View Full Version : Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
Jedah Lynch
Feb 15th, 2001, 08:42:05 PM
The Sith Lord leans against a small shuttle, its cargo bay door is open and various items are loaded onto it. The Sith waits as the wind blows gently in the air his white hair trickling across his face.
OOC:Decided to continue your training here, less forum jumping.
Lady DeVille
Feb 16th, 2001, 11:36:54 AM
De'Ville walked across the duracrete towards her master. Once by his side, she watched the shuttle being loaded. "I am here, master."
Jedah Lynch
Feb 17th, 2001, 01:56:31 PM
Lynch turns toward his apprentice and nods.
"You have a good understanding on the finer aspects of fighting and using the force to your advantage. That much you've done well to prove so far."
He gives her a stern look.
"Now we shall see how you cope with the odds against you, a test of your will and determination. Survival will as always be your main goal"
Lady DeVille
Feb 17th, 2001, 02:51:20 PM
Keeping silent, De'Ville merely nodded, and then followed her master onto the shuttle. She didn't bother asking where they were going, but concentrated on the Force as they took their seats.
Jedah Lynch
Feb 18th, 2001, 09:35:51 PM
Taking his seat, he pushes several buttons on the ceiling before turning his attention to the control panel. The ships loading doors react as they shut with a gritting sound. The engines of the small ship roar to life, with a small upward thrust the ship rises into the air off the ground several feet.
Pushing a button the ship rockets skyward as the two Sith watch the blue sky gives away to darkness with millions upon millions of shining dots.
"What gear do you have upon you?"
Lady DeVille
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:25:34 AM
She touched her lightsaber which hung from her belt, and added, "My vibroblades, and my blaster." De'Ville looked out on the stars, but chose not to ask where they were headed.
ooc: see pic for vibroblades, plus one six inch boot knife /ic:
Jedah Lynch
Feb 19th, 2001, 09:44:53 AM
The ship passes several planets, setting it on auto pilot Lynch walks to the back where several of the containers were loaded on. Kneeling down in front of one swipping his cape over one shoulder he access the ID panel lock. Several beeps later the container opens. The Sith lord takes out a thermal gernade tossing it in his hand before putting it back in sealing the container.
With a quick once over of the other containers he walks back to his seat satsified with the contents. Making a course change the ship avoids a small asteroid cluster that rockets close to their side. Hours later a planet comes in view, the obvious course to which they are going.
"There" he says.
Lady DeVille
Feb 19th, 2001, 02:29:52 PM
De'Ville looks out the viewport, but can't identify their destination off the top of her head. "Where are we?"
Jedah Lynch
Feb 19th, 2001, 10:54:21 PM
"Usually an unremakrable planet in an unremarkable sector of the universe." he said with a smile.
"But today it shall be more than a worthless mess of jungle flora and fauna. Today it shall be the grounds for your test to survive or die"
The ship begins to enter the planets atmoshpere, hot lines of red surrounded the vessel as goes deeper towards the planets surface until the black of space is gone. The red of reentry is gone, only the blue of the sky is seen as clouds pass by.
The ship zooms across an ocean daring to go so low as the water is thrown up away from it. The Sith grins.
"There is where we land"
His words come as land is in sight upon a beach near a vast jungle.
Lady DeVille
Feb 20th, 2001, 11:43:32 AM
De'Ville tightened the restraints around her body for the landing, and began mentally preparing herself for her test.
Jedah Lynch
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:00:43 PM
The ship rockets past several nine foot lizards lazily sun bathing off the rocks on the beach causing them to snarl and snap at the flying beast that soars past them. Punching in the landing vector the ships engines slow down, turning in the air it begins to make its descent hot thrusters scorch the earth darkening it by the intense heat. With only a minor bump the craft lands.
Unbuckling himself from his seat and moving to the back he slams his fist into a acces panel, the cargo door imediately reacts, swinging open giving open passage to the planets surface. Walking out onto the beach the Sith looks around taking note of the area thinking it good enough for her test. Activating a remote on his belt, several seemingly cubes begin to break apart before each -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-s into a cargo droid similar to that of the old battle droids. Each droid gathers some of the valuable cargo taking it out into the hot glare of the sun.
"I do think this adequate"
His eye catches the movement of a 12 foot creature moving in the far distance of the jungle eyeing them intently.
"I think this shall do just fine" he adds with a devious smirk.
Lady DeVille
Feb 22nd, 2001, 11:20:11 AM
The sun felt warm on her back, and the beach was more than idyllic, but De'Ville kept her mind focused, and ready for anything. The cargo droids were emptying the shuttle of its contents, and were being so thorough about it that she would not have been surprised to find them pulling out the seats as well.
