View Full Version : Survey Mission 001862.3

DESIGNATE Kimaera 078
Sep 27th, 2001, 02:10:21 PM
The crowd had started to gather in earnest, despite the local law enforcement's best efforts to keep them as far away as possible. It was on the very outskirts of the city, where the people was spread thin... but word travels fast, as they say.

The various governments of Correllia had taken notice of the ship some time before it had even entered the planet's atmosphere, as had a good number of the general populous. When it failed to respond to every attempt at communication, the various official bodies had considered simply shooting it out of the sky. But given the ships small size, and the fact that the technical readouts suggested it only carried a single passenger, they decided to let it land. In all likelihood, it was an escape pod of some sort that had gotten it's communication equipment damaged.

At any rate, it had proven true to its trajectory and not caused any major property damage. Where it came from was anyone's guess: The model didn't match that of any larger ship currently in use. That was just another question on the already lengthy list that Warrant Officer J.T. Deschwartz had prepared to ask the pilot of the ship as soon as he stepped out of his craft. The CIU unit was already lined up around the crashsite, ready to start examining every last detail surrounding the incident as soon as they could.

It took Deschwartz several minutes before he could clear away the gathered crowd enough to allow himself room to walk freely. He wasn't in any particular rush, though - In fact, he still didn't have the slightest clue how he was going to open the blasted thing. Whoever was inside sure wasn't being very cooperative about this.

"Bleeding great. What am I supposed to do... knock?", he mumbled.

And, in that trite, clichéd way that only happens in holofilms, the door to the sleek ship cracked open on its own. White steam poured out from the inside, silhouetted almost immediately by a large-ish humanoid shape.

"Hey hey!", Deschwartz called out. "Looks like you're doing OK there. Mind stepping over here so I can ask you a few questions?"

The shadow turned its head slowly, mechanically, to face the source of its beckons. A single red light penetrated the mist and looked directly at the Warrant Officer.

"Let's say we start with your name and where you came from."

The manshaped thing didn't answer. Instead, it turned and started a purposeful stride towards him.

"Hey, that's far enough buddy! You can give me your name from right where you are."

His hand fell to the blaster at his side. Looks like this guy might not survive his crash after all. The man halted his advance, cocking his head to the side as if to better hear the Officer.

"Your name. What... is..." Deschwartz started to repeat himself, but his voice quickly trailed off, as he could finally get a better look at the other man. He... It, was covered in black and gray mechanical parts, wires and tubes running through almost every inch of its body. Its left eye was covered by a diamond shaped node that pulsed with varying colors, one after the other.

J.T. Deschwartz had seen plenty of cyborgs in his time... but never anything quite like this. His mouth hung slightly agape, his question still unfinished. The cyborg answered him, regardless.

<font color="Aqua" face="Times New Roman" size="3">I.am.the.Jedi.Knight.Kimaera.. Designate.Oh.Seven.Eight.and.Avatar.of.IMPLEMENT.</font>

Deschwartz's jaw worked as he tried to come up with an appropriate response.

"I... uh, I..."

<font color="Aqua" face="Times New Roman" size="3">You.are.in.my.way.</font>

Lightning fast, a black-clad hand shot out, gripping the Warrant Officer by his throat and cutting off his air circulation. He clawed impotently at the thing's hand, trying in vain to free himself from its clutches. His eyes each grew to the size of a large fruit as the thick wires shot out of each side of the creature's wrists, penetrating the soft flesh of his throat with ease. They stayed imbedded only for an instant, withdrawing just as suddenly. Worldessly, the Designate released him, and he collapsed into a heap on the ground.

<font color="Aqua" face="Times New Roman" size="3">This.world.must.be.prepared.for.the.arrival.of.my. mistress.</font>

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 27th, 2001, 04:32:37 PM
A squad of armor clad Storm Troopers marched their way up about fifty feet from the ship, the first wave of them bowing to their knees and leveling their blaster rifles with their eyes to get a better shot at the thing. A second wave stood behind them in wait, also prepared to open fire. In total there were only close to forty of them, but they were enough. "Halt," cried the trooper with the black shoulder garment, his voice amplifier and transmitter clicking. He was obviously the squad leader. "You are in violation of Corellian law! Surrender immediately!" The voice cut off as the amplifier clicked a second time.

