View Full Version : Cherice: The Darkside Awaits

Malice Draclau
Feb 2nd, 2002, 02:07:11 AM
Malice entered the training grounds, Dressed in all white, he took of his cloak and folded it laying it next to the entrance door. Walking to the middle of the room Malice sat and began to meditate. He would be taking on a new apprentice today.... and so he felt through the force sensing Cherice coming closer to him.

He concentrated his mind on the darkside, molding it in his mind, letting the dark energy flow through his very being. Soon, Cherice would be full of darkness.....that Malice would make sure of.

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 3rd, 2002, 05:06:38 PM
The droid led Cherice to the training grounds then left her. She watched it go for a moment or two before turning her attention upon her new Sire. She could tell that he was meditating, but vaguely wondered why he was dressed in white. She always thought that Siths only dressed in dark colors. Brushing away her thoughts, she made her way over to him and tilted her head to the side.

" Master, I await my training. "

Malice Draclau
Feb 3rd, 2002, 05:17:14 PM
Getting out of his meditation, Malice opened his eyes and stood up. Looking at the girl he took a little peak into her mind using the force. He saw that she wondered about his chosen attire.

* Not all darksiders wear the usual black robes and such. Just like many other sith i prefer something else, something more to my liking. So i wear white clothing..though i must admit it's hell when i have to clean it*

Stretchng his arms and legs he decided to changed the subject.

*Tell me what do you know of the force*

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 8th, 2002, 07:39:04 PM
" What I know is nothing of matter. It is what I've heard that I shall tell you. I've heard that the Force serves as three things - Good, Neutral, and Evil. It keeps everything in the universe intact. All living things have the Force within themselves, and that it can also be used subconsciously. It is those that know of the Force who can start to tap into it, using it for either of those three reasons. "

With this, Cherice stopped talking, believing that she had spoken enough.

Malice Draclau
Feb 10th, 2002, 03:41:44 PM
Malice merely laughed to himself. This girl had a attitude...one in which Malice would have no problem fixing.

*Well then Charice....tell me what have you heard about those that use the force. Mainly the jedi and the sith*

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 11th, 2002, 06:34:23 PM
Her soft, pink lips curved into a wicked smile while a dangerous glint appeared in her eyes.

" The Jedi use the Force for the Lightside, claiming to use it to defend the innocent and weak. Yet so many die each day, and where are the Jedi? Standing around, bickering amongst themselves to see who's better. Then they say that we Sith have no honour. Peh, such bold words from such tiny minds! The Sith use the Force for the Darkside, tapping into the negative powers and using them to their advantage. Sometimes they also use the Lightside of the Force for Healing Arts, or to turn it on the Jedis themselves... "

Malice Draclau
Feb 12th, 2002, 04:18:14 PM
Malice just stood there...listening to every word she said. Then, in one fluid quick motion, Malice ended up behind Charice and gave her a good kick in the back sending her sprwaling forward onto the ground.

*Lesson one....always be prepared. Someone can attack at anytime and from anywhere. Use the force to feel around you, to sense what is going on. Now get up and fight*

Malice now stood in a deffensive stance, awaiting her move.

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 12th, 2002, 05:31:53 PM
" Argh! "

In almost a split second, Cherice found herself sprawled on the floor. She wasn't expecting this sudden attack, but nonetheless, training was training. As soon as she had hit the ground, she rolled and got up, hands clenching into fists. Siths had to fight dirty ...

This wouldn't be the first time Cherice had used the Force to aid her. She wondered if she should show her Sire her full potential, then decided she should. After all, this was just training, wasn't it?

She ran at him, almost making it seem like she'd charge into him like a fool, then swerved at the last second, spinning behind him. When he turned to face her, he saw her hand raised, her fingernails almost like claws. In a swift motion, she raked them across his face diagonally. Then she lifted her foot and snapkicked him, only to have her foot caught. She growled and twisted herself, breaking herself free of his hold and stepped back. Adrenaline ran through her veins as her temples pounded with excitement. It had been awhile since she fought, and she was enjoying this to the last drop.