Her mind threatened to wander, it is beautiful here, but for all she knew these surrounding spelled out her ultimate death. Huge lizards were basking in the sun not too far away.
De'Ville waited for her master to decide he was going to fill her in, and kept her mind sharp.
Jedah Lynch
Feb 22nd, 2001, 07:26:06 PM
Removing his hood from his face Lynch notes the droids are almost done.
"Tell me Lady De'Ville, exactly what do you hope to accomplish in the service of the darkside?"
Lady DeVille
Feb 23rd, 2001, 05:02:09 PM
She thought carefully before attempting an answer. What do I hope to acheive?
"I will become powerful in the Force, able to achieve whatever I wish. I will find closure to certain areas of my personal life." As she spoke she made certain that her deepest thoughts were carefully masked, not wishing Lynch to be able to read her past like a book.
"I am going to work with TSO to achieve the destruction of the light side, and the users of it." She stopped, her hands unconsciously clenching at her sides.
Jedah Lynch
Feb 24th, 2001, 08:54:46 AM
Stopping to consider her words for a moment and the tone in which she had said the, he noted there was something in that tone and the hands held firm to her sides. Much anger in the past? he muses to himself, knowing if that is true then she can use that which has hurt her to be a powerful Sith if properly trained in the ways of a darkside.
A droid walks up to the Sith its face moving slightly from side to side in an odd twitch.
"Lord, the cargo has been removed as you specified, the area has also been fully scanned as you wished"
Lynch takes a second to consider for a moment at that which can happen, wondering if it is slightly rushing her training. Easily the thought is driven away with a second thought.
"Tell me then, can you handle the killing? The need to cut through a persons flesh with your weapon? Can you always get past the times when you may look into anothers eyes as they grow dark and cold as their life is drained? It might be a person your own age, then again walking down a charred town you may see a child. A child badly burnt as it cries out in pain in those last few moments of life. Could you ignore such pleas?"
Lady DeVille
Feb 24th, 2001, 11:46:46 AM
Who heard my cries as a child? She nodded. "I am able to ignore such pleas. Although if it were a child I would put it out of its misery."
She stared into her master's eyes. "I can handle the killing."
Jedah Lynch
Mar 2nd, 2001, 09:38:24 PM
A grin came to his face at the way she spoke the words and the determined look that she wore upon her face.
"You are here to undergo several test as you know"
Holding up his hand with a small holoprojector in his palm a hologram shoots up showing a map of the island they are upon.
"The l'island d'streeaor, more universally translated it means Isle of Death, a charming place where any who travel usually do meet a grim fate with the perils that lurk, then again they never have encounted one of our kind before, that is unless they encounter you"
Walking over to some of the cargo he opens one crate.
"Inside these are items like food packs, weapons such as knives, guns, explosives and medical equipment, many things you will need for survival out in the wilderness for days or weeks. You can take what you need or decide to take none of this. For your upcomeing situation will require you to be well prepared if you are to suceed with the task I give you unless you instict to survive is supreme."
Lady DeVille
Mar 7th, 2001, 12:35:01 AM
De'Ville looked at the hologram, and then back at her master. "Perils?" She knew better than to be too cocky, and so she walked over to inspect the contents of the crate as she talked.
"What exactly will my trials be?" She picked up an extra power cell for her blaster and tucked it into her belt.
Jedah Lynch
Mar 9th, 2001, 07:12:35 PM
"The trials you face will be a serious of task I shall have you under take to prove you are one of the fittiest to survive in this Sith age. I will give you one in a few moments, the others will be presented to you as time goes on."
"The perils that I mentioned are various flora and fauna life that live and thrive upon this island. Many large beast roam and prey upon the lesser creatures for food and survival, many plants also around here are rather violent as well, I'm sure you heard of a venus flytrap before? Think along the same lines"
Holding up the miniture holo projector in his hand he lets the image of the island shine again and points to the base of a mountain many miles inland. "This is where you must trek by yourself, it should take you several days if you do survive the climate and obsticles. Once there you let be given further instructions."
A droid walked up to her holding a similar holo projector.
"Take that one and keep it near you at all times, I will communicate with you via transmitter or perhaps even the force if I feel the need to interrupt you suddenly."
The Sith Lord looked up at the sky and then back down at her. "The day grows late, have you any questions before you begin for the time is now to go"
Lady DeVille
Mar 11th, 2001, 09:44:25 PM
She walked to the droid and took the holoprojector. Fastening it securely to her belt, she shook her head. "No, no questions."
De'Ville pulled a medpac and a ration of food out of the crate and stuffed them into a bag which she slung over her back. "I am ready to go now."
