View Full Version : *in a cell*
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:45:07 PM
*Kahn walked down to the lower levels of the palace where Gengar was. He had to try and get the real gengar back.*
Ok, whoever u r. Go away and let gengar come back.
*Kahn hoped he sounded commanding enough.*
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:49:29 PM
Gengar looked up from his seat and laughed at Kahn.
*I can sense your fear of boy. Do not try and hide it, this gengar has an extremly amount of hate in him and i plan to stay for awhile*
He stands up and walks to the bars.
*Do you want to know how i came about*
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:52:42 PM
*Kahn backs up a little, the memory of what Gengar can do still fresh in his mind.*
N-no I don't.
I gtg for the night, c you.
Jan 15th, 2001, 05:01:32 PM
Gengar grins.
*Well i'll tell you anyways. It's quite interesting if you ask me*
He sits back down.
*You see it all started after his family was killed and he excaped the jedi that held him captive. He chased them down killing them off one by one starting with the weakest ones. There was about 5 or so of them left. Quite good fighters if i do say so myself. He engaged battle with one of them and was doing well. But he mwssed up and the jedi got him on the ground and was about to kill him. There sabers where clashed together and he was fighting to stay alive. He suddenly started thinking in his mind begging for an unknown force to give him the strengh to beat them. Well at about that time he instantly filled with hate and anger, that i took over his body and i fought on his be half. I killed them all and continued on my journey going from place to place killing anyone that wasn't from my planet. But soemthing happened, he took over and i was sent far into his mind and then he ended up here. I have been silent for so long until i sensed the prensenc of the jedi, that's when i recently came about*
He stands up and streches.
*And that's how i am here now. Though i am getting stronger absorbing his anger haha soon i will be in control for good and then things will change*
Jan 15th, 2001, 06:34:51 PM
*Kahn takes a moment to think about what Gengar has said.*
You know what I think? I think that you aren't really made of anger and hate. You're fear. Gengar made you out of the fear that he when he was about to be killed. He was afraid that Jedi from then on, that's why you want to kill all the Jedi. You were also scared of people from another planet because I'm betting the Jedi were strangers also. You forget that all anger comes from fear. Deep down, you're just as scared as I am.
Jan 15th, 2001, 06:40:32 PM
Gengar looks at him with a shocked face.
*Hey now you listen i am not afraid of anything. I have no reason of being afraid. Your the one thats afraid of me and i feed off that fear*
He sits down on the ground.
*I was made from his anger and hate from them, and so i am back to finish what i had started all those years ago. and i will not let anyone get in my way*
Jan 15th, 2001, 06:46:46 PM
*Now it's Kahns turn to smile.*
Trust me, I know fear. You were made from anger and hate, in short you were made from fear. Heck, you might even be a child like me. Either way, trying to destroy Amnde won't prove anything except that you fear her.
*Kahn suddenly realizes that he sounds exactly like a Jedi.*
Jan 15th, 2001, 06:57:10 PM
Gengar laughs.
*I sense your light isde is in control right now. Nice job sith...ohh you'll make a great sith one day. Hahahaha yeah right. You are a faliure in being a sith*
He walks up to the bars.
*I may be made from his fear, but i do not fear. I make fear, just like i do to you little boy. I have found over the years when i was in control that by killing those people it made the rest of them afraid of me. I liked it so i kept killing. Till this day they will never forget me and what i did to them hahaha. I tortured them in ways that would make your stomach turn*
He puts his face right up to the bars.
*And if you get in my way when i try to kill Amnde then i will kill you as well*
He moves away.
*That child will not be born i will see to that haha*
Jan 15th, 2001, 07:15:43 PM
*Kahn is flooded with fear, fear for not only himself but Amnde also. He wishes that he was like he used to be, caring only about Sith.*
You can bet I'll try and stop you. Even after you kill me I will come back and get revenge.
*Kahn tries to turn the fear into anger to seem more threatening, but it won't work. This sends more fear flooding through him, fear that he really IS turning inot a Jedi.*
Jan 15th, 2001, 07:28:46 PM
Gengar just sits there.
*Why don't you go now, Your not helping him at all. Your only hurting yourself haha. Not that i care, i love to see you like this but i have other matters to think about*
He feels a quick head ache but it goes away.
*Agh... he was trying to break free, Hahahah but he is to weak right now. The thing with LW weakened his mind enough for me to come in and trap him there haha*
He looks at the wall.
Lord Psychic
Jan 15th, 2001, 07:50:08 PM
*From the shadows of the corridor, Psy appears.*
Psy: You doubt yourself, don't you, Kahn?
Kahn: Master?
*Psy closes his eyes.*
Psy: I feel much of the light side coming from you, and this isn't the first time, either. Perhaps it is you've been around Jedi too much. Nevertheless, you DO have what it takes to become a Sith. But it looks like you're going to need extra training now. You almost sounded like a Jedi when you were talking to the evil Gengar; don't be ashamed, be angry. But not at yourself, at the evil Gengar for telling you this. And to the Jedi for making you feel like this. Get very angry. Don't hold it in. Let it out.
