View Full Version : New beginnings

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:08:06 PM
*Live Wire entered the training room with Volcana following behind her. She stopped at a small table and took off her cloak. Underneath she was wearing a simple black jumpsuit that was comfortable and allowed for ease of movement. Gesturing she motioned her apprentice to move towards the center of the room*

Mistress Volcana
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:14:49 PM
Volcana also removed her cloak to allow her to move with ease.

Her master motioned her towards the center of the room. She stood in front of Live Wire, but didn't ignite the saber. She was eager to begin, but she also knew it wasn't her place to start the training. She would wait for her Master to give the signal.

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:17:53 PM
*live wire ignited her saber and smiled at her apprentice. She walked the perimiter of the room just looking at her. Watching her seeing how she reacted under pressure. Then with a barely preceptable flick of the wrist a boulder fell from the ceiling straight towards her apprentice*

Mistress Volcana
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:25:22 PM
Volcana eyed her Master carefully. Just then, a HUGE boulder came bounding from the ceiling.

Volcana lept forward and rolled away as the boulder smashed the ground she had just been standing in moments before. She quickly ignited her saber and took an attack stance not knowing what to expect next.

This training was going to be much more difficult than she had anticipated.

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:26:54 PM
*Her laugh echoed through the training room. Yes she forgot how amusing her apprentices could be when they were just starting out. This should be fun.

She turned off her saber indicating she would not immediately attack her*

Tell me...what else could you have done?

Mistress Volcana
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:15:37 PM
Volcana was reaching out with the Force not knowing what to expect next. She then saw her Master turn off her lightsaber, so she did the same.

She thought a moment when Live Wire asked her the question.
"I could have stopped the boulder with the Force or ignited my saber and slashed it in pieces. But I don't believe I could have reacted fast enough to do either. The boulder caught me off guard."

Volcana was not one to admit her weaknesses so quickly, but she realized that as part of her training, her Master would need to know.

Live Wire
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:55:26 AM
*Live Wire nodded and held up two fingers*

your reactions should be instinct. As quick, *two sparks jumped between her fingers* as lightning.

Remember the force will be your greatest ally. It allows you to turn your opponents weapons against them. You need to know your options and chose the ones that gives you the upper hand..not just the one that gets you out of the way.

*live wire waved a hand and the boulder returned to where it came. Moving toward the center of the room she ignited her saber again*

Attack me!

Lady Vader
Dec 12th, 2001, 01:58:48 AM
*LV stood off to the side of the training grounds, unnoticed by the other Sith, watching as LW trained yet another pupil. This new recruit had potential. She smiled under the dark shadow of her hooded cloak, pleased at such a find.*

Mistress Volcana
Dec 12th, 2001, 09:28:47 PM
Live Wire's words were true. She would need to use the Force as part of her instincts so that she could react to situations faster. Here she was in a controlled enviornment where risk to her life was minimal, but there was no protection outside these walls.

At her Master's signal, she ignited her saber. With one sweeping motion, she brought her saber down towards Live Wire's head.

Live Wire
Dec 13th, 2001, 01:24:03 AM
*with one hand LW brought her saber up and blocked the crude blow. With the other hand she sent her apprentice flying across the room into the wall, which despite its rough appearance was surprisingly soft.

She waited for her apprentice to dust herself off before speaking.*

You will not always be able to overpower your opponent. If you cant beat them with your strenght then dont attempt it. It only puts yourself in a position of weakness. Fight with your brains if you want to survive.

*she took a ready stance*


Mistress Volcana
Dec 13th, 2001, 07:35:45 PM
Again Live Wire had caught her off guard. Volcana stood up and looked at her Master. She could feel her anger begining to swell.

She thought to herself. *You won't take me down so easily next time.*

She ran towards Live Wire and slammed her saber into her Masters with full energy. The sound of the blades clashing echoed through the room.

Live Wire
Dec 13th, 2001, 07:39:34 PM
*live wire pressed against her with equal strenght and smiled*

Is that all you got? You have to do better then that little girl.

*she shoved her full weight against her saber sending volcana back a step and with a quick sweep of her leg she knocked volcana's feet out from under her*

Get up

Mistress Volcana
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:39:26 AM
Volcana landed hard on the cold floor of the room. Not only was she going to have a bruised butt, but her ego was begining to get bruised also. *Oh you're asking for it aren't you Miss Live Wire?*

She quickly stood up. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She attacked Live Wire again. This time she swung her blade precariously close to Live Wire's shoulder. Of course, Live Wire had no problem parrying the blade, but as she did so Volcana took the oportunity to give Live Wire a good kick in the stomach with her leg.

A small smile formed on the corner of her mouth as she took another ready stance position. *Take that! B I T CH!*

Live Wire
Jan 8th, 2002, 01:20:36 PM
*the new apprentice was a little rough around the edges but she certainly had spirit and she angered easilly which could be honed into an asset. Quickly LW moved in with her saber forcing her apprentice to keep up with her lightning quick movements. Volcana did her best to keep up but LW was faster and more powerful then she was. Worried lines began to show on her forehead as she began to tire. Their sabers met one last time the blades crackling with energy. Using her strength she shoved her apprentice to the ground. Volcana's legs crumpled beneath her but she was still holding the saber up protecting her from LW's yellow blade.

With her free hand LW removed a short dagger from her boot and in one smooth motion it was at her apprentice's throat. Above the sound of the lightsabers LW smirked,*

"Next time dont be so cocky"

Mistress Volcana
Jan 16th, 2002, 05:52:34 PM
It was obvious Live Wire's skills were far more advanced than hers, but that was why she was here, to train and become more powerful in the Force.

Before she knew it, Volcana found herself on the floor barely holding off Live Wire's blade and a dagger being held at her throat. Again, Live Wire proved that Volcana had let her guard down.

Volcana held still, her breathing heavy from the sparring. She glanced at the dagger and back up at Live Wire. Her eyes glowed with fire showing the anger in her face.


Live Wire
Jan 23rd, 2002, 04:13:15 PM
*LW put the dagger away and offered Volcana a hand to help her up. She refused the help and LW smirked at her. Pride, not something that was going to prove to be an asset. However the hardheadedness would be.*

You have many assets at your disposal. You have to learn to think because not all of them will prove useful at everytime. Fighting is a lot more then just what weapon you have. It's knowing when to use them.

*LW stood ready with her saber.*

Attack me again.

Mistress Volcana
Feb 25th, 2002, 10:44:20 PM
Volcana stood and wiped her moist forehead, then took a ready position. Live Wire waited for her to make the first move. *Probably waiting for me to screw up again.*

She launched herself towards Live Wire. As before, their sabers clashed and echoed loudly against the smooth surfaces of the room.

Live Wire
Mar 5th, 2002, 12:04:12 PM
*LW defended herself against the attack with one hand and turned from the defender into the agressor. She went at volcana with quick slashes backing her apprentice up almost into the wall.*

You're not listening. You have the power within you so use it!

*She sent a roundhouse kick to Volcana's face and backed up a step.*

Don't just stand there! If you don't have what it takes go join the Jedi!!!!