View Full Version : Resuming Tholuem's training.
Darth Tholuem
Oct 24th, 2000, 03:05:59 AM
*Tholuem enters the training ground, and takes his coat off, and drops it. He gets hid saber out of his holder on his middle and puts it down on the ground. He then sits down against a wall, waiting for Gav to enter the room and resume his training.*
OOC - I'm fighting this other guy here in the training grounds right now, at the same time, but that doesn't matter eh?
Gav Mortis
Oct 25th, 2000, 04:25:11 AM
The grounds are empty apart from the one individual standing at it's centre, patiently waiting. The winds gain velocity slightly, there is a distinct coolness falling onto the grounds and Tholuem watches the icey breath leave his mouth.
The wind whistles and howls eerily, but on that breeze there is a hiss of some sort, followed by a sound, a voice.
What do you know...
The voice seemed to be carried in a thin whisper through the wind, just touching his ear, tickling it slightly. Tholuem turns to find no-one but the empty grounds, the wind howls again.
...of the Dark Side?
The wind settles and it is as calm as it was before, there is silence.
Darth Tholuem
Oct 25th, 2000, 06:30:36 AM
*DT gets up, and rolls his sleeves up. He crosses his arms, leans against the wall and starts talking into the air...*
"All I know right now, is that you are here to teach me just that Master, and that I will do anything to be worth your time and dedication. Teach me Master, teach me..."
*DT's still standing against the wall, waiting for his to reply . . .*
Gav Mortis
Oct 25th, 2000, 12:20:56 PM
This is the Dark Side
Suddenly, Tholuems mind turns blank and he is unable to think, his mind is no longer his own and he begins to panking throwing his hand up to his head in confusion.
Finally, the awful silence in his head is broken by a sound of crying, a babies cry, obviously scared, terrified; then the vision begins:
A young woman is sat cradling her crying baby in her arms, her body is riddled with bruises and cuts, she winces at every move but tries to hide her pain in front of her child.
A third figure steps forth and grabs hold of the child, and tears it from the hands of the hysterical mother, her cheeks red; tear stained.
The third figure takes out a dagger, holding the baby upsidedown by the foot and proceeds to mutilate it's small body which becomes red all over instantaneously, the screams become quiet as the child dies.
The small body is handed back to the tremblling young woman who's skin is pale and her eyes are wide, she is unable to speak and the vomit she had just seconds before spewed was still sour in her throat.
She held the mangled body silently in her arms, without a word but just the unquestionable expression of the greatest most unimaginable sorrow on her face, until her head is decapitated cleanly from her body.
The vision breaks suddenly and Tholuem gasps for breath, he regains his composure and leans against the wall once again, before him stands Gav with a devilish grin on his face.
"Now my apprentice, how do you feel?" he asked, not taking his eyes from Tholuem.
Darth Tholuem
Oct 25th, 2000, 12:42:04 PM
*Tholuem's leaning against the wall, but deffinately not as relaxed as before, breathing heavily and sweat on his forehead. He starts to speak, very confused... Even stumbling.*
"What the hell... How do I feel? Jeez... I feel... Uhmmm, weird. This has to be the strangest and most eerie thing ever to have happened to me. What was this? Something from my past? Something else? Tell me Master..."
*Gav still looking at him, not taking his eyes off of DT, starts to speak...*
Gav Mortis
Oct 27th, 2000, 07:50:04 AM
Gav shakes his head, displeased at his apprentices response and with a sigh, he continues.
"Wierd? That is all you feel, wierd?" he asked in disbelief.
"Is there no emotion inside you boy?" Gav's tone of voice raised "It was not from your past. I created it up in your head!" he adds, striding over towards a now poised apprentice.
Gav nears the now standing Tholuem, he is no longer leaning lazily up against a wall but is brought to an attentive stance, anticipating Gav's next move. Suddenly, before he is able to react his head is knocked sideways and the side of his face starts tingling, then aching. A ribbon of blood drips through the side of his mouth and it hurts to move his jaw.
"How do you feel now?" shouts Gav, retracting his fist with which he had just recently back-handed his apprentice.
Gav lifts his knee mercilessly into the gut of Tholuem, who was unable to see the attack at such close range and he bends forward in pain, sliding down the wall only to meet Gav's boot in his jaw and it clicks as it is forced out of place, he is unable to cry in pain because he knows how much it would hurt.
"You don't feel anything?" Gav bellows in aggrovation, he pauses for a moment, then smirks.
"Yes" he continues, his tone very quiet and subtle now, there is a wicked aspect to his voice as he speaks "I can feel the anger swelling up inside."
Tholuem lifts himself to his feet, after a moment of rearranging his jaw back into place with a painful snap, his face riddled with anger, his eyes bloodshot and wide with rage.
"Now, my apprentice; allow the anger to flow through you, allow it to be released and surge through every vein and artery in your being. Knock down the dam that is holding your feelings and allow your hatred to break through, let it take control. Feed from it, live on it, become your hatred and you will become powerful."
Gav takes a step back and to the side, he raises his arm to a mountain in the distance, a mountain of collossal size, it's pinnacle reaching way up through the clouds. However, at irregular intervals through those clodes there could be seen a forest of enromous trees whose trunks were meters thick and were as solid as stone.
