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Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:28:03 PM
Aurelias Kazaar walked down the streets of Corellia. Normally, he preferred staying away from this place- he hated Sith. Hated them as much as he Jedi, but in this matter he had no choice. He had to teach someone, what the dark side was.

"It'll be okay, kid," he said to the young woman standing next to him. He didn't need the Force to know she was scared. But the bounty hunter promised he would take care of her. Even if she was a Force user, Aurelias promised her master he would.

Kazaar and his charge walked up towards the Castle the Sith Order inhabited. A large, imposing structure it was, with massive fortifications it towered over the rest of Coronet City.

Aurelias walked up towards the front gate.

"What is your business here?" a stormtrooper stated, his white helmet gleaming in the sun.

"I seek the Sith Mistress Live Wire," Kazaar replied looking right back at him, trying not to show his disgust, "I owe her a debt and I am here to pay it."

Kazaar indicated the case the girl was carrying, "Let us in or I'll tell 'er you delayed payment. And you know how she hates that."

Shivering, the guard let them in.

When he reached the door, Kazaar opened it slowly, stepping into the large courtroom gloriously fashioned.

"I seek the Sith Mistress Live Wire. I have something for her!" he spoke loudly.

Estelle Russard
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:10:50 PM
The overwhelming sense of evil was as thick as a morning fog in the highlands of her homeland of T'r Nuva. It unnerved her and made her shiver to the bone.

Oh..this is a very bad idea.

Of all the places to bring her, Kazaar had chosen here. She always thought his judgement was good for the most part, but this..this was way off in her opinion.

But it was not like she had much of a choice. She was stuck with him, as much as he was stuck with her. And despite all they had been through in such a short time, she was glad of that fact. Still, it was hard to stand in such a place of so unbridled evil that she wanted to slip her hand into his for reassurance. Instead she clung to the heavy box and followed behind him into the huge Castle walls.

The young padawan unconsciously moved in to stand closer to the bounty hunter as they were ushered into the great hall of the courtroom. Despite its lavish furnishings, there was no feeling or warmth or welcome generated by them.

"Aurelias.." She whispered up to him. "I really dont want to be here. I think its a mistake."

Lady Vader
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:53:10 PM
*It was almost too easy. Having been out on a walk, she had heard the commotion and had come up behind the two new comers, unheard and unseen. She looked at the man, sensing from him nothing exceptionally special, but the young woman had a Force sense about her. But it was young and new. It smelled of Jedi. A Jedi padawan.*

*Smiling, she dropped behind them from a tree overhanging the entrance. Neither had noticed the silent, masked fall. As she came up from her cat-like crouch, she looking up, and cleared her throat. Both beings whirled around, each with a different reaction. The man whipped out his blaster, leveling it at LV's chest, while the young woman gasped and stared. She smiled.*

Welcome to The Sith Order.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:57:34 PM
"You aren't Live Wire," Kazaar spoke, lowering his blaster slightly, "I'm here to speak 'er.

"I got payment 'cause she helped me with sumthing a while back. I figure, I should give 'er some sort of...compensation for 'er trouble."

He tapped the case Estelle was carrying, then grinned.

"So tell me? She 'ere or do I have to give this to someone who'll give it to 'er?"

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:08:53 AM
Her initial surprise gave way to curiosity as the most exceptional creature dropped in behind them. Estelle looked the woman over carefully, noting immediately how extremely confident she was and how her body was like a weapon tightly coiled and ready to strike. This did nothing to ease Estelle's dread at being in this place. If anything, it only reinforced it.

Kazaar spoke to the woman as if he hadnt a care in the world (which was exactly his style), and the young Padawan picked up a wicked essence or aura strongly emanating from her. It made her involuntarily shrink back a little.

She watched and waited for the woman to respond to Kazaars question.

Lady Vader
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:50:43 AM
*She eyed the woman momentarily, then turned to address the man.*

Mistress Live Wire is indeed here. Why not step into the Palace and wait in the grand hall.

*She waved her hand towards the massive doors, urging them open. They creaked loudly, revealing a huge entrance and a long hallway lined with black marble streaked with green viens. LV could sense the nearing presence of her long time friend and fellow Sith.*

Please, enter.

*She smiled sweetly, letting her eyes fall on the young woman, before looking up towards a shadow moving towards them from the hallway.*

Live Wire
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:54:01 AM
*live wire walked through the door way her long cloak flowing behind her. Well well this was making the day interesting. It wasn't every day she recieved visitors.*

I'm here. So, who's asking for me?

*She walked over to the cowering young woman and gave her a smile that conveyed no sort of friendliness.*

You've caused quite a commotion walking in here like that.

*She called off the gaurds that had gathered at the doors. The palace was too well defended that if they tried anything they'd be dead in seconds.*

So what's this package you have for me?

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:14:04 AM
"I have something for you Lady Live Wire," Kazaar spoke, the look in his eyes betraying his disliking of the Sith, "You helped me with finding Khollimar Ghent, the Falleen criminal who had one of his hideouts here. Because of that, I thought you deserved a little...compensation."

The bounty hunter motioned Estelle forward. The Jedi Padawan looked quite nervous as she set the case down before the Sith Mistresses. Lady Vader offered a cat-like smile, her green eyes staring into the brown ones of Estelle's. The latter almost cowered, quickly moving back towards Kazaar.

"It's 7,500 creds. I hope that's enough, my lady."

He awaited her response.

