View Full Version : Attention Banestone!
Lady DeVille
Sep 10th, 2000, 11:11:26 PM
Banestone, I would be honored if you would do me the pleasure of granting me a sparring match with yourself. I believe it could be a learning experience for us both. Or perhaps just for me... *Settles back on her heels and awaits his response*
(((OOC: for obvious reasons this would be fun!)))
Sep 11th, 2000, 12:28:11 PM
*Banestone enters the training room, in his black, one-booted tunic. His bare arm, foot, and the back of his head gleam dully from the durasteel*
I don't mind at all... and I think that I could still learn a lot from beating in the heads of apprentices. Heh heh... just joking. Or... am I? Now I'm confused. Let's fight.
*Snatches the toothed lightsaber hilt from his left arm, ignites it, and sets himself into a rarely-used (for him any defensive posture is unusual) defensive stance in one fluid motion. His feet are spread wide apart for balance, his red eyes gleam with alertness, and he holds his lightsaber in front of himself at a slight side angle*
Lady DeVille
Sep 11th, 2000, 01:16:39 PM
*Lady De'Ville ignites her purple and jade bladed saber, and hesitates just a moment. Her long hair is braided and fastened securely to her head, so as not to give her large opponent anything to grab on to.* Ready for this?
Banestone: *Flicks his eyes disdainfully over the smaller woman.* Are you sure you are?
*Without answering, De'Ville Force pushes Banestone. The half durasteel alien does not move.* ARGH! Live Wire is so much lighter than you are!
Sep 11th, 2000, 02:44:22 PM
*Banestone smiles, in spite of himself*
I know it's trite and over-used, but... size doesn't matter, to misquote that runty green Jedi.
*Takes a deep breath, his eyes glaze over for a second, and then Force Pushes the apprentice straight through a wall of the training room*
Xarkz Chaos
Sep 11th, 2000, 02:57:08 PM
* Is walking around the TSO complex, looking for Xinkz(who he never seems to find...). While walking past the many many sparring rooms, he looks in his specially re-made room (bad explosion destroyed the first one) with the big chunk of wood in the center. XC smiles silently to himself, and continues searching. Suddenly, walking past a new room, he is stopped by a new lady apprentice... XC helps the apprentice up. Then, XC spies in, and sees Banestone coming out of his strong force push stage. XC laughs at his one booted foot :lol: and was going to chuck the ol' -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-wang((can't do the little TM thing... :( )), buts decides not to interfere. XC asks Banestone if he's seen Xinkz recently, and continues his way. **
*Xarkz Chaos had nothing better to do to waste his time, and if needed, this post can be ignored/delet
Lady DeVille
Sep 11th, 2000, 09:21:58 PM
*Shrugging off the help of Xarkz, LD pulls herself back into the room through the hole she exited by.* NOW I'm mad, I hate splinters! *She pulls Banestone's feet out from under him with the Force, and the Sith Master lands ungloriously on his oversized rump.*
Sep 12th, 2000, 07:53:23 AM
lol, Xinkz! :lol:
*Banestone continues his downward motion, turning the fall into a backwards roll which leaves him on his knees, lightsaber ready. He smiles tauntingly at DeVille and waits for her next move*
Hmmm... the training room...! Should we stick her in there, Chaos? I have some fond memories of that place... :evil:
Xarkz Chaos
Sep 12th, 2000, 01:32:47 PM deleted part of my post...
IC: Well, sure, its fun! we can give her the "good" remote, heh heh. You can fight her in there, if you prefer.
Lady DeVille
Sep 12th, 2000, 03:32:56 PM
*Annoyed, De'Ville shoves a Force gag in Xarkz's nouth and pushes him out of the sparring area. She jumps and spins in midair, lightsaber clashing with Banestone's as the master becomes all business again.* Nothing makes me madder than when people talk about like I'm not here!
*Banestone chuckles as he blocks her flurry of blows, then she Force throws a hefty stone (from the broken wall) into the side of his head*
Sep 12th, 2000, 09:48:49 PM
*Banestone's head is jolted to the side as he carefully trys to avoid biting off his tongue*
She's sort of ugly when she's angry, isn't she, Xarkz? Also, there's no (CENSORED)ing chance in (CENSORED) I'm going to fight in there again!