"I want a tree!" he said pointing up into the clouds "But you are to get it without any equiptment or aids, rely on strength, speed and agility, allow your anger to power you. You have fifteen minutes; now go!"
Darth Tholuem
Oct 27th, 2000, 11:00:32 AM
OOC - You won't believe it, I was writing it more the 2nd time, had the text copied. Boom, comp crashes. GOne. Every damned thing. It's shorter then my previous versions too. Bleh, I had to write it all again :( That's 3 times...
IC - *Tholuem looks at the mountain as his Master speaks, and waits for his Master to finish. He takes a look at the area he's going to run through in a moment. It's pretty much forest all the time, but first there's still a little bit of TSO property.
He then awnsers to be back as soon as possible. His Master nods and sends him away. DT starts running, avoiding any living creature or obstacle. His speed is building up, fast... He's almost at his top speed and he takes a look of where he is, he guesses he's about half the way. His speed is constant now, very fast. Things are flashing by, he can't see what is what, but he doesn't care either. He focuses on his trip to the top of the mountain again. His speed seems to be faster when he's paying attention too. Lesson learned, DT... He's coming very close now, and he notices he's going upwards.
He's surrounded by clouds now, and it's getting cold as well.
Focus Tholuem, focus, don't let this steal your attention away...
He looks up and sees trees, huge trees. They reach high in the sky and are... just huge. He looks to the sides of one of them... Damn, they're far apart. Jeez.
'Oh damn, the time. 6 minutes left... Has to be possible.'
He stands in the middle of the three he chose to take to his Master. He focusses, wishes the tree to get out. With all his anger , hate and everything else he finds he can use, he tries to get tree out of the ground. The roots move a little, but not much is happening. He stops, relaxes, tries again... A couple of roots shoot out of the ground this time, making a lot of noice. Another one, and another one. Still a couple of them holding the tree in the ground. Tholuem stops again. Takes a deap breath and tries again. Going all the way this time... All the roots shoot of the ground this time, no longer holding DT's power. The tree flies in the air, since all of his powers were on getting the tree out of the ground, now it's lookse... No resistince from the roots anymore.
It's flying, but Tholuem gets it under control. The tree's hanging in the air now. DT, keeping the tree up there, notices that he only has 4 minutes left... He sure wouldn't make it back carrying the tree.
He thinks of how far it is all the way back. He's thinking of throwing it... Would that be any good? Nah, lets just get down and then we'll see again... Downwards goed faster anyway.
He focusses on the tree in the sky above him and starts running down.... His speed is freaking fast for carrying a tree like this and he has trouble keeping it in balance. He stops for a while. He can see Gav standing at TSO's palaca now. He's almost on the flat ground again, when he sees an open area in the forest. the tree's getting a little heavy now, and he's thinking of throwing it to that space, and picking it up there again...
'I might be crazy but...'
There goes the tree... he threw quite well, and he's even capable of throwing it totally right. Now he just has to control the tree there from breaking apart when hitting the ground.
And it's there... DT looks happily at what he's just done, and sees he's only got 2 minutes left. Then he's off. running like the wind, maybe even faster. Object are floating by again... 1 minute and he arrives at the tree again. It's nor far anymore, and he concetrtes on it, lifting it in the air again. It's above him, and while carrying, he starts running again.
30 seconds left...
20 seconds left...
15 seconds left...
And there he is, Gav Mortis, watching his apprentice come closer and closer, knowing he's going to make it.Tholeum stops at the one point where he can put the tree, and puts it right there, and walks towards his Master.
Darth Tholuem
Nov 5th, 2000, 06:45:15 AM
OOC - Gav, come on, not again... :(
Gav Mortis
Nov 22nd, 2000, 08:17:12 AM
OOC: I'm truely sorry for the delay. It was a lethal cocktail of real life problems and a problematic cable modem making me unable to post here much if not at all.
A broad grin comes across Gav's face as he sees his tired out apprentice come towards him.
"Impressive. You are able to combine the use of your force powers to an efficient level, with time and practice they will devellop and become much stronger and easier to carry out." he says in a tone of approval.
"Now, without using any other means apart from your physical attributes, with NO aid from the force, I want you to break this boulder!"
Suddenly, a boulder half the hight of Tholuem crashes to the ground in front of him.
Darth Tholuem
Nov 22nd, 2000, 08:42:54 AM
*Tholuem looks at the boulder, it's not all that big, he'd be abale to break it, he'd just have to think of a way to do just that... He walks to the sides of the thing, and notices he might be able to lift it, just with his hands. He bends over, untill he reaches the bottom of the boulder and puts his arms and hands around it, he can just make it. His grip isn't all that good, but it'll do. He takes a deep breath, and lifts it up in the air, first just a little, then in it's totallity. The boulders goes up and up, Tholuem changes his grip and is now able to lift the rock over his head... With a lot of trouble, he manages to get the boulder up. His face is turning red, and the muscles in his arms are starting to hurt, and even look weird from the outside. Tholuem almost stumbles, but can save himself by putting his left foot in another position. Gav's looking amused, he can see in the corner of his view... He gets ready to throw the thing against the wall, his arms go backward, forwards, and there goes the boulder. Tholuem watches it and Gav takes his eyes off his apprentice too, fucusing on the rock. Everything seems to go in slow motion... When the rock finally hits the wall, it makes a loud noice, making Gav and Tholuem duck a little, seems like it was thrown with a high speed. there are a couple of bursts seen in the boulder and some parts flying off. It falls down to the ground, and then brakes. 3 Big pieces are on the ground now, and little parts lying around them...*
"Phew... Damn."
