View Full Version : some sparring anyone!!!
Nov 25th, 2000, 12:46:50 AM
*I'm still an apprentice so go easy whoever you are*.
Gengar stands ready.
Darth Tholuem
Nov 26th, 2000, 04:21:19 AM
*Tholuem enters the grounds, and throws his robe in a corner.*
"Sure Gengar. Strike."
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:48:58 PM
Gengar looks up at DT and smiles.
*Well long time no see friend*.
gengar ignites one side of his double-sided saber and charges DT. just before reaching him, gengar jumps up behind him and kicks him in the back sending him flying forward.
*I won't be easy to defeat just to let you know*.
Darth Tholuem
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:48:14 PM
"Well, it's not like I've thought you would..."
*Tholuem stands up, and looks Gengar in the eyes. Gengar's probably expecting him to ignite, but he doesn't. He keeps looking at Gengar, and starts walking around him. when genager is asking when he will finally start an attack, he nods, then smiles. Gengar watches him with a weird look and takes some more distance from Tholuem, then ignites the other end of his sabre, expecting him to make a move... He doesn't. Yet. 10 More seconds pass, only then Tholuem stops. He stands quiet for a while, and then finally attacks gengar, who didn't dare to make any moves in the passed time. Tholuem Force Jumps at him and kicks him in the face with both of his boots. He then grabs gengar off the ground, and knees him in the face, making him fly over with a salto, landing badly on his back.*
"Heh, neither will I, gengar... Neither will I..."
Nov 26th, 2000, 10:09:40 PM
Gengar gets up with a smile on his face.
*Good. i was expecting no less from a fellow sith*.
Gengar sweeps DT then picks him up and force throws him 10 ft. away.
*Now ignite your saber and lets really start this battle*.
Gengar stands ready with his saber lit on both sides.
Darth Tholuem
Nov 27th, 2000, 04:59:44 AM
OOC: Do you know that you're a "Registered User'? I think you might that to change into Sith Apprentice or something ;)
IC: *Tholuem gets up slowly, and wipes some dust off of his clothes. He gets his sabre and ignites. He stands ready, only for genagar to come and attack him. So he does. Gengar runs at him slashes wildly, although Tholuem's able to duck and jump away each time he gets slashed at. After one slash by gengar, he grabs his opponent's hand with the sabre in it, and turns it all around, making gengar fall over and losing his sabre. Tholuem approaches gengar and grabs him up. he then Force Pushes him against the wall, and doesn't stop using this form of the Force, so gengar is stuck against the wall for quite a while. Tholuem releases this grip and gengar falls down all the way, since he was held against the wall about 4 meters in the air. As he falls down Tholuem kicks gengar's sabre towards him, and stands ready with hin own...*
Dec 3rd, 2000, 11:20:16 PM
OOC: Sorry i forgot about this battle. been busy with other battles. and yeah i thought about that i guess i'll change that right away.
IC: Gengar gets up and picks up his saber.
*Wow your getting really strong with the force*.
Gengar again rushes him with wild slashes. but being blocked at everyone. gengar comes in with a uppercut and sends DT stapping backwards. he follows and jump kicks him in the chest causing him to fall.
*Ahhh careful of that first step. it's a duzzy*.
Gengar stands in a ready position.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 07:00:30 AM
*Tholuem stands up, looks at gengar, and then closes his eyes. Gengar thought he could strike again, but he can't... When he comes storming towards Tholuem he gets lifted up in the air, and genagr hangs there for about 2 seconds, confused. Then he goes upwards at dazzling speed, and his head and body smash against the ceiling, then he gets smacked down to the ground again by Tholuem, who's still standing there with his eyes closed... BHAM! Gengar rolls around as he feels the pain of the hits he took from the ceiling and the ground. Tholuem's smiling evily...*
Dec 4th, 2000, 10:30:20 AM
Gengar stops rolling and gets up feeling the aches in his body.
*Yeah i can do that to*.
Gengar closes his eyes and concentrates. DT is then lifted up and flown right into a boulder. still using the force gengar throws DT right into a nearby tree where DT crashes into it breaking it on contact. gengar opens his eyes and laughs evily.