The troopers had all seen their share of oddities in their years of service, first to the Empire, and then to The Sith Order which held this world. The creature standing before them was an alien, about as odd as any other... the only unsettling thing about it was it's strange droid-like appearance.

Lady Vader
Sep 27th, 2001, 04:35:38 PM
*LV grumbled as she stood from her bed to answer the comm. She had arrived only a few scant hours before from the Sith Empire, after receiving that errie message from those... macines.*

*She sat herself in the seat to the comm table and answered the message.*

What is it, Lieutenant?

*Lieutenant Revs was the flight control officer on duty at this time. He was intelligent and quite capable at this job. But something about his stance worried LV.*

Lt: Sorry to disturb you, Mistress, but it appears something has broken through our atmosphere without answering our hails. It landed in the middle of a small town, just ouside of the city. here are the images we have taken so far:

*He played a series of footage of the craft coming through the atmosphere, of it crash-landing, the crowds, the hatch popping open, and a mechanical monster emerging. LV's heart seemed to stop.*

By the Core...

Lt: One of the law enforcers tried to stop it's advance and get it's name, but, well, it incapacitated him. We don't know if he's alive or dead. The alien used some sort of tubes from it's wrists on the man's throat. After that, the hover-cam went dead.

*LV was feeling numb. She'd seen something similar to that alien before. A while ago, on Coruscant. But now, they seemed different. Better equipt, more intelligent, and potentially more deadly. She addressed the Lt.*

Lieutentant, put all fighters and space stations on full alert, status RED. I don't want anymore of those things coming planet side. Scramble all available capitol ships. Have my cloaking fleet standing by, along with my flag ship. And for gawd's sake, get the planetary shields up at full power, with aux power at the ready.

We need to protect this planet.

*The Lt. started punching buttons and barking orders as they were given to him. When he'd finished he looked at LV.*

What about the one that landed?

*LV scowled.*

We'll handle that one, and any others it takes. They will be eliminated.

*With that, the Lt. saluted, and LV shut the comm off. When she stood and turned around, she found someone standing there. It almost made her jump. She'd forgotten she'd brought Anbiraa with her to Corellia. Now she was glad she had. These cyborgs were powerful. But against so amny sith, even just one or two woudn't stand much of a chance.*

*Unless this AI mind had created some new surprises.*

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Sep 27th, 2001, 05:19:40 PM
:: The clone warrior stood behind Lady Vader, smirking as he watched the footage of some freakish alien emerge from a ship. He laughed lightly, his eyes connecting with LV's ::

Your concern is obviously misplaced. What possible threat could such a crippled creature pose?

It is no match for perfect beings like ourselves.

DESIGNATE Kimaera 078
Sep 27th, 2001, 05:32:41 PM
The cyborg hardly paused his climb out of the crater. With a stiff, mechanical creak, he craned his head up to look at the Stormtrooper who addressed him.

<font color="Aqua" face="Times New Roman" size="3">Corellian.laws.do.not.concern.me..</font>

Designate 078 raised his right hand, palm opened, towards the Stormtrooper. The armor clad man made a motion to heft his blaster rifle for a better shot when he found it yanked forcefully from his grasp by an unknown source. The weapon streaked across the air, landing neatly in the cyborg's outstretched palm. It closed its hand around the blaster's midsection, and the metal crumpled, folding neatly in half.

<font color="Aqua" face="Times New Roman" size="3">Allow.me.to.pass.uninhibited.or.you.will.be.exterm indated..</font>

Lady Vader
Sep 28th, 2001, 01:57:17 PM
*LV looked with earnest at Anbira.*

There is still much you need to relearn. Do not be fooled by their outward appearance. They are quite as capable as any of us. So, yes, I do see them as a threat. And they have landed on my home.

