View Full Version : I am back...

Darth Cyber
Nov 24th, 2000, 07:25:31 AM
Can someone finish my training?

Darth Tholuem
Nov 24th, 2000, 12:52:35 PM
Some Master will come here soon enough, and take you as his/her apprentice...

Live Wire
Nov 24th, 2000, 08:21:49 PM
who was your master before?

Darth Tholuem
Nov 25th, 2000, 03:08:13 PM
I think that was Cloak.

Bleh, let Cyber awnser, DT...

Darth Cyber
Nov 26th, 2000, 12:08:12 PM
Banestone was my master before

Garrett Blade
Nov 27th, 2000, 02:58:10 PM
I don't have an apprentice currently - the other one has gone AWOL! How 'bout it Cyber??? You up for it?

Darth Cyber
Nov 29th, 2000, 04:51:43 PM
Of course.. when should we start?