View Full Version : Old time meetings(Live Wire)

Malice Draclau
Jan 23rd, 2002, 02:27:13 AM
OOC:OK...so let me be more specific on who i would like to sparr or fight with.

IC: Malice, a sith knight of the mighty TSO walked quietly through the dark hallways of the palace. He silently made his way to the traning grounds. There were probably others already training in there or outside, but he had not come to see any of them.

Instead he had left a holo note infront of his master Live Wire's room. He did not know wether or not she still considered herself his master, but he did. And now h has requested a sparr with her. The knight wanted to show her how much he had grown since she trained him from the start. He wanted to show her the secret ability of his family to morph into a demon form, which she never saw.

Standing in the center he closed his eyes and began to meditate, drawing on the darkside while keeping his senses open. Feeling for his master's force signature coming closer.

Live Wire
Feb 5th, 2002, 01:07:58 AM
OOC: well aren't I the popular one lately.


*Live Wire walked into the training room dressed in a black jumpsuit that allowed for ease of movement. Her lightsaber was attached to her belt and slapped against her thigh as she walked. Her boots hugged her legs and she could feel the knife and the blaster concealed by them pressing against her calfs.*

It's been a long time since we last sparred. This should be interesting. Even with your progress do you think you can survive a fight with me?

Malice Draclau
Feb 5th, 2002, 07:33:08 PM
OOC:LW, have you forgotten me.

IC: Malice couldn't help but laugh at her last comment. He simply bowed and put a hand over his lightsaber.

*I most certainly do mistress. But we shall see soon enough*

Unclipping his saber,he ignites both sides. The white blades humming to life. Standing firm, Malice began to draw upon the darkness around them.

*You ready....master*

In an instant Malice dashed forward using force speed to aid him. Coming closer to LW he jumped up and over her doing a few flips. Landing quickly he turned and made a wide slash aiming for her back.

Live Wire
Mar 5th, 2002, 11:56:39 AM
OOC: No I havent forgotten. Im just in too many threads lol.

*Malice aimed for her back and was a few inches from making contact with flesh when he froze. He looked at her in surprise as she turned. LW released her grip on him and came in swinging. Her saber moved at lightning (no pun intended) speed and her expression never changed.

Using the force she shifted the earth beneath his feet. Now that he was off balance she sent a kick to his gut pushing him backwards.*

You have learned much but I am still the master.

Sith master Palpatine
Mar 5th, 2002, 10:16:29 PM
Stumbling backwards Malice regained his stance. Ignoring the pain rushing through his gut he grinned at LW.

*Indeed you are master. But you know what they say, out with the old and in with the new*

Malice again ran at LW, his saber moving just as fast as his master's. Locking saber's Malice pushed her back, calling on the darkside he reached out with it pulling her feet out from under her. Noticing two medium sized rocks not too far off. The sith levitated them and moved them over his master, sending them dropping at an increasing speed.

*Then again........i could be wrong. Am i master?*

Malice grinned as he stood in a deffensive position, drawing on the darkforce, using his anger and hate from past experiences to fuel his power and strength.

OOC:UGH what an idiot....it's me just forgot to switch accounts.