Jedah Lynch
Mar 12th, 2001, 11:32:42 PM
The island would be a true test of her mettle and her will to live through hardship he thought, who knows what she might endure. He remembered once long ago he had been stuck on this hellish place, he had almost died but then he had not been a Sith in those early years. His instincts and determination had seen him through. Now it was her turn.
"Then begin your test"
The Sith Lord pulls his hood over his face and walked off back to the ship, the droids turned following their master leaving the young Sith alone as night began to befall the isle, in that time of darkness the island would be all the more dangerous for those that knew nothing of the region, death lay only a turn each way.
Lady DeVille
Mar 13th, 2001, 11:16:43 AM
As the shuttle pierced the atmosphere, De'Ville made sure the blades were securely strapped to her arms. She wasn't sure what she would face on her journey to the mountain, but from the sense of the area, it wasn't going to be a walk in the park.
She left the clearing, following the holoprojector's map to a slight trail. It wasn't more than a small animal trail, the overhanging brush and trees nearly swallowed it in the dusk.
Using the Force to enhance her eyesight, she traveled without a light, not wanting to alert the 'natives' to her presence any more that she already had. Her senses were extended as far as she could possibly make them go, keeping her alerted to her surroundings.
De'Ville walked quickly and quietly. The jungles of Coruscant had taught her to travel silently when she needed to. Of course, the non-urban jungle was a little different, but the concept was still the same.
Her danger sense prickled her, and she dropped to the ground in a crouch as something large and unfriendly passed over her head.
Predatory Creature
Mar 15th, 2001, 06:52:55 AM
The creature smelled the thing before it even got near its territory. Its eyes pierced into the underbush looking for signs of the intruder, its tongue stuck out before quickly rolling back into its mouth. Climbing a tree alongside a trail it knew that unsuspecting prey often travelled upon it wrapped its large dark reptile frame around the tree and stayed very still. Its eyes shut to hide any light they may give, its keen sense of smell would tell it when the intruder was near.
It rested silently, eagerly hoping for a nice meal. The recent catches were only meager in comparison to the previous week, it wanted something larger to feast upon.
Moments later, the two legged thing came near it, walking silently. The creature opened an eye every so slightly to look at it, its mind couldnt comprehend what it exactly was. It had never seen an animal like that before, similar but slightly different, perhaps a variation in the breed or species that it came from. Such issues did not really matter to it nor did it care why it was there, only one reoccuring thought entered into its mind.
The ugly two legged thing would make a nice meal.
The creature was not a stupid beast or else it would have perished long ago. A quick sneak attack would be best. Take it down good and hard before the thing might be able to attack.
Moving swiftly unwrapping its body from the tree it launched directly over Lady De'Ville to a tree hanging to the side of her, the creature sent its tail down wrapping around her throat and lifting her feet off the ground. The creature gave a low growl and hiss as it looked down at its prey.
Lady DeVille
Mar 15th, 2001, 10:37:48 AM
De'Ville was pulled up from her crouch by a thick reptillian coil which wrapped itself around her neck. The hisssss from the branches of the tree above her sent an exhilirating shiver of fear through her limbs.
She didn't bother kicking or flailing her legs: that would just waste precious energy. De'Ville felt the pressure in her lungs and in her head increasing, and she squeezed her eyes shut, drawing on her fear to give her strength. Reaching up with one hand she gripped the muscular limb that held her, and pulled up, relieving some of the stress.
Her armblades would be of no immediate help, so she called her saber to her free hand, igniting it with a snap-hiss that illuminated the dark forest. De'Ville made a quick slice through the limb, gasping for air as she dropped to the ground. The creature emitted an horrible scream, more of an inhaling screech than anything else.
She deactived her saber, dousing the sudden light that had flooded the surroundings. The creature dropped to the forest floor, and De'Ville kept her senses extended, ready for the next attack, should it come.
Kal Dorn
Mar 16th, 2001, 05:28:59 PM
The creature lay very still upon the ground not moving but other beast had heard the screech of the creature. Cat like eyes shined through the bushes searching for the source of the inhuman scream. he had meant to steal some eggs from an nest but his need to investigate overroad that need for now. A hand went to a tree leaving scratch marks upon the bark as the humnoid figure bent down and sniffed the air trying to catch a scent. A tail wagged behind him.
Kal'dorn as he was called in his language was what many would call a catman. He resembled a human only with many feline traits. His nails were sharp as claws and could rake an foe very easily shedding their blood. His hair flowed over his face and back unkemptly. In one hand he held a spear made of razor sharp Rewkar bone, on his leather belt was two daggers made of the similar material.
He had survived long and heard with his tribe in the jungle, he knew if he didnt get to the creature before the scavengers there would be little left. His only concern was if the thing that took down the creature might still be in the vincity, a risk but every step in the surroundings was a risk.