Tholuem collapses to the ground and shuts his eyes, as if he's about to lose consciousness or fall a sleep or something, but then his Master's voice is heard, and he gets up again. His muscles hurt and feel like gum, but he ignores that, and looks his Master in the eyes...*
Gav Mortis
Nov 29th, 2000, 10:21:59 AM
OOC: Right, with my exams out of the way I have more time to dedicate to roleplaying so I'll be much more consistant with my posts now! :)
Gav smiles deceptively as his young apprentice approaches and stops before him, exhausted and gasping for breath.
"Now, try again!" Gav says coldly, pointing back to where the shattered rock was.
Tholuem turned around to where Gav was pointing and to his shock and dismay found that the boulder he had broken into three pieces was one large boulder once again.
"But this time, reach out with your feelings, touch the darkness around you, then embrace it. Allow the hatred, the anger, the aggression to surge through your every vein in your body and with just one punch I want to see nothing but dust. Anticipate the pain, it will hurt but relish the pain, enjoy it and become a symbiant with evil."
Darth Tholuem
Nov 29th, 2000, 02:44:05 PM
OOC - Yay! :lol:
IC - Tholuem turns around and takes a loot at the boulder, which is all into one piece again... He's breathing heavily and loud, and then closes his eyes, allowing him some peace, and rest, for him to get back to breathing normally and quietly again. It works, the loud sound is silent now as it belongs to be again... Tholuem thinks of what Gav just said; the hatred, the anger, the aggression...
And all of a sudden his minds goes blank. Then all kinds of horrible scenes are seen by Tholuem, ranging from a bloodbath to crying children and angry people, lots of them. Too much anger... Nothing but hate, anger and agression...
( OOC - This'll have a little somthing to do with my character's history, I'll get back to that later and maybe even make and RP about that, okay?)
Then his mind goes blank again, and then Tholuem faces the real world again, the world for him, as it is now... His eyes are opened wide, he feels strangily aggressive, as aggressive as he had never been before and he takes a look at the boulder. Gav looks at him in a weird way, as if Tholuem looks frightening and scaring.
He takes a deep breath and runs towards the boulder, stops, kneels right in front of it and smashes it to pieces, making parts of stone flying around, Gav ducking, and Tholuem getting hit by a couple of them... His eyes were closed and he opens them. They look the way they've looked the last couple of years again, the strange, hatred, anger-like and agrresive look in the Sith's eyes is gone... He's breathing heavily again, after this strange happening...
Gav Mortis
Dec 4th, 2000, 10:39:37 AM
After pondering on his apprentices peculiar behaviour and that glare in his eye Gav shrugs it of as instinctive reaction to experiencing great amounts of hatred and aggression.
"Excellent!" he declares with a broad grin, "You have learned how to channel the dark side through your muscles into inhuman power and with time you will become much stronger."
Gav walks up to his apprentice and with a glint in his eye asks "Are you interested in sorcery?"
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:12:42 AM
*Tholuem has a big smile on his face, feeling great about what Gav just told him, it couln't take much longer untill he might actually be promoted... He takes a breath, and looks his Master in the eyes.
"Yes Master, I am most definately interested in sorcery. It would be very interesting to know a more about that..."
Gav Mortis
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:25:05 AM
"Then follow me!" he answers with a grin, upon saying which he turns and makes his way towards his personal docking bay.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:40:43 AM
*Tholuem looks at Gav's back with his eyes wide open and 'hits through the air' and jumps up and down a couple of times, forming the word 'yeah!' with his mouth. Then all of a sudden he stops and takes a serious look on his face, after which he walks behind and later next to Gav heading for his personal docking bay.*
Gav Mortis
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:54:19 AM
Some time later, the pair had arrived at Docking Bay 102 and boarded Gav's Infiltrator The Demon, whilst the engines hummed to life Gav took out a scruffy looking star chart with various scribblings on it and after a moment of inspection, rolled it up and put it away inside his robing.
"Be prepared for everything, my apprentice. That is the only advice I can give you." he says, turning his head to speak to Darth Tholuem who nodded a look of acknowledgement.
The Demon finally left the atmosphere and once free of the gravity field, jumped into hyperspace.
"Next stop, Dagobah."
Darth Tholuem
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:18:47 AM
*Tholuem thinks of what he should expect then. Yeah, everything, but what how bad could it get? Oh well, he'd see when he got there... He looked at Gav's map, but was too late cause he put it in his robe. So, he got no clue as to where they were going. Well, he'd see about that. He changed the angle of his seat, and laid down, not sleeping, just resting...*
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