View Full Version : *lugging in her belongings...
Lady Vader
Aug 24th, 2000, 09:48:14 AM
...LV chooses a room, in a shadowed part of the palace, on the top floor*
*she tosses her stuff inside, watching as a few dust particles settle from the movement*
aaaahhhhhhhhh... very nice... rafters in dark corners up above... windows showing the height... very nice indeed... but, now I want a moon roof...
*LV points a finger at the ceiling and sends out a fine lightning stream, cutting a fancy star-burst shape, with a stalking panther super imposed on it into the ceiling*
*she then goes to her window and opens it... she summons sand from the nearby shore and lets it hover outside her window... using the Force, she then sends a super-heated bolt of fire at the sand, melting and molding it into a window pain shaped like the hole in her ceiling... she sends the hot window towards the ocean to cool off and then brings it back to her ceiling... she fits the glass into the hole and again uses a fine stream of lightning to melt the glass into the hole... shreading her figers wide, she sends a chilled air at the glass, cooling it down*
*LV looks at her handy work and notices some tiny crystals are imbedded in the glass from the sand, sending tiny dots of blues and purples from the panther into the room from the moons light, and oranges and yellows from the start-burst *
beautiful! I think I'll place my bed under the moon roof :)
*LV uses the Force to bring the mid-sized, antique black wood round bed into the room through the large window on her room's wall*
*next she begins to fill the antique black wood drawers and closet with her different articles of clothing, being sure to use one drawer for her instant spray-on catsuit cans*
*next she decorates her walls with purple and blue draperys, splashed with gold and silver, and dresses her bed with it's shimmery, satin purple sheets... little trinkets that sparkle go here and there*
*for some finishing touches, LV gathers tiny lil crystals of different colors from the sands below, and brings them into her room, embedding them into the walls, making the room gently sparkle*
*LV finishes her unpacking and slips into a silvery satin gown, splashed with purple highlights... she goes and sits on the black wood antique window seat bringing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them*
*looks out at the moon and stars, listening to the surf from her open window*
nothing like enjoying a lil R&R... :)
Lady Vader
Aug 24th, 2000, 10:39:47 AM
I wonder when Loungie will be back...
*shrugs shoulders and decides to go visit Jen and the baby down the hall*
Jen Katrina
Aug 25th, 2000, 05:30:06 AM
*passes by LV's room on the way to her own. Dante still asleep in her arms. She peeks inside the room and smiles*
This is beautiful LV.
Lady Vader
Aug 25th, 2000, 09:21:08 AM
*runs into Jen as she is starting to walk out*
oh hi Jen... I was just on my way to see you and Dante :)
glad you like my room... if ever you need a moon roof, just ask :) :)
Jen Katrina
Aug 25th, 2000, 11:07:22 AM
*smiles and kisses a waking Dante's forehead. She cuddles and coos him when he starts to cry*
That would be wonderful LV...
*calms him down and gets him to sleep again*
Lady Vader
Aug 27th, 2000, 07:49:11 PM
ok Jen...
*watches Dante settle down again*
just let me know what shape you want and I'll go wreak some havoc on your room's ceiling :)
Sep 11th, 2000, 11:19:20 PM
hi there sis.....looks like were
Lady Vader
Sep 11th, 2000, 11:27:42 PM
wouldn't have it any other way, bro...
Sep 11th, 2000, 11:31:10 PM
wow....impressive,.....i probably should ask you to help me move my stuff in
Lady Vader
Sep 11th, 2000, 11:40:36 PM
and I will most happily help you :)
Lady Vader
Sep 12th, 2000, 01:35:38 AM
*LV trudges into her room and shuts the door behind her*
*with just barely anough strength, she colapses on her bed and falls immediately fast asleep*
|I |I |I |I |I
Lady Vader
Sep 17th, 2000, 11:00:03 PM
*walking into her room to take a break from the mayhem outside, LV lies down on her bed, staring up through the moon roof*
*she sighs and wonders where her brother is... he went away on a mission and hasn't come back yet... she knows he can take care of himself, so she's not worried... she just misses him*
*her face grows sader as she starts to pinpoint distant stars, wondering which one LL is on... wondering when he will return... wondering if she'll ever see him again*
*hearing somemore clatter outside her door, she groans and stands up*
time to keep trying to throw that gnome out...
*she walks to the door of her room, taking one more glance outside at the stars, then walks into the frey in the hallway*
Lady Vader
Sep 28th, 2000, 10:35:23 PM
*LV walks through the doors of her room and slams them shut*
who could have possibly killed Roul?... and WHY?...
*LV paces restlessly back and forth, putting names to faces that would want Roul dead*
*she sighs and rubs her temples*
too many things... too many things...
*she sighs again and plops onto her bed, looking up through the prowling-panther-shaped moon roof*
maybe a some rest will help me think...
Lady Vader
Sep 29th, 2000, 12:30:59 PM
*after a nice restful night, LV putters around her room, taking care of buisness and answering and sending comm messages*
man... it's quiet today...
*she pokes her head out of her door to look down the hallway... no one in sight*
must all be downstairs in the lower levels...
*she chuckles*
at least the Underpants Gnome isn't around to wreak havoc with Sith underwear...
*she shrugs her shoulders and goes back into her room*
Lady Vader
Sep 29th, 2000, 09:11:15 PM
*LV relaxes on her bed, looking up through the moon roof... playing with particles of dust, swirling them into designs and shapes*
*she hears a soft wisper near the ground and a soft grrr*
*she twists her head to watch as her black Corellian sand panther, Iesis, leaps onto the bed and lays it's long body along side hers*
*though normally the color of sand, LV found this black one shortly after moving into TSO... and she especially liked how the panthers claws were also poisonous, like her own*
*she scratches the panthers head lightly as the large cat purrrs happily*
*LV continues to play with the dust in the air*
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:50:05 PM
*trudging back into her room after a stroll through the hallways, LV walks up to her Corellian sand panther and cratches it behins it's ears... it grrrs contentedly*
ya know Iesis... I'm beginning to wonder if Loungie will ever return home... goodness only knows what hellish planet he's been hiding in... what on earth can he be up to?...
