View Full Version : Morgan had been searching for a room for...
Morgan Evanar
Mar 27th, 2001, 06:29:02 PM
a short while, when a very logical thought occoured. Why not take the one Dagger had left behind? While not large at all, he never traveled heavy, a habit he had taken to while slicing.
Yes, it would do, provided no one had objections.
Lord Dagger
Mar 28th, 2001, 11:35:20 AM
"Well my apprentice, there may be one objection, you see the quarters on this level are usually for council members only, but with it being right next to LW's room i suppose she could keep an eye on you, concidering your past"
Dagger winks and chuckles quietly as he removes the only personal possetion he owned from the room, a small hologram of Jen Katrina. He looked at it and sighed
"Some how i don't think Alaria would understand..."
Dagger turns and takes the hologram with him, leaving the empty room for Morgan
Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2001, 02:31:14 PM
OOC: Nice even postcount.
Morgan grinned like a guilty puppy who knew he had done something wrong and was pleased with it. He surveyed the room carefully.
The only thing he needed, really, was a data terminal (which he suspected would be withheld for a little while) A chest of drawers, and a bed. All of which were in his ship.
He walked out of the room and onto an empty landing pad.
"CAD, set her down here."
Later, the room was still sparsely furnished, but it had what Evanar required. He was moderately pleased.
Lord Dagger
Mar 29th, 2001, 01:48:47 PM
Dagger watches quietly as the room recieves its furnishings. He taps a code into his armpiece, disabaling the data terminal in his old room and hiding it from view, just to make sure
Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2001, 07:56:21 AM
It had been a few hours of scouring the room for any sort of cabling, aside from power. Morgan had found a disabled data console that he could force to work, if he felt like it. Jury rigging a signal modulator and a power source were not difficult, but it really wasn't worth the uproar it would cause either.
Besides, he wasn't in the mood to slice anything. Morgan was in the mood for one of his 20 minute naps.
The new bed was soft and supportive. mmmm nap.
Live Wire
Apr 10th, 2001, 01:57:48 PM
*LW knocks on morgans door*
*mumbles* interesting room choice
Morgan Evanar
Apr 10th, 2001, 02:14:44 PM
He let his eyes remained closed. Morgan hoped it wasn't Dagger wanting something more from his room, or for training.
"Come in."
Live Wire
Apr 10th, 2001, 02:17:54 PM
*LW stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Shelooked at morgan and smiled*
Morgan Evanar
Apr 10th, 2001, 02:44:58 PM
He rolled over on his bed, and put his hands behind his head, smiling. Live Wire's presence and voice warmed him.
"Not partictularly. I usually take a twenty minute nap at some point during the day. It usually clears my mind, and I can focus better. What brings you to visit such an unpopular person?"
Live Wire
Apr 10th, 2001, 02:46:05 PM
*LW shruged*
Curiosity? Boredom? Insanity? ;-) Take your pick
Morgan Evanar
Apr 10th, 2001, 02:59:15 PM
"Bored, crazy and curious?"
She smiled.
"I think I can solve two of three. I'm not trained to fix the insane."
Live Wire
Apr 11th, 2001, 12:53:03 PM
thats okay I kind of like my insanity.
*LW went to sit on the edge of Morgans bed*
I guess Im more curious then bored
Morgan Evanar
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:12:21 PM
What has piqued your curiosity?
Live Wire
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:14:21 PM
You I suppose....I dont really know
Morgan Evanar
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:17:22 PM
He stuck his tounge out at her.
"You're no help at all."
Live Wire
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:27:45 PM
Sorry. I didnt know I had to have a good reason for stopping by
Morgan Evanar
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:31:48 PM
"Well, you," he poked her gently in the shoulder, "don't ever need a good reason." With that, he kissed her on the cheek.
Live Wire
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:40:54 PM
*LW blushed slightly*
Well I think coming to see you is a pretty good reason. I guess I needed to see a friendly face with all the crap thats going on lately.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:59:34 PM
"I don't think anyone has said that to me before." Morgan blushed slighty as well, and couldn't think of anything to say.
Live Wire
Apr 12th, 2001, 06:01:44 PM
*LW let a moment of awkward silence pass...*
so are you enjoying it here so far?
Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2001, 07:07:33 PM
"It is very new, thats for certain. I'm still not entirely sure where I belong in the universe, but so far, its an improvement."
Live Wire
Apr 12th, 2001, 07:14:41 PM
ooc: cool I just noticed I have 1200 posts here!
well as long as its a step up. I hope you'll be happy here
Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2001, 08:14:08 PM
OOC:I have...... 88! ermmm....... riiight. =]
He nods quietly, becoming introspective again.
Live Wire
Apr 14th, 2001, 05:48:50 PM
are you always this quiet???
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