(( OOC ~ Cherice's name is spelled with an 'e', not an 'a'. :) ))

Malice Draclau
Feb 12th, 2002, 05:37:49 PM
OOC: My bad.

IC: Malice put a hand on the side of his face where she had scratched him. He looked at her, anger in his eyes. After he had caught her foot she managed to get away and back up. Reaching out with the force Malice gripped her neck and began to choke her. Her body lifting a few feet into the air, she could see nothing grabing her throat, but could feel it.

*Yes, i feel the excitment of battle in you. Now draw on your anger and pain, use them to fuel your force powers. Now concentrate on the darkside and break free...you will die if you do not*

The evil in his eyes could be seen as plain as the nigt sky. He would show her what the darkside was all about, even if it would take years...or if he had to beat it into her.

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 12th, 2002, 10:42:34 PM
Dangling in mid-air, Cherice was being choked. She narrowed her eyes and concentrated on the Force, calling it to aid her. All the dead pain and old anger within her flared once more, fueling her concentration. She started to loosen the death grip he had on her - slowly. Her breathing was short and forced as she tried not to suffocate. Finally, she freed herself and fell to the floor in a crumpled heap. She got up slowly, panting from the excursion. So he wants to use the Force now.. Okay, the Force it is.

Continuing to concentrate, she used the Force and made it slam into his chest, knocking the wind out. When he stumbled back, she seized that moment and called upon the Shadows to conceal her. She watched as they darted from every corner and crack to hide her. Slowly they seemed to darken the room until it was almost pitch black.

Cherice was in her element.

She slipped behind Malice while using the Force to make it seem like she was infront of him. She made the "other her" throw fake kicks and punches at him, while an evil grin spread across her face. Suddenly he heard a faint, yet clear, voice in his head.

'Are all Siths empty shells, or do they have souls, too?'

Malice Draclau
Feb 13th, 2002, 04:50:20 PM
Malice grinned as he easily fended off the illusions attacks.

* There are many sith with souls.....but you'll not find one within me child*

Ducking from apunch, Malice turned onhis heels and kiked outward hitting the real Cherice knocking her to the ground. The illusion quickly disappeared. Standing up Malice lared down at the girl.

*You forgot one important think when trying to hide yourself...always make sure your force presense is concealed as well. A force user can always sense another's presense within the force......you must learn to block it*

Concentrating on the force Malice made the shadows come back once more. Dancing around the room, they soon covered the area in total blackness concealing Malice within it. Hiding his force presense he called out to her using the force to speak into her mind.

*So you know how to use force push....well then let's see you block these*

From out of the darkness came two medium sized rocks flying straight for her. If she did not think fast then the rocks would strike her down.

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 15th, 2002, 07:14:53 PM
Cherice could feel the wind knocked out of her from the blow of the kick. She watched Malice loom over her, slightly mocking her. She sneered and got back up, wondering what he meant when he said to "block these". Suddenly two rocks came flying out of nowhere. Startled, her mind went blank for a moment. She shook her head and raised her hand, and, using the Force, stopped the rocks in mid-air.

She smiled mischeviously and looked around for Malice. Her sight in the Darkness was always well, however, not even her pupils were big enough to gather in enough light. She felt around with the Force, and noticed that he had so thoughtfully concealed his Force Presense. Well, this would make things difficult.

She sighed and shifted her weight from one foot to another, not knowing what to do.

Malice Draclau
Feb 15th, 2002, 09:58:59 PM
Standing in one spot..... about a few meters infront of her he spoke to her via the force.

*There are other methods of finding someone who has hidden their force presense. I shall leave that up to you to find out..until then always be prepared for an attack may come from any side*

Malice jumped to the left not making any sound what so ever. He then began to run towards Cherice, his body moving fast he lifted his right hand and aimed a punch at her head. His body however made a slight sound, a breeze of air blew past Cherice going from her left to her right. If she knew better then she'd figure out that the sound of the wind as made from Malice.

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 16th, 2002, 11:44:29 AM
Cherice heard Malice speak to her through the Force, and pondered over his words. No doubt he was going to demonstrate an attack to prove the truth of his words. So deep into thought, she paid no heed to the slight wind that went past her. Suddenly, her head snapped back as pain exploded through her head. Gasping, her hands instinctively reached up to where she had been hit.