*It seems that we are at a tie in using the power of the force. mabe even in strengh as well.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:02:48 AM
"Maybe not...." , Tholuem says as he got up. he rubs his head, and crakcs his knuckles. He shakes his head, and laughs. Gengar looks up a bit frightened by hearing the sound. Tholuem once again closes his eyes, to gain as much hate, anger and as agressive as possible. He did it before, he'd see if he could do it again... He closes his eyes, and his mind goes blanc again, and the horrible sights float through his mind again. The bloodbath, the kills... Everything. He then gets back to reality again and finds himself on the ground. Gengar probably knocked him over or something, but he doesn't feel anything. All he feels is the rage and the anger, the agrression. He jumps up, and looks at gengar, who's ginving hima weird look... He sighs, and runs at gengar, he rams him against the wall, and smacks him in the face, on the chin, six times. He grabs his face and hits it against his knee 3 times, with the last one, making him fly over, landing after a salto. The Tholuem closes his eyes again, and picks him up. Gengar's now flying... In circles... Not stopping... He starts screaming, and gets more pissed and pissed, that was about the time Tholuem stopped and dropped Gengar again. He immediately started trying to get up, but was deffinately too dizzy... He fell over again, and again. Tholuem walks towards him as he's on the ground, and steps in gengar's back, putting his foot far into hit, making it look like a circle, not letting gengar slip away. Then he gives gengar another punch in the face, on the side of his head... Then Tholuem releases him...*
Dec 4th, 2000, 08:48:18 PM
Gengar gats up still alittle dizzy and holding his chin and head.
*OOwww that's smarts. well,well you got stronger to i see*.
Gengar force thows DT into a wall. following with a knee to his gut. causing him to fold he tham kicks him square in the face. gengar steps back and all of a sudden his mind trails off and he sees his home town and his family. he then sees the jedi attacking and his family burning in the house. gengar shakes the feeling and sees DT come in and kick him in the face. gengar gets up and lights his saber. he has an insane look in his eyes.
*You will die jedi. i won't let you get away with killing my family*.
Genga =r charges in just barley slashing DT's left shoulder. making a deep wound. he stands back while staring at DT with eyes blak as night.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 5th, 2000, 05:55:55 AM
OOC - Hey, I don't want to keep any injury from this fight eh!? It's been 'friendly', lets keep it that way.
I'll continue anyway, but I'm not gonna go into some bacta-tank or something...
IC - *Tholuem Looks at gengar and into his weird eyes... Then at the wound, which wasn't as bad as it seemed to be. He wiped the blood off and got up. Then he was surprised as gengar came running towards him, wildly slashing with his sabre, trying to hit him as bad as possible, and kill him... Tholuem could duck to the ground, roll away a couple of times, and jump over gengar's sabre, not getting hit once, but gengar didn't seem to stop, he turned crazy, Tholuem realised. At the one moment that gengar stopped, Tholuem grabbed the Sith at his neck, and lifted him up in the sky, looking into the eyes, they were full of rage... He shook his head in disagreement on what gengar was doing here and grabbed his light sabre. He held it before gengar's eyes and ignited, he saw the fear in gengar's eyes which had turned normal again and smiled...*
"No, I won't kill you, your a fellow Sith. I only kill Jedi. Now, take a look at me and see, I'm not a Jedi. So stop that crap you just started and fight me like you'd fight a Sith, don't think you're fighting Jedi here. I think you're normal again, I don't know what happened, but make sure you don't let it happen again when you fight me. When you're fighting a Jedi it could be very useful. But not now..."
*Tholuem dropped gengar again and he fell on the ground, the took a look at his sabre, and tried to grab it, but got a hit by Tholuem. DT thought gengar would be on this world again by now, and took the sabre off by himself, and threw it at gengar.*
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:14:28 AM
Gengar slowly gets up staring at DT evily.
Gengar rushes in slashing at his legs. when he sees DT jump eh kicks him in the stomach and sends him flying.
*I must thank you for bringing me back to my senses but you should know that sith are already insane*.
DT gets up only to be met with a knee to the face. he is knocked down again. gengar looms over him laughing.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:00:59 AM
*Tholuem sees gengar's face above him closely and spits him right the face before rolling away, not to get any left over spit in his own face... He gets up slowly and raises one eyebrow.*
"Gengar. I tried, but I can't; that was it..."