*Home. She blanched momentarily, remembering all the other planets she called home. She clenched a fist. They would all be in danger. It was times like this she wished she could bi-locate, and protect them all.*

*She looked at Anbiraa again and sighed. He obviously didn't remember the recent past. And he didn't remember when he, or rather, Anbira, had been taken over by these cyborgs before. How she had nearly killed herself trying to saving him.*

*She relayed to him what he needed to know, giving him a brief history of these beings, of what they had doen on Coruscant, of how they had been momentarily defeated. All the while, they had made their way to the speeder garage, jumping into a sleek craft, and heading out to where the cyborg had landed.*

*He was only one cyborg. They were many. This one could potentially be defeated. But what f others that would come in it's wake?*

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Sep 28th, 2001, 02:06:32 PM
:: Anbira smiled, talking as if he were explaining a simple concept ::

Then they would be destroyed as well...and if others came after them, so be it for them all.

:: He leaned back in his seat, smug grin on his face ::

The truth is...that nothing can survive our wrath, my Lady. You...I...we are beyond any foolish enough to challenge.

These are no different than Jedi...they will all be swept away.

Lady Vader
Sep 29th, 2001, 02:00:09 AM
*She remained silent, thinking. It was true that wisdom came with age. And Anbiraa was still young... so to speak.*

I myself do not like to underestimate my foe. It can be one's undoing and eventual death.

*She took a breath.*

In either case, let's hope this one is the only one we see here on Corellia. Though somehow I doubt that very much.

*She fell silent again, remembring how the old Anbira had been taken by these machines. She didn't want to lose him again.*

*Within a few minutes, they reached the spot where the alien vessel had crash-landed. Both got out and watched as the cyborg dispatched of one of the stormtroopers blaster rifles, crumbling it to pieces.*

Not very polite, are they?

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Oct 2nd, 2001, 01:03:40 AM
:: Upon exiting the vehicle, Anbiraa smiled, his form raising off the ground to a height of three meters ::

Lady Vader
Oct 2nd, 2001, 09:22:04 PM
*LV turned her head slightly to watch as Anbiraa elevated himself. The corner of her mouth turned upwards into a half-smile. It felt good to be with him in a common battle. It had been too long.*

*Turning her attention back towards the cyborg, she eyed the situation. They were on an elevated part of the land, a small cliff, where they had taken their speeder through a few streets from the upper level. It gave them a vantage point to see what was below them.*

*Now was the time to act. Taking a running leap off the edge of the small cliff they were on, she somersaulted in midair, landing gracefully, without so much as kicking up any dust, into a cat-crouch. Those stormtroopers standing nearby, kept their weapons at the ready, but gave her ample room by backing up slightly. They didn't want to be in harms way of an angered Sith when the party got started. She stood to her full height and unsheathed her claws, small bits of lightning beginning to crackle at the ends of the sharp tips. She eyed the cyborg venomously, standing a couple of meters from it. Her lips turned downward into a sneer.*

You have trespassed onto TSO owned soil. Explain your presence here. After doing so, you will leave. Perminently. And you or your kind will never return to TSO owned soil.

If you do not comply, you will be destroyed.

*She paused, her sneer turning into a cold smile.*

Resistance is futile.

(OOC: I'm so sorry... but I just couldn't resist! I was in the middle of watching "Best of Both Worlds", and it just came out! Forgive me! :D )

Admiral Taylor Millard
Oct 2nd, 2001, 10:45:58 PM
Millard walked onto the balconly of his quarters on Corellia, taking in the magnificant view of the planet. The City of Coronet lay below him, like a river flowing from a waterfall. The sun had begun its slow journey below the mountains beyond the city. It was a beautiful site, a work of art for certain.

But it was marred, in his opinion, by the dark streak of smoke from a landing ship. Taylor allowed his vision to expand, staring at the courtyard below. What he saw was something he'd never seen in his life. Even in the Unknown Regions.

It was a machine-but humanoid in look, with multiple tubes coming from the head and body area. It's pasty white face, contrasted greatly with the black of its armor.

What in the seven moons of Yavin is that?!? Millard thought, a brown eyebrow raising. When he saw the security officer take a flight across the courtyard, the Sith Knight grabbed his lightsaber, then ran towards where the thing stood.

As he ran, the Dark Jedi spoke into his comlink.

"Millard to Superior report."

"Admiral this is Captain Tomar, I take it the crashing ship has landed?

"That's correct Captain. Any idea what the hell that thing is?" The Imperial Admiral ran past several stormtroopers, running in the same direction as he.

