View Full Version : A walk it is...

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 20th, 2001, 06:44:53 AM
Wind rustles the leaves that lay strewn about the floor and causes a small amount of dust to rise up from the path to the main gates of TSO. Jeseth steps outside with her and keeps his hands in front, fingers interlaced.

Graem D Snowbringer
Feb 20th, 2001, 11:43:35 AM
"I don't mind at all, you really weren't intruding at all..I was just thinking about a few things anyway.
I've spent most of my time here training with my Master, I'll be off soon to carry out a task he has set for me, one I hope to accomplish"

:looks around her as they walk, taking in the scenery:

"Jesseth, if a Jedi Master, deceased, appears before us, ignore him as it'll just be my father, he did it earlier during my training with Master Roul.
This place takes some serious getting used to, I'm more used to being around Jedi at the Temple..."

:walks along beside Jesseth, quiet for a moment:

"If you don't mind me asking, what brought you here?
For me it was a natural progression after abandoning my Jedi heritage and training and committing a few revenge killings but that's enough said on that matter"

:looks at Jesseth and waiting for a reply:

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 20th, 2001, 06:59:16 PM
He thinks about what she said, feeling a disturbance in the usual flow of the Force - It was somehow bound to her.

"That's alright... I won't ask you to tell me more, unless you're willing to, that is." The dark brown hue of his eyes caught sight of the shadows, glazing over with a castaway reflection of everything he saw.

What brought me here?

He couldn't fully answer this question himself - Was it knowlegde? ...Anger...Fear? It was hard to answer her question.

"I don't know, Graem..." he looked up through the tiny breaks above them, the trees giving way to rays of light that criss-crossed their path through the large patches of muirk and darkness.

"I was a Jedi once; Not so long ago as it now seem to me. I wanted to learn the ways of the Dark Side, and it was forbidden... and so I became a Dark Jedi, learning in secreacy until I could no longer remain hidden with the lies I so carefully wove. I embraced this order then..."

His voice came forth calmly, but she sensed something inside him begin to change, unsure of what it could have been.

Graem D Snowbringer
Feb 21st, 2001, 10:37:55 AM
"You don't need to tell me anymore if you're uncomfortable talking about it.
I've never talked about my past to anyone....the Jedi Council tried to get me to talk about what happened...when I killed those innocent kids and my younger brother Nichos...".
:she sighs and stops talking for a while before continuing:
"I had just gained my knighthood and my parents suggested I take Nichos with me on my first mission for the Jedi Council, as he was nearing the age of being accepted as a knight's padawan, and Nichos knew he needed some practice on some of his Force skills before that happened...and who better to help out than his older sister?.
We had been away from home for about a month before we got the news that our parents were dead.....and then it happened, something I'll never forgive myself for.
I had a serious brush with the darkside which led me to kill 3 young children and then my brother when he tried to stop me leaving to get my revenge.....I never meant to kill any of them but I did and I can never change that"
:stares off into the distance for a while as they walked along...not sure how Jesseth would react to hearing this:

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 21st, 2001, 01:32:45 PM
He felt sympathy for her, understanding what it was to loose a family...

"I also lost my family... I'm sorry. I don't know what to say..."

Graem D Snowbringer
Feb 22nd, 2001, 04:17:21 AM
"Sorry to hear that Jesseth. Don't worry about it, I've gotten my revenge on the murderous elements who massacred my family.....well most of them anyway, my uncle and my brother still elude me.....I must be crazy following in their footsteps as Sith to hunt them down, I should have stayed with the Jedi and hired some bounty hunters...then Nichos and those kids would be alive today.
My uncle caused me to kill them, he took control of my mind and caused me to see enemies that weren't there, trying to turn me to the darkside as he did with Mathius, he's succeeded but it will be his undoing as I intend to hunt him down and kill him.
I never dreamed I would betray the Jedi Code and everything I believed in to become Sith.....I was scared of the Sith as a child, my father said, when he last appeared before me, that I was becoming that which I had most feared as a child, and that was the worst thing I could do".

:stops and leans against a tree for a while, stretching out her senses to get a sense of all the life around her, then she senses all the darkside users around her and she abruptly snaps out of it, getting an awful headache due to the darkside/lightside unbalance she was feeling:

"Sorry, still not quite used to being a darkside user, I must admit I still tap into the lightside sometimes, and I still use the Jedi skills I learnt. It's hard to let go off that part of my life but I guess I'll have to soon, as Master Roul wants me to kill a Jedi, or fail and continue my training.
I think we should talk about something that isn't uncomfortable/painful for either of us......how about the dreams we has as a child, I think you can guess what I wanted to be as a child...a Jedi Knight like my father, but part of my wanted to be like my uncle"

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 23rd, 2001, 08:49:59 AM
"Maybe we should talk sometime in a more private setting..."

He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small disc, handing it to her.

"My personal comm channel. I'm going to need to be going soon..."

Graem D Snowbringer
Feb 23rd, 2001, 01:45:43 PM
"that's fine with me Jesseth.
I had better be getting back to my training myself.
Search me out anytime you want to talk or anything like that"

:takes the disc and puts it in her pocket:

Graem D Snowbringer
Feb 25th, 2001, 05:57:00 AM
"Jeseth, if you don't mind I'd like to continue this walk alone for now, and you said you had to go soon anyway so goodbye for now and we may talk again sometime soon"

:Graem walks further from the palace...:

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 26th, 2001, 09:46:42 AM
"As you wish..." Jeseth bows and begins to walk back toward's the palace, leaving her to her own devices.