Malice had just demonstrated the truth of his words.

Growling, she lowered her hands and turned around blindly in the darkness, trying to find him. His silence mocked her while in her mind she imagined a jeering face of him, beckoning her to find him. Straining her ears to see if she could hear anything, she listened. Listened for the telltale heartbeart. Listened for the quivering breath. Listened for the slight movement of clothing rustling together. And heard... nothing.

Her anger began to build up steadily while she grit her teeth. Malice just had to be a demon, or some sort of Creature of Darkness. The only thing she couldn't figure out was, why hadn't he told her? Only Creatures of Darkness could control the Shadows like he had, and slip in and out of them like water. Letting out a shriek of rage, she clenched her hands into fists helplessly.

Malice Draclau
Feb 17th, 2002, 02:49:01 PM
Malice now stood off to the right of her, dissapointed that she did not block or dodge his attack. But a grin slid across his face as he could feel the anger and hate build up. Finally he stopped hiding his force presense and reached out peaking into her mind.....listening to her thoughts.

*So my apprentice.....you would like to know what i really am*

The darkness that filled the room instantly vanished, seeping through the walls a if it were being sucked up. As Cherice looed to her right she saw Malice, grinning at her.

*So tell me, do you want to know*

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 18th, 2002, 11:54:04 AM
As her anger and confusion built up, the shadows vanished instantly, leaving just her and Malice in the room. She saw something out of the corner of her eye and looked to her right, seeing him.

" ... Yes Sire, I believe I would. "

Malice Draclau
Feb 18th, 2002, 06:00:47 PM
Malice just looked at her, a sadistic grin was on his face.

*So be it.....*

Was all he said. Instantly the darkside began to flow around them and into Malice. A sudden gust of wind began to blow around the room. The form of Malice began to change. His body began to grow, his muscles buldged out as well. A blue armor like skin replaced the human skin on the sith. His nails and teeth grew long and dagger sharp. A pair of wings and a tail popped out.

When the transformation was done, Cherice no longer stared at her human master Malice. Instead she looked up into the eyes of a 9 ft tall blue demon. His dark blue eyes peirced into her soul.

*Now you see what i truly am my apprentice. I am a child of the darkness...the bringer of chaos. But i am better known as the demon of death*

Malice stretched out his long hand and pointed a deadly claw at her.

OOC:I look like the one in my sig.

*Now, attack me. Show me all that you've got*

Malice stood in a deffensive position and waited.

Cherice St Hilare
Feb 21st, 2002, 08:03:38 AM
Cherice stared up at him in shock, her eyes filled with amazement. Indeed, he was a demon. A slow smile filled her face as the shock began to wear off. He wanted her to attack him, but obviously her size difference would cause the odds to weigh against her. Laughter escaped her lips as she clapped her hands in merriment.

" Attack you? But of course .. M'Lord. "

Kneeling down on the ground before him, it appeared as if she honoring his presence. Instead, she would was waiting. Waiting for him to strike her first. She had to figure out what attacks his demon form would use. Physical? Mental? Elemental? Sighing, she waited, hoping the blow wouldn't be too severe.

Malice Draclau
Feb 21st, 2002, 07:35:21 PM
Malice growled a sadistic laugh.

*Foolish move, never give your opponent the opportunity to attack you*

Malice gathered on the darkside within him and from around him. He let the force flow out around him manipulating the air aroud him. Soon a breeze began to blow across the training grounds, it got stronger and stronger. Then with a wave of his massive hand the strong gusts of wind came together and formed a serpent. Malice Sent the serpent straight at Cherice picking her up and lifting her high into the air. The wind serpent began hitting against her body with gusts of wind, her cloths began to have rips here and there as her body was being battered by the beast.

*No you see why you must never leave an opening for your foe to attack....for it could mean your life*

Malice then called off the serpent and it dissapated back into the atmosphere around them. Cherice dropped to the ground with a thud....right at the feet of Malice.

*Get up and attack me*

Cherice St Hilare
Mar 5th, 2002, 03:29:16 PM
Cherice slammed into the ground, agony shooting through her limbs. She laid there, panting from excursion, then struggled to get up. Getting on her hands and knees, she looked up at Malice, a look of pure hatred crossing her face.