Lady DeVille
Mar 16th, 2001, 05:48:58 PM
The creature was dead...De'Ville heard it wheeze its last breath, evidently having broken something vital in the fall from the tree. She quieted her breathing, and carefully continued down the slight trail.
It didn't seem like the safest place to be, since it was now obviously a game trail of some sort, but with nothing but the holo to guide her, De'Ville had to stick close to it. She silently rubbed her neck, and walked on. Life was all around her, near and far. It was the near that bothered her.
De'Ville paused. There was a sentient mind out there. She couldn't read it, or do more than sense its presence, but it was there. She proceeded, doubly cautious.
Kal Dorn
Mar 20th, 2001, 01:20:50 AM
He raced through the underbush not letting the twigs and branches hinder him in any way nor did he make any noise as he passed them, he took great care in how he moved and never did he make the mistake of leaving any noticeable traces of broken branches or the rustle of leaves to annouce his presence. He first saw him from behind.
Still many miles from her he dropped low, crouching in the underbush away from the hunting trail. He could tell she was a female, although non he had ever seen on the island in his life time. Her garmants and items she had were foreign to him, he did however admire her armblades, those might make a decent weapon, not for him to wear, he didnt think his arms would fit but perhaps as a mating gift to one of the females in his tribe at a later date.
For some unspeakable reason this unknown person gave him goose bumps as if her very presence was crawing at him in some odd way. It unnevered him but he would not loose his cool, slowly he began to follow her to see where she was going. He had no intention of attacking until he had come up with a plan or unless he had no option left.
Lady DeVille
Mar 20th, 2001, 10:13:43 AM
De'Ville continued walking silently. It was dark now, very dark. With the Force her eyesight was enhanced and her senses were keen enough that it didn't hinder her progress much.
That sencient was still following her: it was far enough back so as not to prick her danger sense, but too close for comfort. Another sound entered her consciousness. The sound of rushing water got louder as she advanced, until she found herself standing on the bank of a wild river.
Local Description
Mar 21st, 2001, 09:00:42 PM
The moons light cast its shine down through the canopy of trees as Lady De'Ville approached the Ka'Fa River that flowed from inland to the seas. Its hazarrdous waters were filled with many fish that could make a good meal yet some of those fish also feasted upon other animals that entered the water with their sharp teeth only to be devored by a school of the ravenous underwater dwellers. Eyes in the dark belonging to birds or other peered at her from their nest all on guard for any sign of a quick attack. The grass around the beaten down animal trail rustled any time an animal made its way through the green, what sort of animal or if they might post a problem could be debated, often the dying screams of some beast could be heard before all was silent in the distance, the only evidence anything had happened would be the birds that flew away from those areas.
Upon the river bed lay many huge rocks, that gave a good view of the river if one took the time to study the raging river. Any that did take a look at the fast moving currents knew it would be a serious problem to cross, a person caught in its rapids easily could be pulled under if not dashed upon countless pointy jagged rocks. A large skeleton of a long dead creature also lay near the rocks, its sharp claws and fangs left no guess it to be a fearsome creature however the markings on the bones contested to the fact it had lost the battle of survival. A small snake slithered out from its soul less eye sockets.
Far in the back Kal Dorn, continued to study and follow DeVille.
Lady DeVille
Mar 23rd, 2001, 11:33:08 AM
She squatted by the river's edge, a sun bleached skeleton to her left. In the moonlight that reflected off the river the bones seemed to glow. De'Ville studied the fast moving river. It was not going to be easy to cross.
Her follower had stopped as well. It didn't seem to be getting any closer, so De'Ville gave her attention to the problem at hand. The waters were teeming with life, but she was not naive enough to believe that the life was harmless. Lynch had said that there were many dangers, so she had to assume the river was full of danger as well. Having heard tales of flesh eating fish before, though not in connection with this planet, made trying to swim across a fearful task.
There were rocks in the river, cutting the current into rapids and eddys as the water rushed toward the oceans. De'Ville stood, her keen eyes trained on the boulders. There was a way to get across. She would have to get wet, but she could do it.
De'Ville tugged at the straps of her armblades, making sure they would not slip off in the water. She was going to have to swim to the nearest rock, it was too far to jump without a proper running start, even with the Force. And the forest grew in too thickly behind her to allow such a luxury.
The knapsack on her back was not waterproof, but she intended to get out of the water quickly. With a quick intake of air, De'Ville dove into the water, cutting through the current with swift, strong strokes.