"Unsure sir. Our computer caught only a partial glimsp of the ship as made its way through the atmosphere. I would move with extreme caution sir.

Millard thought, No kidding Tomar... "Captain, I suggest we keep on the look out for anymore of these...things. If your sensors detect them, alert me. Millard out."

He came to a halt, next to the purple clad Sith woman, and the man next to her. He caught her last words, "Resistance is futile."

A smile came to his face, "It might be, my lady. I sense something from the machine. Almost as if..." he paused, Force senses reaching out again. It was there, he detected it.

"That cyborg has Force abilities!"

His blue eyes narrowed as he watched the cyborg with more caution and distrust.

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:24:20 PM
:: Anbiraa could feel the force affinity from the creature as well...thus making it somewhat of a harder target. However, such was little consequence for him. Nobody could defeat him.

The Sith dove to the ground, righting himself and slamming his feet against hard earth in a quick drop. He sneered, drawing an open palm back into chamber, as a cold breeze began to wail across the area. ::

Nevermind this one...I will send it to Hell myself.

Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:41:17 PM
*LV gave him a side glance, a playful grin playing across her lips, the wind making her hair dance slightly.*

You're not the only one that wants to have some fun.

*She'd waited for the cyborg to speak, and it seemed not to be doing so. She did feel it had Force powers, but at what extent they were, she could not tell. Nor did it matter to her.*

*She was beginning to get impatient.*

DESIGNATE Kimaera 078
Oct 4th, 2001, 03:41:59 PM
Before doing anything else, Kimaera documented the fact the the Sith Order's response time was exceptional - Useful knowledge for future ventures. He had so far been approached by at least 2 individual Force users, who were making attempts to communicate with him. Instead of immediately responding, he instead stayed quiet, attempting to analyze their capabilities. Both of them registered as highly powerful, each with the ability to use the "Dark Side" of the Force.

<font color="Aqua" face="Times New Roman" size="3">I.am.Designate.Oh.Seven.Eight.. I.am.here.on.a.survey.mission.on.behalf.of.IMPLEME NT.. Allow.me.to.continue.with.my.mission.uninhibited.o r.I.will.be.forced.to.remove.your.presence.</font>

Lady Vader
Oct 5th, 2001, 01:21:08 AM
*She didn't like being threatened. This was her home. She would be the one to do the threatening around here.*

That is not acceptable, 078. You will conduct no survey of Corellia. You have landed without authorization.

I want nothing to do with you or IMPLEMENT.

You will get back in that pod of yours and leave Corellia. If you do not comply, we will help you leave... in our own way.

*A storm had begun to brew over their heads as she had been speaking. Moments ago, it had been sunny. But the storm was not natural. It was caused by the growing Force energy she was gathering. It was a technique, taught to her while she had been growing up on Dathomir, used to focus the energy. The witches of Dathomir were notorious for their Force storms. And this was no different. The storm continued to grow, lightning flashing against the ebony clouds.*

*She was rapidy becoming angry with this cyborg. She hoped he would refuse to leave. She smiled. She would enjoy ripping him to shreds.*

Admiral Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2001, 10:51:51 AM
Millard stared up at the gathering storm, crossing his arms. The storm began churning lightening and thunder, with the wind picking up as well. His black cloak billowed around him, like wings on a bird.

Scene looks like something out of an opera on Coruscant. Feh.

The Sith Knight took a leap from the balcony, spreading his arms and cloak wide slowing his fall. He landed fairly lightly, the Force making the landing easier. He felt a slight jolt as the stones of the Courtyard connected with his feet, but the Force absorbed much of the impact.

He sensed the anger from Lady Vader- the hatred. Millard admitted to having the same anger, but for different reasons. Damn probe interupted a wonderful evening. But there was something more to Millard's anger...there was curiousity as well. Where did this probe come from, what was its mission? To survey Corellia but for what?

"It may, my lady," Millard spoke, his cold blue eyes bearing into the probe standing not five feet away, "Be wise to see what we can learn from this...thing. If it's a cyborg, it may have a communications core. We could find out where it comes from."

To the Probe labeled 078, Taylor spoke forcefully, "Who sent you here to 'survey' our planet? Tell me, or I will not hesitate to destroy you."

He kept his hands clear awaiting the next move from the probe.