' You ... '

A voice swirled inside Malice's head, echoing faintly.

' You .. Have no .. Mercy .. For your own kin ... Disrespect...ful ... '

Cherice growled, new energy reborn within. Springing up to her feet, she cupped her hands together and blew into them lightly. A faint, blue mist formed and traveled up to Malice's chest, then started to enwrap his entire body. A mischevious giggle escaped from her soft, pink lips as soon as she clasped her hands together. He became engulfed by the mist and it began to close in, squeezing the very Essence of Life ( Air ) out of him. Oh, how delightful it was to use the Arts once more! A slight shiver of pleasure rippled through her body while she watched the Mist, then placed two fingers in her mouth. Whistling, she removed her fingers and watched as the Mist slowly withdrew, fading away into nothingness.

Malice Draclau
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:17:38 PM
The demon went to one knee taking in deep breaths. As the air returned to his body he stood back up to his full height and glared down at the child.

(Just my luck...wy do i always get stuck with the abnormal ones)

Was the thought tht ran through his mind. Rubbing his chest he grinned.

*What an unusual...yet effective attack apprentice. But tell me, can the arts which you so love to use match the power of the darkside*

Lifting one hand Cherice soon found herself being levitated off the ground, the darkside wrapped itself arond her neck cutting off her air supply. She soon began choking.

*Know this as i have told my other apprentices, while you are training with me i expect you to use the force and only the force. What you do on your own time is of no concern to me. You have been warned, and i do not take likely to disobeidence*

Malice let go of his hold and set her gently back onto her feet, Standing with his feet apart he stood and waited.

*This time attack me, use any means possible within the force that you know of. Succeed in getting a good hit on me and we shall start your force training*

Cherice St Hilare
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:39:26 PM


The Force...

Suddenly Cherice felt herself falling down and imagined the worst. But then .. She was set on her feet, gently, as if he cared. Gazing up at him with big, blue eyes, she listened carefully to what he had to say, then nodded so he would know that she acknowledged his words.

" I do your every whim and bid, Sir .. "

She bit her lower lip as she concentrated, imagining Malice being pushed back. Then, she called upon the Force and gave him a Force Push, using all of her might. However, because of his size and height, (not to mention he was a Sith Knight), he barely moved. Growling slightly in frustration, she racked her mind for ideas for possible attacks while her eyes searched him, looking for any opening that might give her an advantage.

Malice Draclau
Mar 11th, 2002, 07:11:10 PM
Malice couldn't help but chuckle to himself from his apprentice's weak force push.

(In time she will get stronger, then even i'll have to wach my back)

Was the thought that ran through his mind. Drawing in the shadows once more, his massive form now disappeared within a ball of darkness. As the shadows split and went back to where they had come from, Malice was now back in his human form.

*I think it best we start your training less troublesome. Maybe after you've trained for a bit, will you then be ready for me*

Malice felt the anger and frustration that was now present within Cherice.

*That's it, use your emotions. Concentrate on those feelings of hate and anger you have inside you, for they lead the way to the power's of the darkside. Use those feelings to fuel your power within the darkforce*

Malice stood in a deffensive stance.

* Now draw on the darkside using those feelings and try to force push me again*

Cherice St Hilare
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:24:16 PM
As Cherice's eyes swept over Malice's human form, she concentrated on her dark emotions. Feeding on her frustration, she could feel it grow inside of her; blooming like a ripened flower at springtime. Taking a deep breath, she once more imagined him being pushed back. Then, mustering up all of her strength, she called upon the Force and sent another Force Push. This time it made Malice stumble back again. Tilting her head to the side slightly, she spoke.

" Like that ? "

Malice Draclau
Mar 13th, 2002, 09:51:46 PM
Stumbling backwards Malice caught himself before he fell.

*Yes that's exactly it. Now i want you to try something else*

Looking behind him, two rocks were lifted up off the ground with a nudge of the force. One was small in size, while the other was a little bigger. The sith set them down gently infront of her.