As soon as she hit the water she could sense the creatures contained within becoming extremely interested in her. The water was deep, and brilliantly cold. It took her breath away, but she did not use the Force to keep her warm. If there were heat sensing animals in this area, she didn't want to light herself up like a "come eat me" beacon. It took her ten seconds to reach the rock. Fighting against the current, and the swirling eddy around the rock, De'Ville got a handhold and struggled to pull herself out of the water.
She gained purchase with her foot and pushed her body forward even as the water dragged it downstream. And then all hell broke loose.
De'Ville was hit from behind by something large, knocking her hand free from the rock and sending her flying upstream. How big does something have to be to be able to swim upstream in this current? As water filled her nose and ears, she decided she really didn't want to know.
Through the Force she was aware of hundreds of little sharp toothed fish that were around her, apparently scavengers that were waiting for the remains of her body to be passed out. The large creature had swum under her somewhere, and she fought for the surface. Her head broke into the open air, and she saw the rock in front of her. De'Ville flailed her arms out, trying to keep herself from smashing into it. Then she was yanked underwater again, the creature's teeth sinking into her calf as it pulled her down.
Bubbles rose from her mouth as she yelled in anger. It intended on drowning her, luckily, not ripping her limb from limb as it was capable of. The smaller fish swam around her, some already taking experimental nibbles as she tried to beat them back. Panic pumped enough adrenaline into her system that she could have bent a two inch steel rod in half without using the Force.
Lady DeVille
Mar 23rd, 2001, 11:56:31 AM
The leather straps that held her armblade to her right arm were slashed from the pirana-like fish that were waiting not-so-patiently for her to die. The ultrasonic vibrations of the weapons were apparently driving the creatures crazy. The water was getting even colder as the creature dragged her down.
De'Ville closed her eyes and gathered her fear around her and transformed it into anger. She drew deeply on the Force, draining the essence of the non-sencient creatures that surrounded her. They did not falter in their attacks, and her blood stained the current as she siphoned off their unused energy.
She sent the energy back into them in the form of a blast of Force Destruction. The attack was bigger than any she had created before, emmenating from all around her. The smaller fish died in its wake, and the large one attached to her leg let go with a primitive shriek in its brain. De'Ville kicked for the surface with her uninjured leg, gasping for air as she reached it.
Her body smashed into a boulder, and she clambered on top of it. Her knapsack was missing, and from the little cuts on her shoulders it had been chewed off. The same went for her right armblade, it was gone. A single leather strap was still wrapped around her bicep, but the rest was gone in the river. Her lightsaber was still on her belt, the metal clip having no intestinal value to the creatures.
The rock she was perched on was the one closest to the opposite shore, so De'Ville leaped onto the dry ground. She landed with her weight on her right leg, but the pain in her left was intense enough to cause her to tumble in an unsightly heap by the base of a tree. She sat up, dirt caking onto her wet body as she examined her calf.
Her jumpsuit leg was shredded, but her boot was still intact. She felt for her knife in her boot sheath, and it was there as well. Pulling it out, De'Ville cut the legs off her suit, whisking the water molecules out of them with the Force. The wounds seemed to be fairly clean, but her med pac had been washed away in the river, so she bound the bleeding punctures with the strips of cloth she had harvested from her clothes. All of her other wounds were minor, barely scrapes compared to her calf.
De'Ville gritted her teeth and supressed the pain with the Force. She looked down at her belt again, and with relief saw that the holo was still there. Where to next, oh my Master? She cursed Lynch, and then looked at the holo.
Jedah Lynch
Mar 24th, 2001, 05:01:10 PM
Upon his craft that orbited the planet the Dark Lord relaxed back in his chair reading several reports, his eyes darted to his communications as it beeped issuing an incoming link from that of his apprentice, Lynch made a slightly amused chuckle. Activating the holo projector he saw the image of De'Ville, he made sure to study the image well to understand what had happened if not how well she had so far fared.
"You have made a decent amount of distance in such a time, however by your appearence you had some...trouble" he put enough emphasize on the last word hoping to anger her slightly.
In an almost mocking tone he then adds one further insult "Do you think you can handle anymore?"
Lady DeVille
Mar 24th, 2001, 06:59:24 PM
She resisted the urge to smash the holo projector flat between her palms. "Trouble?" She laughed, "If that's what you call it."
De'Ville squeezed excess water from her hair as she spoke. Lynch's tone was calculated to anger her...and it worked. "I'm ready for whatever this bloody island has to throw at me." She drew strength from the emotion coursing through her unnoticeably trembling body.
Jedah Lynch
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:26:28 PM
Secretly he smiled inside, keeping an apprentice angry was to be encouraged and always should be taught to those training their own. It helped them to focus, to keep them alive and on the path of the dark side. Only one had to watch how hard they angered another Sith, it wasnt totally uncommon for a Master to meet their end at the hands of their own apprentice on occassion.
