View Full Version : Shadowcaster: Reconstruction of Truth

Seth Darkserpent
May 15th, 2001, 04:17:06 PM
OOC: This is just a reconstruction of my weapon..So I guess it's closed.

IC:Seth glared at the sword laying on his desk right across from him. Different components and tools lay beside it. They looked as if they had been arranged in some order. A red cloth covered his table. Not the bright red you would see in fresh blood, but the darker red. The evil red.

"Such a marvelous weapon." Seth whispered, as if to no one. In fact, he was talking to the voice inside his head. He had found out it's name, Sven. Sven was the soul of the man who inhabited the body before Seth took over. The two souls emerged, driving Seth himself mad.

Yes, it will be when you begin your repairs! Sven screamed back at him. Seth plugged his ears for a moment, knowing it wouldn't do any good.

"I will begin in a moment," Seth replied.

He rose off his chair with a gentle push. Seth kneeled down and opened a side drawer. He began to rummage through the mess.

"Aha! I found it." Seth grinned excitedly. He plunged his hand deeper, pulling out a small metal device. It was his laser cutter. He used to use it for constructing lightsabers back when he was Naga. It had collected dust in that drawer. Now he would need it again.

Aren't you forgetting something Seth? Sven whispered.

"Oh yes. How could I have forgotten that?"

Seth delightedly reached into the pouch connected to his belt. He took out a shiny object, polishing it under the light.

"My...Dark Side crystal." He cackled.

Seth Darkserpent
May 16th, 2001, 03:40:50 PM
Seth stared at his laser cutter for a moment, trying to remember how it worked. He delved deep into his memory, pictures of the past floating back into his head. Unconsciously, Seth's thumb traced along the edge resting on one of the buttons.

Suddenly Seth began to shake and twitch. His eyes shut tight, small lines forming at the sides. The Sith's empty hand clenched into a fist, and his legs began to move. Seth's clenched fist raised from his side and began to pound on the desk. Random pictures flashed in his mind, filling his head. He was blinded from reality as he delved deeper into his subconscious.

His long fingers tightened around the laser cutter. Both hands were pounding the table now. Seth's chair broke as he reeled backwards. He slid across the floor, twitching like a mad man.

Seth Darkserpent was having a seizure.

One of his hands flew up and grabbed his own throat. Seth began to roll around. He continued this activity for a few minutes. Finally, he stopped and went limp, the laser cutter still in his hand.

Seth Darkserpent
May 17th, 2001, 06:10:11 PM
***Dream Sequence***

Seth stood outside the of the castle, trying to get a good look at it. The doors, made of old transparisteel were rusted. He could easily destroy them with the Force. Or even with a weapon should he have choosed to.

He advanced on the door, slightly using the Force to pry an opening for himself. The transparisteel was weak and showed no resistance of any kind.

Seth stepped in with the sunlight. Faintly he saw what was a castle. Perhaps what used to be a castle. Cobwebs covered the walls and furniture. It had been abandoned for years. The Sith noticed that plantation had begun to grow through the stone floor.

He kept his senses open. There seemed to be no immediate danger. Small insects crawled all over the place. Seth could not sense much of anything else. It was a good thing too. He was only armed with the Force. Seth had only been alive for a week. The feeling of a lightsaber jabbing through his chest still fresh in his mind. He had been led here by the Dark Side.

Seth wobbled into the foyer, his eyes absorbing everything. He still wasn't used to this human form. Seth instantly stopped in his tracks. He took a deep breath and whispered, "Home."

Seth Darkserpent
May 18th, 2001, 05:49:19 PM
Dream Sequence (Cont.)

<font size=1><font color=red>Transmitting distress signal_
Please stand by_

<font size=2><font color=white>The datapad read as followed. The skeleton's bony hand still clutched it. Seth figured the screen had frozen.

Seth bent down on one knee and pried the datapad from the skeleton's hand. He grabbed the back of his cloak and wiped the dust and cobwebs off of it. Quite a vintage model. Seth would've considered on keeping it. Except for one thing. His house was no place for machines of any kind.

Biting his lower lip, he crushed the datapad with his hand. Seth walked up to a nearby window and chucked the broken pieces out. He pulled one piece of glass out of his hand. Seth stared at the blood wound for a while, admiring it. He put it up to his mouth, and began to smother his face with it. The fashion he did it was rather ritualistic. He felt the pain, but it did not matter. Pain was his ally. It only made him stronger.


Seth turned around and put up a fist. No one was there. He had heard a whisper in his ear, he could swear on it. Something had talked to him. The Sith reached out with the Force feeling things around him. He could feel no other lifeforms bigger then insects and small animals.

"Turn around and look at the light Seth."