Live Wire
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:21:28 AM
*Live Wire knelt down to inspect the case. It was indeed 7,500 creds. Definately a nice portion of the profit. She closed the case and picked it up this time giving a genuine smile.*

Yes that is quite acceptable. I'm glad that I could be of assistance to you. Ghent was a thorn in everyones side and Im glad things worked out to everyones mutual benefit.

Of course you know if you ever need my assitance in the future all you have to do is contact me.

*she looked at the nervous young woman by his side.*

First time in a sith palace for her I take it?

Lady Vader
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:36:16 AM
*She gestured toward the tired travelers.*

Perhaps you would care to stay the night. Have a fresh start in the morning?

*It wasn't her nature to say such a thing, but when it came to Padawans, one must do what they could. She gave LW a quick glance... a knowing glance. The other woman nodded ever so slightly. LV merely now waited.*

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2002, 11:36:38 AM
"I'm fine with that," Kazaar smirked. Unknown to Estelle, he was testing her. While he wasn't her master (that was Reaper Fett), he'd been given the duty to watch over her. This...was a way of seeing how resistant to the Dark Side she was.

Kazaar knew it, the young Jedi was too naive for her own good. After running into the bounty hunter, Estelle had begun a crash course in, 'the evil in the world'. Aurelias had taken a chance with bringing her to Corellia- but he also knew how to get out if it came to that.

"The girl stays with me though. I was told to watch out for 'er. So I am. Hope you two don't mind though."

He smirked again.

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:39:43 PM
Estelle watched as with the slightest wave of the womans hand, the huge doors creaked open in an inviting gesture.

The arrival of the second woman made the already up-standing hairs on Estelle's neck prickle even further. They were Sith, that much atleast she could tell. Though it wasnt like she'd ever seen Sith before, but she'd heard the stories. Read of their horrible crimes.

It was unexpected though-their dark beauty. Estelle had always imagined Sith to be wretched, bent and twisted, both inward and outwardly - monsters by appearance as well as acts. But the women before her were a far cry from that, though the padawan had the good sense to realise the beauty was only skin deep.

The one Kazaar referred to as Mistress LiveWire was very pleased at the unexpected arrival of her payoff portion and her eyes glinted as she received the credits. The other, her name not yet revealed, had every bit as much of an evil gleam but for reasons only Estelle could guess at. The padawan tried not to imagine too much.

As they led them further into the massive castle that was their home, Estelle couldnt help but associate it with a walk to the gallows. And here was Kazaar grinning like he was old chums with them. The man was insufferable. If she didnt have complete trust in him, she would have fled in a screaming panic.

Through gritted teeth Estelle revealed her anger at his agreement they spend the whole night here in this terrible place. "You said you just wanted to drop something off. We should just go. You're inviting trouble to have us lingering here, Aurelias."

The two darksiders snickered at her whispered protests and Estelle knew they were having the laugh at her expense. She tried not to care. She was afraid, but she wasn't a coward. Her father had raised her with a decent head on her shoulders to recognise and avoid life's perils rather than run headlong into them, as Kazaar was so apt to do.

"Lets just go."

Live Wire
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:54:38 PM
Of course she can stay with you.

*live wire called for her assitant to whom she handed over the case of creds to be put in her personal safe. Then she bowed graciously to the two visitors gesturing with her arm towards the door.*

If you'd like I can show you to your room. Or if you'd like we could provide you with a tour of the palace and the grounds. We have some of the most beautiful gardens on Corellia.

Lady Vader
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:05:24 PM
*LV added.*

And a rare assortment of exotic beasts from around the galaxy as well.

*To emphasize this, LV motioned almost unperceptably with her hand, urging a black shadow to slink out from a corner of the long hallway.*

Jan 29th, 2002, 01:13:02 PM
*The black Corellian Sand panther decended noislessly from her perch on a stone shelf, and proceeded to seemingly melt and seperate from the shadow. The two yellow-green eyes were the only viewable part of her body, until she had stepped into the light of the glowing torches along the walls.*

*She was a large panther by the Corellian species standard, sporting a shiny black coat, rare among her kind. Most Corellian Sand panthers were a tan color, and only roamed the world at night, living and hunting alone. Rarely were they ever seen. But this one had come to LV of it's own accord during one of the Sith's late night walks. Since then, they had become fast companions, each watching out for the other's safety.*

*It was well known that LV had a unique power over felines of any race or species. It no doubt had to do with the fact she was half Trianii, a space-faring feline species.*

*The large cat came to LV's side and sat, it's purr echoing in the corridor, yet it's piercing gaze able to unnerve even the most stable being. She may have only been a cat, but she was far from being unintelligent.*

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:47:26 PM
Reaching into his pocket, Kazaar took a dark cigar out of his jacket. He was at a crossroads. Although he knew Estelle was concerned for her own safety (and was concerned for hers as well), he also knew she had to learn what this 'Dark Side' was.

Outside of her haning' round me an' Prent, she's gotta see probably the darkest thing out there.

He lit his cigar, letting the flavor fill his mouth and senses. Estelle would have to trust he knew what he was doing. He trusted her as well, but thought her naivety was clouding her judgement.

"Never was a big fan of gardens. But I'll take a look at the palace if ya don't mind."

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 08:00:50 PM
The cigar smoke was reassuring its strong familiar smell. She always would associate it with Kazaar and she always felt safe with him, despite the endlessly dangerous predicaments they found themselves in.

She walked along with him, keeping her eyes alternately on the two Sith women and the sleek dark panther stalking along the shadows.

