View Full Version : Self training

Mar 22nd, 2001, 01:33:50 PM
Gengar had decided to go out and train a little. He walked into the woods around TSO and started looking for animals.

*Hmmm let's see...ahh yes i shall try the force choke*

Gengar walked a little and saw a squirrle.

*Hello my little friend. Ready to die*

He reached out with his hand and touched the animal with the force. Closing his hand slowly he saw the animal start to wriggle around. Gengar Could feel the creatures fear. He coulds sense it was scared and it knew it was going to die. This excited him and he closed his hand even more. The squirrle began furiously scratching at the air trying to breath. The second gengar closed his hand into a fist the creature lay limp on the ground. Gengar walked up to it and touched it with his boot. Th squirlle was still barely alive and this angred Gengar.

*Argh, darn you*

He used the force and flew it into a tree killing it instantly.

*Ohh well. I shall try this again*

He continued to walk looking for other animals to work on.

Mar 22nd, 2001, 07:28:12 PM
*DF finds G13 in the forest.*

WOW you are really a kight. I am still waiting foe DLD to train me. I'm on part 3.

Mar 22nd, 2001, 07:30:07 PM
Gengar continued on his way in the woods until he saw a rather big bird sitting on a branch.

*Ahhh...your mine*

Gengar let the anger surg through his entirte body. Lifting his hand he used the force and grabbed the bird. It started squaking loudly and furiously flapping it's wings. Feathers flying everywhere the bird remaind there still trying to get free of the invisible forec that held it. Gengar concentrated letting the hatred flow through his amr and strangle the bird more. Soon it fell from it's branch and landed on the ground. Gengar walks over to the bird and to his satisfaction, the bird was dead. He turned and nodded to DF.

*Yes but i can say ti wont be easy. I must prove myself further to TSO. I will honor them*

Gengar gets an idea.

*Why not ask someone else to finish your training. Dyzm is away at for a while didn't you know*

OOC:He went somewhere. Try looking in the disccusion forum he made a thread stating it.

Mar 22nd, 2001, 07:37:56 PM
I could ask you too. Or Live Wire. But I would want you becuase you are my bro.

OOc:Ok I will

Mar 22nd, 2001, 08:17:55 PM
Gengar shakes his head.

*Nope sorry i cannot help you. I am unable to take on any apprentices for the time being until the higher power says i can. But hey LW is a good master. Or you could ask LD. She is always here. Maybe even dagger. Now he is a strong dude i'd say choose him if i where you*

He turned towards the palace.

*Let us go and see who is there and who would train you*

They started walking.

Mar 22nd, 2001, 09:51:04 PM