View Full Version : Gengar's Training
Jan 31st, 2001, 05:28:56 PM
Gengar goes into a room and waits for LW to show up.
Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2001, 11:15:35 PM
OOC: sorry gengar schools started and I've had some RL things to get straightend out. thanks for being patient.
*LW brings out a drinking glass and floats it above her palm*
okay we're going to do something different today.
I've seen you in battle and your skills are progressing but we need to work on refining your use of the force.
*With a loud crack the glass in LW's hand shatters into the consistency of a fine powder but it maintains its shape perfectly. As LW smiles the glass begins to glow and is fused together. she holds the glass looking at was like new*
Ahh perfect. I get yelled at if I dont bring the glasses back to the bar. *smiles*
*LW tosses the glass to gengar*
this is a very advanced technique that combines concentration, delicay, and power. I dont expect any padawan to succeed doing this the first times they attempt it but if you dont push yourself you will never advance.
Feb 1st, 2001, 12:05:22 AM
Gengar holds the glass and looks up at LW.
*Hmm so you want me to concentrate on the glass, causing it to break. Then you want me to use the force to fuse it together*
He studies the glass. It looks like she had never broke it before.
*Ok master. I will try this*
He looks at the glass and concentrates on the force. He closes his eyes and pictures the glass crumble in the plam of his hands, he starts to use the force to make this happen. Then in all the silence, they heard a loud cracking sound. Gengar opened his eyes and saw the glass in tiny peices in the palm of his hands.
*Ok i guess that was the easy part. Now toput it back together*
He once again closed his eyes and concentrated on the force. He felt the anger and hate flow through him. He then started to picture the tiny peices of the glass form back into the singular circle type shape. He opened his eyes...but all he saw was the tiny peices of glass resting in the palm of his hands.
*Oops. Umm i guess i really need to practice on this. I will take thit to my room while stopping at the kitchen and getting a few glasses*
He smiles at LW and then walks out. This would be harder then he had thought, but he felt if it was for the best of his family....the best for TSO, then he would practice until he got it right. He put the broken peieces into his poket and walked towards the kitchen.
OOC:That's ok. I've had a bit of RL things as well. I was grounded for the past two days and jyst got back on today so it's perfectly alright with me.
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