Lady Vader
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:07:40 AM
*LV walked with LW, leading them to the lush gardens the palace held within it's center. Once there, Iesis took a bounding run about the grounds, while she turned to look at the young woman.*

I know you do not trust us, and I can see in your eyes that you view us to be dark. But we too know the meaning of beauty. It's all around us. Why ignore it?

*The greenery and blue of the water and it's fall filled the atmosphere with an almost entoxicating scent. One could easily get lost in this garden. Even the most trained of Jedi.*

Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:35:38 PM
Well said LV. Many people feel that just because we are sith we lack the capacity to appreciate things of beauty. As you can see that is not true in the least. You are actually very fortunately. Few who are not TSO sith get to see the wonders of the grounds surrounding the palace. This is the most beautiful space on all Corellia and we are rather proud of it.

*smiling she turned and continued to walk. Telapathically she spoke to the young woman.*

You needen't worry. No harm will come to you while you are here.

Edited cause Im really a dork!

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:37:42 PM
Kazaar snorted, "Yeh, but it's all in perception. I happen to like staring at magazines of everytime. But ya get me infront of artwork or whatnot...not my thing."

The bounty hunter puffed again on his cigar as he looked around the immense garden.

If the bounty hunter did appreciate gardens, he would see how beautiful it was. Overhanging vines of flowers with a stone walk to a clear pond in the middle. Rows of flowers and small trees made it truly beautiful.

"So don't tell us what t'like and what not to. 'Kay?"

Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2002, 04:32:44 PM
*LW smiled inwardly at Kazaar's lack of appreciation for the finer things. Nature was not something for everyone but it was one of the few things she took pleasure in seeing day after day. She turned back the quiet young woman.*

Do you agree with his sentiments. Or do you have more of an appreciation for natural beauty?

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2002, 07:28:26 PM
Estelle heard LiveWire's words clearly, distincly inside her mind...inside her mind.

"You needen't worry. No harm will come to you while you are here. "

She glanced at Aurelias to see if he had heard her too, but he was talking already, and it seemed not.
How did she do that...?

Estelle was completely new to the teachings of the Force. In fact, she had only discovered that she for a surety had force ability on her recent travels with Kazaar. She had read as much as she could by way of aquainting herself with the teachings of the force, but had yet to be trained - or even exposed to much of what she had only read about. Kazaar knew this, and so they had arrived here - it was another one of his "educations" for the padawan.

The gardens were breathtaking. The bounty hunter seemed sumarily unimpressed - but it took alot to impress Kazaar, and even more for him to admit to it. She smiled at his stubborness. She, for one, was awed by them.

It wasn't just the visual beauty of the lush vines, the exotic flowers or the incandescance of the water as it fell in a perfect stream down into the deep glittering pond. It wasn't just the delicate scents that seemed to drift from one direction, only to be replaced by another even more delightful from yet another direction. There was a feeling - an ambiance - to the whole grounds. A sensation that was hard to pinpoint. Even so, Estelle found herself enjoying the whole experience and was surprised, though not alarmed to be so.

"I have a great appreciation for beauty, Mistress. I just know that such graces can be deceiving. Things almost always are never what they appear to be."

Kazaar watched Estelle carefully and continued to puff on his cigar.

Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:50:44 PM
*She looked at the man and smiled.*

No one was saying you had to like it. Though I'm sure you'll be impressed by some things, if not by one.

*Turning, she called within her head a name... Shenraun.*

Feb 1st, 2002, 11:55:58 PM
*An echoed thudding could be heard coming from a dark cave behind the waterfall to the backside of the garden, followed by a loud splash and wading through water. This urged everyone to turn in that direction to see what it was that was coming. From behind a large tree and a few bolders, a massive claw came to rest on the rock as an equally massive head peered around, followed by an even more massive body, folded wings, and long, muscular tale.*

*Shenraun had heard his Mistress call, and had not hesitated to respond. He spoke to her telepathically, his words being heard in LW's, the young Jedi's minds, and the man's.*

You called for me, Mistress?

Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:59:08 PM
*She smiled and spoke out loud for the sake of the bounty hunter.*

Ah, Shenraun, I just wanted to intoduce you to some guests.

*She gestured toward the man and the young woman.*

These two genltebeings will be staying with us this evening.

Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:02:30 AM
*His massive head slowly swiveled so that his large yellow eyes took in the site of the two newcomers. He spoke to them through his telepathic ability.*

Any guests of Mistress Vader's are guests of mine. Weclome to my lair.

*True, the gardens were owned by all of TSO, but Shenraun used it as his place of rest.*

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:03:45 AM
As a precaution, Kazaar removed his blaster from his belt, but did not hold it up. The Sith woman had brought the beast forth for some reason (hopefully not to kill him) and the bounty hunter was willing to wait and see what would happen.

"Course I don't have t'like it," he spoke, staring at the dragon, "Never said ya were forcin' me to or not."

His brown eyes flicked to the beautiful, purple clad woman next to him.

"So what's up with the beast? Tryin' to prove the power of the Force or sumthin'?"

Lady Vader
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:07:32 AM
*LV laughed.*

Not at all. I only brought him out here to introduce you to him. After all, this is his little piece of TSO; his domain if you will. Had you been caught in here without us, you would have been made into dinner.

But now that Shenraun has seen you are our guests, you may walk about the gardens unhindered... or eaten.