*As he said that he runs up to gengar and punches him straight on the nose, hearing some crazy sounds coming from there. Gengar flies over, and lands on his head, and falls over again, slowly, making his neck go into a weird form... Gengar lays still on his front, and Tholuem walks up to him. He grabs his sabre but doesn't ignite. Instead, he hits gengar with it, couple of times, then grabs gengar up from the ground. Gengar's not capable of standing normally, and falls over again, eyes wide open, staring at the sky, empty... Tholuem steps to gengar's side and kicks the helpless Sith on the side of his face, making it slam over to the other side, his body shocking up and down. Gengar's even less 'awake' now, and Tholuem gets him up again and gengar looks at him with his dumb eyes, that show nothing at the moment; no anger, no rage, just... emptiness. And right before he falls over again he gets a kick by Tholuem on the right of his nose, after Tholuem jumped in the air, and made a turn whilst in the sky. Gengar feels his nose 'snap'; break. It made a bad sound, and it hurt too...... Gengar flies over and feels another kick in the stomach just before he hit the ground; Tholuem probably landed already and made another kick, aimed for falling gengar's groin. Then he hits the ground, and feels nothing but pain... His stomch feels as if it's been cut open with a blade, and his heads hurts like he has never felt before. He tried to move some body parts, but it all hurt too much for him to do anything at all... He could just see Tholuem stand far away from him, at the other side of the room, leaning against the wall, before everything he saw became fuzzy... He can hardly see anything when he hears a voice in his head... It was Tholuem's.*
"Gengar, watch out. If I get pissed, all hell breaks loose. Anduh... don't think I'll ever let you beat me."
*Then gengar didn't see nor hear anything anymore...*
Dec 5th, 2000, 07:13:53 PM
As gengar lays ther in a subconsious state, he uses the force to speak to DT.
*You really think i'm going to give up that easily. you will never beat me that fast. so be prepared to go for round three*.
Gengar gets up slowly feeling the pain DT head giveb him. he concentrated on all the pain and hate and anger he had gotten from DT and uses ti to heal himself. 5 minutes pass and gengar is fully healed. he turns to look at a surprised DT standing about 20 ft away.
*You know i will never give up. play times over, it's time to get down to business*.
Gengar runs towards DT jumping in the air doing flips and landing 3 ft in front of DT. he then concentrates and uses the force to lift DT in the air and jumps up after him kneeing him in the face then in the stomach. he grabs DT by the back of the head and violently throws him to the ground. he lands making a loud thump as he hits the ground. gengar falls down and lands on his DT's back. he takes out his saber and hits him in the back of the head with it's hilt. gengar gets off his back and proceeds to kick him in the ribs repeteadly about 5 times before stopping. Gengar picks him up and force throws him into a solid rock wall causing a big hole to form in it. Gengar jumps 20 st back and puts his saber away.
*C'mon DT enough of this childs play. i have better things to do. we will continue this later*. Gengar limp/walks off the battle field still feeling the pain that DT had given him moments before. he uses the force to speak to DT who had just gotten out of the hole in the wall.
*I have to admit, you have become very strong. i can't wait till i face you as a knight, that will be a battle of a life time*.
Gengar walks out of the door and heads towards his room.
OOC: Don't get mad at me walking away from this battle so early, i'm trying to work at a new angle for my char. so just go along with it ok. thanks.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 6th, 2000, 06:55:53 AM
OOC - Okaaaaay... But;
1 - You didn't have your sabre, still, you seemed to be able to use it?
2 - And what's up with the healing? 5 Minutes?! Don't you think I would've finished you off by then?! I would never let you heal for 5 full minutes! No-one would! I'll except it for now, but I don't think you should try that anywhere else....
3 - "I have to admit, you have become very strong. i can't wait till i face you as a knight, that will be a battle of a life time." Are you a knight yet then?! And saying I'm not? Or do you mean when we're both knights? I dunno :lol:
Just had to say this, and I did not, in any way, mean to offend you with it, if you do feel attacked by this :)
IC - *Tholuem gets up out of the hole, and walks towards the exit, and heads for his room too.*
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