View Full Version : A dark calling (Makoto)

Malice Draclau
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:13:20 AM
It had been a while since Malice had let Makoto out into the world to practice and learn more about the darkside. But now the knight had decided that it was time to call him back to the order and.....test his skill.

Malice wore a loose white clothing, contradicting the usual attire of black for the other sith. Malice reached out with the force...searchng the galaxy looking for Makoto's force signature. Within a few moments he had found him.

*Makoto, get back to TSO immediatly. You have had enough time to yourself*

With that said Malice now stood and waited.

Makoto Neo
Mar 4th, 2002, 07:23:54 PM
Makoto had arrived quite soon before hsi Master had summoned him, at the time, he was unpacking gear from his personal craft. Turning to the hatch chamber when his masters summons came, Makoto threw on his duster, picked up a round black case and snuck into the Training Grounds.

Within a few minutes, Mako had reached a wall and climbed over it. Sencing his masters presence somewere nearby. Mako dropped into the ground and ran briskly torward the signature. he broke from the forest and slowed to a walk. Once he had come within five feet from Malice, he bowed deeply.

"You called?"

Malice Draclau
Mar 5th, 2002, 12:45:41 AM
Not bothering to face his apprentice Malice decided tomake conversation before starting his training.

*Tell me Makoto, how was your time in the galaxy*

Malice would find out what his apprentice did while he was away. Not that he didn't know already, but he decided to hear it from his mouth,

Makoto Neo
Mar 5th, 2002, 01:55:54 PM
"Bluntly stated, boring. The Jedi I was to fight ran from battle, since then, I've just been crusing here." Mako shrugged,

Malice Draclau
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:22:14 PM
Not pleased with the answer Malice faced Makoto.

* And during the time that you were not fighting you did not train yourself. Inexcusable*

Malice lashed out with a force push that sent Makoto to the ground.

*I sent you out to get stronger within the force and instead you just take it like a vacation. If one jedi runs then seek another. Our fight with them never ends, inturn you should never stop at fighting just one jedi who runs away during battle. Now get up*

The rage in Malice began to surge through his body. His apprentice still had much to learn indeed....but in time Makoto will know better.

Makoto Neo
Mar 10th, 2002, 12:42:07 PM
Makoto stood up, then spoke again; "I did train myself while crusing here. The statement I said before was a compact summary, Master." To himself he thought, Compact Summaries are now marked off the list of Discriptions.

Malice Draclau
Mar 11th, 2002, 06:44:01 PM
Malice managed to calm his anger down abit, but it was still there ready to explode.

*Well then, the next time i ask a question i want it answered....with discriptions*

Pacng back and forth he continued to speak to Makoto.

*I will assume that your fight with the jedi gave you more knowledge in tactics and even made you stronger within the force. I want you to show me all that you have learned*

Stopping in his tracks he stood in a deffensive position.

*Now, show me how your hand to hand combats have improved*

Malice waited for Makoto to attack.

Makoto Neo
Mar 13th, 2002, 02:27:06 PM
"As you wish." Mako replied, rolling up the sleeves on his duster to about mid-upper arm. Mako went into a defencive posture with both fists cocked and out infront of him. Motioning with two fingers from his farthest outstreachted arm for Malice to bring the offencive.

"Nothing personal, But I dont like to attack first."

((OOCNote: Sorry for the slow replies, school's bogging me down with Mid-terms.))

Malice Draclau
Mar 13th, 2002, 08:49:23 PM
Malice gave a slight nod of approval to Makoto.

*Good your learning. Just because your a sith, doesn't mean you always have to attack first. For sometimes making the first move could be your last*

Malice ran at Makoto using force speed. At the last second he jumped into the air, aiming a elbow at Makoto's face, while at the same time a knee was aimed at his gut.

Makoto Neo
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:51:00 PM
Mako tensed as Malice sped torward him. Once his Master vaulted into the air, Mako swung sideways and caught his master's elbow, droping down Mako planted a foot into Malice's side before throwing him sideways over Mako. Jumping back up as Malice hit the ground, Mako went back into defence.

Malice Draclau
Mar 15th, 2002, 06:31:13 PM
Getting up Malice dusted off the dust on his clothes. He looked up at Mako and grinned, a hand rubbing his side as the foot to it sent pain up his body.

*Good, your reaction time is better. So is your skills*

The sith again started a mad dash towards Mako. This time both men locked hands and began a push war.

