View Full Version : Anyone interested in sparring?
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 12:19:49 PM
Live Wire, with your permission I would like to spar with another Sith before we head over to the Naboo and the Gungan battlegrounds.
So, does ANYone want to test me out? Hey, I'm young and beautiful and dangerous...
Darth Tholuem
Sep 9th, 2000, 01:38:19 PM
Wish I'd seen this earlier, cuz I'm gonna go offline in a a couple of mintues :(
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 08:46:31 PM
So you're saying you don't want to spar? ;) Anyone else feel up for it then?
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 09:22:20 PM
*sneaks up behind LD and kicks her in the small of the back and ignites her lightsaber*
Be careful what you wish for. *hee hee*
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 09:33:16 PM
GEEZ! You ALWAYS kick me in the small of my back! It's going to swell up and not be so small anymore if you don't cut it out! *The last three words of her speech are punctuated with calculated swings of her purple/jade lightsaber. LW laughs and backs up, giving them both a little space*
LW: Don't leave your back unprotected and you won't be kicked there ever again. *She force jumps, somersaulting over LD's head* Ready or not, here I come!
*LD swiftly turns and blocks a strong blow that could have taken off her head. Using LW's forward motion to her advantage as she stumbles slightly, LD steps up and smashes LW's face with a balled up fist* I want to spar with someone else SOMEDAY, but I'll fight you until the cows come home.
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 09:43:00 PM
LW: Oh if you can survive a spar with me you will kick everyone elses ass hands down.
*LW grabs LD's arm and twists it around behind her back and then kicks her legs out from under her*
LW: though I do want to watch you spar with someone else. You are getting too used to my tactics.
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 09:52:55 PM
If by "used to my tactics," you mean "used to getting fried alive," then yes, I am used to them. *LD rolls easily to her feet, and jumps over LW's sweeping leg. Their lightsabers clash, and LD pushes in hard, bringing their faces close together* You'll have to do better than normal this time.
*With a grunt LW throws LD off her, and they circle around each other on the cold flagstones of the training grounds. LD unclips her force whip and snaps it at LW, stinging the end of her delicate nose. LW jerks back, and LD runs close, jumps and kicks her mistress in the chest*
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 10:03:31 PM
*LW grabs LD's foot and gives it a good hard twist and smiles as she hears a loud pop and LD's face contorts in pain. Still holding her apprentice's leg she sends a blast of electricity into her apprentice and watches her collapse on the ground her clothes and flesh steaming*
LW: Still think you are used to getting fried?
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 10:13:32 PM
*From her spot on the ground, LD raises one hand, index finger pointing up* I'd like to point out that there is a difference between being USED to something, and ENJOYING the thing. *She staggers to her feet, er, foot. Her right knee is dislocated, and she quickly and deftly manipulates it back into place with a scream of pain. She uses a smidgen of the Force to block the pain from her mind, and uses her force whip to keep LW at bay...for the moment at least.*
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 10:20:52 PM
*LW grabs the end of the whip when LD flings it at her and pulls it with all of her might and sends LD flying into the wall. Then LW sends another jolt of electricity up the whip and into LD before letting go*
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You arent supposed to enjoy it!
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 10:32:44 PM
*LD reattaches the whip handle to her belt, realizing (finally!) that LW is not hurt by the energy coil, so it is practically useless. Her clothes are a little worse for wear, but LD knows that LW can do much worse and thanks her lucky constellation that she is still alive.
LD puts her back against the wall and faces her mistress.* Don't you ever think of anything new?
*Hearing Gav's voice behind her, LW turns away from her sneaky apprentice to see....nothing? She turns back just in time to see a purple/jade blur swinging at her neck*
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 10:42:30 PM
*LW turns back just in time to see her apprentices lightsaber swinging towards her head. LW dematerializes and LD's saber meets nothing but air. LW rematerializes behind her apprentice*
LW: You sneaky little bitch! That was positively evil! I am so proud!
LD: Why thank you. *bows*
*kicks her apprentice in the face while she is bowing*
LW: lol! Never take your eyes of me. You should know that!
*LW hears gav's voice calling ::LIVE WIRE:: behind her back*
LW: oh know you wont fool me with that again.
Gav: Yo LW!
*LW turns around and sees the real gav*
LW: okay now this is too wierd!
Gav: When you get through beating up your apprentice come find me okay.
LW: Okay.
*turns back and sees her apprentice smirking and LW backhands her apprentice accross the face*
LW: Shut up and fight.
LD: But mesa sayin nothin!
*LW swings her saber at her apprentice's head which she blocks but force pushes her apprentice into the wall*
LW: Yeah well I know what you were thinking.
