View Full Version : Returns to His room

Makoto Neo
Oct 19th, 2001, 08:19:56 PM
Makoto retreated to an unoccupied room in the palace, after some hard training and fighting he was tired, plus the hellfire ache in his ribs didnt add to the rest. Placing his sabers in the hidden pocket of his coat he began to unpack. From his duffle, he pulled out a keyboard, some spare changes of clothes, a duster's coat and a pendant. he took the pendant, a sliver dragon holding a teardrop ruby, and slid it onto his necklace, sliver also. The keyboard he began to set up, undoing the 'legs' and setting the keyboard up. After a few moments, he began to play a soft melody, he closed his eyes and began to remember bits and peices of his life, the day he got the Agnti, the pendant, to the day his mother taught him the song he now played. he stopped about mid-song and pushed the keyboard away sighing. "Why." he asked the air, " Why was my past taken away from me.." He closed his eys and began a long medatative trance, he glimpsed into his past.. his creation,his escape... all the people he killed, his 'father' for one. He was suddenly pulled from the trance due to a large shock of pain through his body, he had forgotten about the broken ribs he had substained fighting Jodah. Makoto stood up, woobling and began to search for bandages, he would not go to a doctor unless it was fatal, and a few broken ribs in his age werent that much of deal, find a roll of bandages, he began to repair himself...