightsabre is the badge of rank of the Sith and therefore should be is dangerous to wear it however without at least basic training in it...i can see your skills lie elsewhere with the Force, but i will teach you the basics of the lightsabre"
Dagger takes Dea's hands in his own, still holding the lightsabre, he points it upwards into the air between them and moves her thumb onto the deadman switch, instantly the crimson blade snaps into life and hums gently between them
"My lightsabre's work on a deadman switch, if you remove your thumb from the button the sabre will switch off, a safty feature, nothing more"
Dagger releases his hands allowing Dea to hold the sabre herself, feeling how little his sabre's weighed an how well balanced the weapon was
Ignorant Perfection
May 24th, 2001, 12:31:08 AM
Dea was shocked, she really had not expected such a show of kindness from her master. "yes," she pleaded silently, "teach me what I don't know. Show me the beauty of fighting with a lightsabre." she looked down at the ignited weapon in her hand, "it is so perfect," she whispered noticing how it already felt a part of her despite her lack of weapon experience. "I am listening continue..."
Lord Dagger
May 24th, 2001, 12:31:44 PM
Dagger nods slowly then moves next to Dea, bringing his own sabre to life once more
"Copy my movements if you can..."
Dagger begins to move his sabre in a simple set of moves, slowly at first, making sure Dea can keep up with him then faster and faster to Dagger's fastest without using the Force to speed his movements. Dagger makes Dea follow him in a complex series of moves. He could see the sweat running down her face as she tried to follow the anchient Sith in moves he had practiced for centuries, just when it looked like she could take no more he stopped
"Well done to keep up with me. Now...."
Dagger held his sabre in a defencive stance
"Attack my sabre using some of the moves i jsut showed you...don't worry i won't hit back, i will simply guide you when you make a mistake"
OOC/Do you have an IM i can contact you on? and will you do me a favour?\IC
Ignorant Perfection
May 26th, 2001, 05:16:40 PM
OOC: My E-mail's or on AOL instant messager I'm Tiliamphitrite. What favor might my master ask of me?? :IC
Dea heaved a huge sigh and rolled her eyes, "Do I have to??" She whined. Then with a laugh (I hope ye realize by now that Dea is mental...j/k) she flew into the forms that she had just learned. She had hoped that she might catch her master a little off guard, but he easily blocked all of her simple attacks. she stoped and raised a questioning eyebrow, "happy now?"
Lord Dagger
May 26th, 2001, 10:49:16 PM
Dagger makes 3 swift moves, knocking Dea's sabre aside he lifts her by the throat
"Becarful with you arrogance my temper is short"
Dagger drops her and reaches out with the Force, knocking her thumb off the deadman switch and the sabre switches off
"We will return to the sabre later...but for now we will move onto something that may well be more in your field of expertise...prediction"
Dagger turns slightly and motions for 3 stormtroopers to come over, each of the carrying a blaster set on stun
"These stormtroopers are going to fire in a random order, i want you to move out of the way before each fires"
OOC/If you suddenly decide to give up RPing...just please tell me\IC
Ignorant Perfection
May 27th, 2001, 03:06:51 AM
Dea threw a sullen look at her master. She wasn't arrogent, she had just asked a simple question. Apparently the answer was no. Suppressing a sigh, she reached out for the chaos in the brains of the stormtroopers. Dea took a while to oreint herself with the brains' layout and then set up watch over the part of the brains from which orders were sent to the rest of the body. She would be able to see the order to shoot before it even started down the spinal cord. she did all of this in only two seconds and shortly afterward the stormtroopers started firing. She took her time dodging the stun rays. There wasn't any need to rush. All three stormtroopers had miserably slow reflexes. She started to use some of the acrobatics she had learned from the minstrel back at home to avoid the blasts. During an especially fancy back hand spring, twist combo she felt the bolt singe the long braided hair that was trailing behind her. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she screamed in a voice that would have made a banshee run for cover. She glared at the stormtrooper who had damaged her precious hair while deftly sidesteping the blasts from the other two. Dea felt his brain send another order to fire. In her fuiry she twisted the chaos in his brain. He instantly droped to the floor in highly painful convulsions then suddenly fell silent and quite dead. Still mindlessly dodging the other stormtroopers' shots she surveyed her kill with cold satisfaction. No one touches the hair!
Lord Dagger
May 27th, 2001, 01:38:46 PM
Dagger watched the kill with grim satisfaction...good, she was learning. Dagger looked down at the dead stormtrooper and an equally grim idea came to mind. Reaching out with the Force Dagger lifted the man and began to control his movements, he made sure the first blast missed Dea just to let her know what he was doing and then started to aim for her hair
Ignorant Perfection
May 27th, 2001, 02:52:14 PM
Dea knew what her master was doing and just to spite him she took a second to calm down and then blew up the bloody gun that the dead stormtrooper was holding. She then slowly turned to face her master making sure her anger was in check. She flashed him a calm smile, "That was amusing. What's next?"