Again the voice whispered in his ear. Seth stared into the darkness of the corridors. There was nothing around him. Seth slowly turned around to see an unlight torch on the wall.

"Make it shine. Make it BURN."

Seth reached into the pouch at his side and took out a small pack of matches. He lit one and held it to the torch. Seth knew it would do nothing, but then he used the Dark Side and his hatred to build the flame. The torch caught on fire and began to burn lighting the hallway around Seth.

Suddenly, the wall creaked. After a few more seconds it creaked again. The wall flipped around revealing a dark staircase spiraling downwards. Seth had found a hidden compartment.

"Go down Seth. Follow the stairs."

Seth took a step towards the stairs.

Seth Darkserpent
May 19th, 2001, 01:36:22 PM
Dream Sequence (Cont.)

Seth stood before it. He could not believe his eyes. Such fine items right before him. In his grasp. He could have them now. Whatever was talking to him had promised this. Rather excitedly, Seth stepped forward.

He remembered for a moment how he had gotten here. Seth had followed the staircase down to a lower depth of the castle. There he passed a doorless corridor. At the end, he found a wall. Seth managed to find another secret compartment. This one held the most magnificent armor he had ever seen in it.

The crown was placed atop with chain mail, worn like a headdress. Following that, a dark mask covered the face. A shirt of chain mail followed, reaching up like a turtle neck to cover the unprotected neck. Over the shirt, a vest of weird metallic armor shone even in the dark. A little lower down, hard leather dragon hide boots and spike covered knee pads completed the suit of armor. Not to mention more chain mail that covered the legs.

After a few moments of just staring, Seth fitted himself with the armor. It fit perfectly. Instantly, a slab of transparisteel appeared out of nowhere. Stuck in it was a gleaming sword. Connected to the sword, two jewel embroided gauntlets. Seth walked forward and placed his hands in the gauntlets. Instantly he felt a surge of energy. He pulled the sword out of the steel. It was even more magnificent now. He held it high in the air.

"Truth," Seth whispered.

Seth Darkserpent
May 21st, 2001, 12:42:18 PM
Awake from thy slumber

Seth opened both eyes and stared at the cieling of the room. He slowly craned his neck upwards and looked around. He was back in his quarters at the Sith Order. Everything was silent, not even the faint hum of his glowlamp made a sound. It had automatically shut itself off. How long had he been in that coma.

Seth grabbed off his mask and rubbed his eyes groggily. He stood himself up and unclipped his cloak, throwing it on the bed. He had experienced the past in that coma, over again. Quite a weird anomaly.

He cracked his knuckles and picked up the laser cutter that had rolled across the room. Seth pulled out his chair with the Force and took a seat. He examined his sword. He had managed to straighten and polish it, but now he had to find a way to install the crystal.

"Time to get to work." Seth sighed. The memories of the past still fresh in his head.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:22:00 AM
Seth positioned the laser cutter and put it on low so it would only pierce a small part of the sword hilt. He thumbed it on and watched closely as the laser slowly ate away at the metal that was used to forge the hilt. He used the Force to stop himself from shaking. This had to be right for it to work properly.

"Bzzzz." The lasercutter sounded like an electric razor. The sound did no bother Seth at all anymore. He was being controllled by the Dark Side within.

Like etching a picture, Seth's hands began to move quicker. The square was beginning to take shape. He moved the laser back and forth, and to the left, back to the right. About halfway through the hilt, he stopped.

Seth rose the sword over his head and examined the hilt. Using the Force, he gently tugged the square he had cut out. It ripped off the hilt leaving a square hole. Seth placed it back down on the table.

He reached over to pick up the Dark Side crystal. Seth lightly put it in, careful not to crack or damage it. It was a perfect fit. He had finished the first step of reconstructing his new sword.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:06:42 PM
In under fifteen minutes, the Dark Jedi had attached the piece of the hilt back on. He'd given it two latches that prevented it from falling off during battle. The crystal would be easily accessible, and would allow him to focus his Dark Side energy to strengthen the sword. Soon, his sword would be able to block the blade of a lightsaber, like the Sith swords of old.

I do hope you know what you're doing. It would be a shame if we both died in an explosion because of your clumsiness. Sven told him.

"Shut up." Seth replied.

He laid the blade down on the work table. Seth began to push forward with the Force, causing the blade to thin out and fix it's otherwise crumpled form. This technique was draining Seth mentally and physically. He could feel his concentration slowly slipping, although he still held on. He watched as the sword slowly straightened.

Seth's fist pounded the table as he kept his eyes two orange slits. He bit his lower lip, hoping he wouldn't screw up and break the sword in two.