*LV sighs and plops on her bed... her panther comes up and rests it's head on her lap as she strokes it... the large cat purrs softly*
I guess we just keep waiting... and waiting...
*LV nestles herself in for the night and falls into a restless sleep*
Lady Vader
Oct 9th, 2000, 11:06:58 PM
*leads Damien through the hallway and reaches for her door*
...all I did was blow a hole in the roof, stick in some glass, and VUALA! a moon roof...
*as she opens the door, she let's Damien pass in*
Damien Killcannon
Oct 9th, 2000, 11:11:02 PM
:: Damien tilts his head upwards, looking at the cieling... or lack thereof. It seemed to him somewhat fascinating, if a bit impractical. What would one do when it rained, after all? He stodd, arms corssed over his chest, and a playful smile still dancing on his lips. ::
You wish to do this to my room, now?
:: He laughs. ::
Lady Vader
Oct 9th, 2000, 11:24:03 PM
*before Damien can get another word out, a black blur and growl pounces on him, knocking him over and slaming him to the floor*
*teeth bared, claws extended, and growling fiercly, LV's black Corellian sand panther keeps Damien pinned to the ground*
*LV turns around just in time to see her panther get that "look"*
whoa! Iesis! down girl!!!
Damien Killcannon
Oct 9th, 2000, 11:41:34 PM
:: Even with the large feline on top of him, Damien retains his cool demeanor, apparently not caring at all. Within seconds the cat begins to lift into the air. It paws at him a few times frantically, but it's swipes fall well short of his face as it's raised upwards by the Force. He sets it down gently several feet away. The cat simply crouches nervously. ::
You're... pet, I take it? Rather interesting company you keep.
Live Wire
Oct 10th, 2000, 08:48:49 AM
*looks in and sees Isis on top of Damien*
I see your pets dont waste time either.
*Turns to LV*
speaking of wasting time when the hell are you going to do my moon roof!!!!!! And I need you to help me with that wall. Remember!!!!
Lady DeVille
Oct 10th, 2000, 11:40:38 AM
*Standing in the doorway to her tiny room, De'Ville hears Isis from the floor above. She heads for the stairs and finds a small gathering in Lady Vader's room.
She shakes her head and frowns* I wish my training had started so easily. *She unconsciously rubs her forearm, only a tiny scar remained from her spar with Banestone. Then she grins, dimples showing* But, as I always say, Sith have the most fun!
Lady Vader
Oct 10th, 2000, 02:16:11 PM
*smiles at LD*
yes they do...
*she calls the large cat towards her and scratches it's head... it begins to purr quite loudly*
she'll get used to having you around the palace, Damien... she's always like with with new comers...
if ever the Jedi came by, they encounter a ball of fur covered muscle pouncing on them with poisonous claws...
*LV chuckles*
at least she kept the claws in for you...
*she turns to LW and smiles*
I'll help ya out with the wall... but, that's a larger project then Damiens... lemme do his roof first, if he so wishes it, and then we'll knock that wall in your room down and add that roof...
Damien Killcannon
Oct 10th, 2000, 09:34:26 PM
:: He let's out a laugh, a thing that seems somehow strange from his lips. ::
Yes, I look forward to it.
Lady DeVille
Oct 11th, 2000, 09:53:17 AM
*She backs out of their way as Lady Vader and Killcannon make their way to his room. She smiles slightly to herself, and makes a note of the location. De'Ville then returns to her own room*
Live Wire
Oct 11th, 2000, 10:00:58 PM
*makes a note to talk to her apprentice later*
Lady Vader
Oct 20th, 2000, 01:06:14 AM
*pleased with the days work, and with Damien's progress in his training, LV walked into her room and shut the door*
*her cat, ever faithful, came to greet her and she scratched it behind it's ear... it purred contentdly*
how was your day, Iesis?
*the cat just growled softly and lazily walked over to it's mat at the foot of the bed*
*LV smiled and got ready for bed... when she had finish, she climbed in under her comfortable covers and fell asleep... a smile still on her face*
Lady Vader
Nov 16th, 2000, 12:02:08 PM
*decides to go to the gym to let out some frusteration*
*her panther follows silently behind her*
Lady Vader
Nov 19th, 2000, 08:39:55 PM
*LV comes walking into her room with a small remote in her hand... suddenly this loud noise is heard as a huge moving droid comes in lugging some aquarium equiptment*
*the droid sets up the aquarium which surrounds the entire room, including the ceiling... but you can still see the prowling panther moon roof through it*
*another droid comes in and puts sand and rocks at the bottom of the aquarium and then fills it with water*
*then, yet another droid comes in... it's body is huge and there's a sloshing noise about it... it hooks up a hose to the aquarium and let's out a load of various fish*
*soon the room seems to be underwater, moonlight filtering through the prwoling panther at the top, and all sorts of tropical fish, eels, and small sharks swimming through the waters*
*the droids filter out of the room and LV sets the remote down on her desk... with the Force, she shuts the door*
*LV lays back on her bed staring up at the beautiful, mesmerizing sight... Iesis goes to sit next to the aquarium, watching little schools of tropical fish swim by... LV watches a striped leopard-horn shark swim by above her... she smiles*
now THIS is relaxing...
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