View Full Version : Makoto's training II

Malice Draclau
Dec 16th, 2001, 03:18:42 PM
Standing outside the palace Malice awaited. He was in the forest around TSO. It was mid afternoon and the sun was at it's peak. waiting under a shady tree, Malice watched the two big entrance doors to see his apprentice come.

Makoto Neo
Dec 16th, 2001, 06:26:07 PM
There was a light ruffle of wind in the forest, making the leaves on the trees rustle together. Makoto jumped from tree to tree under this cover of sound. Stopping a tree over and behind from the one Malice waited. Backfliping off the limb Makoto landed with a lound twump. He stood and stalked over to Malice, whom was still unawares of his Presence. Then Mako sent a force message to his Master
You summoned me, Master Draclau?

Malice Draclau
Dec 16th, 2001, 09:26:03 PM
Grinning a his apprentice sent him a force message. He used the force to make his voice louder then the normal tone so that Makoto could hear him clearly.

*You must practice a little morewith your stealth. The force had alerted me of your presense before you even hit the ground*

Turning he walked towards Makoto and just looked at him.

*Before we starttraining i need to knowa few things. What isit you know of the force*

Makoto Neo
Dec 17th, 2001, 06:24:56 PM
"What I know of the Force... Well. It is a ever present entity, some learn to mold and shape it to their will. A ball of clay for example, it starts as a ball right? but then you can mold it with your hands to.. a square.
Now, other than that statement above, I know that you can use the force with conjuction with the elements, fire water spirit earth and etc to acheive a goal. Such as distroy an enemy."
Makoto poured out what he knew right off hand at the moment, then awaited his masters responce

Malice Draclau
Dec 17th, 2001, 07:30:22 PM
Malice looked a Makoto not showing any emotion.

*Very good. You a use the force to do almost anything. It gives you strength and power. Now tel me what you know of those that use the force...specifically the sith and jedi*

Makoto Neo
Dec 18th, 2001, 08:19:32 PM
" I know that the Jedi and the Sith struggle for dominance over each other. Although, the jedi wont amitt it. The Sith will admit it for it is true, they use the force for distruction and power over those whom are weaker. the jedi use it for 'good and light'"

Malice Draclau
Dec 18th, 2001, 08:38:44 PM
Nodding his head he began to look around.

*Thoseare all correct answers. Now here's my final question. What forcemoves do you know besides te one i taught you. And what else would you like to learn in the ways of the force*

Malice waited, while studyinghis surroundings.

Makoto Neo
Dec 18th, 2001, 08:52:22 PM
"I know very little of the force, probally the only thing I know as a fact is what you have instructed me on. What I would Like to learn is to move with more of a stealth.. Some Offencive tactics and Defencive as well..."

Malice Draclau
Dec 18th, 2001, 09:19:32 PM
*Being able to move with more stealth is an ability that will take many practice sessions. You will getthat on your own*

Taking off his cloak he walked to a rather tall tree.....it stood probably a good 70 stories or so. He motioned for Makoto to come closer

*What i will teach you now is called force jump. Concentrating on the force you will want to gather it all in your legs. Then push it out though your legs to make you jump higher then normal*

Bending hi legs he concentrated on the force. Centering it into his legs he jumped up. ith aid of the force he easily reached 40 stories. Landing softly so as not to break th branch he looked down at Makoto.

*Now you try it*

Makoto Neo
Dec 25th, 2001, 11:26:49 PM
OOC: Sorry for delay, waz up at mom's house for the X-mas, then went over to my grandpa's whom didnt have net either... Im back on for a few days now. Sorryz for the absence

IC: Makoto looked up at the tree, and watched (his mouth lightly agape) as Malice jumped. "You have GOT to be KIDDING ME!" He thought to himself, then thought a bit. Doing as Malice had instructed, he channeled his anger into the force, diverting it from his mind down to his legs. He then bent at the knees and jumped into the air, releasing the force to add boost as he took off. Flying upwards somewhat akwardly, he landed a story below Malice, landing without a sound. The branch in which he landed on shook a bit, but held firm. Well, I'll be darned.... he thought to himself, blocking out the thought immedately. He glanced up to his master, waiting for the next instruction

Malice Draclau
Dec 25th, 2001, 11:35:51 PM
OOC:It's ok, Jodah told me. Mery x-mas

IC:Malice nodded to Makoto.