*Banestone flings each broken shard of rock (from the one which broke on his head) at DeVille as he continues the now medium-paced spar*
Lady DeVille
Sep 12th, 2000, 10:32:01 PM
*De'Ville turns her attention to blocking the shards of rock with her saber, and as she does Banestone steps forward. Sabers cross in an instant, and they are face to face, De'Ville grunting in effort. Banestone is as cool as a cucumber, forcing De'Ville towards the ground with the weight of his body.*
Lay off the Krispy Kremes you big oaf!
*Banestone grins, then finds himself being forced up and back by the willowy apprentice. She Force pushes him off with a yell, and then Force jumps over his head, somersaulting in midair. She lands facing his backside, and slashes with all her might at the back of his right leg.*
Sep 12th, 2000, 10:47:14 PM
*Slightly to her surprise, the lightsaber cuts cleanly through the durasteel leg (not about to let you cut up my REAL one!), and the bottom half of the hunk of metal falls heavily to the ground. Slightly TOO much to her surprise, for Banestone lifts the stump up and catched her right in the stomach with the hot and sharp edges of what remains of his left leg. De'Ville's lightsaber is roughly Force Pushed straight out of her hands, and she finds herself landing on her backside as the larger Sith puts his weight behind the broken leg and pushes her down.
She lands and the air goes out of her, with Banestone still painfully pressing the sharp, steaming hot edge of durasteel into her stomach (kneeling on his other leg... so not all his weight is on her). He shuts off his lightsaber, then bends and grabs her chin with his left robotic hand harshly*
That was fun. Want to see me get mad now? Or perhaps lose a leg of your own? Or... do you still think you could win? I'm good for as long as you want to lose... heh heh, "Ugly". :evil:
Lady DeVille
Sep 12th, 2000, 10:58:11 PM
*Smashed beneath Banestone's artifical leg, De'Ville can barely breathe. Yet, even so, a detatched part of her mind notices how crusty and dirty the foot is....*
Banestone: Had enough? *smirks*
De'Ville: Nnnnngggg! *She Force pushes him off, and suddenly off balance Banestone crashes to the ground. Struggling to her feet, she holds her hand over her stomach, half expecting entrails to be spilling out. They aren't, but she is badly burned. Banestone hops up with a roar or rage, and she Force pulls her saber to her, igniting it in one fluid motion. She faces him head on as he...hops...forward....*
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:41:42 AM
Foot? What foot? lol!
Sleet, but this one-legged act is about to get real old, real fast...
*Somehow, Banestone is able to keep his balance on just the one leg as he duels furiously with De'Ville... he doesn't have quite enough balance to use all his strength behind his saber, though. He carefully presses his attack, managing to make De'Ville step backwards a few times, nearer the wall... then suddenly with a precise use of Force Push, he spins her 180 degrees around, grabs the back of her head in his large black hand, and rams her face into the wall*
Lady DeVille
Sep 13th, 2000, 02:57:25 PM
OOC: If you're going to whine about it, you can have your leg back. And doesn't your artifical leg have a foot? Plus, I really didn't intend on cutting any part of you off..FYI but ANYway... /OOC
*Being rammed face first into the wall, De'Ville feels something break in her nose...and perhaps a cheekbone as well. Blood spurts everywhere as she puts her hands on the stones and kicks back and out with both feet...hoping that Banestone's groin is not durasteel as well. He releases her head, and she has to catch herself before she falls on the floor. Her face feels numb. Turning to face her crippled opponent she sees him slowly falling backwards, but he catches himself with the Force and rights his large body.*
Banestone: I'm going to make you pay for my leg! *to himself* (In more ways than one...)
*De'Ville screams as sensation rushes into her face, and she grabs at her saber again, the krayt dragon tooth fitting snugly in her palm. Her eyes dim, but she Force pushes Banestone from the right, so as to throw him off balance. With her body full of rage, she allows Force lightning to stream from her fingers into Banestone.*
Sep 13th, 2000, 09:45:53 PM
*Banestone falls to his back, shocked by the Lightning jolt... he'd never experienced Force Lightning being used on HIM before, although his electronic parts are all carefully surge-protected (and waterproof. Not like a toaster, he's bathtub-safe and fun for the whole family!). De'Ville somehow manages a smile through her pain as the huge crippled Sith lies gasping on the floor*
Oh sleet... that was new. For me. And it's not really about me losing a leg, it's more about me having to hop on a single leg. I just feel stupid doing it. Oh well...