*She looked up at the dragon and nodded her head to make sure he understood. Shenraun snuffed a tiny plume of smoke from his nostrils in acknowledgment.*

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:21:55 AM
Well considering I don't like gardens... Kazaar kept his thoughts to himself.

"Well, ya got anyone who can show me the palace and not the outlying gardens? Someone other than a trooper."

A quick look of towards Estelle told him otherwise.

"On secons thought...I'll stay 'ere if that's okay. Just keep the dragon away from me if ya don't mind."

He started walking towards the insides of the garden.

"Let's check it out 'kay?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 2nd, 2002, 02:43:42 PM
Estelle nodded and walked close to Kazaar as they moved further into the gardens. She touched his side, lightly clasping his loose shirt for her own reassurance.

The Dragon was astounding. He was terrible and amazing at the same time. Still, out of all the beings here-the panther, the dragon, the Sith - the women struck Estelle as the most to be wary of.. Tough, they had done nothing to make her think that. LiveWire and her counterpart had been the perfect hosts so far.

"Aurelias and I appreciate your hospitality. You have an incredible place here. I admit, I think the gardens are the best that I have ever seen, or even read about for that matter.

Do you spend much time here yourselves?"

Live Wire
Feb 3rd, 2002, 12:22:19 AM
*LW smirked at their reactions to Shenraun. She knew LV had brought him out here mainly to get some kind of reaction out of their cynical bounty hunter.*

I don't spend as much time here as I would like. I'm off planet a lot of the time unfortunately. But when I am home I try to get out here as much as possible. My room over looks this part of the gardens so I am never without a view of them. I find it comforting.

*she turned her head as they heared a small giggle coming from past a turn in the path. Iesis bounded ahead and they heared a small delighted squeal. Iesis came back with a small child riding securely on her back. She walked right up to LW and presented her find.*

Well what have we here?

*A woman came running up red faced and flustered. LW picked up the little girl holding her tightly and patted Iesis on the head. The woman appologized for letting the child get away from her. LW just nodded, smiled and dismissed her. The girl could be a handful no question. She turned back to her guests and the little girl looked at them curiously with her big round green eyes.*

May I present to you my daughter Ariel. She's one of the only children we have here at TSO.

Estelle Russard
Feb 3rd, 2002, 01:44:38 AM
This did not fit.

Loving mother? Serene botanical surroundings? Hospitable courtesies? These were not the images Estelle had pictured the Darkside to be. Had the things she read been just the fancies of some overactive minds?

She looked at Aurelias to see if he was as surprised as she at the lively and pretty child before them. He still just puffed on his cigar...the man was a born sabaac player, for sure.

"Hello Ariel"

Estelle smiled kindly at the child.

"It is a pleasure to meet you."

Looking up to LiveWire, the padawan observed, "She looks like you."

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 3rd, 2002, 08:39:02 PM
Why is it, Kazaar thought, The most evil ones are the most beautiful? I suppose it's the nature of everything.

But Kazaar didn't know anything about the Force, not did he care to know. There was plenty of creds to earn and bounties to grab.

However, the bounty hunter knew Estelle had to learn. If she decided to study the Dark Side, then so be it. As far as Kazaar was concerned, both The Greater Jedi Order and The Sith Order and Empire could go frell themselves. While she was currently a Padawan at GJO, it was eventually her choice on who she was to follow. Kazaar would teach her all he knew about a non-Force user's life and the 'darker side' of the universe. Whoever or whatever Estelle decided to follow he had no control of.

"Yeh, she looks like 'er mom," he took another puff on his cigar, the pulled his flask out and took a drink, "So what're ya tryin' to prove by showin' us this? Hmm?"

Live Wire
Feb 5th, 2002, 01:00:27 AM
*Ariel looked at the two strangers wide eyed and satisfied that they were of no interest to her she snuggled into her mothers arms. LW smiled, this one was one of a mothers pride. Her daughter was her greatest accomplishment.*

Thank you. She looks a lot like her father as well, who is, no doubt, somewhere around here causing trouble that I'll have to clean up later.

*Kazaar's hardened nature intrigued her. He seemed so uneffected by things that would reach even the coldest of creatures and yet here he was watching over this young woman with a fatherly protection showing her what the universe had to offer. Her heart told her that there was more to this man then met the eye.*

Forgive me if we have bored you. We merely wanted to show you the things that we treasure here. You are our guests after all.

Though if nature does not interest you, maybe you would be more interested in sampling some of the fine cuisine that we have here to offer at TSO.

Lady Vader
Feb 5th, 2002, 03:41:52 PM
*LV waved Shenraun away and the large dragon lumbered off to do whatever it was dragons did at this hor of the day. With Iesis back at her side, she looked from LW to the man and young woman.*

It is almost time for supper.

*She gestured back towards the palace, indicting that was where they would be headng next. Then she began to walk, leading the way.*

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 5th, 2002, 05:56:35 PM
"Can't argue with two beautiful women," Kazaar smirked as he started to follow Lady Vader.

"C'mon kid, let's go."

As almost an afterthought he said to Live Wire, "Cute kid by the way."

Before she could respond, he was walking towards the palace, Estelle lingering behind slightly- enamoured by the child.

Estelle Russard
Feb 6th, 2002, 11:14:02 PM
Estelle glanced around the gardens one more time, taking in a again their beauty, and then followed along as they began to move off toward the palace.

Live Wire
Feb 7th, 2002, 01:09:25 AM
*LV and LW led their two guests through the last remaining parts of the mazelike garden. Ariel had closed her eyes sleepilly with her arms draped around her mothers neck. As they stepped out of the garden the palace once again loomed above them. Most of the sith came and went and lived on their own schedules but now was the generally accepted meal time.