*I can see....you've also improved in strength. But remember, strength isn't everything, your mind is just as important*

In an instant Mako found himself on the ground, a sweep from Malice had seen to that. Adding to damage, Malice gave two good kicks to his apprentices side before jumping backwards and standing in a deffensive position.

Makoto Neo
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:04:49 PM
Mako jumped back to standing with a martial arts recovery technique and positioned hisself back into a defendable position. Absently with one hand, he brushed were Malice had kicked him.

This time, Mako jumped forward for the defensive, Using a bit of his own born agility and the force jump technique he lauched himself from a flat run into the air in a spining roundhouse aimed at Malice's left shoulder.

Malice Draclau
Mar 21st, 2002, 05:49:39 PM
Malice did not try and move, but instead just stood there. He drew on the force to take away some of the kicks power. The roundhouse hit Malce perfect in the left shoulder which sent him stumbling towards the right. If it wasn't for the force, Malice's shoulder would be broken.

(Indeed he has gotten stronger....he just maybe ready. I think it's time for the real testing)

Malice thought. Walking backwards he stared at Makoto.

*Mako, i believe you are indeed ready to be knighted. But, before you can be a sith knight you must first try and take my saber from me. Do that and you shall gain the rank you deserve, fail and you shall remain as you are but also will be punished for failing*

Malice grinned as he saw the new gleam in his apprentice's eye's.

*Now, come and get it*

Malice stood in a deffensive positon, igniting both sides he awaited for Mako's attack. One which he knew would be fast and hard hitting.

Makoto Neo
Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:26:10 AM
Knighthood... The word lingered on Mako's mind. He nodded, then ignited both of the Tri-Sabers on his wrists, the sabre ends curving a bit more than previously. Pulling the sabres up into a simi-offencive and defencive stance, Mako analiyzed the situation. Dual Sabre, More advance force use. This will be a battle one may never forget. Objective: Disarment. Estimated Difficultly: Extremely Difficult.

Mako dashed forward again, Left tri-saber infront of him, right tri out for a slash. Nearing his master, Mako struck out with the right tri. A showering of sparks showed from the clashing together of Malice's and Mako's sabre. Mako sweped out with the left tri at Malice's chest as one of Malice's dual sabre blades locked with Mako's right tri.

Malice Draclau
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:59:52 PM
As Malice connected his left saber blade with Mako's right tri saber, He glanced to his right and saw Mako's left tris saber coming in. Batting away the right tri saber, Malice came up and quickly blocked the left one. Drawing on the force, Malice pushed forward Leaving Mako no other option but to backup.

*Yes that's right Mako, give it your all. Show me you deserve to be a knight*

Malice rushed Mako with aid from force speed. Malice struck hard with both sides of his saber's, each one blocked my Mako. Going in for another attack, Malice pulled away just as he saw Mako go into block. Dropping low to the ground he struck fast and hard with a force enhanced kick that landed in Mako's gut.

Quickly sanding, Malice glared at his apprentice. Letting the force flow through his body, a black aura could be seen. Blue lightning soon shown dancing along his fingertips. Malice awaited the attack from his apprentice, for Makoto would get a shockingly painful counterattack from the sith knight.

Makoto Neo
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:50:20 AM
OOC: Okie, I'll edit this post from what it was as the reply, then you can just edit your reply to this as the defence. Okie here we go.


Makoto reeled back from the blow to his midsection, then bend over. His eyes bore into the ground for a moment before rising at his Master, there was a large amount of rage... or insanity.. behind those eyes.

Makoto streightend out, the gleam of rage/insanity in his eyes present. "let the bodies hit the floor.." he whispered out almost illegible, so Malice only heard 'let', 'bodies' and 'hit'. Obviously Mako knew of what Malice was planning to do, black aura and charged air gave it all away.

Suddenly Mako let out a tremendous roar, throwing back his head and roaring into the sky before darting forward past Malice's defences in a blinding speed. Mako ducked under one of Malice's upraised sabre blades and slammed into his midsection knocking his master down. Immeadeatly Mako was back up aiming blows at his downed master.

OOC Note: During the time Mako was away, he's developed a bit of insanty. Just ta letcha know :)

Malice Draclau
Apr 3rd, 2002, 05:34:36 PM
Laying on the ground Malice looked up at Makoto. The pain from the blow to his midsection coursed through his body, but it only fueled him and not just hurt him. Quickly bringing his saber up he blocked a saber attack from Mako, their saber's now entered a pushing war of sorts.