*Good, now you shall do the samething with the force going down to soften your landing. If you fail to do it correctly then it will hurt, and hurt badly*

Malice laughed at his comment. Drawing the force in once again, Malice jumped off the branch and made his way down. Using the force it cushioned the landing as his feet touched the ground.

*Now you try it*

Makoto Neo
Dec 28th, 2001, 11:37:10 PM
OOC: An Merry X-mas to you too :)

Makoto concentrated a bit, then took a backwards flip off the branch into the air. As he neared the ground, he used the force to slow himself down.. much to his surpize, he landded with a thud....

Malice Draclau
Dec 29th, 2001, 07:01:03 AM
Malice shook his head in disappointment.

*You will need more practice with controlling the force. i shall test you on what i each ou here today later on, and se if you have better control and are able to use these abilities more easily. Remember, failure is not an option*

Walking to a clearing, Malice stood next to one tree, about 20 meters away, was another tree.

*Your next move that you will learn is called force speed. You again channel the force into your leg's propelling yourself forward*

Drawing on the force. Malice began to focus his hate and anger into the force, sending this built up energy into his legs. Malice took one step forward, and within a cloud of dust he was gone. Looking forward, Makoto saw Malice standing next to the other tree.

Using the force Malice sent a message to Makoto.

*Now you try it. i made it here in 5 seconds. I want you to eat it. If not you will be punished, use that as an insentive*

Malice grinned.

Makoto Neo
Dec 29th, 2001, 10:19:37 PM
Makoto grimaced, then began to remember what someone said that was close to what Malice had commanded..
Now you do it. I did it with two hits. I want you to beat me, Kill him with one . If not you will be punished, use that as an insentive... The 'him' had been his brother, Mako's rage began to build. His eyes glowed a faint dark read before Makoto steped forward and dissapeared, all that remained was a large cloud of dust and a pathway leading to were he now stood, starting stright ahead from him, Malice going unoticed for the moment..

Malice Draclau
Dec 30th, 2001, 03:10:59 AM
Malice watched Makoto, sensing his anger build he grinned. Then in the blink of eye he was gone. Malice started counting as soon as Makoto disappeared from view. Would he beat Malice's time he did not know.

*Remember, you must beat 5 seconds to escape a harsh punishment*

Malice waited quietly for Makoto to end up right at his side.

Makoto Neo
Dec 30th, 2001, 06:34:17 PM
About three an a half seconds later, Makoto stood at Malice's side, a small pebble in his hand tossin up and down. Looking over at Malice out of the corner of his eye he muttered; "I triped," motioning to a break in the trail of dust, "I belive I made it under five seconds, am i correct Master?"

Malice Draclau
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:15:38 AM
Malice grinned and chuckled to himself.

*Indeed you have. Now here is your final lesson within the force i shall teach you. It is a very dangerous attack if you are not careful*

Malice walked forward stopping 10 feet from him.

*It is called force blast, i hope you know what that is. If not then i shall show you*

Drawing on the force around him, malice let it surge through his body.

*First you must concentrate, draw in the force. use your hate and anger to fuel your power*

Malice channeld his hate and anger wth the force into the palms of his hands.

*Center the energy, form it into a ball using the force*

Malice concentrated, soon two black blls of pure force energy appeared in his hands. Pointing one hand forward he shot the ball at a tree with a nudge of the force. it went right through the tree leaving a big hole in the trunk, which caused it to fall.

*Once you have gotten used to summoning the force ball, you may then use the force to guide the ball to any target within sight of you. Like if a jedi were to run away, you could use this attack to track him down and kill him*

Malice looked around. He noticed a deer like creature about 20 feet away. Letting the force ball go it went flying at the deer. It started to run, but the ball was close behind it. The deer ran behind a tree to try an get away. Theforce all wen right through the tree and struck the deer, causing it to explode. Looking at Makoto, Malice grinned.