They bypassed the general eating rooms and headed to a private dinning room. The chairs were plush and the rectangular table was of polished wood. A servant bowed to them as they entered the room. She gestured for her guests to take the places of honor at the table. Once they were all seated she spoke.*

You may order whatever you desire. We keep just about anything you can imagine in stock. We prize a variety and we love to sample whatever the galaxy has to offer. I even keep a rather large stash of fine wines for my personal use.

*Another servant entred to take their orders.*

Please, you may have anything you like.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 7th, 2002, 12:47:16 PM
Reaching into this pocket, Kazaar took out a glass container. The beauty of the flask was it could hold a whole bottle of bourbon, without him having to carry that around.

He picked up a glass on the table, inspecting it. No poisons or chemicals of any kind appeared to be on it. As he poured the bourbon in the glass he said, "Nah, 'more of a bourbon drinker m'self. And you guys don'seem like the type who'd keep bourbon 'round."

He sat down in one of the chairs, leaning back as far as he could. When the servant came up he spoke, "Steak. Medium Rare. And cook it right.

"I wanna know something, Mistress Live Wire. How is it you guys get your information? Had a guy mention someone to me earlier. What was the guy's name...oh yeah, Taylor Millard. Ya know 'im?

Lady Vader
Feb 8th, 2002, 02:43:48 AM
*LV smiled to herself, noticing as the mercenary took out his own drink. Of course they had bourdon, but she was not going to force it upon him if he wished to have his own brand.*

*LV finished ordering a plate of roasted Corellian salmon and her drink when he asked the question. She nodded in his direction. She would answer his question, though keep it simple until he elabortaed more.*

Yes, we know him.

*She raised an eyebrow at the man.*

Live Wire
Feb 8th, 2002, 12:13:22 PM
*Live Wire had just started ordering her lunch when she heared Kazaar ask about Taylor Millard. She frowned and finished ordering before speaking.*

Yes I know him. He used to be at TSO member, but he left and I have a small score to settle with him.

*LV looked at her a little surprised but LW gave her a small shake of the head telling her that she'd fill her in at a more appropriate time.*

You wouldn't happen to know his current whereabouts would you?

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 8th, 2002, 02:34:16 PM
Kazaar leaned back in his chair, "Ran into 'im on Bespin. But I don't think he's there anymore. Got himself a Grand Admiral position with the Empire, so'm sure ya could find 'im.

"I was wonderin 'cause I'm trying t'get a new information source. I had a mishap with my last one (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11866)."

Kazaar still cringed remembering what happened earlier.

He snorted, "Only reason I asked. Wasn't sure if you guys had any better information sources."

He took a bite of his food. He had to admit, it was good. He turned to Estelle who was still looking over what she wanted.

"Whatta ya think kid," he said softly, "You up for staying here over night?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 8th, 2002, 07:28:40 PM
She felt completely out of place in the grand palace, talk about being in the parlour of the dark ones..
It helped, though, to be seated now in the private dining room. She didnt feel quite as "exposed" as before, although that was probably just a matter of illusion. She was every bit as vunerable here in this room as when she had first stepped onto the TSO grounds.

The conversation continued, along with the other three placing their orders. Kazaar had brought up the incident with Riz Leemur, his information broker, and Estelle squirmed a little uncomfortably in her seat. She still was not reconciled to the fact she had killed 3 men, even if it was in self-defence.

The Padawan was hungry, but she felt butterflies in her stomach being in this place and so ordered her favorite dish, "Grilled cheese sandwich, and fried potatoes if you have it...and an orange juice, too, please."

Kazaar had mentioned a Grand Admiral Millard and she wondered at the connections he seemed to have, or be in the process of having. It was like he had a 'source' in any walk of life one cared to think of.

There was a history between Millard and Lady LiveWire and Estelle wondered if Aurelias was maybe making an enemy of the Sith for even mentioning the Admiral. And then suddenly the conversation turned to her, and she felt the two Sith women turn direct gazes on her, waiting her reply.

Talk about being put on the spot - she would remember to kick Kazaar..and kick him hard...for doing it.

"Yes, Aurelias. It will be a pleasure to stay." She smiled to the women, hoping to disguise her dread of the place. "We appreciate your hospitality"

Lady Vader
Feb 11th, 2002, 10:21:48 PM
*LV smiled, still pondering on what LW had meant. But each of them had their own secrets and for good reason. She knew eventually, when her friend wanted, she would be told of the incident. For now, she would drop it and continue with the dinner.*

*She nodded to Kazarr.*

We do have our informants and resources. Some are private, though I know you understand this. But there are perhaps some other people you can speak to about this.

*She tooka bite from her salmon, and then continued.*

Have you spoken with a man named Sanis Prent? He himself can be useful in regards to information brokering, but he also has many others under his organization than can also be of help. One Clive Jerrard comes to mind. Mostly a weapons dealer, he's also been known to do quite a good job as an informant. He's been known to say it's a hobby of his, though I gather he earns too much money from it for it to be merely a hobby.

*She noticed the man giving her a look that spoke a silent question. She chuckled.*

Yes, I got this information from my own informants.