*Now, i want you to levitate the small one. Picture in your mind the rock lifting up off the ground. Then use the force to make this a reality. Will the rock to rise, manipulate it, control it with the force*

Malice waited to see if she could do it. She had proven herself so far...it would be a shame if she dissapointed him now. A shame and a bad omen for her if she failed at this simple task.

Cherice St Hilare
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:35:19 PM
(Cherice smiled. This would be an easy task, considering her past experiences with the Force. Concentrating, she used the Force and watched as the small rock began to rise steadily into the air, about eye level.)

OOC ~ Uhm, could my CT be changed ? Having me labeled as an Outsider makes me feel bad.. :(

Malice Draclau
Mar 19th, 2002, 02:50:41 PM
OOC:LOL ok i'll see what i can do for you.

IC: Malice shows no emotion, only continues to speak.

*Good, now keep that one in the air, and now lift the medium one as well. Once you have done that, i want you to make them rotate around each other*

Cherice St Hilare
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:57:05 PM
(Nodding, Cherice used the Force and watched as the medium-sized rock rose right next to its smaller brother. Concentrating, she continued to use the Force as she started to make them rotate. At first they spun slowly, but gradually picked up speed.)

OOC ~ Yay !

Malice Draclau
Mar 21st, 2002, 05:42:57 PM
Malice nodded his head

*Good, now you already know how to force puch, but i want to see you force pull. Just do the exact opposite of force push and make the rocks come to you*

Before she could start however, Malice drew on the force and started doing a little force pull of his own on the rocks. He wanted to see just how much control over the force she had, and if she could force pul it away from himself.

Cherice St Hilare
Mar 21st, 2002, 07:50:04 PM
Cherice was just about to use the Force Pull when she saw that Malice was doing the same thing to the testing rocks. Obviously he wanted to see how powerful she was in the Force, and if she could control over conflicting objects. Concentrating, she used the Force and started to pull in the rocks, feeling resistance from Malice's own Force pull. Frowning, she concentrated harder as she tried to get the rocks.

If she were an outsider looking in, it'd probably be somewhat amusing - almost like a tug of war, really.

Letting out a cry of anguish, she mustered up all of her hateful emotions and used them to aid her. The rocks sped out of Malice's Force Pull and came flying at her. The rocks came flying at her, and she barely had enough time to duck as they soared over her head. Standing up straight again, she turned around and used the Force to stop the rocks, then grinned sheepishly.

" Uhm ... "

Malice Draclau
Mar 21st, 2002, 08:44:44 PM
Malice watched in amusment as she ripped the rocks from his grip and almot made them hit herself. Shaking his head he started walking to the side of her.

*You still lack some control. We will get back to this. For now let us move on*

Malice walked twards a huge stone piller. From the sides stuck out other stone platforms, one sticking out every 10 meters high. The highest being 60 meters high.

* Now we shall do force jump. It is simple, all you do is concentrate your force energy it your legs, then as you jump you push it out increasng your hight*

Bending his legs, Malice drew on the force. In one fluid motion he lifted off the ground, letting the energy flow through his feet he sped up into the air, easily landing on the platform 50 meters high. Looking down he looked at Cherice.

*Now you try it*

Malice stood and waited.

Cherice St Hilare
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:39:17 PM
Cherice gazed up in awe after her Master as he demonstrated the Force Jump. She wasn't sure if she could prove herself to him this time, but time would tell. Mustering up all of her strength and energy, she looked at the platform and bit her lower lip. Crouching, she summoned the Force, concentrating on it flowing through her legs. Then, she springed upwards. The air gushed past her as she soared into the air and landed gracefully on the platform. Gazing at Malice, a small smile could be seen on her face.

"Master, that was most ... delightful."

She had never experienced being so air-borne before.

OOC ~ :lol: Whoever did my CT, it's great.

Malice Draclau
Apr 3rd, 2002, 05:28:17 PM
Malice looked at Cherice whom had managed to land on the platform right below him. It wasn't everyday he seen an apprentice make their first attempt at a force jump and land 40 meter's high.

*Good. Now we shall do the landing. It is basically the same way as jumping, instead you let the force flow through your feet and out to slw your decent. Try it*

Malice stood there, he wanted Cherice to go first.