*Good Makoto, Good. No matter who the opponent, never show weakness by backing down or not using your full strength. To do so.....would mean certain death, But then again, you should aways be weary of your enemy ready for such a move. As i have been*

The lightning on his left hand was still present. Malice had sumoned it when he knew Makoto would go on a physical assult. Lifting his left hand the lightning jumped from his hand and struck violently into the chest of the sith apprentice throwing him off Malice. Standing, the sith knight Looked at Makoto who was now a few feet away, smoke rising from his burnt clothes.

*Get up, you still have a much harder task ahead of you*

Malice stood in a deffensive stance, Waving his saber towards Makoto as a reminder of what he had to do.

Makoto Neo
Apr 6th, 2002, 11:17:43 PM
Mako regained his footing after a few moments, his left arm twitched from the electrical current from his master. He stood for a moment analyzing the situation again before going into a defencive stance. A bit too risky to go offencive at the moment.. He thought to himself awaiting Malice's attack.

Malice Draclau
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:24:48 PM
The knight merely grined and charged at Makoto. Saber raised Malice struck his against Makos creating a shower of sparks. Malice increased his movement using the force and struck fast and hard using both sides of his saber aiming at various part's of Mako's body.

As expected, Mako managed to block them all. Malice made a mental smile to himself as he saw the increased skill in his apprentice.

(Good he is getting better and better with very spar. He is indeed ready to become a knight)

Malice swung his left saberblade streakng it across from ieto side aiming for his apprentice's mid section. As Mako bloced the attack, Malice brought out hs right leg weeing Mako to the ground. Malce backed up doing a few flip to land a ew meter's away.

*Now here's where it starts to get harder. Just as you shall not hold back neither will i. But i will reveal my power and skills as the fight progresses*

Concentrating and drawing on his built up force energy Malice spoke a sith spell, while reachingout with the force around him. The dust and dirt around the room lifted, The visage of Malice soon faded and could no longer be seen. The knight also had hidden his force presense making it even more difficult for Makoto to find him.

*Now Makoto, come and get me*

From two side doors, 6 droids marched out. Three from each side. All had a saber and blaster in each hand, and all were highly skilled in using them. The 6 marched through the thick cloud of dust heading for Makoto.

OOC:You can play the droids now, saying what they do and what's your reaction.

Makoto Neo
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:29:45 AM
Mako immeadetly senced the 6 droids in the dust storm. Kneeling down, Mako placed his gloved hands on teh ground and waited for a moment, there! a vibration.. Makoto stood back up and took in a deeb breath to calm himself, here is will it will get interesting.

Makoto felt that the six droids has spread out and began circling him. That was perfect, Mako looked to his left then Dimmed into the haze. Moving through the dust and dirt with ease and stealth, Mako maneuvered near one of the droids which screamed in high alarm as two strong hands grasped it's 'head' and twisted pulling the head from it's wires and leaving the bot 'dead'. (INCOMING!) the little warning light flashed in Mako's mind, he force jumped and backflipped away from the bot as blaster fire tore into it's metal casing.

"One down.." he murmured to himself, This time the initial strategy wouldnt work for the bots knew he was on a hunt. Makoto closed his eyes once more and reached out with the force, mapping each bot's location like a bat would locate an insect. [One ahead of me, two behind, one left, one missing, one dead.] Makoto spun lashing out with the Tri'sabre and hit the sabre of one of the bots in a clash of sparks, It reached out the blaster ready to fire when It was wrenched from it's grasp taking the hand with it. Mako impaled this droid with his remaining tri-sabre and turned just as the other compainion fired it's blaster. The shot hit Mako on his shoulder and burt a hole in the oilskin of the duster and to the flesh. Mako stifled a scream of pain and instead use the pain as a weapon.

Mako snarled and lept at the droid, clashing blades and removing the sabre arm of it. He spun and caught the head in a backhand slash which dicappitated it nicely.

[Three down, Three to go.]

Makoto scanned the arena again, using most of his sences. Out of no where, three shots of blaster fire ripped through the dust and hit Mako, Two on the shoulderblades, and one in the middle of the two. The fire spun Mako around and he fell to the dust, For a few moments, Makoto looked dead. Then he slowly rose up to his feet and roared in pure rage.