Lord Dagger
May 27th, 2001, 03:02:23 PM
Dagger nodded slowly the stormtrooper corpse crumpled and crashed back the ground once more, then he smiled.
"Your skills in this area are impressive and the killing of the stormtrooper was an intresting change..."
The smile fell from his
"But you are far too is your weakness, one which i shall now exploite"
Dagger threw her the sabre again and motioned for her to ignite it.
"Any fool can dodge three stormtroopers, but what if i tell you that you must reflect the attacks of twelve stormtroopers, usuing their own blasts to kill them."
Dagger motions and ten more troopers arrive, leveling their blasters at Dea
"On and only half the blasters are on stun, but i'm not gonig to tell you which half"
Dagger motioned for the stormtroopers to begin firring
Ignorant Perfection
May 29th, 2001, 01:01:08 AM
As she dodged the first couple shots Dea considered her options. He had told her to kill the stormtroopers...with their own reflected attacks, but only half the guns were set on kill. She would have to either kill the stormtroopers who had stun guns with bolts reflected from those set on kill, or just stun them with their own reflected shots. Dea was having a bad day...she decided to kill them. Avoiding another couple blasts, she concentrated on the guns. By comparing the chaotic pattern in each she was able to figure out which were set on stun and which on kill. Dea brought the lightsabre up into a defencive stance and felt for the direction from which she would be attacked first. She didn't have long to wait. Dea spun to her right to deflect the shot from one of the stun guns. She wasn't going to use this on a stormtrooper, she would kill them all. She reflected the bolt toward her master knowing perfectly well that he would dodge it easily. The next attack was from a gun set on kill. She sent this one towards a stormtrooper who was just about to fire his stun gun. One down eleven to go. once again reflecting a stun bolt to her master (she hoped that he was getting his exercise, serve him right) she used another shot from a gun set on Kill to dispose of the storm trooper who had fired it. The stun shots for the master and the others for killing stormtroopers. eight left...six left...eight down...finally there were only four left, two stun and two kill. Dea hit yet another stun towards her master and pain filled her left arm. because she was tired and not thinking straight she looked down at her arm. It lay limp at her side, hit not by a stun bolt but by one that kills. She would have to be more aler...Dea was unable to complete that thought for she had just been hit in the chest by the attack of one of the four remaining stormtroopers. She fell to the ground, unconscious and possibly dead.
Lord Dagger
May 29th, 2001, 12:07:05 PM
Dagger stands perfectly still as his apprentice reflect the stun bolts to him, he doesn't even flinch as the bolts stop mear inches from him and are disipated by the personal shielding he wore. Dagger furrowed his brow as Dea was hit by the first kill blast. Dagger realises that she is going to miss the second before it is even fired and reaches out, flicking the gun onto stun just before the stormtrooper fires. Dea takes the hit, not realising it is a stun shot and goes down. Dagger motions for the stormtroopers to stop firing and moves to stand over Dea, waiting for her to regain conciousness
Ignorant Perfection
May 30th, 2001, 01:27:39 AM
Blackness faded into gray and finally dea opened her eyes. Out of instinct she concentrated on the chaos of her own body. she found some miinor bumbs and bruises, which she healed along with her injured arm. While doing this she also looked around her. The stormtroopers had stoped shooting and her master stood above her. She waited for him to speak.
Lord Dagger
May 30th, 2001, 12:07:12 PM
Dagger scowles
"That was careless...what if i hadn't been that fast? you would now be dead"
Dagger looks down at her
"Get up you weakling and you can finish off, this time with all the blasters on kill...and i won't help you again"
Ignorant Perfection
May 31st, 2001, 12:32:32 PM
I thank you, master, for saving my horrible, worthless life (although I don't know why any one would want to do that). Dea stood and turned on the lightsabre. Her master stepped back and signalled for the stormtroopers to start. Dea could feel the chaos around her, but something was wrong the chaos seemed different...somehow. Shoving that worry to the back of her head, She concentrated only on what she was doing. Her master would not like it if she failed again
Lord Dagger
May 31st, 2001, 12:47:23 PM
Dagger watches silently as the stormtroopers begin to fire one by one. Dea begins the routine again, slowly at first then gaining speed to match the stormtroopers. She reflects a couple more stun bolts towards Dagger who, once again, ignores them, letting his personal shielding deal with them
Ignorant Perfection
Jun 3rd, 2001, 03:25:46 AM
OOC: I'm very sorry about not replying sooner. It's just that the reply that the computer ate was so much better than any thing I could write now... I like your picture of Exar Kun (sp?). Stun bolts?? I thought you had all the stormtroopers set their guns to kill. I suppose you haven't yet realized that Dea is all obedient and docile *shivers to think such a thought* now.