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Oct 5th, 2001, 08:47:58 PM
:: The situation was beyond words for Anbiraa. The Sith clone extended a hand towards the threat. Chilling winds wailed all around as Anbiraa used his mastery of the Dark Side to draw all available air into the focal epicenter in the palm of his hand, forming a sphere of pressurized and superheated plasma. The greenish sphere grew larger and brighter, shimmering with a latent destructive power as ripples of electricity snapped through the soup of charged ions in the plasma. The light from the deadly missile flickered with an evil hue in the Sith's eyes, as he stood half-turned to the cyborg, with a well-deserved smirk of pure arrogance on his face ::

Your time is nearly up.

Lady Vader
Oct 6th, 2001, 05:34:32 PM
*She turned to Millard.*

There is nothing more to learn of these beings. I have encountered them before... a year ago on Coruscant. I was curious of them then, like you are now.

But I know what they are and what they represent.

Neither of which I am willing to go through again.

*She lifted her hand in the very same way Anbiraa had, smiling and looking at him. The storm above there heads had grown, now whipping her hair wildly.*

I couldn't have put it any plainer myself.

And my patience is all but gone.

*She curled the tips of her fingers slightly, letting the small sparks of lightning there begin to crash against each other. A small tornado like whirl wind began to rapidly circle, hovering just centimeters above her hand. The center of the sphere began to grow bright, first white, to yellow, and then taking on a bright green hue. The light spread, keeping within the sphere, now circling faster than the eye could see, sparking ever so often like sunbursts on a star. The ions within were growing restless, making the sphere grow brighter with light and power. The sphere itself was not large, but when released would cause an explosion so great, that it would most definitely leave a crator in it's wake.*

*Once let go, even LV, with all her skills, would have to errect a Force shield.*

*She smiled. She had only learned this power just a few months ago, when she had lost the original Anbira. She had wanted his greatest known powers to live on, so she had taken the burden on herself to learn what he had known. And she had learned all these things merely by watching. For watching was one of the greatest teachers one could use. Watching, learning, and putting to use.*

*Her smile turned into a sneer as she eyed the cyborg, the green of her eyes intensified by the green glow of the deadly sphere being held at bay just above her hand.*

DESIGNATE Kimaera 078
Oct 17th, 2001, 02:29:44 PM
The Designate seemed utterly unfazed by the building maelstrom around him, not so much as diverting his gaze towards it. Instead, he chose to respond to Millard's inquiry.

<font color="aqua" size="3" face="Times New Roman">I.have.already.answered.your.question,.human.. I.am.an.avatar.of.IMPLEMENT.</font>

Finally, he turned his head to the pair of Sith that were readying an attack against him, giving the power storm only a cursory glance.

<font color="aqua" size="3" face="Times New Roman">I.would.advise.against.such.an.action..I.cannot.be .destroyed.quite.so.simply..
And.I.do.believe.that.destroying.this.shell.would. anger.my.mistress..Now.let.me.pass.</font>

Jodah Of Giva
Oct 17th, 2001, 04:00:57 PM
A black robed figure floats into the group, centralizing himself. He adds his power to the maelstrom, more Arcane than Force. Lightning crackles through it fiercely now, permeating the depths of the cloud. The figure drops his hand and pulls from his robes two pure black sabers. Their blades are the color of his hair-dark ebony. A clear, cold field of power emanates from him, surrounding the group of Sith before the designate like a semi-bubble. Jodah then hovers upward, floating about a meter off the ground with his sabers at the ready.
"Look's like IMPLEMENT's not the most popular chick on the block now, huh?"
He grins evilly.

OOC: Where's Picard when ya need him? :-D sorry, couldn't resist. If I'm intruding on something i shouldn't be, then just delete the post. sorry.

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Oct 18th, 2001, 08:25:34 PM
:: The clone laughed wildly, until his face locked into a vicious sneer ::

Advise all you wish, for now you shall die!

:: The green sphere intensified in brightness momentarily, and was quickly sent on its way, guided by the Force towards the cybernetic drone. The energy attack hit home, detonating in a blinding flash and thunderous shockwave. As the hot air blasted out in every direction, Anbiraa could be seen smiling through the carnage ::