The Dark Jedi fell back on the floor. His forehead was drenched with sweat, and his eyes had small tears forming at the sides. His sword was almost finished, and would soon be usable. He just had a few more things to install, and to clean up.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 12th, 2001, 06:42:30 AM
Seth began to whistle an old Corellian tune he had once heard in a bar. The Dark Jedi was still working with his sword to make it the best possible weapon it could be. Him finding it was not a coincidence. Everything happened for a reason, and Seth finding that sword was only his first step to greatness.

It was once said that to progress into the future, you must know and accept your past. Seth Darkserpent didn't have a past. After the transfer, all he ever knew was present and dreams of the future. He wouldn't accept a past as...Naga. The very word gave the spit in his mouth a venomous taste. It made him sick to his stomach.

"I am not him." He said in the calmest tone he could manage.

Yes you are Seth. I am everything you want to be! Sven taunted.

Seth sometimes wished that he could rip his own head apart and crush Sven. Unfortunately one could not crush his own mind. Seth would have to deal with this problem mentally, not physically.

The Dark Jedi held his sword up in the light. It was near completion. He set it back down on the table and used the Force to call for his laser cutter. With accurate precision, Seth began to cut a patterned jagged edge on the side of his sword. Slowly he moved up the sword, managing to keep his pattern and slow pace. He used the Force to concentrate, hoping that Sven wouldn't startle him, and cause him to screw up.

To his relief, he heard nothing.

In short time, he finished the first side and continued the same procedure with the second side. It was odd how the sword didn't melt slowly. The cutter just sliced right through it's side, creating another jagged edged side. Each edge was sharp enough to slice someone's finger off. Seth believed this made his sword, all the more deadly.

Exactly one minute later, Seth finished his work. He had finally finished reconstructing his tool of malevolence. Seth went into the refresher and came out with a bucket full of soap and water, and a white polishing cloth. He dunked the cloth into the bucket and began to polish his sword. He would have to do it slowly to get all of the stains out and to avoid cutting himself.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 12th, 2001, 10:26:00 AM
"Finally, it is done. It...is...done." Seth held up his sword for inspection. It was the perfect weapon, truly a beauty to marvel over. The jagged edges on both sides of the sword gave it a whole new evil. Seth would kill many with this sword. He would rip into their hearts and pierce through their brains.

"It is my destiny to bring truth to those who have not yet seen in." Seth thought to himself. "And now to test it out."

The Dark Jedi knew quite well that if he were to call upon too much energy, he would be consumed by it. The energy would take the form of fire and his whole body would erupt into flames. Such had happened to those who craved too much, but knew too little. Seth would not let it happen to him. He had much to do after this reconstruction of his sword.

He grasped it with both hands and held it up. The Dark Jedi closed his eyes and began to call upon the Dark Side as he had many times before. This time was different, he was delving deeper. It felt somewhat like an ocean. The deeper he went, the darker it got. Suddenly, Seth took a great plunge into the abyss of his mind. His whole body began to twitch uncontrollably. He felt the power surge from his fingers and his palms. He felt it being collected by the Dark Side crystal inside of the hilt.

"I....I can feel it!" Seth hissed.

The Dark Jedi watched as the sword was slowly enveloped in a purple hue. He had seen this sort of purple energy before. It was certainly of the Dark Side. Seth had only read about these events in murals. Suddenly, Seth let go of all the energy he had been collecting and calling upon. Invisible tendrils exited his body, like a thousand needles, cutting their way through. Seth closed his eyes, convinced he was dealing with something he did not understand.

<font size=1>Falling...Falling...Falling...


<font size=2>Seth opened both eyes, wide in fear. He felt his limbs starting to burn. The Dark Jedi's eyes were locked on the sword, but he still felt as if he was burning. He felt everything in the room heat up. Soon he would be a pile of smoldering flesh on the floor. Nothing more then a burnt meat puppet.

"Control! Maintain control!" He screamed at himself in the recesses of his mind.

His sword was now almost fully enveloped in the purple hue, but he couldn't take anymore. He felt every limb slowly tear itself apart.

<font size=5>"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"<font size=2> He screamed.

Seth swing the sword down at the work table in his room. He hadn't felt such pain since his death. His jagged sword sliced right through the table with only one whack. The table cracked in half, and the small flames slowly died out. Seth fell back against his bed, still holding the sword in both hands.

He opened one eye and examined the sword. It was fully enveloped in the purple hue. He was still alive, but he felt weak, yes very weak. The Dark Jedi let go of his sword and watched as the purple hue disappeared. His sword fell off the bed and clanked on the floor. Seth fell asleep. He needed sleep; nourishing, replenishing sleep. Truth was completed. He had accomplished his task.