Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 5th, 2001, 06:43:33 PM
RP=Retching People
**Dyzm lays in his bed and stairs up at the ceiling. He closes his eyes, trying to take a nap. As he drifts off, a small piter pater of feet is heard. One Eye opens lazily. He hears manical laughter and then a crash as a brick is smashed through the ceiling wall. Falling stright down, only to stop and hover a inch from Dyzm's Face. With a nudge of the force, the brick floats over and down to the floor, to land with a small thud**
Crap, And today is my Day off...
**Dyzm senses the creature running through the building walls toward the Yasalamari Cold Storage. Getting out of bed, Dyzm calls up the Holo Camms View n cold storage on his small wrist holopad. He watchs the Spider Monkey, for Dyzm now could See what it was. Deactivating a Cold Storage Unit, opening it up, and pulling out a dethawed Yaslamari. and draping**
-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-, this thing is smarter then I thought... And Why Does it remind me of a Italian Soda?
**Dyzm lays in his bed and stairs up at the ceiling. He closes his eyes, trying to take a nap. As he drifts off, a small piter pater of feet is heard. One Eye opens lazily. He hears manical laughter and then a crash as a brick is smashed through the ceiling wall. Falling stright down, only to stop and hover a inch from Dyzm's Face. With a nudge of the force, the brick floats over and down to the floor, to land with a small thud**
Crap, And today is my Day off...
**Dyzm senses the creature running through the building walls toward the Yasalamari Cold Storage. Getting out of bed, Dyzm calls up the Holo Camms View n cold storage on his small wrist holopad. He watchs the Spider Monkey, for Dyzm now could See what it was. Deactivating a Cold Storage Unit, opening it up, and pulling out a dethawed Yaslamari. and draping**
-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-, this thing is smarter then I thought... And Why Does it remind me of a Italian Soda?