*She took another bite and turned to Estelle, acknowledging her thanks. She could practically smell her apprehention of the place, but took note on how well she tried to hide it. She would be a strong one in the Force.*

You are most welcome. We will provide you with the best guest quarters we have to offer here at the palace.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 11th, 2002, 10:59:17 PM
"Prent?" Kazaar smirked as he heard the man's name, "Just got through finishin' a bounty with 'im. So yeah I know Prent.

"Jerrad I've only heard of, but he's gotta good rep. I'll have t'check 'im out. And if your own personal sources aren't too...personal, I wouldn't mind takin' a hack at 'em either."

He took a bite out of his steak, "You Sith Ladies sure know howta cook a good steak. My complements. And if ya don't mind...make sure the guest quarters are adjoing or we have the same ones."

Kazaar nodded towards Estelle, "For 'er sake." Then he flashed a smile, "Oh and in regards to Millard. I might know the best place to find 'im. Might. Would be worth checkin' out for sure."

When the two ladies waited, Kazaar finished, "He's wit' The Galactic'mpire. He's a Grand Admiral now so it ain't too hard t'find 'im."

Estelle Russard
Feb 12th, 2002, 12:21:27 AM
Eating in silence, Estelle followed the conversation, glancing every once in a while around her. Kazaar was getting along with the Sith Ladies like a regular socialite and she wondered if there was ever a time when he felt awkward or uncomfortable. She had yet to see it.

The Sith Order was a curious place and the padawan felt a sort of grim fascination with both it and the women who's company she was in. She took in the furninshings - lavish and to even an untrained eye such as Estelle's, of finest quality. Seems the darkside had its rewards...

She enjoyed her sandwich, it was just like back home, but all in all, Estelle she did not like it here and the sooner the morning arrived and they departed, the better.

Lady Vader
Feb 12th, 2002, 12:32:27 AM
*LV smiled.*

Yes, the rooms can be adjoined. As to my personal contact... well, let's just say he's a permanent hire at this moment. He's in the middle of a job, and until that job is done, I'm afraid I cannot share his name with you.

Live Wire
Feb 12th, 2002, 01:10:12 PM
*Live Wire was unobtrusively watching Estelle as she ate while listening to Kazaar and LV talk about contacts. The information business was a large one these days but loyal contacts were hard to come by. She had been forced to cut down her list significantly over the past year. Continuing to let the other two talk she looked up at Estelle smiling.*

No doubt you are bored with all this talk of the information business. What are your interests my dear?

Estelle Russard
Feb 14th, 2002, 12:01:00 AM
Surprised that LiveWire would take any interest in her at all, Estelle floundered for a moment with what to reply.

She couldnt very well say..."My interests are in ridding the galaxy of the evil and corrupting influences of the darkside.." ..now could she??

Instead, she swallowed the last of her orange juice and then answered, [i]"I like to read. And I like the arts. At home, back on Tr' Nuva I often spent the evenings painting. I am very fond of "oils". They are so rich in color and texture. Do you do any painting, yourself Mistress LiveWire?"

Live Wire
Feb 14th, 2002, 01:48:08 AM
I used to a long time ago. Im afraid I was never very good at it. But I found it an enjoyable activity. I do however like to collect art from across the galaxy I have quite an extensive collection.

If you're done with lunch perhaps you'd like to see it for yourself. We can let these two discuss business and afterwards we can meet up with them when I show you to your rooms.

Would you like that?

Estelle Russard
Feb 14th, 2002, 09:46:24 PM
Estelle found it hard to keep the excitement from her eyes.

Wow...an art collection!

The modest museums and art gallerys of her home planet afforded only a very small peek to the treasures that were to be found in the galaxy. And even then, there were more holopics of the actual items than items themselves.

Estelle could not resist the offer, but forced herself to look at Aurelias for any signs that it would be a bad idea to go off alone with LW. She was still not at ease by any stretch of the imagination, but she really did want to see some antiquities.

Kazaar was busy discussing business with LadyVader, but ever aware of things going on around him, he still managed to give Estelle an affirming nod. He knew this would be something the padawan would enjoy....long as LW didnt try anything trickey. He doubted it - not her style...The women had so far had plenty of opportunity for foul play, but had been more than hospitable - moreso than some of the "goodguys" he'd had the misfortune to associate with. But then again, these were Sith they were talkin about..

"Go ahead, kid. I'll meet you in an hour. You got the com?" (He was referring to a small transmitter - almost like a panic button which he had given to her earlier on their arrival - just as a precaution should they be suddenly separated). The Jedi nodded that she did. He glared pointedly at LiveWire. "...an Hour, got it? Any funny business...and you ladies'll get more trouble than you can imagine from just one Bounty Hunter, and that fancy loot you got to show off had better be well insured.."

Live Wire
Feb 18th, 2002, 02:36:06 AM
*LW nodded to Kazaar and rose from her seat.*

Then follow me.

*LW made small talk as they walked through the palace halls.*

I hope you find my humble collection to your satisfaction. I started collecting art as a diversion on my various business trips. Now its become something of an obsession.

*After getting off the turbolift which took them three floors up she turned a corner and stopped at double doors. Pushing them open they stepped into a large two story room with a vaulted celing. Paintings covered any available space on the walls and a winding staircase to their right led to the second story.*

This is my collection. And In there is my old studio, which I rarely use anymore. I keep it in hopes my daughter will take up the art when she gets older.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 18th, 2002, 10:13:36 PM
Kazaar let a shark-like smile come to his face, "Ah very well. I understand secrecry."

The bounty hunter brought his cigar to his mouth, then lit it with his black butane lighter. His black boots clanked against the top of the table as Kazaar leaned back in his chair.