"I see you made it to the Ka'Fa River judging from this reading. Your best bet is to travel during the night and take short peroids of sleep during the days where you can. There are hot springs futher inland if you do get a chill a moments to rest in one may reinvigorate you, some tribal locals believe they have mystic healing powers. If you get hungry any of the beast that roam around you can do for a good meal..if not the fish in the river, only make sure to watch out for bones. The bugs can also provide much nutrition but beware the ones that cause thier eggs to hatch when the mothers body is cracked open, that has ended more than one creatures life as some insects are rather posionous. Various plants around you can be used for herbal remedies or heal wounds, they can come in handy..if you discover which ones help and which ones are toxic."
Pausing for a moment to let her memorize all what he said or hinted at.
"Follow the river upstream is your best option for now after two to three days travel you should near the moutain before having to circle half way around, it would almost be advisable to keep your distance from the river as you travel however what lurks inland and the river itself are both rather unpleasant, choose as you see fit. There is a cave northeast of your current position, it was a place I once stayed in myself, more than likly a creature has taken up residence there so take care to heed what may lurk inside if you need to stop and rest or gather resources from what is around you"
Kal Dorn
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:32:14 PM
Creeping among the rocks looking far across the river he puzzled at how in Kar's name did that female kill the fish in the river?! Many bodies of fish floated among the top of the river only to be swept downstream to be gobbled up by others of their own kind. Kal wiggled his nose in curoisty, what exactly was the nature of that woman? She was unlike any other and that caused him to worry. She had to come from somewhere, yet if there more of her then his tribe could be in trouble.
When she had been in the water he felt a cold rush strike out around her, it had ebbed off yet the coldness of the blast still flowed a good amount of distance. If that wasnt some form of trouble or ill omen he did not know what was. Looking down at the river he gritted his teeth and fangs slightly. He HATED water. It did provide much fish as food but overall he hated to get wet. It was so unpleasant. He rather fight an Aldur beast than jump in any pool of water. He could go down stream where a basic rope bridge over the river had been made years early however that could mean he'd lose sight of the female if not total track of her. He cursed the Gods for this and then almost shrunk to the ground half expecting a thunderbolt to fly down and kill him. Muttering an apoloegy and letting his ears rise up he let out a soft sigh realizing he was nuts.
Walking up to a rock flat and staring down at the water he knew he might make it if he swam quickly, the strange woman had killed many if not all the fish in that area and possibly stunning the other creatures that lurked in its water. Deciding to play it safe he ran back to some bushes he had saw near the edge of the water and yanked them up from the ground before rubbing them over his body. The Sng bush gave off an odd toxin when wet repelling any creature that swimed near it. Rubbing some of it on him he hoped to use the effect to make sure he made it across in one piece. Quickly back at the rock he jumped in and began to swim as fast as he could. How he hated the water...
Lady DeVille
Mar 27th, 2001, 12:34:18 AM
She sighed as the holo powered down with a hum and a quiet click. A drop of water dripped off her nose, and she exhaled again. A cave? With more creatures? Force or not, she was tired. The hot springs sounded good too, but they were further inland than she could make in one night. Better to find this cave and hole up for the day.
She slipped into the forest, but paused. Her tag-along follower was crossing the river. De'Ville silently followed another game trail, but left it about twenty feet in from the river, doubling back to get a visual on the strange being. For some reason it had been content just to hang back and watch her, but she was not going to take any chances with whatever it was.
Concealed behind enogh foliage to hide a fully grown bantha, she waited. Her leg throbbed as she forced her body into a crouch. Sure enough, the being came cautiously along the bank of the angry river, crouched low to the ground.
It was humanoid, but feline, shaggy hair nearly covering its upright ears and flowing unkempt down its back. From the looks of it the felinoid was male, as well. He sniffed the air, and she carefully shielded her smell from the air. She was downwind as well, but one could never be too careful in these sort of situations. That spear he carried would be no match for her lightsaber, and the daggers he carried in his belt were inferior to her vibroblade. Still, expertly wielded, anything could kill you.
She crept as carefully and silently as she could away from her hiding spot as the felinoid passed. That cave was at least a mile away, and light would be threatening soon. De'Ville limped away toward the cave, where she could concentrate on healing up.
Local Description
Mar 31st, 2001, 10:57:57 AM
The cave loomed in the far distance of the Sith as she moved towards its directions, moving away from her Kal Dorn cursed as he looked around with no sign of her, his ears could not hear her movement from that of the many animals that moved about and for reasons that were far beyond him it was as if her very scent had vanished along with her. He began to wonder if he had been chasing a ghost.