Makoto spun around and dashed into the gloom, spearing one droid through the midsection, droping it. He took back off into the gloom, homing into the other two with uncanny swiftness and dispatched each as he did the previous. After he through the last driod down, Mako spun on the balls of his boots, looking for his Master

OOC: Done

Malice Draclau
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:29:10 PM
A voice called out to Makoto as soon as he was done with the droids.

*Are you ready Makoto. Ready to face your toughtest challenge so far*

Before Makoto could answer, the dust cloud settled back to the ground. Infront of Makoto stood the demon form of his master. is double bladed white saber held tightly within his left hand the demon grinned at Mako.

*Come apprentice, come and get me. Come and take my saber, prove to me you have what it takes to join your fellow brethren within the ranks of the sith knights*

Malice stood in a deffensive stance. The fight with the droids had indeed done it's job in weakening Makoto, but Malice could still feel quite a bit of energy left in him. A sign of great improvment. Malice stood bareing his teeth at the young sith. He knew perfectly well what Makoto was capable of, so he knew that he wouldn't hold nothing back.

Makoto Neo
Apr 10th, 2002, 01:00:51 PM
Makoto winced as the dust fell to the ground, some of the particals landing in the open wounds. He went into another stance. Mako figured that this match leaned 99% on Malice's side, now that he had gone daemon form.

"Young, yes. Inexperienced, yes. Weak? Don't count on it." he muttered to himself, then jumped forward. As he neared his Master, Mako crouched into a slide and then launched himself into the air with use of the force. He summersaulted over the demon and planted evenly on the ground, As his master maneuvered to face Mako, he spun quickly and caught the daemon's side with the tri sabre creating three cuts.

Makoto darted away from the daemon knowing that a close ranged fight with the knight was not good for Mako's %age of skill.

Malice Draclau
Apr 10th, 2002, 05:05:04 PM
Malice took a few teps back as well, cringing when the tri saber's had caught him. Ignoring the blood Malice eyed Mako. Using the force Malice began pulling Mako closer to him while at the same time running towards him. As they both neared, Malice batted away both of Mako's tri saber's and using force speed the knight managed to land a thunderous punch to Mako's gut sending backwards.

Crouching low, Malice wasted no time in rshing forward, slashing his saber vertically aming to cut the young sith frm knee cap to shoulder blade.

Makoto Neo
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:48:08 AM
Makoto 'flew' from the hit to his midsection and slammed into the hard packed dirt of the arena. Standing again, Mako barely had time to shake the blow from his mind as Malice rushed forward.

Instinctively, and without knowing the TRI-sabres had malfunctioned and shut off, Mako grabbed the sabre hilts that was conceiled in the duster's length. In the blink of the eye Mako activated the sabres with a hiss and caught his Master's blade centimeters from his leg. Struggling with one blade to keep his kneecap connected to his body, Mako lashed out with the other sabre aimed for a severing blow to Malice's forearms.

Malice Draclau
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:41:34 PM
As if on instinct Malice flew his arms to the side....throwing his saber off to the side as well. With his hands out of the way, the demon quickly turned and whacked Mako across the face with his tail. Malice moved sideways and stepped infront of his saber, not bothering to pick it up he stood straight and just eyed his apprentice.

(This one his improved greatly. His strength and speed almost match my own. His strength is indeed proper for that of a knight)

Malice walked up to Mako, his form quickly changed from that of a demon back into his human form within a blink of an eye.

*Mako, you have proven yourself to me. Yu ae ready to be knighted in every aspect, but you are lacking in one spot. And that is fighting. For your last test you will go out and find yourself another jedi*

Malice thought for a second. He then made his order more demanding.

*I do not want to see you return until you have won your first battle with a jedi. Is that understood*

Makoto Neo
Apr 20th, 2002, 01:11:30 PM
Mako nodded at Malice's order, his eyes strayed to his master's sabre laying on the ground for a heartbeat then back at his master. Bowing again he spoke.

"Aye, I understand Master. I shall return to you with proof of my victory within the cycle."

With this said, Mako slowly walked out of the grounds. Leaving a thin trail of blood soaking into the ground. *I will return...Master Malice.* he force-spoke before dissapearing from view.

OOC: When the Jedi Hunt is over, I'll post in this thread of my return. That ok?

Malice Draclau
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:51:04 PM
Sure fine with me