His brown eyes followed Estelle and Live Wire as they left the dining room.

Hope the kid turns out all right. (I) Know how nervous she is.

"So what's it gonna take for me t'find out who your contact is? How good is 'e?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 19th, 2002, 09:34:25 PM
The padawan was over-awed. What an amazing place!

All trepidation fled as Estelle quite literally forgot where she was and in who's company she was in.

The art was incredible. Masterpeice after Masterpeice hung in silent glory, gracing the huge room with their delicate beauty and bold genius.

There were statues and other items on ornately crafted podiums - some Estelle recognised from her books, many she did not. The sheer volume of the riches housed here was mind numbing.

Like a child, she moved from one peice to the next, "oohing and ahhing" - unable to articulate how they effected her.

Finally, Estelle's eye caught the small studio LiveWire had referred to earlier, where her own creations were tucked away and covered beneath heavy canvas.

Standing curiously at the door, she looked to her host, "May I?"

Lady Vader
Feb 20th, 2002, 01:46:27 AM
*LV chuckled, downing a bit of her whine before.*

No amount will reveal him at the moment while he is on assignment.

As to how good is he? Let's just say even I have not yet been disappointed by his work. And my standards can be high and demanding... and quite deadly if one should fail. So, he's still alive and kicking and working... must mean he's doing something right then.

*She smiled, though a hint of venom travel across her lips, before digging again into the last few bites of her salmon.*

Live Wire
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:03:15 AM
*LW watched Estelle's amazment at the works in her collection. Over the years she had amased a respectable variety of pieces and she was quite pleased that someone besides herself showed a true respect and interest for the great works of art. It was rare she found someone with her level of passion for art and she appreciated Estelles reaction. She watched as the young padawan moved over to her studio and politely asked if she may go inside.*

Of course.

*LW opened the door into her small studio. Her supplies were on shelves along the walls and a half finished painting was still left on the stand. Her other works lay propped up against the walls covered in canvases. Very few people aside from close personal friends ever gained entrance to what could be called LWs private sanctuary.*

I keep everything in here in hopes maybe Ariel will take up art when she gets older.

Would you like to use the studio? I haven't used it in a long time and it seems a shameto let it go to waste.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 21st, 2002, 01:42:24 PM
Kazaar smirked again, letting a bit of a laugh come to his face.

"Point taken. Well, if 'e ever fails ya, feel free t'give me a call," Kazaar took another bite of his steak.

"While Sith aren't my favorite people 'round. With the right price, I'll do a job for ya."

Lady Vader
Feb 22nd, 2002, 08:46:55 PM
*She raised an eyebrow in his direction as she finished taking a sip from her wine.*

I may do so in the future. I am always looking for reliable and dependable workers.

*She scowled at her glass.*

They can be so hard to find now a days.

Estelle Russard
Feb 23rd, 2002, 08:09:17 PM
She was rendered quite speechless by LiveWire's offer for her to use her personal studio. It was very generous of her, not to mention very considerate - from one art lover to the next.
One didnt let just anyone tinker about in their creative space - it was a very personal thing and Estelle felt quite special for her even considering it.

"That is very kind of you, Mistress LiveWire, but I don't think Kazaar and I will be staying here long enough for me to accept your offer. It is a shame you aren't able to spend more time at your work here...(examining the half-finished work on the eisel in front of them)....you really have an eye for detail. Your lines are very true."

Live Wire
Feb 25th, 2002, 12:20:13 PM
Well my offer still stands. Perhaps sometime you'll have opportunity to come back and study the paintings in the gallery in further detail.

*She looked over at her own lonely creation.*

I believe for the most part I am my own worst critic. I never could paint anything I was completely happy with. I guess I should have more persistance when it comes to things like this.

Come with me there's more on the second floor.

Estelle Russard
Feb 25th, 2002, 09:01:51 PM
The Jedi Padawan followed behind the Sith Mistress, taking care to look at all the art she could as she moved passed it, not wishing to overlook anything.

Live Wire
Feb 26th, 2002, 10:29:26 PM
*Live Wire took Estelle up the stairs to the second floor where the walls were lined with just as many paintings as the first floor. She watched the young woman examine every painting with as much detail as their limited time would allow.*

Do you see any you like in particular?

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 27th, 2002, 06:25:48 PM
"Ain't that the truth," Kazaar smirked again as he finished his drink. As he reached into his pocket to remove his flask, he realized it was empty.

"Damn...out of bourbon," he snorted, "Ah hell with it...ya have any good bourbon 'round here?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 28th, 2002, 10:44:45 PM
Much of the art was of a dark and brooding nature - or violent in varying degrees. All were beautiful in detail or form. But up here, on the second floor, the descent into blackness seemed to increase.

The images she looked upon seemed more than just scenes, faces, colours. It was almost as if they were reaching out to her, wanting to absorb her, even as she absorbed them. It was subtle at first, but more distinct as they moved along the adjoining catwalk.

Estelle came to one elaborately framed portrait.

The man was a Dark Lord of sorts with a commanding face.
The Padawan found it hard to take her eyes from it.

"Who is this man?"

Live Wire
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:32:26 AM
*Live Wire looked at the man in the painting fondly. He was indeed a dark lord, one of the darkest to walk the halls of TSO. She was a little embarassed that Estelle had stopped in front of this particular painting. It was up here out of sight from the members of tso for a reason. This was the section of her "private collection".*

That is a portrait I had comissioned a little less then a year ago. The man in the picture is Ariel's father. Sith Master Gav Mortis.