The cave itself lay partly underground, atop it was a bank with a large tree upon it, several of the roots hanged over the bank not covered by mud in front of the caves entrance. Inside the cave went down slightly before leveling out to a large empty room of stone that connected to two more smaller rooms inside one chiped on the wall in the lower corner was marked the words "Jedah". This had been a cave he once took shelter in and called home for a short while, four old crates lay rotting inside the chamber as well as some old blankts long since dirted and dusted over by other living animals that too had come to call the place home.
The entrance to the second smaller room however lay covered by many stones that had been placed and then sealed with some compound so no creature could enter. Its contents lay sealed for many years.
Hardly anything ever came close to the entrance anymore for a large and ruthless creature called the Ta'gon lay inside. Huge in size and look compareable to a bull it had three tusk upon its red forehead, its knees itself had spikes protruding from its skin. If caught in its jaw the Ta'gon could easily shake and rip an animal in two. Aside of it as it slept lay the carcass of its recent prey, the ribcage exposed.
Its ears flapped as it slept, if anything dared to enter its territory it could be up in a flash.
Lady DeVille
Apr 5th, 2001, 09:25:52 PM
The underbrush grew thickly under the trees, and at every step pain sparked up her leg. She did not dampen the injury with the Force, choosing to save her strength for the next battle. And she knew there would be one.
The closer De'Ville got to the cave, the stronger the life sign she was sensing grew. She paused, not bothering to crouch, and stood just to the side of a large trunked tree. Just beyond the next row of trees was a clearing...and the entrance to the cave. De'Ville quickly checked the straps of her remaining armblade, and cautiously stepped forward.
The cave loomed just beyond the trees, and she could hear the large bull-like animal breathing. The bones of its most recent prey were laying next to the heaving ribcage of the sleeping beast. De'Ville paused as her feet rustled some fallen leaves, but it was too late. The beast harrumphed and rolled to its feet.
Its ears flapped, and De'Ville knew that it had already pinpointed her location. She shook the branches around her with the Force, portraying herself as a much larger threat to the animal. It hesitated, and she drew the Force into her, preparing a nasty surprise for the Ta'gon.
Predatory Creature
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:54:52 PM
The Ta'gon looked out with its small eyes, the intruder to its domain seemed to be much larger all of a sudden. Its hooves raked the ground as it snorted and shook its head furiously to one side then the other in rage its own beastly cry of rage rang out in the air. Whatever had come here would pay the price, the creature might be large but it was a vicious animal that had defeated larger beast than it with its horns that it drove into the flesh of many living animals that it would then tear apart as it shaked them violently as they thrashed about impaled, its own jaw locking onto any part of them that would dare to move close to its pointy teeth.
It was angry, it knew only to protect its lair and defeat the intruder to prove who ruled the area. In its berserkers rage it charged at the entrance and what dared to near it.
Lady DeVille
Apr 13th, 2001, 03:42:47 PM
De'Ville leaped out of the foliage and out of the way as the Ta'gon charged at her. Evidently size didn't bother it in the least. Her leg protested as she rolled across the ground to her feet, and she used the Force to supress the pain until the beast was dead.
The bull-like mammal had turned remarkably fast, and was headed straight for her again. The red beast had three tusks sprouting from its wide forehead, and bone spurs protruding from its knees. Its enormous jaws were open wide to recieve her body, and she scrambled backwards in a weak moment of panic.
And tripped.
The Ta'gon was almost upon her when her hand closed around a rock. De'Ville hefted it in her hand, and then threw it straight at the beast, speeding it on its way with the Force. The rock hit the Ta'gon square on the snout, and the beast bellowed. It split away from its target, shaking its head and circling around for another run.
De'Ville scrambled to her feet and drew heavily on her anger, filling herself with the Force. She projected an aura of uneasiness around her, causing the Ta'gon to circle away again, getting more frustrated. It bellowed at her, but avoided the unpleasant feeling around her.
She knew it wouldn't stay away too long, and so she held her hands out from her sides, forming a T with her body. She drew on the Dark side, draining the Force from her surroundings. The grass by her feet browned and crisped, wisps of smoke rising from what had been new growth.
As the Ta'gon decided it was worth it after all to kill her, De'Ville clapped her hands together above her head, making a flinging motion towards the slobbering beast. A dark bolt of energy flashed from her, finding its mark in the chest of the animal.
The Ta'gon reared up and fell backwards, breaking its back as it crashed to the ground. The impact knocked De'Ville off her feet, and she got up again as quickly as she could. The dry grass caught fire where her hands touched it, and she stamped it out with her good leg.
The beast was squealing, but was getting quieter as she approached it. The bolt of hatred she had released into it must have done extensive damage to its heart...or to whatever part of its anatomy it carried in its chest. She pulled her vibroblade out of her boot, and slit the animal's throat. It made a half hearted attempt to snap at her, and its warm blood splashed out onto the dirt.