*Now you try it. Remember,use your hate and anger, concentrate on he force and bend it to your will*

Makoto Neo
Dec 31st, 2001, 06:52:48 PM
Makoto folded his hands over each other, then began to purge any thoughts from his mind. In the place of these thoughts he placed his rage, anger, and past into. Pulling his hands apart, he channeled the hate and rage into his arms, then down into the now apart hands. The air wavered as the force lept between his hands, the force pressing the air away. narrowing his eyes, he now pressed his anger into the mixture. The amount of force being exerted on the particular point began to make his hands spasm, he looked down at a golfball sized black sphere hovering inbetween his hands. Looking swiftly over at Malice, Makoto drew back the hand closest to the sphere, it following the movement, then truste it out in one quick movement, releasing the ball and exerting force to add momentum. The ball raced forward and struck a tree that stood next to the one which Malice had fallen, the ball struck the tree and passed through it with a loud crack. The tree, now with a golf ball sized hole and indention in it, swayed and fell.

Makoto snickered in enjoyment, already noting that this ability would be great in combat.

Malice Draclau
Jan 2nd, 2002, 02:42:22 AM
Malice nodded.

*Good. Now here is a test for you. A test to see if you can use these abilities in a fight. You must rely on the force if you hope to live*

Whistleing loudly, They heard loud roaring sounds from a distance. Malice used the force and jumped into a tree. Looking down he spoke to Makoto.

*There are three of them. I assume you know what a rancor is, for that is what you shall face*

About 25 feet away, th first rancor could be seen. No doubt the others were not far off.

Makoto Neo
Jan 2nd, 2002, 06:52:48 PM
"I presume you will let me use my other weapons other than the force in this battle?" Makoto shouted up, starting at the first rancor. Rolling up the right sleeve on his duster he revealed a metal gauntlet. Thumbing the power on it, a metal plate extended, covering the back of his hand and fingers. Quickly following that, three crimson light saber blades extended forth, reaching the normal saber length of a regular single bladed lightsaber. Each saber blade curved slightly resembling a claw.

As the Rancor came closer, Makoto dashed forward using the force speed technique. Dodging the swiping claw of the Rancor, which with a little fancy footwork on Makoto's part reprimanded one of it's large claws. The Rancor howled in pain, alerting the other two.

Makoto growled, then force jumped upwards into a nearby tree, then jumped tree to tree till he was over the now pissed off Rancor, Jumping down ontop of it's back Mako slamed the saber claw into it's skull, killing it shortly aftwards. By the time the first Rancor hit the ground, One of the other's had arrived. Conjuring a force blast, Mako sent it into the open maw of the beast, the black sphere exiting out it's back.

Makoto smirked sadisticlly, looking for the other rancor. The third Rancor bursted out of the trees as Mako turned surprized, ducking under a swiping claw ment to sever his head from the rest of his body. Now ultimately pissed off at this surprized attack, Makoto conjured another force blast, this one twice as big as the last one, fuling is rage into it Mako let it loose at the leg of the Rancor. The ball passed smoothly through the kneecap as the rancor fell. Mako, Now up in a tree due to a quick force jump, looked down aopon the roaring beast.

"Now... You will die." Mako muttered, jumping from the treetops onto the creatures back, jamming his saber claw into the lower back of the rancor, much to it's roars of pain, Makoto walked to the head, pulling the saberclaw along with him, creating three deep gouges in the beast's back. Pulling the saber free Makoto jammed the claw into the skull as he did the first rancor.

Yanking his saber free, Mako gazed up at Malice, his(mako) saber pulled up to his face like a ward....

Malice Draclau
Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:35:49 PM
Malice nodded his head. Hewas pleased at how his apprentice had handled the beasts.

*Good, very good. Your training for today is finished. Go to your room and rest. Tomorrow we shall begin the last training session you will have with me*

Jumping down from the tree Malice bid his apprentice fair well and walked further into the forest, further to were light could not pass through the top of the trees. He would continue his own training as well.

OOC:It might not be the last training session. It all depends on you and Jodah to decide. I'll explain more afterwards.

Makoto Neo
Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:43:16 PM
Mako switched off the claw saber, bowing to his master as he exited into the much darker part of the forest.

Looking back at the rancors, a little smrik tugging at the corner of his mouh. Makoto ignited one of the saber blades and removed a tooth from each of the rancors. Later on he would fashion this into a pendant. [Hey, Might not be a sith act, but I've got to keep myself busy while healing...] he thought, pocketing the teeth. Then he turned a walked back toward the Palace, rolling his duster's sleeve down...