*There was a quiet strength in the expression in the painting. Gav was a haunted man with much blackness in his soul but the painting seemed to capture the depth that LW saw in him. His eyes seemed to be piercing the depths of your soul and there was no doubt some of the power of the man had found its way into the painting making it particularly striking.*

Estelle Russard
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:50:26 PM
Estelle noted the feeling LiveWire emoted in her voice as she spoke of Gav Mortis.

It was frightening. Estelle knew the woman to be evil. That much emanated from her. But how could such feeling of affection thrive in the environment of a dark soul. Did that mean that one was not pure evil itself, but as a human still had the potential to do pure evil..?

She felt her skin prickle and remembered the story of Anikin Skywalker who became Darth Vader. Could that happen to us all......?

Suddenly Estelle wanted to leave - to get away.

Stopping short of panick in her voice, she turned to LiveWire. "I think we should go back now."

Live Wire
Mar 5th, 2002, 11:49:53 AM
*She looked at Estelle concerned.*

Certainly, the others will no doubt be looking for us soon.

*she led her down the stairs and out into the hallway. No doubt Kazaar and LV would be on their way towards the gues quarters by now. Estelle's actions were most peculiar after seeing that painting.*

Are you feeling all right?

Estelle Russard
Mar 7th, 2002, 09:14:05 PM
As they exited into the hallway, Estelle nodded to LiveWire that she was ok.

How could the padawan explain how she felt to the Darksider? The fear of not only the darkside, but of her own self and what her own nature could be capable of, had been invoked by the man in the painting, and by LW's connection to him. It had raised questions in her mind that were not there before.

So many things now did not add up. Ideals that she had seen in black and white, were colored grey and who was to know what the deciding factors were that could sway a person one way or the other? If this woman beside her - capable of love for a man, and even a daughter - if she could be so evil, who then is safe from the corrupting influences of the darkside?

It was this unknown, this sleight of fate, that scared her. Was it only choice or sheer will that kept one on the road of light and truth? Could one not count on things unseen - a power greater than themselves - to guide and direct a persons path? If not, then Estelle was more afraid than ever.

She needed the guidance and reassurance of a Jedi Master more than ever at this moment, but hers was lightyears away..

Estelle could feel LiveWire's eyes upon her as they walked, but she was reluctant to meet her gaze.
The two women met up in a large foyer and Kazaar could tell by the look on Estelle's face that she was completely unsettled, and very glad to see him.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 10th, 2002, 05:10:19 PM
"ll right," Kazar spoke as he took another cigar from his pocket, punching a hole in it this time, and then lit it, "I think we'll go ahead 'nd head off t'bed now. Where're we sleepin'?"

The expression he had towards Estelle said, You okay kid?

Lady Vader
Mar 10th, 2002, 09:44:19 PM
*LV stood, her eyes momentarily flicking from LW to the Padawan to the man before her. In the blink that it took to look at all three, she received no sense except that fear and unsettlment was rolling off the young Jedi in torrents. She'd get the details from LW later tonight.*

*With a gracious smile, she regarded Kazaar.*

We shall escort you to your sleeping quarters. This way please.

*She gestured with her hand and then began walking out the door of the dining room, and into the maze of hallways. As they walked, the hallways seemed to shift and change. It would be almost impossible for someone to map out a Sith castle riddled with Sith magic.*

Stay close now. I don't want you getting lost.

*She smiled, continuing to lead them, with LW at her side.*

Estelle Russard
Mar 16th, 2002, 01:21:03 AM
Estelle fell into step beside Aurelias as they were led down the seemingly endless corridors of the castle.

It was like a maze from a dream - or nightmare - you never could be sure where you were. And just when you thought you got your bearings again, it changed again and you were lost once more.

Estelle still felt uneasy. The castle, the atmosphere, the painting, the women, all combined to have a tremendous impact on the young jedi's psyche. Kazaar could sense it, though he couldnt comprehend it fully. Heck, neither could Estelle.

"This will be your room" Lady Vader instructed as they came to a stop outside a deep moroon colored door. With a soft wave of her hand, LV motioned and the door clicked and opened inwardly. She then stood aside for the two visitors to enter inside.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 07:53:52 PM
Kazaar cast an eye across the room, "Comfy.

"Give a little bit t'what I offered Lady Vader," he smirked, "I may be needin' some creds soon."

The doors closed and Kazaar's brown eyes held an expression of bemusement.

"Life of luxury eh kid? Even Gorgja never gave me sumthin' this good.

"Look I know ya're nervous, but keep it calm kid. There've been plenty of scrapes I've been in that I've gotten outta. So chill."

He walked towards the bathroom, leaving his jacket on the maroon couch next to a large window, "I'll bein th'fresher. Ya need anything, holler.

"Get some rest kid. Ya been through alot...I suggest ya rest."

Then snickering, Kazaar entered the refresher, turned it on high, and entered the steam and water.

Estelle Russard
Apr 24th, 2002, 07:15:35 PM
Being here in the suite - its lovely furnishings, Kazaars good humor and unconcern, and probably the most comforting-the absence of the two dangerous women for a while, helped Estelle to calm down.

Perhaps she was just being too timid and paranoid. She lacked certain confidence, but it was not like she was going to just wake up and want to do evil.

She needed to get some rest, thats probably all it was.

Once Aurelias finishes in the refresher, she will take her turn and try to focus on getting some sleep