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 11:19:00 PM
*Pinned against the wall, LD force pushes LW against the opposite wall.* How do you like it? *Holding her mistress against the far wall (about five feet off the ground) she finds her fallen saber with her mind, and levitates it. Igniting it, she hurls the blade towards LW.*
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 11:25:22 PM
*LW just watches the saber and stops it with her mind a few feet from her. Smiling, she twirls the saber and watches it spin and then shuts it off*
LW: You forget you are dealing with someone more powerful then you.
*LW invades her apprentice's mind making her hallucinate. AS LD whirls around in confusion unsure what is real and what isnt LW calls her apprentice's saber to her hand brings out her own saber...and using a special attatchment she connects the base of both handles together and ignites both ends.*
LW: bad color scheme...yellow and then the purple/jade end...but it will do.
*LW releases her apprentice's mind and as LD looks around cautiously she see's her master with an impromptu double bladed saber*
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 11:33:32 PM
*As the two sith are both pinned against opposite walls, LW cannot do much more than shake the double-bladed saber at her apprentice*
Live Wire
Sep 9th, 2000, 11:41:46 PM
*LW closes her eyes as if going into a deep trance. LW looks at her cautiously and suddenly begins screaming in intense pain. She is forced to release her grip and LW lowers herself to the ground as LD writhes in pain*
LW: Now you understand my power.
*LW lets her apprentice scream for a few minutes while she practices with the double saber. Finally tired of hearing the whining she releases LD. LD looks up at her master*
LD: I have never felt such did you?
LW: I used my mind to overload your brains pain sensors. It wont cause you any permanent damage but you will be sore for awhile and its completely incapaciating. see....
*LD screams again as LW once again invades her brain*
LW: had enough?
Lady DeVille
Sep 9th, 2000, 11:52:16 PM
*Writhing in anguish on the cold floor, De'Ville can barely think, let alone comprehend her mistress' words. LD manages to find a portion of her mind that has not been invaded by LW's incapacitating power. Focusing on that tiny part, LD escapes the horror of her body and is able to block the pain from her mind. Her body still is shaking on the stones, but...
Above LW's head the air swirls, then visibly changes. Detatched from the agony that is her body, LD carefully manipulates images in LW's mind. Suddenly LW finfd herself completely, and unexplicably, surrounded by water. Her attack on LD falters, then fails completely as the startled Sith fights for air*
Live Wire
Sep 10th, 2000, 04:54:25 PM
*LW's eyes get wide and then she realizes what her apprentice is doing. LW concentrates and is able to break through the illusion her apprentice is creating*
LW: Nice you are getting stronger. I can wait to watch you do this to some jedi.
*as LD smirks LW sends a blast of force destruction and watches at the power is drained from her apprentice*
Lady DeVille
Sep 10th, 2000, 09:36:37 PM
*Lying on the floor (that is becoming warm because her body has been there for so long!) De'Ville saves the last of her strength for her next attack. As the Destruction fades, she soaks up energy from the Force...from the stones, from the air, even from the other trainees and her mistress. Bounding to her feet, she calls her saber to her, and it ignites in her hand. She jumps and turns, catching LW in the side of her head with her foot. As her mistress stumbles sideways from the blow, LD lands, and aims a stonger kick at her pelvis. LW is able to get her saber up blocks a blow that could have halved her.* Are the cows coming home yet, Live Wire?
LW: *through gritted teeth* You are strong, but not stronger than I.
*LD strikes continually with her lightsaber --from the right, from the left...Woman and saber are one in the fluid motion of battle. LW anticipates and goes on the offensive, but LD grabs her long hair with the Force, and yanks her head to the ground. Holding her there LD leaps up, preparing to decapitate her mistress.*
Live Wire
Sep 12th, 2000, 10:47:38 PM
*suddenly LD looses the force grip on LW's hair. She watches as LW's long black hair transforms from a braid into a bun high on her head*
LW: *smiles* The beauty of not having a physical body. I can do what I want with it at the drop of a hat.
*While LD is still looking at her stunned LW's foot comes up and kicks LD's saber out of her hand. LW force pushes LD to the floor pinning her there. LD finds herself pinned on the floor with LW's saber at her throat*
LW: Were you saying something?
Lady DeVille
Sep 13th, 2000, 02:44:43 PM
Moo? *With the saber tickling her neck, LD was distinctly uncomfortable.* I think I hear the cows coming home....Dang it! I yield ...and you win again!
*LW deactivates the saber and lets LD pick herself up off the ground. Then she backhands her apprentice hard enough to leave a red mark on her face.* Thats for losing. No go clean yourself up.
*Mumbling something about teachers and cows, De'Ville Force pulls her saber to her belt and she scampers off in search of more trouble...*
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