IC: Dea finished the exercise and stood there for a moment looking at the bodies. She had killed thirteen stormtroopers! What kind of creature had this sith training made of her? Who replaced the innocent Princess Dea Potentiae? Dea was startled out of her thoughts by an impatient cough from her jedi master. Now was not the time for such questions, her master was waiting. Shoving her questions to the back of her mind, she moved to stand before her master, head bowed. "What is your bidding my master?"
Lord Dagger
Jun 3rd, 2001, 06:28:17 AM
OOC/Ok so i forgot, i'm not perfect....and don't call me a jedi please\IC
Dagger smiles at her
"Your perception powers are exellent...i am impressed"
Dagger smiles, almost reading her thoughts
"The abbility to kill and killing its self does not make you evil, it is the desire which warps you, not the act. Make no mistake my apprentice Sith are evil, that is their place in the universe, they are the balance of the Jedi, they destroy and kill at whim. Killing those stormtroopers does not make you evil, afterall they were trying to kill you. If you found pleasure in killing them then that is what makes you evil....if you find killing uncomfortable then perhaps you should go to the Jedi"
Unsually for a Sith the last phrase was said with suprising kindness, but then Dagger was an unusual Sith
"Take head my apprentice, I do not enjoy the act of killing, i kill without any emmotion at all, it is simply a part of me, and yet i am evil, it is the lack of regret that makes me will fine your true path i am sure, wether you kill for enjoyment, without emmotion...or wether you join the Jedi you will find the path that suites you best i am sure"
Dagger, kindly mood dropped suddenly and he grinned evily
"But now comes my favorite part of training"
Dagger holds up his sabre and ignites it with a snap. The crimson blade hums gently in the air
"The part where you attack me and i humble you...and teach you how to fight in the process....attack me"
Dagger moved himself into a defencive stance and awaited the attack
Ignorant Perfection
Jun 5th, 2001, 11:55:42 AM
OOC: Oh I'm so sorry I didn't even realize I had writen Jedi Master until you pointed it out...Maybe I should stop reading so many books about Luke's Jedi Academy.
IC: Dea inhaled deeply. She understood the importance of hands on training but learning how to deal with ambasadors from neighboring kingdoms wasn't usually as deadly as dueling with a lightsaber, Unless the ambassador was malian...they've been known to chose assasins for their ambassadors... Dea exhaled, her master was really good with his lightsabre, he wouldn't kill her....on accident. She concentrated on her borrowed sabre and everything else that surounded her, Pulling the energy of the chaos to herself, she attacked...
Lord Dagger
Jun 6th, 2001, 01:01:47 AM
Dagger brought his sabre down to the side in an arc, pushing Dea's sabre away as he spun round, past her and onto her back where he lightly jabbed her with his elbow, not enough to hurt, but enough to let her know he could have hurt her. Dagger continued his roll until he was a few feet from Dea where he stopped and took up his stance again. "Your attack is too simple...something most people could block without thinking, you are more of a diplomat than a fighter i know, so let me use an example, would you simply tell a rival diplomat what you wanted? I think not, you would dodge around it and prob them to see what you could learn, fighting is exactly the try again"
Ignorant Perfection
Jun 7th, 2001, 06:13:49 PM
Dea suppressed a sigh. "As you wish, Master," she said trying to keep the depression form her voice. Was she ever going to improve her lightsabre dueling skills? she moved in again to attack. Doing a few feints before her true strike.
Lord Dagger
Jun 7th, 2001, 11:56:45 PM
Dagger blocked the true attack with the ease of one who knows what is cominng long before it happens. With a quick flick of his wrist he turns Dea's sabre over, twiisting her wrist in a strange angle. A second flick causes her to drop the sabre which promptly deactives. Dagger sighs
"I can see that lightsabres will never be your weapon of choice...tell me then apprentice, what would you like to learn how to do?"
Ignorant Perfection
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:01:00 PM
"My two greatest weakness's are overconfidence and a huge dislike for learning. Master, you helped me defeat my overconfidence, for now at least. Would it be possible to teach me to no longer despise learning?"
Lord Chryn
Jun 9th, 2001, 01:13:57 PM
Dagger concidered this for a moment
"So you want to learn how to intresting challenge"
Dagger subconciously lifts a hand to his faces and nibbles on the end of his index finger
"Then i will teach you something that you desire to know, and i know exactly what you want..."
Dagger smiled, a broad grin that split his face
"You want my i will teach you what will earn you my praise...i will teach you something i could never master"
Dagger hold up his hand, his brow furrows in concentration as energy begins to crackle around it
"The power to use the very energy of the Force as a you desire to learn this?"
OOC/Oups, wrong account\IC
Ignorant Perfection
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:53:12 AM
Dea bit her lip. She had not thought that her desires were so apparent, but he was right; she wanted to make her Master proud, she yearned for his praise. " If you couldn't master it then I doubt I can, but if you want me to, then I'll try."
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