Cherice St Hilare
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:55:32 PM
" Maybe because I'm not like your every other apprentice ... "

She mumbled under her breath, having accidentally reading Malice's thoughts. She glanced down over the edge and steadied herself, taking in a deep breath. Using the Force, she then jumped off of the platform. Silence roared in its fury as it deafened her ears, causing her to go into a panic. The descent was quickening her speed and she fell faster by the second. Then she knew it was time. Calling upon the Force once more, she used it to slow herself down considerably, but still landed rather heavily. She fell down to her knees, gasping from the experience as her whole body trembled.

Malice Draclau
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:06:02 PM
Malice chuckled to himself after seeing Cherice's rather rough landing.

(Figures it was too good to be true. Everyone has trouble with this particular training. No matter, in a short time she will get better)

Malice walked forward and simply walked off the edge. His form fell fast like Cherice had done. But instead of waiting Malice instantly let the force flow from his boy, slowing his decent. Landing softly and without a sound next to Cherice Malice motioned fo her to get up.

*Come, now we shall get on with your training in the force*

Malice took her over to a pile of rocks. Three of them were medium sized, while the other two were of boulder size. With his hand Malice motioned to Cherice a certain spot.

*Gostand over there. For this next session you shall try and either stop the rocks that come at you....or dodge them. Either way do not let one hit you*

Liting both hand Malice reached out with the force. Grasping all five rocks he levitated them at an equal level in the air. With a strong push of the force the rocks were sent flying towards Cherice, their speed increasing as Malice increased his force push a little, but nottoo uch that Cherice couldn't push back against.

Cherice St Hilare
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:16:30 PM
Standing up, she walked over to the destined spot Malice gestured to and listened carefully to his instructions. Well, this was easy. Using the Force, Cherice started to use her own Force Push against the rocks. They started to slow down in the air, then stopped, then started to go back towards Malice. He countered with his own Force Push, sending the rocks flying back towards her just a ways. Sighing, she concentrated as she used the Force to push them back. I musn't .. give up. The rocks kept flying back and forth, as if they were being batted. It was quite humorous, really.

Malice Draclau
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:24:06 PM
Malice snarled as he felt her push back.

*You just playing. I want to see what you've got. Now use all your strength and push*

Mlice this time increased his force push, making sure that when Cherice tries to push back she will have to ACTUALLY try. Mlice finally felt Cherice struggle as Malice was getting the upper hand.

Cherice St Hilare
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:23:39 PM
She could feel her strength slowly being drained as she put it into the Force Push. The power behind Malice's Force push was becoming overbearing. Gritting her teeth, she summoned up the power her old, negative feelings created and used it to aid her.

" Aaagh! "

It was incredible, the surge of power that flowed through her at that moment. She felt one with the Force for that split second and it left her totally enthralled. Her Force Push at that same time seemed to match Malice's, but then slowly began to weaken.

Malice Draclau
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:48:41 PM
Malic sensed as well as felt the boost of force energy within Cherice. Letting go of his hold on the rocks, Malice had to duck as the rocks came flying past him. Standing back up Maice looked at Cherice, his face showing no emotion what so ever.

*Do you see what happens when you concentrate on your emotions. When you channel those angry feelings. To some the darkside maybe consindered the easy way out of things....but either way it is not at all easy to master*

Malice calmly motioned for her to follow him back to the main area of training. The sith grabbed his cloak and draped it over his shoulder.

*Your training for today is done. You may take the rest of the day off to do as you please, but i would suggest you go and meditate, that will allow you to tap into your anger more easily. We shall meet here again tomorrow*

Malice nodded his head to Cherice then walked out. He would go outside the palace and do some self training.

Cherice St Hilare
Apr 16th, 2002, 05:31:50 PM
Cherice blinked, wondering if she had done something wrong. Following him outside to the main rea of training, she watched him put his cloak back on. He told her that the training session was done for the day, but that she should meditate. Very well then.

Bowing slightly in respect, she replied.

" As you wish, Master. "

She waited a few minutes after Malice left, then turned and walked out. The training had taken alot of her, and she would rest and meditate.