View Full Version : ::Dressed as a Janitor..
James Casey
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:05:57 PM
James Casey make's his way to the furnace of TSO and drop's a garbage bag of pot into it. Turnning the furnace on full, Casey run's out before he can be found. The smoke begin's to make it's way through the comlex, affecting each sith in a different way.:: Heheheheheh!.
Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:27:04 PM
*LV storms into the furnace room, slamming the doors open and giving Casey a horrendous belly flop, sending him skidding to a halt in front of the fire*
<font size='+3'>I'M MAD!!! I'M PISSED!!! I'M GOING
<font size='+5'>AAAAAAAAAAA
*with sudden ferociousness, LV launches a full of attack of <font size='+1'>FORCE PMS!</font>*
Liam Jinn
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:31:05 PM
sorry james i cant help you here cause i told you to quit the drugs....only tip i can give you is that LW has a nice ass...
Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:33:37 PM
*glares at Liam with such force, he goes flying through the wall down the many stories towards the rocky bottom of the cliff*
<font size='+3'>FORCE BITCH MODE!!!!!!!</font>
Liam Jinn
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:36:31 PM
::Liam hands LV some Mylanta:: i think thats the stuff...
Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:40:44 PM
LV, Can Ya Please Fix your Sig?
Its Kinda Screwy
Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:41:53 PM
*not amused, LV grabs Liam by the throat and squeezes*
why must Jedi be smart-asses?
Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:46:07 PM
(it's only screwy because of the large letters... lemme fix it this way for now... better?...)
Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:50:57 PM
OOC: Thanks
Live Wire
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:54:16 PM
*LW enters her face livid (again)*
STOP TALKING ABOUT MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pushes liam into the furnace*
*goes up behind casey and throws him down next to liam*
Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:56:44 PM
*with both jedi in the furnace, LV summons a whirl wind of FORCE PISSY MOOD and sends high heat and fire, burning the Jedi and extinguishing all signs of the pot*
Live Wire
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:59:54 PM
*laughs hysterically as the jedi go up in flames*
Liam Jinn
Sep 15th, 2000, 09:04:48 PM
::Liam and James walk out of the furnace lauughing their asses off::...damn i think some people forgot we were highlanders..oh well the force buble extinguishing nearby flames sorta helped too...
Live Wire
Sep 15th, 2000, 09:28:01 PM
OOC: only sw stuff alowed here. No highlander stuff!
IC: dang....hmmm...*disappears to think*
Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2000, 09:54:57 PM
*slaps forhead... walks back and forth like a predetor stalking it's prey.... then slams a fist into the wall*
*stops and looks at her fingers... and smiles*
ya know... there's something nifty about my claws...
*she unsheathes her claws to their full six inch length*
they're unbreakable... they're durable... they're low mantainance... and they're deadly...
*still looking at claws*
ya see... they're laced with a poison that changes the chemical balance in a living creatures blood... altering it so it liquifies to such an extent that the creature eventually dies from drowning in his own juices...
*turning her hand this way and that to catch the gleam on the metal of the claws*
another thing about this genetically engineered poison is that it was developed so that no Force Healing could cure it... it also leaves permanent scaring... at least until the creature turns to muck...
*smiles evily*
and because it had to be manufatured for my use, I am immune to it's toxins... wonderful lil toys, really...
*looks back at the two Jedi*
would you like a closer look at these deadly weapons?
you can ask any questions you like about them... but not the one for the cure... the cure is something you could never possibly guess, and it's secret will go with me to my grave... but, feel free to ask anything else...
I'll even give you a free sampling... :evil:
James Casey
Sep 16th, 2000, 07:55:55 AM
:: James take's a hit of a joint and blow's the smoke into Vader's face. She start's to laugh uncontrolably.:: Let's get out of here.:: James and Liam run out of the sith palace, and arrive safely at GJO.::
Lady Vader
Sep 17th, 2000, 10:20:11 PM
*coughs after laughing and looks at the jedi as they leave*
I hate Jedi that are cowardly... especially Jedi that do drugs (not much of a Jedi then, are they?)
*shrugs shoulders*
oh well, not my concern...
*LV brushes herself off and retracks her claws*
*making sure all is in order in the furnace, she closes the door and heads back towards the personal chambers*
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