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View Full Version : I request trainig Darth Dark Cloak

Darth Cyber
Aug 28th, 2000, 06:58:10 PM
i will not fail you

Aug 31st, 2000, 11:12:44 AM
*Banestone strides into the training room, clad in a sleeveless black tunic and loose black pants and boot, and a black Sith robe over it all*

Welcome, Lord Cyber... I must apologize to keep you waiting. *Shrugs off the robe and flexes his fingers* Attack me.

Darth Cyber
Sep 4th, 2000, 04:49:27 PM
as you wish Cyber ignites one end of his saber and lunges toward Banestone's legs

Sep 5th, 2000, 03:44:02 PM
*Banestone jumps over the slash at his legs, planting a boot into Cyber's head as he does so... the apprentice staggers backwards as the cyborg Sith lands on his side and rolls to his feet. He still has not drawn his lightsaber*

Good, you do not hesitate... now make your speed count for something.

Darth Cyber
Sep 5th, 2000, 04:07:01 PM
um okay... Cyber speeds across the room and jumps Banestone from behind trying to slash Banestone's left arm...

Sep 6th, 2000, 12:00:29 PM
*Banestone spins, not quite fast enough, to keep facing Cyber as he Force Speeds past, barely able to ignite his lightclaws on his left hand and bring it back far enough to block the lightsaber blow. Continuing to turn, he kicks one of Darth Cyber's legs out from underneath him*

Darth Cyber
Sep 10th, 2000, 05:10:59 PM
Predicting the attempt of Banestone to dislodge the lightsaber from Darth Cyber's grip, with his futile effort of defense, Darth Cyber turns 360 degrees horizontal to counter-attack and land a feroucious blow to the back of Banestone right shoulder.

Sep 11th, 2000, 11:35:12 AM
*Banestone's durasteel left shoulder is partially cut through before the Sith drops beneath Cyber's lightsaber blade to the ground, rolling to the side and flicking out his lightclaws towards Cyber's legs at knee level*

Darth Cyber
Sep 12th, 2000, 04:40:10 PM
*Cyber barely blocks Banestone's attack and jumps over him to and finally ignites the other end of his ls and throws his lightsaber at Banestone controlled with the Force*

Sep 12th, 2000, 09:37:03 PM
*An excellent move... Banestone quickly gets to his feet, barely ducks the first pass of the Force-controlled saber blades, and pulls out his own lightsaber at last to bat Cyber's lightsaber away again. The apprentice takes the oppurtunity to run and jumpkick Banestone in the back (just below the neck), knocking him forward... but then the Sith unexpectedly drops his saber again, twists 180 degrees before touching the ground, and plants his hands on the ground. Cyber lands on his feet just as Banestone mule kicks him from this position in his unguarded chest*

Darth Cyber
Sep 13th, 2000, 05:02:49 PM
*An excellent move... Banestone quickly gets to his feet, barely ducks the first pass of the Force-controlled saber blades, and pulls out his own lightsaber at last to bat Cyber's lightsaber away again. The apprentice takes the oppurtunity to run and jumpkick Banestone in the back (just below the neck), knocking him forward... but then the Sith unexpectedly drops his saber again, twists 180 degrees before touching the ground, and plants his hands on the ground. Cyber lands on his feet just as Banestone mule kicks him from this position in his unguarded chest*

*Cyber recovers from the blow and force pulls his lightsaber back into his hands and jumps and flips onto Banestones right shoulder and slashes at his right arm (again) to knock Banestone over*

Darth Cyber
Sep 13th, 2000, 05:03:18 PM
*Cyber recovers from the blow and force pulls his lightsaber back into his hands and jumps and flips onto Banestones right shoulder and slashes at his right arm (again) to knock Banestone over*

Sep 13th, 2000, 09:26:29 PM
*Just in the nick of time, Banestone's lightsaber ignites and flies up from the ground to block Cyber... Banestone's left arm comes up to shoves the apprentice off of his shoulder, and he then rolls away into a standing position and recalls his lightsaber again, into both hands*

And now... time to train you by seeing just how good you are. I find the best way to do this is to beat the snot out of people. :evil:

*Banestone lowers his lightsaber and Darth Cyber suddenly feels pinned - he can't move any limbs or his head! Startled, Cyber tried desparatly to break the larger Sith's Force hold*

Your anger will give you strength. Your pain gives you strength. Other being's pain give you strength. There is no weakness... in the Dark Side... you must learn to embrace the power it offers you so seductively, and to enslave it to your own will... then no one can ever hold you back again. It is your destiny. It is the destiny of the Sith.

*Banestone walks up to the struggling Cyber, and extinguishes both of their lightsabers, chaining them to a nearby pillar. Then he places both hands on Cyber's shoulders... leans his head back, as if to inspect the ceiling... and then SLAMS his durasteel-reinforced forehead into Cyber's face*

Sep 27th, 2000, 10:50:23 AM
I need to know if you want to stay with TSO, or what your plans are, Cyber... no worries, just reply here sometime soon, since I ain't seen ya in a while. Thanks!

Darth Cyber
Sep 30th, 2000, 04:03:07 AM
i am sorry i have not gotten back to you for a while i am still in tso, shall we continue our duel?

Darth Cyber
Oct 16th, 2000, 05:00:28 PM
i am sorry Banestone and all of tso. i am not going to be a part of the sith anymore. i have to many things to do...

Cyber walks out of the training grounds never to walk in again