She left the body there, outside the entrance to the cave to warn off predators. Surely they would fear whatever had killed it. De'Ville limped into the darkness of the cave, just as the sun began to rise over the trees.
Jedah Lynch
Apr 16th, 2001, 03:47:23 PM
In the bushes a small black object floated monitoring her progress. A small probe used to track and find prey that was the norm by many intelligence or policing forces on many words in the galaxy hovered in the air sending a signal back to Lynch. Inside his ship the Sith Master looked on with a grin on his face as he saw the dead body of the beast, the probe turned then detecting movement, the screen showed something sharp moving and then the picture vanished.
Smiling and not letting his grin vanish the Sith took out a gold and silver designed flute that had several designs etched upon it, putting it to his lips a music dark and forebidding began to echo throughout the ship.
Upon the planet the small black probe dropped to the ground, a huge gash in its body, sparks and wisps of smoke gently rose to the mornings sky.
Sanis Prent
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:07:26 PM
(As the sun came up, Lady De'Ville could hear...was it music? It seemed that the faintest tune could be heard in the morning air...somebody playing a guitar. As LD strained to hear, she could also pick up a voice, somewhere outside.)
On an old rented speeder,
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of Tibanna
Rising up through the air.
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
It grew heavy and my sight grew dim
Had to stop for the night.
There she stood at the docking bay
With her mission bell.
I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell.
So she called up her R-2,
And it showed me the way.
There were voices down the corridor
Thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel Nar'Shaddaa
Such a rugged place...such a rugged place
Such a lovely face.
There's plenty of room at the Hotel Nar'Shaddaa
Any time of year...any time of year
You can find it here.
Lady DeVille
Apr 23rd, 2001, 01:31:54 PM
She was tired, and ready to hit the sack when slight strains of music wafted into the cave on the early morning wind. De'Ville got up, instantly alert, and prowled to the front of the cave.
Looking cautiously around the lip of the cave, she could see nothing out of the ordinary as the grey light of first dawn crept up over the treetops.
Sanis Prent
Apr 27th, 2001, 11:16:35 AM
Her mind is Naberrie' twisted
She got the swoop bike with fins
She got a lotta pretty pretty boys
That she calls friends.
Have a dance in the cantina
Sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget.
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine.
And he said, "We haven't had that spirit here
since the time of Palpatine.
And still those voices keep calling from far away!
They wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say
Welcome to the Hotel Nar Shaddaa
Such a rugged place...such a rugged place
Such a lovely face.
Livin it up at the Hotel Nar Shaddaa
What a nice suprise...what a nice suprise
Bring your Jedi Knights...
Lady DeVille
Apr 29th, 2001, 09:32:08 AM
It was definetely singing, and as she concentrated, De'Ville pinpointed the location of a human life sign. For a moment she considered what to do. Lynch had told her to get rest during the day, because it was too dangerous to travel. She had busted her leg, and would need all the time she could get to heal it as much as she could before having to continue on in twelve hours.
The singing continued, and she wondered if the male singing knew how many predators he was attracting to himself with the noise. Already she could sense at least three beasts tracking towards him.
Kal Dorn
Apr 29th, 2001, 06:08:56 PM
Kal Dorn lay in a tree deep in thought, he had lost track of the woman. Did it really matter? She could have been trouble with those abilites she seemed to have, he had already wasted time following her, the elder might not be happy with him ignoring his daily duties. Chewing upon a piece of straw in his fangs he sat up, what was that sound he was hearing? It sounded like singing or chanting in another tongue. Could it be her? No it sounded more a male not female.
Shaking his head he wondered if the person knew what they were doing. Other beast that roamed the jungle either crawled away or listened intently. For three Velsatons, it sounded like a days meal. Two of the beast were twenty feet tall, the runt was fifteen feet trailing behind the two larger reptiles as they headed not so silently towards the noise being made by Sanis.
Lady DeVille
Apr 30th, 2001, 10:55:21 AM
She retreated further into the cave, and set to work prying at the stones that closed off the back portion. Whoever it was out there would soon be dead, and she had better things to do with her time than worrying about stupid people.
She pulled away the majority of the rocks and left part of the entrance still enclosed. There was enough room for De'Ville to slide her slim body between them and she stood on the other side.
It was as black as pitch, and she channeled the Force enough to light the area. There was a light on the ground by her feet, but the power cell had long since been drained.
Outside she could sense the felinoid that had been following her before. It skirted the cave, and was also heading towards the singer. De'Ville found a blanket, and curled up in the corner. She slipped into a meditation trance, concentrating on her calf, which throbbed with pain.
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