Evil Gengar: Hahaha, look at the idiot Sith trying to convine--ah.. eh...
*Psy mildly uses the Force choke on the evil Gengar.*
Psy: Not that'll be quite enough of you.
*Psy releases him of his Force choke, causing him to stumble.*
Psy: Come Kahn, it's time for Part 2 of your training, were, I gurantee you, you will lose feeling the light side.
Jan 15th, 2001, 07:54:51 PM
Gengar gets up from the ground and rubs his throat.
*He Will fail hahahahaha...he will never be a sith. Not like me he wont ahahahahahahaha*
Gengar leans against the wall and begins to plan.
*I have control for the time being. Now to plan*
Jan 16th, 2001, 12:47:45 AM
Gengar finally gets a plan.
*Now they didn't expect me...or Gengar at least to live here and not know how to unlock the cell door haha*
He gets a piece of wire out of his pocket and works at the lock. He gets it open then walks out. He passes a guard and waves at him, knowing him the gaurd waves back then looks forward. Gengar makes his way to the hanger passing all the other TSO memebers. He gets to his ship and turns the engines on. Another gaurd opens the hanger doors and Gengar leaves.
*Now for phase one hehehe*
He flies away from TSO silently and calmly. He heads for an unknown area.
Jan 16th, 2001, 03:02:58 PM
*Kahn feels the absence of Gengar through the Force. He doesn't know where Gengar is, but he has a good guess as to where he is going. To kill Amnde and her unborn child. Kahn wonders if he should try to save her, she is a Jedi after all, and it was her who put some of the light side within him. But she was also his friend...and the real Gengar would probaly want him to save her.....he was confused, wanting to help yet feeling that as a Sith he shouldn't.*
Jan 16th, 2001, 03:25:23 PM
*Kahn thought about it, and decided that he better get someone to help at least. He couldn't take Gengar on by himself. Live Wire. She was Gengar's Master, she could control him....hopefully. He wondered if he should contact her this soon after.....whatever it was that happened to her. He had heard the older Sith talking about losing Gav, but he didn't know him that well and felt only a little sorrow about losing him. But this was really important, Gengar was a danger to alot of people, not just Jedi while he was like this. Kahn reached out with the Force to LW.*
Lw....I'm sorry to bother you like this but Gengar's gone. He left somehow and I think he's going to kill Amnde or something. H-he might kill me too.
Live Wire
Jan 16th, 2001, 06:32:25 PM
OOC: LWs not in any mental state to do much right now so for the sake of everyone Im gonna consider this as being in another part of the timeline. Anyone got a problem with that?! Good I didn't think so! *grin*
*LW walks up to kahn*
where did he go? Wasnt someone watching him?
Jan 16th, 2001, 06:37:08 PM
OOC: Sorry, but since Gengar decided to take off I couldn't do much else, I don't think it would have turned out well for Kahn if he had followed him.
There was a guard somewhere around here but he might have manipulated him or something. I think he may be going to kill Amnde or some other Jedi.
Jan 16th, 2001, 06:52:08 PM
OOC: Well i'll be. Did i do this thing at the wrong time. Oops sorry.
Jan 16th, 2001, 06:55:08 PM
OOC: I have no problem gengar, but LW is in the middle of an RP I think, with Gav's death and all.....
Lord Psychic
Jan 16th, 2001, 08:04:00 PM
*Psy talks telephaically to Kahn.*
Psy: I'm one step ahead of you.
**One Psy's Tie Defender.**
*Psy get there too late, and he spots Gengar's ship flying into hyperspace. Psy sets his coridants toward Gengar's house.*
Jan 17th, 2001, 05:39:39 AM
*Kahn speaks through the Force to Psy*
Do you want me to come? I have a TIE defender to get there fast.
Live Wire
Jan 17th, 2001, 11:20:43 AM
OOC: Well theres so much going on, Dagger left, Gav died, LL's dying.....its kinda hectic around here. I dunno where I am in the timeline anymore!
Lord Psychic
Jan 17th, 2001, 02:27:45 PM
OOC: Nor do I... but I'll just fudge it.
*Through the Force to Kahn.*
Psy: Copycat, stealing my idea for a ship! :p Just kidding.. sure come along, he'll probably listen more to you then he will to me. Meet me at their house if you can.
Jan 17th, 2001, 03:51:11 PM
Actually, I've had this ship for awhile. :) Sure, see you there. *Kahn hops into his TIE defender and takes off towards Gengar's house.*
Jan 17th, 2001, 06:13:02 PM
OOC: Sorry to burts your bubble guys. But if your thinking he will go to there house then your wrong(if you mean the board Amnde made. nope he will not be there) I will give you a hint. He will go to the place where she feels at home.
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:43:01 PM
OOC: That would be TGC. You gonna make a thread or do you want me or Psy to?
Jan 17th, 2001, 08:07:45 PM
Well i was thikning of wither making my own thread. Or jumping in the thread Midian made that she is in. I still haven't thought about it yet. But just keep your eyes open for it.
Jan 17th, 2001, 08:10:15 PM
okidays. u gonna do it tonight, or tomorrow cause I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now and I have to get off soon.
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