*Banestone twists and spins around on his back (think break-dancing, but with one leg and no style), arching his back and ending up vertical again with the Force's help. De'Ville frowns through her bloody mask of a face and blast some more good ol' Lightning, but the Master braces himself and shrugs it off this time. He feels like offering to provide free electricity for all of Coruscant, though. Hopping forward, he restrains De'Ville with the Force to keep her motionless and unable to aim more of the sparky stuff at him. With on last weary hop (ahaha, I could make up a new Force power! Force Hop!), he lands in front of her*
I think you'll make a good Sith.
*Twists her left hand backwards with the Force, snapping it's two forearm bones wetly and loudly as she screams*
Someday, anyways.
*De'Ville's hold on the Dark Side is perilously high... for Banestone. He knows this and initiates the Force power known as Morichro... an old Jedi art, but forbidden for them to use. He slows her heart, and she drifts off into the abyss of unconsciousness while he lets her fall to the floor.
He pushes a comm button on the room's wall, hearing something in his other leg pop as he does so... how odd, he can't feel it anymore. No matter. He calls a specialist TSO medic team, and waits for them to arrive with a crutch for him and a stretcher for Live Wire's apprentice*
Lady DeVille
Sep 14th, 2000, 09:44:28 PM
*Suspended in the blackness of unconsciousness, De'Ville is no longer aware of her body, or the pain. She feels her heart as is slowly beats....dub......dub.....da-dub.... The Force is all around her, and she remembers Banestone, and remembers her anger. The Force is pulled into her like a sponge and she opens her eyes.
Banestone is leaning against the wall, facing her, yet not looking at her. She can hear a stretcher being floated down the hallway towards them, and the medics scoffing at "the foolhardy apprentice." She has not the strength to move, yet she is angry enough to lift a stone with the Force and send it crashing into Banestone's head. The alien grunts at the impact, and she hurriedly find her lightsaber and ignites it above her prone body, protecting herself from Banestone's immediate retalliation. The medics reach the door and jump back as they see Banestone fighting a suspended lightsaber.*
Sep 14th, 2000, 10:07:30 PM
*Banestone is amazed, then extremely angry, that the apprentice could still smash a rock on his head even while unconscious and unable to move her own body...! With a roar, he lunges up out of his reclining postion, seizing the Force for support again. Seeing her lightsaber floating, ignited, over her prone body he begins to scream at her*
Silly little FOOL! Don't you KNOW what happens to Sith who never give up, EVER? They. All. DIE.
*Banestone bites off each word like a curse*
If you can still move toys around with the Dark Side, you can still hear me. Maybe when fighting JEDI you can keep fighting even when you've already lost, and not die. But THAT'S almost as STUPID a thing to rely on as trusting a SITH will not kill you when you just won't stop. And BELIEVE ME, I WILL kill you if this idiocy continues much further! Go back to your master, once you FULLY awaken, and ask HER if it's a GOOD idea to not be able to even move and still fight a Sith who is full of the hatred, power, and utter bleak DESTRUCTION of the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! This is not a WARNING. Not a THREAT. It is the TRUTH... those who cannot learn from their mistakes will die, one way or another. If you learn not from THIS... NOTHING will hammer it into your revenge-crazed brain.
*Banestone's skin begins to smolder and give off steam, as an incredibly huge ball of Destruction forms around one cupped hand*
Now GO. BACK. TO. SLEEP, and give UP, curse you!
*The prone apprentice's lightsaber suddenly wavers with fear above her body... and Banestone gestures impatiently and blows it clear across the room with Force Push*
This is a SPAR. SUBMIT, you've LOST to me. I can kill you on a whim with any number of methods... you can't even blink.
*The medics stand uncertainly outside the training room's blast doors, scared scatless from the sight of Banestone screaming in rage and steaming with fiery red over an obviously unconscious girl*
Live Wire
Sep 14th, 2000, 10:11:44 PM
*LW enters the training ground her face livid and she sends a huge blast of lightening at Banestone*
*LW walks up to Banestone and glares up into his face*
If you dont stop now you will have to take it up with me! And in your condition I dont think you want to fight me now do you????
I suggest you back off. You were in no danger and there is no need to kill my apprentice. If you do trust me I will make sure you regret it for a long time. And I will cut off more then your leg! You hear me!?
Lady DeVille
Sep 14th, 2000, 10:28:22 PM
*De'Ville slips away into full unconsciousness, the lightsaber deactivating and clattering to the floor beside her broken forearm. Her last sub-unconscious thought is "Live Wire is going to fillet me..." She drifts off into oblivion, completely unaware of the two Sith arguing above her.
She awakens much later smelling like bacta and lying in the med bay. Live Wire is standing over her, frowning, yet smiling.*
LW: Pick your fights girl. *then she shakes her head and walks away. LD settles back to recooperate, and desides to send Banestone some Krispy Kremes...*
Sep 14th, 2000, 10:54:32 PM
*Earlier... Banestone's Destruction ball absorbs most of LW's furious entrance. He suddenly ignores the unconscious De'Ville, who's apparently finally given up the fight*
Oh, is that so, Lady Wire? *The hulking Sith's raspy voice transforms remarkly fast from a hoarse scream to a low, ice-cold murmur* That is very interesting. *Is trembling slightly, but from what Wire can't tell, nor does she care as she glares into his soulless red eyes. He still is containing the Force Destruction blast around his right hand*
I am not your enemy. She, the girl De'Ville, is only your apprentice. Perhaps your feelings for her run a bit too deeply, cut off a bit too much of your common sense? Do you TRULY believe I would have killed an innocent apprentice, who shows such potential? Is she WORTH this bit of... nonsense, Wire? Is she more important than I? And don't flatter yourself, or your power in the Force. It tore apart the Sith in the first place, if you'll remember. See you... around. Lady Wire.
*Banestone Force recalls his dismembered leg into his left hand, and sets it on the ground and places his stump on it. Moving his right hand down, a searing noise is heard, and the leg is again attatched, although non-functional. The dark Sith stumps slowly, shaking still, past the furious Live Wire, the size of the Destruction forcing her to step back to not get burnt by being to close to him.
Once into the passageway, the two medics stare at Banestone in awe... and then scream noiselessly as the Sith wheels on his motionless cybernetic leg and releases the Destruction blast which burns them away instantly from the air. Two slightly less black burn marks reside on the wall behind where they stood, the last mark to prove they ever existed*
Take her to the Medical bay yourself. Master Wire. It should touch her heart to see how concerned you are with her well-being. It's so nice to be a kind Sith.
*Walks off to his ship to repair his leg*
Live Wire
Sep 14th, 2000, 11:08:58 PM
*LW's face is livid as she watches banestone hobble away. If her eyes were lasers (which they can be at times) they would have burned a hole right in banestones back. She yells after Banestone*
Perhaps one day you will learn that there are other useful emotions besides anger!!!!! And here I thought TSO was something of a family.
*LW mumbles to herself*
Kind sith my pretty little ass! Next time you talk to me that way I will not let you walk away so easilly.
*looks at the burnt spots where the medics stood*
Sheesh....we lose more civilians that way.
*uses the force to push LD's stretcher to the medical bay*
Looks like You and Banestone still have a lot to learn about controlling you anger. It's an asset...but it can destroy you.
Sep 15th, 2000, 03:05:35 PM
Just because I have high school i miss out on the fights eh?
Sep 15th, 2000, 04:46:01 PM
Hey, last night I got booted off of AOL before I could answer your IM, Wire (it's on an automatic timer... sucks royally). What I had meant was that the Sith's concern over who was the most powerful had eventually brought them to destroy each other. I think so, anyways.
*Banestone thinks to himself, locked within The Shell. (Is the mirror so close to her, that she can't even see herself in it...?) Carefully, he reconstructs his left leg as he broods on the day's events. He taps out a short message to Live Wire, and to the apprentice - De'Ville - as well, on his comm system*
The Sith Order IS a family. That does not mean, however, that we are at all times friends. I may have been slightly in error by not containing my anger earlier... but the basic principle of knowing when to give up holds true. And despite my rage and my claims, I was NOT going to be killing ANY Sith, and nor will I ever - unless forced to, to prevent my own life, or the life of another Sith, from being taken. That is the only reasonable excuse any of us would have for attacking (not sparring with) another Sith. That is all. I would apologize, but I cannot find it within me to do so.
End message.
*The weary Sith sits back with a sigh*
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